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由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离.  相似文献   

方严 《眼科》2013,(4):248
由方严、石一宁主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、近视性黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离几个方面进行了详细描述。有意对  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、近视性黄斑裂孔性视网  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、近视性黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离几个方面进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、近视性黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离几个方面进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、  相似文献   

訾迎新  金明 《眼科新进展》2019,(12):1197-1200
近视是全球发生率最高的屈光不正,我国有近6亿近视患者,其中高度近视(high myopia,HM)患者超过8000万。HM随着眼轴的进行性增长,眼底出现一系列退行性病变,如视盘斜入、颞侧脉络膜萎缩弧、后巩膜葡萄肿、后极部视网膜和脉络膜病变及周边部视网膜改变等,病理性近视多伴随或者导致黄斑病变、白内障、玻璃体病变、视网膜脱离与劈裂等严重并发症。目前,近视的发生趋于年轻化、高度化,HM眼底病变尤其黄斑病变是东亚国家主要的致盲原因。本文回顾近年国内外文献,就HM眼底改变的最新研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

由方严教授、石一宁教授主编的《病理性近视眼眼底改变》一书受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助、已由科学技术文献出版社出版。本书全面介绍了近年来国内外对病理性近视眼眼底改变的研究进展。作者结合自己工作中的临床研究资料并系统复习病理性近视眼相关文献,分别从病理性近视眼概论、病理性近视眼眼底改变的分类及演变、豹纹状眼底、后葡萄肿、视盘改变、视网膜脉络膜改变、黄斑改变(综合)、周边眼底改变、玻璃体后脱离、近视性黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离几个方面进行了详细描述。有意对病理性近视眼的眼底改变这一专题进行全面系统的阐述,旨在对病理性近视眼的研究者提供借鉴和参考。本书为大16开,共10章,20余万字,插图400余幅,进口铜版纸彩色印刷。在眼底改变各章节的描述中,力求文字简练,图表随文而插,病例典型,便于理解。书后备有中英文索引,以便查阅,可直接帮助指导临床诊断治疗及研究教学。本书定价88元,全国各地新华书店销售。  相似文献   

目的 分析高度近视(HM)眼不同程度视盘倾斜患者的临床特征。方法 横断面研究。纳入2021年4月至12月在成都中医药大学附属医院就诊的HM患者60例120眼,依据用视盘椭圆指数(OI)衡量的视盘倾斜程度分为4组,无视盘倾斜(OI>0.80)组31眼,轻度视盘倾斜(OI为>0.75~0.80)组27眼,中度视盘倾斜(OI为>0.70~0.75)组24眼,重度视盘倾斜(OI≤0.70)组38眼。分析视盘倾斜程度与眼部生物学参数及眼底改变的关系。结果 无视盘倾斜组、轻度视盘倾斜组、中度视盘倾斜组和重度视盘倾斜组患眼的眼压、角膜厚度、前房深度比较差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05),4组患眼间最佳矫正视力、等效球镜度、眼轴长度、黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度及眼底黄斑病变的发生率比较差异均有统计学意义(均为P=0.000)。随着视盘倾斜程度加重,HM眼呈现出最佳矫正视力更差、等效球镜度更大、眼轴长度更长、黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度更薄、更易合并眼底黄斑病变的趋势。有视盘旋转的HM眼底黄斑病变的发生率为24.39%,低于无视盘旋转的HM眼底黄斑病变的发生率43.04%,差异有统计学...  相似文献   

近视回归镜控制青少年近视发展的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:临床观察近视回归镜对青少年近视发展的防治作用。方法:随机选取52例在我院视光中心就诊的年龄在9~18岁近视患者配戴近视回归镜作为治疗组,观察裸眼视力变化,屈光度变化,眼轴长度及角膜曲率变化情况.并与52例年龄及屈光度相似的近视患者配戴框架眼镜作为对照组,观察时间12mo。结果:治疗组屈光度增加<0.50D者38例(76眼)有效率73.1%,对照组屈光度增加<0.50D者18例(36眼)有效率34.6%,两组间有显著差异(P<0.01);治疗组裸眼视力下降<2行者39例(78眼)有效率73.6%,对照组裸眼视力下降<2行者10例(20眼)有效率19.2%,两组间差异有显著性(P<0.05);眼轴长度及角膜曲率值变化治疗组与对照组之间无明显差别。结论:近视回归镜对青少年近视发展有延缓作用。  相似文献   

In the field of myopia control, effective optical or pharmaceutical therapies are now available to patients in many markets. This creates challenges for the conduct of placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trials, including ethics, recruitment, retention, selective loss of faster progressors and non-protocol treatments:
  1. Ethics: It is valid to question whether withholding treatment in control subjects is ethical.
  2. Recruitment: Availability of treatments is making recruitment into clinical trials more difficult.
  3. Retention: If masking is not possible, parents may immediately withdraw their child if randomised to no treatment.
  4. Selective loss: Withdrawal of fast progressors in the control group leading to a control group biased towards low progression.
  5. Non-protocol treatment: Parents may access other myopia treatments in addition to those within the trial.
We propose that future trials may adopt one of the following designs:
  1. Non-inferiority trials using an approved drug or device as the control. The choice will depend on whether a regulatory agency has approved the drug or device.
  2. Short conventional efficacy trials where data are subsequently entered into a model created from previous clinical trials, which allows robust prediction of long-term treatment efficacy from the initial efficacy.
  3. Virtual control group trials based on data relating to axial elongation, myopia progression or both, accounting for subject's age and race.
  4. Short-term control data from a cohort, for example, 1 year or less, and applying an appropriate, proportional annual reduction in axial elongation to that population and extrapolating to subsequent years.
  5. Time-to-treatment-failure trials using survival analysis; once a treated or control subject progresses or elongates by a given amount, they exit the study and can be offered treatment.
In summary, the future development of new treatments in myopia control will be hampered if significant changes are not made to the design of clinical trials in this area.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the myopia awareness level, knowledge, attitude, and skills at baseline and to implement and evaluate the efficacy of myopia prevention health education among Chinese students. METHODS: A total of 1000 middle school students from 2 middle schools were invited to participate in the study, and myopia prevention health education was conducted. The students were assessed at baseline, followed by a survey. The efficacy of health education was evaluated using the self-comparison method pre- and post-health education. RESULTS: The study included 957 and 850 pre- and post-health education participants, respectively. The baseline knowledge of all respondents on myopic symptoms (87.5%), myopia is a risk of eyes (72.9%), myopia prevention (91.3%), myopia increases with age (86.7%), performing periodic eye examinations (92.8%), and one first, one foot, and one inch (84.8%) significantly increased after health education (P<0.001 for all). However, the percentage of students who still did not think it necessary to take breaks after 30-40min of continuous near work was 27.0%. The opinion that “myopia can be cured” was still present in 38.3%. CONCLUSION: Implementing school-based myopia prevention health education improves knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding myopia among Chinese middle school students.  相似文献   

全球近视发病率呈上升趋势,东亚更是最高发地区,中国、日本和新加坡近年患近视人数骤升;中国患者人数已突破六千万,居世界之首。近视的成因复杂,已知其与环境及遗传因素有关,长期近距离视物是促成近视的主要原因;中医学则责之于心肝肾不足。本文综述近视的分类、成因、中西医治疗方法、前沿性治疗、饮食疗法以及近视的预防。  相似文献   

The International Myopia Institute''s (IMI) mission is to advance research, education, and management of myopia to decrease future vision impairment and blindness associated with increasing myopia. Its approach is to bring together scientists, clinicians, policymakers, government members, and educators into the field of myopia to stimulate collaboration and sharing of knowledge. The latest reports are on pathologic myopia, the impact of myopia, risk factors for myopia, accommodation and binocular vision in myopia development and progression, and the prevention of myopia and its progression. Together with the digest updating the 2019 International Myopia Institute white papers using the research published in the last 18 months, these evidence-based consensus white papers help to clarify the imperative for myopia control and the role of environmental modification initiatives, informing an evidence-based clinical approach. This guidance includes who to treat and when to start or stop treatment, and the advantages and limitations of different management approaches.  相似文献   

目的:针对不同类型中度近视眼高阶像差的分析,探讨中度近视眼中曲率性近视与轴性近视高阶像差的差异。方法:采用前瞻性研究,选取单纯性中度近视眼患者39例56眼,将其分为两组:A组为中度曲率性近视眼组(11例/16眼),平均年龄22±2岁,平均眼轴长度23.89±0.13mm,平均角膜曲率45.56±0.95D,平均屈光度4.58±0.82D;B组为轴性近视眼组共28例40眼,平均年龄22±3岁,平均眼轴长度25.82±0.44mm,平均角膜曲率41.93±0.85D,平均屈光度4.50±0.78D。利用波前像差仪获取入选患眼瞳孔分别为4,5,6mm时高阶像差值,进行分组比较。结果:A,B两组平均年龄与平均屈光度比较,差异无显著性(P〉0.05);两组平均角膜曲率与平均眼轴长比较,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。A组与B组在瞳孔为6mm时RMS3,RMS4,RMS6,RMSh,C12值比较,A组/B组分别为:0.165±0.064/0.098±0.045,0.127±0.034/0.059±0.025,0.040±0.014/0.028±0.010,0.218±0.059/0.129±0.040,0.137±0.057/0.048±0.037,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。其余不同直径瞳孔下的高阶像差各值比较,前者均高于后者,差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论:在正常及中度散大瞳孔下,中度近视眼中曲率性近视的彗差、球差、次级球差及总高阶像差均较轴性近视眼为大。  相似文献   

目的:观察并探讨角膜塑形术联合框架眼镜对青少年高度近视的矫正和控制效果。方法:选取青少年高度近视患者36例69眼,年龄9~15岁,等效球镜≧-6.00D,球镜度数≧-5.50D,夜间戴四区五弧设计的OK镜,目标降度( TP )=5.00 D。戴OK镜至少1 mo后,残余度数稳定后予框架眼镜矫正。随访观察2a的裸眼视力、屈光度、眼轴长度以及角膜健康状况。结果:(1)裸眼视力的变化:矫正前的裸眼视力为0.09±0.05,矫正1夜;1wk;1,3mo 后裸眼视力分别为0.27±0.14,0.54±0.18,0.78±0.24,0.81±0.19;矫正1夜;1wk;1mo后裸眼视力逐渐提高(P<0.05),1mo后视力趋于稳定;(2)屈光度的变化:矫正前的屈光度为-6.82±0.71D,联合矫正1a后的屈光度为-6.86±0.77D,差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);联合矫正2a 后的屈光度为-7.11±0.81D,比联合矫正前增加-0.29±0.37D,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)眼轴的变化:矫正前的眼轴为26.18±0.57mm,患者联合矫正6mo 为26.19±0.54mm,1a 为26.21±0.47mm,眼轴长度与矫正前的眼轴长度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);联合矫正2a后眼轴长度为26.37±0.59mm,比矫正前增长0.19±0.28mm (P<0.05);(4)轻度角膜点染发生率较高:经停戴、清洁镜片及使用保护角膜眼药水均能改善。未发现严重眼部并发症。结论:青少年高度近视眼行角膜塑形联合框架眼镜矫正后1a,近视未进展;联合矫正2a,近视仅有轻度进展。未发现严重眼部并发症。该方法相对安全,长期疗效仍需进一步观察。  相似文献   



Myopia has emerged as a significant public health concern. Effective methods have now been developed to delay its onset and progression. However, this information may not be reaching parents, and they are key players in terms of implementing the necessary preventive measures. This study investigated parental awareness of myopia, its implications and the strategies available for controlling it.


A self-administered online survey was distributed to parents of children 6–16 years of age. To be eligible to respond, their child had to be myopic or at risk of developing myopia due to family history.


A total of 330 parents completed the survey, of which 321 were included for analysis. Sixty-seven percent of respondents had at least one myopic son/daughter, and most were between −1.00 and −1.75 D. Among parents of myopic children, 20.9% thought that their child's myopia progressed moderately. Sixty-seven percent of parents had a significant level of concern about the progression of the myopia and felt that it was caused mainly by the use of electronic devices and genetics. A generalised linear model showed that parental concern was significantly predicted by the perception of evolution (p < 0.001) and the number of known health-related consequences (p < 0.001). Almost 40% of parents were unaware of the existence of myopia control strategies. Relatives and eye care practitioners are the main sources of information. The most well-known myopia control strategy was myopia control soft contact lenses (29.2%), although the option that most parents would opt for was spectacles with peripheral defocus lenses (47.1%). The selection of a contact-lens-based myopia control method correlated significantly with the age of the children (p < 0.001).


Society in general and parents in particular need more information about myopia, its consequences and the options available for its control. Eye care practitioners play an important role in this issue.  相似文献   

Myopia, and especially high myopia, is associated with a number of posterior segment changes that are considered to be mostly a consequence of the increased axial elongation. This can result in mechanical strain, attendant vascular changes, stretching and thinning of tissues, and atrophy/deformation of tissues in later or more advanced stages. Such myopia-related changes are observed as changes and/or abnormalities in the vitreous, choroid, retina and peripheral retina, sclera and/or optic disc. Although many of these changes are benign, at times they may be associated with significant vision impairment that either requires active intervention or may suggest future progression of the disease. This review systematically addresses the posterior segment conditions seen in myopic eyes, describes the features associated with the condition and details management pathways.  相似文献   

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