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儿童眼外伤227例相关因素分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
目的:通过对儿童眼外伤患者各相关因素分析,探讨儿童眼外伤防治措施。方法:对227例(242眼)住院儿童眼外伤患者的年龄、性别、受伤环境、外伤性质、致伤原因、并发症及视力改变等因素进行统计分析。结果:统计结果显示,男:女≈4.28:1,多发年龄段为5~6岁年龄组,受伤环境多见于公共场所,致伤物多为锐器和肢体击打,外伤性质以眼球穿通伤为多见,并发症主要为眼球破裂、眼内容脱出、外伤性白内障、玻璃体出血和眼内炎等,致盲率为42.15%,眼球摘除共12眼(4.96%)。结论:眼外伤为儿童主要的致盲原因之一,儿童眼外伤的预防及眼外伤发生后的正确处理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

李勇  李锐  刘钊臣 《国际眼科杂志》2017,17(8):1584-1586
目的:探讨机械性眼外伤住院患者的特点及预后的影响因素.方法:回顾性分析2011-01/2016-01孝感市中心医院收治的眼外伤住院患者260例286眼,调查其社会学和临床病例资料,将可能影响视力恢复的因素包括性别、年龄、职业、受伤原因、致伤性质、就诊时间以及入院时视力损伤程度等进行单因素分析,然后进行非条件多因素Logistic回归分析.结果:眼外伤患者以男性、中青年多见;致伤原因为锐器伤多见;致伤性质中以眼球贯通伤最为多见.单因素分析显示受伤原因、致伤性质、就诊时间以及入院时视力损伤程度与患者预后视力恢复有关.Logistic多因素回归分析显示患者入院时视力和眼球钝挫伤是视力恢复的独立危险因素.结论:眼外伤是单眼致盲的主要原因,患者入院时视力和眼球钝挫伤与预后密切相关.眼外伤预防为主,需尽早治疗,应在劳动和生活中开展针对性预防干预措施.  相似文献   

外伤性白内障是眼外伤的常见并发症,也是致盲的主要原因,本文报告28例外伤性白内障的临床观察。本组中以工人、儿童、学生及青壮年为多,平均年龄为26.5岁,其中工人占50%。男性多於女性、2眼无明显差异。致伤物多为锐器伤及钝挫伤,其次是爆炸伤及铁屑伤。28例中,角膜穿通伤21  相似文献   

现将1995年~1997年间我院收治36例儿童眼外伤报告如下:一般资料:36例眼外伤中男32例,占88.9%,女4例,占11.1%,为单眼发病。年龄4岁3例,6~7岁15例,8-12岁18例。损伤部位及致伤物:均由儿童玩具中塑料手枪、弹弓、刀、飞标所致。轻度角膜损伤13例,Ⅰ级前房出血[1]15例,角膜穿通伤3例,并虹膜脱出1例,外伤性瞳孔散大3例,继发性前房出血并眼球萎缩1例。损伤部位的大小及严重程度与致伤物及致伤力量不同有关。本组病例就诊时间最长24小时,最短40分钟。治疗后视力1.5者23例,1.0者5例,0.8者3例,0.4者3例,0.2者1例,失…  相似文献   

目的分析儿童眼外伤发生的临床特征及规律。方法收集近5年(2006至2010年)住院的儿童眼外伤514例(525眼),对其临床特点及诊治结果进行回顾性分析。结果男女比例为4.65:1;发病高峰位于4—8岁年龄段。致伤原因中锐器伤所占的比率高于钝器伤及爆炸伤。损伤类型中角膜穿孔伤占46.89%,居首位,其次为巩膜、眼睑裂伤。致伤物以竹签、剪刀等锐器比例最高,占42.58%。致伤时间分布无明显差异,但春节所在的一二月份相对较高。经治疗后盲目者占40.30%。结论儿童眼外伤致盲率高,临床特征与成人眼外伤有显著区别。采取有针对性的预防措施可以降低儿童眼外伤的发生率。  相似文献   

赵倩  刘华 《国际眼科杂志》2013,13(9):1915-1918
目的:分析眼科住院患者眼外伤相关因素,提供当地眼外伤流行病学相关资料。方法:选取2007-01/2011-12于我院眼科住院的眼外伤患者1137例1610眼,对其一般情况、致伤原因、预后及并发症进行统计学分析。结果:患者男女比例为4.77∶1,高峰年龄为20~49岁;职业以工人、农民等体力劳动者为主;前两位致伤性质为钝挫伤和穿孔伤,其中穿孔伤的平均致盲率最高(45.65%)。5a来相邻年度间致伤性质构成比无显著差异(χ2=14.586,P=0.367)。眼外伤并发症多混合存在,以外伤性白内障、前房积血、葡萄膜炎更多见。结论:应提高人们对于眼外伤的预防意识,对眼外伤患者可给予及时救治,降低眼外伤致盲率。  相似文献   

从伤盲率看眼外伤的预后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
眼外伤的视力预后,取决于其后遗症,但后遗症又与其并发症有密切关系,而其并发症的多少,又决定于损伤部位与损伤程度,当然也与致伤物、外伤性质、感染与  相似文献   

角膜异物是煤矿最常见的工业眼外伤,自1981年以来观察角膜异物500例,兹将情况报告如下: 致伤物与角膜异物的关系:角膜异物的致伤物,以铁质为最多见为257例,占51.4%。在工厂机器操作多为钢、铁部件,致伤物自  相似文献   

眼外伤是眼球摘除的主要原因[1,2],为探讨眼外伤致视力丧失的原因,降低眼球的摘除率,对我院自1990-1996年37例外伤性眼球摘除进行回顾性分析。临床资料本组37例,男24例,女13例,年龄2~65岁,平均27.5岁。右眼21例,左眼16例。受伤原因:尖锐致伤物、爆炸火器伤、植物等。受伤部位及程度:多位于眼球前段,多为复合性伤,伤口极不规则。眼球摘除的原因:限内容物严重脱失18例(48.66%);继发化脓性眼内炎7例(18.92%);继发性青光眼6例(16.22%);继发眼球萎缩4例(10.81%);其它2例(5.4%)。讨论(一)眼外伤致眼…  相似文献   

目的:分析儿童眼外伤的临床特点。方法:回顾性分析重庆医科大学附属第二医院2009年4月至2019年4月住院的0~14岁儿童眼外伤164例(165只眼)的临床资料,分别就年龄、性别、受伤时间、人口分布、致伤物、外伤类型、并发症和治疗结果等进行比较。结果:儿童眼外伤发病率男童高于女童,3~8岁儿童多见,农村高于城市。眼穿孔伤最多见,常并发外伤性白内障;其次为眼挫伤和眼附属器外伤。致伤物种类繁多,器物击伤最多,包括刀具、棍棒、碎碗、玻璃及小石子等。入院后及时治疗视力均有不同程度的改善。结论:不同年龄段的儿童眼外伤防治的侧重点有所差异。伤后尽快就诊能明显改善视力预后。  相似文献   

Ocular injuries in Malawi.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A survey was made of 205 patients admitted to hospital for ocular trauma in Malawi in south-east Africa from January 1976 to December 1977. Results of the survey show that eye trauma is a relatively common problem in this developing country, occurring most frequently in children, young adults, and males. Most eye injuries in Malawi occurred under domestic circumstances; the major cause of ocular trauma was associated with chopping and gathering wood. Industrial injuries were rare. The most common injury was contusion and the most frequent complication was traumatic cataract. Most treated eyes retained useful vision.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyze the anatomic and functional consequences of wine-cork injury to the eye in relation to the patient's age and the type of cork and wine. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 13 patients, six women and seven men, presenting to our department with bottle-cork injury to the eye between January 1999 and June 2001. RESULTS: All patients presented with closed-globe injury according to Kuhn et al's classification. All the cases were injured by bottle corks from sparkling wine: white in ten cases and red in three. Mean visual acuity at admission was 20/100 (range, hand motion to 20/20). The most frequent early injury was anterior chamber hyphema (84.6%), followed by corneal injury (62.2%), ocular hypertension (46.1%), lens subluxation (30.8%), traumatic cataract (23.1%), and post-traumatic retinal edema (23.1%). Mean final visual acuity was 20/25; the follow-up ranged from 3 to 29 months, averaging 16.1 months. Late complications were as follows: pupil motility anomalies (38.5%), traumatic cataract (30.8%), iridodialysis (15.4%), traumatic optic neuropathy (7.7%), post-traumatic glaucoma (7.7%), and traumatic maculopathy (15.4%). Surgical treatment was necessary in two cases (15.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Bottle-cork eye injuries account for 10.8% of post-traumatic hospital admissions to our department. Most of them are due to sparkling white wine served at room temperature. There is no correlation between ocular injury and the eye-bottle distance or the type of cork.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the etiologies, management, and outcomes of pediatric traumatic cataract in eastern China.METHODS:Pediatric traumatic cataract were reviewed for demographic information, type of injury, mode of injury, time of injury, interval between injury and first visiting doctors, hospital of first visiting, surgeries, complications and prognosis.RESULTS:A total of 117 eyes of 117 patients (96 boys and 21 girls) with unilateral injuries (66 right and 51 left eyes) were included in the study. The mean (SEM) age at diagnosis was (6.6±3.2) years (range, 1.3-13.8 years). Each cataract was categorized according to the type of trauma:closed-globe (n=26) or open-globe (n=91) injuries. The most common injuring objects were sharp metal objects (37.61%). The most common complication in open-globe injuries was corneal laceration, whereas traumatic mydriasis was most common in closed-globe injuries. Of 68 eyes in patients with open-globe injuries who received cataract extraction, intraocular lens (IOLs) were primarily implanted in 47 eyes (68.12%), whereas 18 eyes with closed-globe injuries received cataract extraction, and IOLs were primarily implanted in 17 eyes (94.4%). The surgical procedures included reconstruction of the anterior segment, synechiolysis, excision of the membrane, lensectomy, vitrectomy and related techniques. Postoperative vision was significantly improved compared with preoperative vision.CONCLUSION: Pediatric traumatic cataract should be treated in time to attenuate the complications, and education on pediatric traumatic cataract and improvements in pediatric health care are needed for the early detection of cataract in children.  相似文献   

牛燕  李斌  李超  徐庆 《国际眼科杂志》2013,13(2):374-376
目的:了解眼眶爆裂性骨折的常见致伤原因及发生眼部损伤的概率和特点。方法:对九龙医院2009-01/2011-03收治的63例67眼眼眶骨折住院患者进行了回顾性分析。结果:眼眶骨折患者63例致伤原因中,拳击伤28例29眼,车祸伤17例20眼,钝器击伤9例9眼,摔伤5例5眼,坠落伤2例2眼,其他2例2眼。患者合并眼部损伤共57例61眼,其中眼睑皮下淤血、肿胀45例49眼;眼睑裂伤16例18眼;结膜下淤血25例26眼;角膜异物、上皮缺损9例9眼;前房出血5例5眼;眶下神经麻痹或感觉迟钝4例4眼;玻璃体出血4例4眼;视神经损伤3例3眼;泪小管断离2例2眼;眼球破裂2例2眼;视网膜裂孔1例1眼;晶状体半脱位1例1眼。结论:拳击伤和车祸伤是眼眶爆裂性骨折的主要致伤原因,拳击伤多引起单纯性眼眶骨折,车祸伤和钝器击伤易导致复合性眼眶骨折,并多伴有眼部损伤。在眼眶爆裂性骨折合并的眼部损伤中,眼睑损伤发生率最高,角膜、结膜及房角损伤也较常见,比较严重的眼部损伤如视神经损伤、眼球破裂、视网膜裂孔相对少见。  相似文献   

Lens implantation after surgery for traumatic cataract is a major help in rehabilitating the patient. Most such patients are still at work. Surgical problems result from injuries to the cornea, iris, lens, and vitreous body. If possible a posterior chamber lens should be implanted in the bag. In 35 patients, 24 posterior chamber lenses and 11 anterior chamber lenses were implanted. In 27 cases the traumatic cataract had been caused by perforating injury and in eight by contusion. In 28 patients there was a significant improvement in visual acuity by the day they were discharged. At short focus more than one-half of the patients had simultaneous vision with striated glasses, and two-fifths at long focus. Two-fifths of all patients attained stereoscopic vision at both short and long focus. The binocular functions were worse in most of the cases where the visual acuity of the injured eye was 0.4 or less.  相似文献   

目的调查分析山东省聊城市儿童眼外伤的流行病学特征。方法收集2010年6月至2012年6月聊城市三家医院共617份儿童眼外伤住院病例,进行回顾性研究。结果617例儿童眼外伤中男女之比为4.77:1。三家医院儿童眼外伤住院病例占同期眼外伤住院患者的百分比分别为17.13%、20.12%、23.45%,平均为20.23%;占同期眼科住院儿童的41.23%。发病场所以家庭所占比例最小。常见的致伤原因以烟花爆竹、玩具枪、气枪最多。外伤性质以眼球穿孔伤为主,其次为眼球挫伤。发病季节以1月份和2月份发病率最高。外伤并发症及后遗症中外伤性白内障、玻璃体积血和视网膜脱离位于前三位。手术治疗以玻璃体视网膜手术最多,其次为白内障摘出人工晶体植入术。视功能恢复不理想,脱盲率低。结论儿童眼外伤发病率高,并发症及后遗症多,因此坚持预防为主原则,积极开展多方位的宣传教育,采取各种预防措施,从而减少儿童眼外伤发生是必要的。  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study is to describe and identify clinical characteristics, prognostic factors and visual outcome in a group of patients with posterior open globe injuries (zone III injury). Methods: A retrospective review was made of all cases of open globe injuries that were examined at the Ophthalmology Department of Soroka Medical Center, Beer‐Sheva, Israel, from 1995 to 2005. One hundred and eight consecutive patients diagnosed with open globe injuries were reviewed. Of these, 21 eyes from 21 patients with zone III injuries were analysed and are the subject of this study. We assessed the relationship of presenting visual acuity, cause and extent of injury, as well as the number of surgical procedures, postoperative complications with the final outcome. Results: The study group comprised 95% male subjects with a mean age of 35.8 years (range 20–60 years). The median follow up was 21.2 months (range 6–66 months). In 72.7% of the cases metal was the causative factor. Clinical signs associated with an adverse outcome included poor‐presenting acuity, eyelid injury, cornea lamellar lacerations or abrasions, iris deformity, lens damage, ocular hypotony, coexisting injuries and a low ocular trauma score. No cases presented with post‐traumatic endophthalmitis. Conclusions: From this study we determined the most important prognostic factor in zone III open globe injuries is the presenting acuity. Other prognostic factors associated with a poor final outcome are eyelid injury, iris deformity, lens damage, ocular hypotonia, coexisting injuries and low ocular trauma score (≤2). Posterior open eye injuries were most commonly owing to metal entering the eyes of young men.  相似文献   

目的分析开放性眼外伤的特点。方法对住院治疗的87例(88眼)开放性眼外伤资料进行分析,探讨开放性眼外伤致病原因、临床特点及视力预后。结果87例(88眼)开放性眼外伤中,男性明显多于女性(达14.4:1);平均年龄(40.45±4.06)岁。右眼:左眼=1.2:1。开放性眼外伤以眼球穿孔伤最多,计54例(54眼,占60.07%),其他依次为眼球破裂、眼内异物。所有患者中未发现眼球贯通伤。开放性眼外伤并发症以外伤性白内障、眼内容物嵌顿或脱出、瞳孔变形、前房积血、眼内异物及晶状体脱位较常见。最终行眼球摘除者3眼(3.41%)。结论工作意外是开放性眼外伤主要原因,一旦发生则致盲率较高,应当加强工人眼外伤防护知识的普及,降低眼外伤致盲率。  相似文献   

报告14例后路人工晶体植入术。其中眼内异物外伤性白内障4例;角巩膜穿通伤外伤性白内障4例;眼球钝挫伤晶体半脱位1例;眼球破裂伤晶体脱失1例;青光眼滤过性手术后并发性白内障2例;后发障2例。术后随访6~16月,13例视力明显提高,1例术后1.5月发生视网膜脱离。作者认为该手术对常规手术无法植入人工晶体的病例来说,是一个很好的方法。  相似文献   

Eye injuries in children.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report a retrospective study of children's eye injuries treated during 1977 at Helsinki University Eye Hospital. There were 110 cases representing 34.5% of all eye injuries and 3% of all patients treated in 1977; 81.8% were boys and 18.2% girls. Half of the injuries were caused by another child, one-third were self-inflicted, and the rest were other accidents. The risk of eye injury in girls was low and stable at all ages, but in boys the risk grew markedly at the age of 8 years. The commonest cause of injury was a thrown missile. Other important causes were shots, hits, and sports accidents. Two-thirds of the injuries were concussions. The proportion of perforation was 8.9%, which is a much lower figure than in earlier reports, suggesting that the injuries have become milder. Some kind of complication was seen in 16% of concussions. No secondary bleeding was found among them. Permanent impairment of vision was seen in 2 cases: one had a visual acuity of 0.1 because of traumatic cataract and the other 0.6 because of corneal scars. Although the number of perforations was too low for statistical analysis, the final result in this group suggests that the prognosis of perforating eye injury is still as bad as it was during the 1950s.  相似文献   

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