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驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血的危险因素和预后分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的分析驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血的危险因素及其预后.方法 16例(16只眼)术中或术后发生的驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血,2例药物治疗,14例于出血后平均13.6天采用手术处理,先从角膜缘持续灌注,赤道部1或2个巩膜切口引流脉络膜上腔积血,睫状体脱离回复后改从平坦部灌注,行闭合式玻璃体切除视网膜复位术.结果 12例术中发生的均有眼内压突然下降,4例术后发生者均有明显低眼压,高度近视眼6例,7例记录术中心率加快.14例均成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,积血为巧克力色,无血凝块.经平均9.2个月随访,4例眼球萎缩,12例视力有提高,其中7例视力≥0.1.结论术中眼内压突然下降和持续低眼压、青光眼、高度近视等可能为发生驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血的危险因素.及时关闭切口,控制眼压,适时选择手术,引流脉络膜上腔积血联合玻璃体视网膜手术是处理驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血的有效方法,可明显改善预后.  相似文献   

眼球破裂伤合并脉络膜上腔出血患者的手术疗效分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dong X  Yuan G  Wang W 《中华眼科杂志》2002,38(11):654-656
目的 初步评价眼球破裂伤合并脉络膜上腔出血患者的手术治疗效果。方法 对17例(17只眼)因眼球破裂伤致脉络膜上腔出血的患者行Ⅱ期手术治疗,玻璃体腔内灌注BSS,由睫状体平坦部行巩膜切口引流脉络膜上腔积血,然后经睫状体平坦部行玻璃体切除联合视网膜复位术,术中眼内填充气体或硅油。结果 17例患者均成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,术后随访3-27个月,15例患者视网膜和脉络膜在位,眼球保存率88.2%,视力较术前有所提高;2例患者视网膜再脱离,眼球萎缩。结论 经Ⅱ期手术引流脉络膜上腔积血及玻璃体切除,视网膜复位术,大部分严重的眼外伤合并脉络膜上腔出血的患者可保留眼球,甚至恢复一定的视力。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用玻璃体显微手术联合巩膜切开引流术作为Ⅱ期手术方式治疗脉络膜上腔出血的疗效。方法回顾分析2004年3月-2008年9月我院收治的驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血患者11例,常规行检眼镜,眼B超检查确诊,记录视力和病因。所有病例均于出血后2周左右采用玻璃体切除联合巩膜切开引流术。结果11例均成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,视网膜复位,随访6-18个月,视力均有改善。结论及时关闭切口,控制眼压,适时选择手术,行玻璃体切除联合巩膜切开引流术是二期处理驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血的最有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨复杂眼外伤合并脉络膜上腔出血的综合治疗.方法 对12例(12眼)复杂眼外伤合并脉络膜上腔出血行药物及手术治疗.早期应用皮质类固醇及脱水剂,通过B超监测选择手术时机,由睫状体平坦部巩膜切口引流脉络膜上腔积血,同时行玻璃体切除联合视网膜手术,术中眼内填充膨胀气体或硅油.结果 12例均成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,脉络膜和视网膜复位.术后随访5-24个月,视功能改善者8眼(66.67%),眼球全部保存.结论 采用皮质类固醇、高渗剂药物治疗及玻璃体手术相结合的方法,治疗复杂眼外伤合并脉络膜上腔出血,可以取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

迟发性非驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血2例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迟发性非驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血2例张怡红王长玲史惠玲李仲秀郭秀瑾河北医科大学第二医院眼科(050000)内眼手术时突然发生脉络膜出血为驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血,在术后几小时~1周内发生脉络膜出血为迟发性非驱逐性脉络膜上腔出血。我院遇到两例,报告如下。例1何...  相似文献   

脉络膜新生血管伴自发性脉络膜上腔出血的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:描述脉络膜新生血管(choroidal neovascularization,CNV)伴自发性脉络膜上腔出血患者的临床特征,探讨其发生的高危因素以及玻璃体视网膜手术的疗效。方法:CNV伴自发性脉络膜上腔出血3例3眼,男性,年龄58~75(平均62岁)。玻璃体脉络膜积血病程6~12d(平均8±4.3d)。术前视力2眼手动,1眼无光感。眼压16~28mmHg(平均19±4.8mmHg)。2眼伴前房红褐色积血,3眼伴重度玻璃体混浊。FFA显示既往均有黄斑区CNV,其中1例健眼有玻璃膜疣。屈光力正常。眼轴22~24mm,双眼无显著性差异(P>0.05)。B超均显示玻璃体积血、出血性视网膜脱离并脉络膜脱离。所有患者均接受常规脉络膜上腔放血、巩膜外环扎、玻璃体切割、视网膜切开、血管膜和积血块清除、视网膜复位及眼内硅油充填术。追踪观察6~34mo。结果:所有患者均为一次手术即成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,术中发现脉络膜下液为黑红色血性积液,玻璃体积血呈灰黑色,术毕脉络膜和视网膜平复。术后2眼发生前部增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(anterior proliferative vitreoreti-nopathy,aPVR),1眼再次手术。最终在取出硅油后,2眼(67%)视网膜获得解剖复位,术后视力0.05~0.1,1眼无光感。结论:CNV所致的自发性脉络膜上腔出血伴出血性视网膜脱离非常少见,这类患者眼部病变发展迅速,脉络膜上腔积血可渗透到前房,眼压正常或偏高。玻璃体视网膜手术可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的 分析与评价内眼手术及术中术后暴发性脉络膜上腔出血的原因、处理和预后.方法 选取暴发性脉络膜上腔出血患者11例,术前5例合并高度近视,4例合并高眼压,2例有既往内眼手术史,2例患者发生二次出血.出血后采取保守或于出血后10 ~ 16 d(平均12.1d)手术治疗.手术方法包括单纯后巩膜脉络膜上腔积血穿刺放液术,或联合玻璃体切割及硅油填充术.结果 11例患者中有7例发生于术中,4例发生在术后1~3d,约占同期我科内眼手术的0.15% (11/7204).11例患者中,2例保守治疗,4例行单纯后巩膜脉络膜上腔积血穿刺放液术,1例行玻璃体切割及后巩膜脉络膜上腔积血穿刺放液术,另外4例行玻璃体切割硅油填充及后巩膜脉络膜上腔积血穿刺放液术.平均随访8.2个月,术后7例患者视力改善,1例无变化,3例恶化.结论 术前高眼压、高度近视及既往内眼手术史是暴发性脉络膜上腔出血的高危因素.通过术中迅速关闭切口,术后采取保守治疗,择机行后巩膜脉络膜上腔积血穿刺放液术,视网膜脱离时联合玻璃体切割术,可保留患者部分视力.  相似文献   

目的::分析不同类型、部位外伤性晶状体脱位的不同手术方法及预后。方法:回顾性分析我院2004-04/06间住院治疗的外伤性晶状体脱位患者105例105眼的临床资料。根据晶状体脱位的部位和类型不同,采用不同的手术方式:晶状体囊内摘除、超声乳化吸除、经睫状体平坦部切口玻璃体及脱位晶状体切除,同时根据不同的病情联合相应的手术方式如:玻璃体视网膜手术、抗青光眼手术。配对样本t检验比较术前及术后LogMAR视力。记录术中及术后并发症如脉络膜上腔驱逐性出血及复发性视网膜脱离的发生及处理。结果:所有患者均成功摘除脱位晶状体,术后视力与术前相比提高91眼(86.7%),视力达到0.1~0.3者42眼(40.0%),并有1眼晶状体半脱位患者术后视力达到了0.8以上。术中及术后发生脉络膜上腔出血各1眼,术后复发视网膜脱离2眼。结论:根据患者晶状体脱位的程度和部位不同,合理地选择手术方式或联合手术是治疗外伤性晶状体脱位的关键。脉络膜上腔驱逐性出血是外伤性白内障术中及术后最严重的并发性之一,需要恰当的处理及预防。  相似文献   

目的评价巩膜切开术治疗严重外伤眼脉络膜上腔出血的疗效。方法对18例(18眼)因严重眼外伤致脉络膜上腔出血行巩膜切开联合玻璃体切除术治疗。在睫状体平坦部做巩膜切口,必要时于赤道前做放射状巩膜切口引流脉络膜上腔积血,然后行玻璃体切除术,术终眼内填充气体或硅油。结果经睫状体平坦部切口脉络膜上腔积血引流充分者11眼;7眼需要另外做放射状巩膜切口引流,其中3眼完全复位,4眼部分复位。2眼因合并脉络膜破口,术后硅油进入脉络膜上腔。2眼因眼球萎缩而摘除眼球。结论巩膜切开术可以有效引流眼外伤所致脉络膜上腔出血。有脉络膜破口的出血性脉络膜脱离是治疗的难点,预后差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离的手术治疗方法、手术时机并观察疗效。方法:总结、分析2000-02/2005-02间因视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离在我院接受手术治疗的连续患者共36例36眼,其中原发性孔源性视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离30例,复发性视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离6例。手术方法包括巩膜外环扎、经巩膜穿刺口脉络膜上腔引流、玻璃体视网膜手术、眼内光凝、硅油或C3F8填充术等。结果:36只患眼于术中成功引流脉络膜上腔液体。硅油填充30眼、C3F8填充6眼,视网膜脉络膜全部复位、视网膜裂孔封闭。36眼术后视力为手动至0.3,其中26例术后视力≥0.1。结论:玻璃体视网膜显微手术联合经巩膜穿刺口脉络膜上腔积液引流术是处理脉络膜脱离合并视网膜脱离的有效手术方法。  相似文献   

Massive suprachoroidal hemorrhage: secondary treatment and outcome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PURPOSE: Massive suprachoroidal expulsive hemorrhage (SCH) is a dramatic and devastating intraocular complication of intraocular surgery and trauma that can result in total loss of vision. The aim of our study was to present the results of secondary surgical treatment of eyes following massive SCH. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We treated 10 patients suffering from massive SCH by combined radial sclerotomies for suprachoroidal drainage and vitrectomy with use of perfluorocarbon and instillation of silicone oil. We analyzed the clinical characteristics, visual acuity and anatomical status before and after secondary treatment. RESULTS: Visual acuity of all eyes suffering from SCH was light perception. Postoperatively five patients with SCH showed either no improvement of function or visual acuity of counting fingers. An increase in visual acuity to maximal 0.1 was seen in four eyes; one patient achieved 0.6. With a minimum of 6 months' follow-up, four eyes developed hypotony, two eyes became phthisical, and in two eyes recurrent traction retinal detachment occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Secondary treatment by combined suprachoroidal drainage by sclerotomies and vitrectomy should be performed to minimize the damaging effect of choroidal hemorrhage.  相似文献   

目的:分析青光眼术后迟发性脉络膜上腔出血的危险因素及其预后。方法:对我院自2003-04/2009-12行抗青光眼手术后发生迟发型脉络膜上腔出血的9例患者的临床资料进行整理分析。结果:患者9例9眼术后发生的迟发性脉络膜上腔出血,其中高度近视眼2例,婴幼儿青光眼3例,2例复杂青光眼联合前房人工晶状体取出术,1例无玻璃体眼,另外1例老年患者伴有全身血管性疾病。均于小梁切除术后1~7d发生。早期均药物治疗,1例于出血后11d采用手术处理,成功引流脉络膜上腔积血,余8例出血自行吸收。经平均14mo随访,无眼球萎缩,其中1例视力1.0,3例婴幼儿患者不能配合检查,其余患者术前术后视力无明显变化。4例于1~12mo出现眼压再次升高。结论:术前长时间高眼压、术中眼内压突然下降和持续低眼压、无玻璃体眼、高度近视、复杂青光眼及婴幼儿青光眼等可能为发生迟发性脉络膜上腔出血的危险因素。发生迟发性脉络膜上腔出血后可先给予药物治疗观察,若出血不能吸收,可考虑手术引流脉络膜上腔积血改善预后。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is a dramatic complication of intraocular surgery that can result in total loss of vision. METHODS: The records of eight cases of SCH during cataract surgery were reviewed. Six of eight patients were treated by combined radial sclerotomies for suprachoroidal drainage and vitrectomy. Risk factors, therapeutic strategies, and functional and anatomical results were analyzed. RESULTS: The incidence of SCH was 0.45%. Preoperative visual acuity of all eyes suffering from SCH was limited to the perception of light. Postoperatively, six patients showed an increase in visual acuity greater than 0.1; one patient achieved 0.5. Ocular and general risk factors (ocular hypotony, myopia, Valsalva-type maneuvers, intraoperative systemic hypertension) and surgery complications were analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of using state-of-the-art surgical techniques, the prognosis of SCH remains serious, with a poorer outcome associated with increasing complications due to hemorrhage. Secondary treatment combining radial sclerotomies and vitrectomy should be performed to minimize the damaging effect of choroidal hemorrhage.  相似文献   


Purpose: To review the most current treatment recommendations and outcomes for delayed suprachoroidal hemorrhages. Methods: Article review of management and outcomes of suprachoroidal hemorrhages, with emphasis on delayed suprachoroidal hemorrhages in the setting of glaucoma surgery. Conclusion: Time of drainage of suprachoroidal hemorrhages remains controversial. Earlier drainage should be considered with high intraocular pressure, expulsion of intraocular content, or retinal detachment. In clinically stable eyes with suprachoroidal hemorrhage, recommendations range from observation to immediate drainage. Clot lysis occurs at roughly 14 days.  相似文献   

The authors describe a new surgical approach used in six consecutive patients referred to us between August 1986 and August 1988 with massive suprachoroidal hemorrhage (MSCH) during or after cataract extraction (4 patients), glaucoma filtering surgery (1 patient), or scleral buckling (1 patient). All patients had large hemorrhagic choroidal detachments with five eyes showing "kissing" detachments. Secondary surgery was delayed 7 to 25 days (mean, 14 days) to allow liquefaction of the blood clot and reduce intraocular inflammation. All eyes underwent posterior drainage sclerotomies under constantly maintained limbal fluid infusion line pressure, followed by pars plana anterior and posterior vitrectomy in five of six eyes. Additionally, two eyes underwent secondary lens implantation during surgery and 6 months later, respectively. Mean follow-up was 10 months. Visual acuity improved in all eyes from a preoperative range of light perception-hand motions to hand motions-20/40. Advantages and disadvantages of this aggressive surgical approach in the management of MSCH are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Suprachoroidal hemorrhage may cause the expulsion of intraocular contents. Generally, cases of nonexpulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage have a better outcome than their expulsive counterparts. Those cases with massive nonexpulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage do better with treatment than without. Treatment modalities have included suprachoroidal hemorrhage drainage with or without intraocular volume reformation, and vitrectomy. METHODS: The authors used the liquid perfluorocarbon perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene in the treatment of three patients with nonexpulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage. The perfluorocarbon was injected into the vitreous cavity while the suprachoroidal blood was drained through anterior sclerotomies. RESULTS: With 5 months of follow-up, complete resolution of the suprachoroidal blood was noted in all patients. All three patients had attached retinas, and postoperative visual acuities were improved over preoperative visual acuities. CONCLUSION: Perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene and other perfluorocarbon liquids may be beneficial in the treatment of certain cases of nonexpulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhages.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe a new surgical technique in which aqueous humor is diverted from the anterior chamber to the suprachoroidal space for the augmentation of uveoscleral outflow in the management of refractory glaucoma. METHODS: Four painful-blind eyes of four consecutive patients were included in the study. Mean age of patients was 54.7+/- 9.2 years. Preoperative diagnosis was neovascular glaucoma complicating diabetic retinopathy in three cases and chronic angle-closure glaucoma in one case. Mean preoperative intraocular pressure of the patients receiving two medications was 58.5 +/- 9.2 mm Hg. A modified Krupin eye valve with disk was implanted into the suprachoroidal space. The anterior tube part of the Seton device was placed into the anterior chamber through the long scleral tunnel for draining the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the suprachoroidal space. RESULTS: The placement of modified Krupin eye valve with disk to the suprachoroidal space was achieved in all cases. While mean preoperative intraocular pressure was 58.5 +/- 9.2 mm Hg, it was 14.2 +/- 4.7 mm Hg at postoperative one week. It was 13.5 +/- 4.6 mm Hg and 15 +/- 4.9 mm Hg at one and three months respectively. At the last follow-up visit, mean intraocular pressure was 17.25 +/- 5.37 mm Hg ranging from 12 to 24 mm Hg. Choroidal detachment was developed in one case and regressed in six weeks. Rubeosis irides regressed at third month in three cases. None of the eyes developed suprachoroidal hemorrhage, retinal detachment, or phthisis bulbi. CONCLUSION: The drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the suprachoroidal space with the implantation of the glaucoma Seton device is effective in lowering intraocular pressure in refractory glaucoma.  相似文献   




结果:所有患者手术过程顺利,术中均引流出视网膜下液并未见脉络膜出血和视网膜嵌顿; 术后第1d视网膜完全复位者18眼; 术后2~3d残留视网膜下液吸收完毕者2眼,视网膜脱离未复位者1眼,经再次外加压块调位术后视网膜复位,术后视网膜脱离复发者1眼,经玻璃体手术后视网膜复位。术中有视网膜下出血者1眼,出血范围<1PD,3mo后吸收,未见眼压异常、眼前段缺血和其他严重并发症。

结论:在球形视网膜脱离的巩膜扣带术中引流视网膜下积液前预置灌注,可有效维持术中眼内压平稳,减少因引流视网膜下积液时眼压过快下降导致的爆发性脉络膜上腔出血和术后发生脉络膜脱离的可能性,同时术中视网膜基本趋于平伏,裂孔定位相对准确,可提高手术成功率。  相似文献   

Purpose: Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is a rare complication occurring during surgery (early SCH) or 3-5 days after operation as a delayed suprachoroidal hemorrhage. It occurs more often in patients who have complicated cataract surgery with vitreous loss or lens dislocation. The purpose of this study was to present surgical treatment of 7 patients with suprachoroidal hemorrhage due to cataract surgery. Material and methods: Mean age of patients was 72,4 years old. There were 3 female and 4 male. Six patients were operated using phacoemulsification, one patient- using ECCE. In 3 cases the vitreous loss and lens dislocation occurred during operation. Results: Suprachoroidal drainage was performed in 4 patients. In 3 patients suprachoroidal drainage was followed by vitrectomy. In this group in 2 patients injection of silicone oil was done. Anterior infusion line was used in all cases. Drainage sclerotomies were created in the quadrants of the involved SCH, confirmed by ultrasonography. In all treated patients reattachment of the choroid was obtained. The visual acuity improved significantly (final v. a. was between 0. 02 and 0. 5). Conclusions: According to our observation, the implementation of the suprachoroidal drainage combined with vitrectomy might improve the prognosis and facilitate the achievement of functional vision.  相似文献   

目的:探讨合并脉络膜脱离的视网膜脱离手术治疗方法和手术时机的选择并观察疗效。方法:总结、分析2010-01/2012-01因视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离在我院住院的患者45例45眼,其中原发性裂孔源性视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离38例,复发性视网膜脱离合并脉络膜脱离7例。手术方法包括巩膜环扎、经巩膜穿刺口脉络膜上腔引流、玻璃体视网膜手术、眼内光凝、C3F8填充术或硅油填充术。结果:患眼45眼均行巩膜环扎术,均于手术中成功引流脉络膜上腔液体,6眼行C3F8填充,39眼行硅油填充术,45眼视网膜脉络膜全部复位,视网膜裂孔封闭。其中23眼术后视力≥0.1。结论:合并脉络膜脱离的视网膜脱离,采用巩膜环扎和玻璃体视网膜手术联合经巩膜穿刺口脉络膜上腔积液引流的联合手术方式有效。  相似文献   

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