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梁远波  程欢欢 《眼科》2018,27(6):401
1968年Cairns设计小梁切除术的最初理念是希望房水经小梁切除断端流入Schlemm管而达到内引流降低眼压,但随后的研究发现该手术大部分成功的患者都存在明显的滤过泡,目前普遍认为其属于外引流滤过性手术。历经50年的发展及改良,联合抗代谢药物使用和可拆除缝线技术的复合式小梁切除术已较为完美,一直是青光眼手术治疗的主流术式,但术后远期滤过泡瘢痕化仍是小梁切除术远期疗效的最大挑战。为减少此术式其它一些并发症的发生,一些学者聚焦于“非穿透性”抗青光眼手术,但疗效并不理想。近年来诸多微创青光眼手术(minimally invasive glaucoma surgery,MIGS)逐渐兴起,虽然术后并发症较少,但降眼压幅度有限,且适应证窄。将黏小管成形术整合进小梁切除术中,可望让小梁切除术回归内引流本质,从而回避瘢痕化这一个难以战胜的自然愈合反应。  相似文献   

改良垂直式小梁切除术与传统小梁切除术比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨改良垂直式小梁切除术与传统小梁切除术对治疗青光眼疗效的差异。方法 Ⅰ组采用改良垂直式小梁切除术60例66眼,Ⅱ组采用传统小梁切除术作对照组45例49眼,随访观察3-8周。结果 Ⅰ组术后眼压控制及功能性滤过泡均比Ⅱ组佳。术后并发症比Ⅱ组明显减少。结论改良垂直式小梁切除术操作简便,创伤小,降压效果稳定可靠,是治疗青光眼较好的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 观察持续高眼压状态下青光眼手术中改良式小梁切除术的临床应用效果。方法将改良式小梁切除术应用于持续高眼压状态下的急性闭角型青光眼的治疗,共52例(65眼)。采用表面麻醉和2%利多卡因棉片浸润麻醉。用隧道刀做板层巩膜瓣;在小梁切除部位做前房穿刺,慢放房水;术中散瞳,术毕睫状肌麻痹剂应用。结果术中术后均未出现脉络膜出血、脉络膜脱离、玻璃体脱出或睫状环阻塞性青光眼等严重并发症。随访3—6个月,眼压控制正常,视力无下降。结论改良小梁切除术应用于持续高眼压状态下青光眼安全有效,及时手术能维持部分视功能。  相似文献   

目的 观察穿透性与非穿透性小梁切除术治疗开角型青光眼疗效的对比。方法 选择开角型青光眼住院患12例(24眼)一眼行非穿透性小梁切除术,对侧眼行小梁切除术,术后对比观察视力、眼压、滤过泡、并发症等情况。结果 两种术式术后降眼压效果相似,而非穿透性小梁切除术术后并发症少。结论 非穿透性小梁切除术治疗开角型青光眼效果可靠,术后并发症少。  相似文献   

单纯性非穿透小梁切除手术与穿透小梁切除手术的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对单纯性非穿透小梁切除手术(即不联合植入物)与穿透性小梁切除手术(即传统的小梁切除术)术后早期的降眼压效果及并发症进行比较。方法 共选取33例青光眼患者(47只眼),包括开角型青光眼28例(39只眼),慢性闭角型青光眼5例(8只眼)。其中16例(24只眼)接受穿透性小梁手术,17例(23只眼)接受单纯性非穿透小梁手术。比较两组的年龄、术前眼压、术前视力及术前术后眼压、视力的变化幅度,两组术中及术后的并发症发生情况。结果 两组间年龄、术前眼压及术前视力经统计学检验均无显著性差异,两组的术前术后眼压自身比较均有极显著性差异,术前术后眼压下降的幅度两组间无显著性差异;至于术中及术后早期的并发症,单纯性非穿透小梁手术组明显减少。结论 单纯性非穿透小梁手术术后早期的降眼压效果与穿透性小梁手术相当,但安全性明显提高。  相似文献   

目的 观察穿透性与非穿透性小梁切除术治疗开角型青光眼疗效的对比。方法 选择开角型青光眼住院患者12例(24眼)一眼行非穿透性小梁切除术,对侧眼行小梁切除术,术后对比观察视力、眼压、滤过泡、并发症等情况。结果 两种术式术后降眼压效果相似,而非穿透性小梁切除术术后并发症少。结论 非穿透性小梁切除术治疗开角型青光眼效果可靠,术后并发症少。  相似文献   

非穿透性与改良小梁手术治疗开角型青光眼的远期疗效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察非穿透性与改良小梁手术治疗开角型青光眼的远期疗效。方法:开角型青光眼患者15例(30眼),同一患者1眼行非穿透性小梁手术,另眼行改良小梁切除术,术后观察眼压、滤过泡、视野、房角和视力情况。结果:通过对非穿透性小梁手术与改良小梁切除术治疗开角型青光眼术后眼压、滤过泡、视野、房角和视力情况的长期观察、比较,二者疗效无显著性差异,非穿透性小梁手术组并发症较少。结论:非穿透性小梁手术是治疗开角型青光眼的有效方法。  相似文献   

代山厚 《国际眼科杂志》2011,11(7):1278-1279
目的:探讨改良小梁切除术治疗青光眼的临床疗效。方法:选择40例青光眼患者,随机分为对照组和治疗组,每组20例,治疗组行改良小梁切除术,对照组行小梁切除术。两组患者术后在眼压、视力及前房深度等方面进行比较。结果:治疗组术后在眼压、视力、滤过泡形态及前房深度等方面均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:改良小梁切除术治疗青光眼减少了手术并发症,疗效显著,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析改良小梁切除术治疗青光眼持续高眼压状态的临床资料,评价改良小梁切除术的效果。方法:青光眼持续高眼压状态患者100例100眼,分为治疗组55例55眼和观察组45例45眼。治疗组采用改良小梁切除术,观察组采用常规小梁切除术。改良措施主要有:术前星状神经节阻滞降眼压,采用表面麻醉和20g/L利多卡因棉片巩膜面浸润麻醉;用隧道刀做板层巩膜瓣;在小梁切除部位做前房穿刺,慢放房水;术中置巩膜瓣调整缝线;术中散瞳,术毕睫状肌麻痹剂应用。结果:治疗组手术并发症发生率低于观察组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。随访3mo,治疗组眼压低于观察组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=9.1535,P<0.05)。治疗组平均住院天数少于观察组(t=39.8010,P<0.01)。治疗组平均住院费用低于观察组(t=11.3219,P<0.01)。结论:改良小梁切除术治疗青光眼持续高眼压状态不仅挽救部分视功能,减少手术严重并发症发生率,术后眼压控制更好,还可以缩短平均住院日,减少医疗费用,从而提高了患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的探讨改良式小梁切除术联合丝裂霉素C治疗青光眼的临床疗效。方法应用改良式小梁切除术治疗42例(64眼)各型青光眼,术中一次性使用0.4mg/ml丝裂霉素C,术后随访6~12月,观察其临床疗效及其并发症。结果术后1月检查,58眼(90.6%)术后视力有不同程度的提高;术后1周测眼压,所有病例眼压均有不同程度的下降,有48眼(75.0%)眼压低于21 mmHg,术后6月测眼压,54眼(84.6%)低于21 mmHg;末次随访时,56眼(87.5%)形成弥散扁平的功能性滤过泡,8眼(12.5%)为非功能性滤过泡;总手术成功58眼(90.6%),其中完全成功54眼(84.4%),条件成功4眼(63%),失败6眼(9.4%)。术后主要并发症为:角膜水肿5眼,前房渗出4眼。讨论改良式小梁切除术联合丝裂霉素C治疗青光眼,可有效地减少青光眼术后滤过道瘢痕的形成,充分降低眼压。该方法不需要特殊设备,手术时间短、损伤小,并发症少,手术效果好,是一种安全、有效的治疗青光眼方法。  相似文献   

小切口小梁切除术治疗闭角型青光眼   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
目的 探讨小切口小梁切除术治疗闭角型青光眼的疗效。方法 回顾 2 0 0 2年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 9月在我院接受滤过性手术的闭角型青光眼 5 0例 ( 64眼 )。随机分为 2组 :观察组 2 7例 ( 3 5眼 ) ,采用小切口小梁切除术 ;对照组 2 3例 ( 2 9眼 ) ,采用复合式小梁切除术。分析两组术后 6月内的眼压及并发症的发生率等。结果 两组术后第 1周内眼压差异有显著性意义 ,观察组眼压高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,尔后差异无显著性意义。两组术后早期滤过泡渗漏和前房积血的发生率差异无显著性意义 ;浅前房、脉络膜脱离的发生率 ,住院时间等差异有显著性意义 (P <0 0 5 ) ,观察组低于对照组。结论 小切口小梁切除术手术方法简单 ,术后并发症少 ,术后恢复快 ,且可以达到与复合式小梁切除术同样的降眼压效果  相似文献   

AIM:To develop a classifier for differentiating between healthy and early stage glaucoma eyes based on peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thicknesses measured with optical coherence tomography(OCT),using machine learning algorithms with a high interpretability.METHODS:Ninety patients with early glaucoma and 85 healthy eyes were included.Early glaucoma eyes showed a visual field(VF)defect with mean deviation>-6.00 d B and characteristic glaucomatous morphology.RNFL thickness in every quadrant,clock-hour and average thickness were used to feed machine learning algorithms.Cluster analysis was conducted to detect and exclude outliers.Tree gradient boosting algorithms were used to calculate the importance of parameters on the classifier and to check the relation between their values and its impact on the classifier.Parameters with the lowest importance were excluded and a weighted decision tree analysis was applied to obtain an interpretable classifier.Area under the ROC curve(AUC),accuracy and generalization ability of the model were estimated using cross validation techniques.RESULTS:Average and 7 clock-hour RNFL thicknesses were the parameters with the highest impor tance.Correlation between parameter values and impact on classification displayed a stepped pattern for average thickness.Decision tree model revealed that average thickness lower than 82μm was a high predictor for early glaucoma.Model scores had AUC of 0.953(95%CI:0.903-0998),with an accuracy of 89%.CONCLUSION:Gradient boosting methods provide accurate and highly interpretable classifiers to discriminate between early glaucoma and healthy eyes.Average and 7-hour RNFL thicknesses have the best discriminant power.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the outcome of an Ex-Press implant and subscleral trabeculectomy(SST) in the management of glaucoma after previous trabeculectomy on a fibrotic bleb.METHODS: This randomized prospective study included 28 eyes from 28 patients(age range: 42-55 y) with primary open angle glaucoma(POAG) presented with elevated intraocular pressure(IOP) with fibrotic bleb despite previous SST for more than 4 mo. The eyes enrolled in the study were divided into two groups: group I(subjected to Ex-Press implant surgery) and group II [subjected to SST with mitomycin C(MMC)]. The follow-up continued one year after surgery to evaluate IOP, visual acuity(VA), visual field(VF), and postoperative complications. RESULTS: A significant decrease in IOP was found in both groups with a higher reduction in Ex-Press implant surgery with the mean IOP of 14.50 mm Hg(P=0.001), while the SST group recorded the mean IOP of 16.50 mm Hg(P=0.001) after one year. However, the difference between the two groups in terms of the decrease in IOP was insignificant. Fewer postoperative complications were recorded in the Ex-Press implant surgery and more cases requiring further anti-glaucomatous medications were seen in the SST group. Both groups showed stability in terms of VA and VF.CONCLUSION: Ex-Press implant surgery and SST with MMC are two surgical alternatives for controlling IOP in late failure that occurs more than 4 mo after previous SST with a fibrotic bleb. However, Ex-Press shunt is a safer surgery with fewer complications.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate prospectively the surgical outcome in terms of intraocular pressure (IOP) control and safety of trabeculectomy using a sutureless scleral tunnel technique in patients with uncomplicated primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). METHODS: Patients with POAG whose IOP was more than 21 mmHg with administration of maximally tolerated medications were recruited for this study. All patients underwent the sutureless scleral tunnel trabeculectomy under retrobulbar anesthesia. Intraoperative complications and postoperative visual acuity, IOP, bleb status, and complications were evaluated for a follow-up period of 1 year. RESULTS: Surgery was performed in 18 patients (20 eyes); 17 of the patients (19 eyes) completed the study (one patient was excluded because of defaulted follow-up). Mean IOP was 26.6 +/- 3.6 mmHg before surgery and 15.3 +/- 3.0 mmHg 1 year after surgery. No intraoperative complications were encountered. Mild hyphema (10.5%) and shallow anterior chamber (15.8%) were noted in the immediate postoperative period, but both were managed successfully with conservative treatment. The absolute success rate was 79.0%. CONCLUSION: The preliminary results of this study are encouraging. It appears that sutureless scleral tunnel trabeculectomy is a safe and effective drainage procedure for treating uncomplicated POAG. A larger-scale study with a longer follow-up period seems warranted.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel surgical approach, ab interno trabeculectomy, in a combined procedure (clear corneal phacoemulsification + ab interno trabeculectomy) for the management of concurrent cataract and glaucoma with prognostic factors for filtration failure. SETTING: Department of Ophthalmology, Palmanova Hospital, Udine, Italy. METHODS: A prospective noncomparative case series of 11 eyes of 11 consecutive cataract patients with medically uncontrolled primary open-angle glaucoma or pseudoexfoliation glaucoma was performed. Each patient had phacoemulsification + intraocular lens implantation + ab interno trabeculectomy, which consisted of a gonioscopically controlled ab interno removal of a quadrant (3 clock hours) of the trabecular meshwork. The main outcome measures were intraocular pressure (IOP), the number of antiglaucomatous medications used, and complications. RESULTS: Ten patients completed a 3-year follow-up. One patient had further surgery because of poor IOP control; in this case, the last valid observation was carried forward for IOP calculation. Mean preoperative IOP and IOPs measured 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after surgery were 25.0, 15.8, 15.4, 15.4, 15.2, 15.0, and 15.3 (-38.56%) mm Hg respectively. The number of medications averaged 2.4 before surgery and dropped to 0.8 at the end of follow-up. No major complications occurred during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: The new surgical procedure combining phacoemulsification with ab interno trabeculectomy can induce a clinically relevant decrease in IOP in eyes with cataract and glaucoma with poor prognosis for filtering surgery. However, a randomized controlled clinical trial with a more extended follow-up and a larger series of patients is needed to ascertain the actual effectiveness and safety of this procedure.  相似文献   

The effect of aspirin and warfarin therapy in trabeculectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: The management of patients on antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy (APACT) in glaucoma surgery currently has no specific recommendations. We aimed to establish the risk of haemorrhagic complications and surgical outcome in patients on APACT in glaucoma surgery. METHODS: We retrospectively examined 367 consecutive trabeculectomies performed between 1994 and 1998. Preoperatively 60 (16.4%) patients were on APACT (55 on aspirin and five on warfarin). The incidence of hyphaema and haemorrhagic complications between patients with and without APACT was documented. Surgical success was defined in two categories as an intraocular pressure (IOP) <21 mmHg and an IOP <16 mmHg 2 years following trabeculectomy with and without antiglaucoma medication. RESULTS: None of the patients on aspirin suffered significant intra or postoperative haemorrhage. Aspirin was associated with a significantly higher risk of hyphaema (P=0.0015) but this was not found to significantly affect IOP control at 2 years. Patients on warfarin suffered haemorrhagic complications and trabeculectomy failure. CONCLUSIONS: Aspirin appears to be safe to continue with during trabeculectomy. Patients on aspirin have an increased risk of hyphaema following trabeculectomy. This however does not appear to affect surgical outcome. Warfarinised patients are at risk of serious bleeding complications. They require careful monitoring pre- and postoperatively and are at risk of trabeculectomy failure.  相似文献   

目的:比较单纯小梁切除术和小梁切除术联合白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术(以下简称三联术)治疗闭角型青光眼合并短眼轴的疗效。方法:回顾分析2005-07/2009-01收住我院的闭角型青光眼合并短眼轴患者31例39眼。行单纯小梁切除术者25眼,行三联术者14眼。术后随访1~25(平均9.51±6.11)mo。结果:术后眼压:三联术者术后眼压平均(11.31±0.69)mmHg,手术前后有显著统计学差异(P<0.01);小梁切除术者术后平均(18.47±3.54)mmHg,手术前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);最佳矫正视力:三联术者术后均提高,≥0.3者占78%,小梁切除术者术后5眼视力不增反降,≥0.3者占32%,两者差异有显著性;UBM(超生生物显微镜)检查:小梁虹膜角(TIA)三联术者手术前后差异有显著性,小梁切除术者手术前后无显著性差异;中央前房深度(ACD):三联术术后平均为(3.22±0.53)mm,手术前后有显著性差异(P<0.01),小梁切除术后平均为(2.21±0.41)mm,比较差异无显著性;术后并发症:三联术术后并发症少,且均无需再手术纠正,小梁切除术者术后并发症较多,部分严重且持久,需再次手术。结论:小梁切除术联合白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术治疗闭角型青光眼合并短眼轴较单纯小梁切除术设计更合理,手术成功率高,疗效好,并发症少。  相似文献   

Trabeculectomy for acute primary angle closure   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Aung T  Tow SL  Yap EY  Chan SP  Seah SK 《Ophthalmology》2000,107(7):1298-1302
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of trabeculectomy performed for all cases of acute primary angle closure (APAC). DESIGN: Retrospective, noncomparative case series PARTICIPANTS: Fifty-six consecutive patients who underwent trabeculectomy for APAC at two Singapore centers from 1993 through 1995. METHODS: The conventional treatment for APAC is to lower intraocular pressure (IOP) medically, after which laser peripheral iridotomy (PI) is performed. However, in Asian eyes, the acute attack is often refractory to standard treatment. Trabeculectomy is occasionally performed on eyes that do not respond to medical therapy, as well as eyes with APAC that respond to medical therapy but are assessed as having underlying chronic angle-closure glaucoma. In such cases, laser PI is not performed before trabeculectomy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The surgical outcome was assessed in terms of final IOP and the incidence of complications. Success was defined as final IOP less than 21 mmHg without medication, and qualified success was defined as final IOP less than 21 mmHg with medication. Patients whose IOP was more than 21 mmHg, required further glaucoma surgery, lost light perception, or whose eye became phthisical were classified as failures. RESULTS: The mean follow up was 22 months (range, 6-42 months). In group A, the medical failure group (n = 32), success in IOP control was obtained in 18 patients (56.2%), qualified success was achieved in 3 patients (9.4%), and failure resulted in 11 patients (34.4%). Ten patients (31.3%) encountered early postoperative complications such as shallow anterior chamber. In group B, the medical success group (n = 24), success in IOP control was achieved in 21 patients (87.5%), qualified success was achieved in 3 patients (12.5%), and there were no cases of failure. The incidence of postoperative complications was low (4 eyes [16.7%]). In terms of IOP outcome, trabeculectomy outcome was significantly worse in group A (P<0.001, Fisher's exact test). CONCLUSIONS: Because there is a high risk of surgical failure and complications, trabeculectomy may not be the procedure of choice in medically unresponsive cases of APAC.  相似文献   

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