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目的:探讨接触四类媒体性信息与未婚外来务工青年性相关态度以及性相关行为的关联。方法:本研究对上海某工厂15 ̄30岁未婚外来务工人员四类媒体的使用情况、性相关态度以及性相关行为开展调查。采用匿名自填式问卷调查的方法,共纳入270名调查对象,获得有效问卷247份。研究中采用接触媒体性信息量(sexual media diet)得分来测量对象对四类媒体性信息的暴露量。结果:对象接触网络性信息量得分的中位数为7.52,其次是杂志(4.73)、电视(3.06)、电影(0.06)。接触杂志性信息越多的男性越不愿发生一夜情,接触网络、电视性信息越多的对象对恋人与他人发生性行为的宽容度越高;接触电视性信息多的对象发生性行为时较多地使用避孕套,接触杂志性信息多的对象较少或不使用避孕套;接触电影性信息与对象性相关态度及行为之间未检出有统计学意义的关联。结论:不同媒体的性信息量和性信息分布不尽相同,网络、电视、杂志是外来务工青年使用时间较长的媒体,同时也是他们接触性信息较多的媒体,接触网络、电视、杂志性信息与未婚外来务工青年的性相关态度及行为有一定的统计学关联;未婚外来务工青年对电影性信息的暴露量较少,接触电影性信息与他们的性相关态度及行为之间的关联没有统计学意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨接触媒体性信息与上海地区未婚大学生性观念和性行为的关联。方法:本研究数据来源于"河内、上海和台北3城市15~24岁青少年生殖健康状况调查"(2006~2007年),调查采用匿名电子问卷,本文仅对其中2 062例大学生调查样本开展分析。结果:有91%以上的大学生从传统媒体(电视/广播/录像、书刊/报纸)获取过性相关信息;分别有81%和61%的男、女大学生从网络了解过性相关信息;73%和25%的男、女大学生看过黄色录像/书刊。从网络获取性相关信息较多的和看过黄色录像/书刊的对象对婚前亲密行为的态度更为宽容;从网络了解性相关信息较多的和看过黄色录像/书刊的男性对象发生婚前性行为的可能性较大;看过黄色录像/书刊与女大学生的婚前性行为呈正相关。结论:从媒体获取性相关信息和看黄色录像/书刊与大学生对婚前性行为的开放态度及婚前性行为有统计学关联。  相似文献   

目的:了解服务行业未婚外来务工青年的生殖健康知识及需求状况,为在未婚流动青年中开展性教育和服务提供依据。方法:对上海市某中心城区2个街道服务行业的未婚外来务工青年开展一对一访谈形式的匿名问卷调查,了解他们的性与生殖健康知识状况及其影响因素、过去半年获取服务的状况和对生殖健康教育/服务的需求。结果:共收集367份有效问卷,调查对象的平均年龄为20.5±1.8岁。对象的生殖生理知识和避孕知识得分均较低,男、女得分无统计学差异(P>0.05);性病/艾滋病知识得分较高,其中男性得分中位数(76.9)高于女性(69.2),差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查对象的性与生殖健康知识主要来源为电视/广播/书籍/杂志/报纸、学校、同伴和网络。多因素分析显示:男、女对象的生殖健康知识知晓率与他们是否从专业机构/社区/工作单位获取过性与生殖健康知识相关。调查对象在过去半年内所接受的知识主要是性病/艾滋病/生殖道感染知识、生理知识和避孕知识;认为社会应该提供的服务包括进行知识教育、提供咨询和提供避孕药具。对象认为获取性教育及生殖健康服务的主要障碍为:觉得不好意思,没有时间参加和不知道去哪里寻求服务。结论:服务行业未婚外来务工青年的性相关知识水平仍急需提高,考虑到其流动性和教育水平等问题,应因地制宜地开展多种形式的、通俗易懂的性教育;同时,应进一步加强对这一人群的生殖健康服务。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市职校生性与生殖健康知识的认知程度和服务需求。方法:于2005年9月对上海市三所职校全体一年级1846名学生进行匿名自填式问卷横断面调查。结果:职校生的性与生殖健康知识水平普遍较低,总知识得分为33.5分;性态度开放,约有一半的学生认可婚前性行为;65%的职校生在青春期遇到过相关的困惑或问题;84%的学生觉得自己缺乏性与生殖健康知识;54%的职校生在初中时没接受过正规的性与生殖健康教育;65%的职校生认为有必要建立专门针对青少年的服务机构。结论:现有的性与生殖健康教育和服务不能满足职校生的需求,应进一步加强针对职校生的相关教育和服务,尤其是学校。  相似文献   

目的了解城市和农村地区听力障碍学生的生殖健康知识现状、获取途径和障碍,为加强听力障碍学生性与生殖健康教育提供科学依据。方法:采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法在上海市区和陕西农村地区进行调查。定性研究包括对4组听障学生的小组访谈,对7名听力障碍学生家长和7名学校老师的个人深入访谈;定量研究包括4所特殊学校207名15~24岁听力障碍学生的匿名问卷调查。结果听力障碍学生生殖生理知识、艾滋病知识和避孕知识水平均较低,对月经和遗精的知晓情况分别为21.26%和41.55%;对艾滋病传播途径的知晓率为47.83%~62.32%;分别有17.87%和20.29%的调查对象没有听说过任何避孕方法和不知道从何处获取避孕药具。各类知识知晓情况均是城市高于农村。听力障碍学生生殖健康知识来源主要为学校、同伴、父母和网络,希望获取知识的途径与之类似,在获取生殖健康知识过程中存在的主要困难是"不知道从哪里获取知识"(42.51%)、"不好意思去了解这方面的知识"(41.06%)。结论听力障碍学生生殖健康知识十分匮乏,特别是农村学生,应重视和加强听力障碍学生性与生殖健康教育。  相似文献   

中国四城市医院未婚人流女青年生殖道感染状况研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:了解未婚人流女青年生殖道感染/性传播疾病(RTIs/STIs)的患病率、性暴力的发生率及其相关的影响因素;了解未婚人流女青年性和生殖健康知识、态度、行为和生殖健康保健需求。方法:2002.10-2003.02期间,广东省深圳市、广西省南宁市、北京市、河南省郑州市的市级医院妇产科对2002名年龄<24岁来院要求人工流产的未婚女青年进行妇科检查和实验室检查及自填式问卷调查。结果:调查对象平均年龄为22.0±1.7岁,流动人口占61.0%。在调查中生殖道感染的患病率为57.1%,性传播疾病的患病率是9.8%。与生殖道感染有关的影响因素包括非流动人口、首次性行为年龄≤19岁、未使用避孕方法、既往有患RTIs病史、清洁外阴间隔时间≥2d。调查对象性暴力的发生率是11.7%。首次性行为的平均年龄为20.3±1.9岁。平均拥有性伴侣数为1.2±0.9个。生殖健康知识总分平均为4.2±2.3分(总分9分)。调查对象对生殖健康保健知识的需求依次为避孕知识、人工流产危害、性生理知识、性传播疾病的危害与预防等。结论:未婚人流女青年有关性和生殖健康知识贫乏;首次性行为平均年龄提前;RTIs/STIs是未婚人流女青年生殖健康的主要问题;未婚人流女青年中的性暴力现状不容忽视。  相似文献   

不同特征未婚流动人口性相关行为的发生状况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
楼超华  沈燕  高尔生  涂晓雯 《生殖与避孕》2005,25(12):738-744,F0003
目的:了解流动人口中不同性别、年龄和职业的未婚青年性相关行为及其不良后果的发 生比例及其影响因素。方法:采用结构式匿名问卷对上海市某区1 092名15-24周岁未婚流动人 口的性与生殖健康知识、态度、行为和需求状况进行调查。结果:有22.6%的对象自我报告有性 经历(男:34.8%,女:12.7%)。分别有18.4%(男:26.3%,女:12.0%)和7.6%(男:11.8%,女:4.2%) 的对象已订婚和同居。有5.1%的对象报告有过商业性行为经历(男:7.9%,女:2.8%)。有2.8% 的对象在过去的一年内有2个及以上的性伴(男:4.5%,女:1.5%)。9.4%的对象曾经怀孕或使其性 伴怀孕(男:13.7%,女:6.0%)。过去一年内有过生殖道感染/性病的人数比例为11.5%(男:14.9%, 女:8.7%)。分性别的多因素分析结果表明,年龄大、看过色情录像及受同伴的影响和压力较大的 男女对象发生婚前性行为的可能性较大。此外,问过父母性相关问题的男性及从事服务行业工作、 外出打工时间较长和对婚前性行为持开放态度的女性发生婚前性行为的可能性较大。结论:未婚 流动人口中婚前性行为较为普遍,尤其男性和服务行业女性的性相关行为的发生比例较高,他们 面临着未婚妊娠、人工流产、生殖道感染/性病等生殖健康问题的危险。  相似文献   

目的:分析青春发动时相对于职校学生性行为和网络生殖健康信息获取的影响。方法:在随机整群选取的1 846名中等职业技术学校学生中,问卷调查青春发育时间、异性间性行为、以及生殖健康信息获取经历。结果:青春发动时相提前男、女生的各种性行为自我报告率均显著高于适时组和延迟组。互联网是职校生寻求性生殖健康信息的重要来源之一,青春发动时相提前对于其网络性生殖健康信息寻求具有独立作用。结论:在开展有针对性的职校生性生殖健康教育中,尤其要关注和合理引导青春发动时相偏离正常的学生。  相似文献   

目的:评价生殖健康教育生活技能培训对农村地区高中学生的性相关心理、行为和体验的影响。方法:在河南省上蔡县选择两所高中的所有一年级学生(717名)为干预组,开展为期3个月的生活技能培训。选择生源素质相近的另一所高中一年级学生(457名)为对照组,不开展干预活动。干预活动开展前后分别进行匿名自填问卷调查,以评价干预活动开展的效果。结果:基线调查共获有效问卷1174份,终线调查获有效问卷1100份。与对照组相比,终线调查干预组有更多的对象能正确对待成长过程中的性梦、性幻想和手淫(其比例均较基线时上升28%以上);干预组比对照组有更多的对象报告有过性冲动体验(54.52%)。结论:为期3个月的生活技能培训有效地促进了中学生正确认识成长中的性相关生理/心理行为和体验。  相似文献   

目的:通过对广州市增城区初中学生的生殖健康知识掌握现状的调查,为开展中学生的青春期生殖健康教育提供参考资料。方法:本课题组设计问卷,内容涉及生理、生殖、避孕、流产、性与性病等知识。采用整群抽样法对广州市增城区某中学1 263名初中学生进行不记名问卷调查。男女学生对生殖健康知识了解程度的差异采用χ2检验分析。结果:收回有效问卷1 210份,问卷回收率95.8%。大部分学生对青春期与生殖系统发育过程等表示一般了解或者完全不了解;对生殖生理知识的正确回答率从高至低依次是婴儿出生部位(67.70%)、精/卵子发生部位(58.84%和55.04%)、女性易怀孕时期(48.70%)、男/女何时具有生育能力(29.26%和31.74%);男生(30.44%)认为流产对身体没有伤害显著高于女生(9.58%)(P0.001);女生(71.65%)对性病的了解稍高于男生(66.82%),但未见有统计学差异(P0.05);21.00%的男生对中学生发生性行为持开放态度,显著高于女生的10.85%(P0.001)。结论:初中学生的生殖健康知识知晓率低,男生与女生对生殖健康知识的了解程度有差异,女生认知水平总体高于男生;应重视和加强中学生的青春期生殖健康教育。  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of secondary (high) school students concerning HIV/AIDS as a way of assessing the need for inclusion of reproductive health education in the school curriculum.DESIGN: A questionnaire was constructed to expose depth of knowledge and attitude of respondents concerning HIV/AIDS.SETTING: This was a workshop venue, a civic center, outside a school compound.PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred and sixty students were randomly selected from 5 secondary (high) schools in Enugu, Nigeria.INTERVENTION: The questionnaire was administered just before the commencement of a workshop.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: All the students responded to the questionnaire but none responded to all the questions.RESULTS: The students had a defective knowledge of the disease. They were aware and afraid of the disease as being deadly but not sure of the cause, nature, or modes of transmission and prevention, except that illicit sexual activity should be avoided. Their attitude and behavior were consequently defective. Their main source of information was the media.CONCLUSION: There is need to provide students with correct, detailed, and broad-based information on reproductive health as part of the school curriculum to help them acquire adequate knowledge and develop appropriate attitude and behavior towards HIV/AIDS and other STDs.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the reproductive health knowledge, attitude and practice of high school students in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions. The study revealed that the students had high level knowledge of contraceptives and where to obtain contraceptive services; however, level of use was low. Some of the reasons given for not using contraceptives include lack of access to services, carelessness, unplanned sexual intercourse and pressure from sexual partner. The study indicates that young people engage in sexual relationships at an early age without protection or with unsafe non-conventional methods. There was no significant difference between the demographic variables and contraceptive use at first intercourse. Educational level of the respondents was the only demographic variable that had significant association with sexual experience (p < 0.05). We recommend improved access to family planning information and services and family life education programmes based on the needs and experience of these young people as a potential solution to alleviate their reproductive health problems.  相似文献   

This intervention study was to evaluate the impact of reproductive health education on the knowledge and attitude of adolescents in a rural Nigerian community to reproductive health issues. It compared adolescents in a secondary school (study group), which received health education on reproductive health with another secondary school (control group), which did not receive any. The impact of the programme was evaluated with a pre-test baseline knowledge and post-test gain in the knowledge 6 weeks later, using the same questionnaire. A total of 180 students selected by systematic sampling from each of the two randomly selected schools in Item, a rural community in south-east Nigeria participated in the programme. While all the respondents have heard of reproductive health and could identify at least one of its components, their knowledge of it prior to the health education were defective and were obtained mainly from peers and the mass media. Such information was incomplete and often coloured with cultural and religious bias. However, there was a significant (p < 0.05) gain in correct knowledge following the health education. The students in the study group showed a positive and permissive attitude towards reproductive health education and there was a drop in risky sexual behaviour following the intervention. Pre-marital sex (94.3%), pregnancy prevention and abortion (88.5%) and sexually transmitted infections (82.8%) were common reproductive health problems raised by the students. Reproductive health education as part of the school curriculum will provide an effective means of improving knowledge and reducing reproductive health problems among adolescents in developing countries.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo identify the sexual and reproductive profile and demand for gynecologic services by high school girls in the city of Rio de Janeiro.DesignCross-sectional study carried out by administration of a questionnaire filled in by the respondents on their own, given to students at 3 high schools with different socioeconomic profiles: private, state, and federal. The questions covered socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behavior, and demand for gynecologic services. The data were analyzed by the Yates chi-square test and Student t-test, with P < .05.SettingThree high schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro.InterventionsNone.ParticipantsFemale high school students.Main Outcome MeasureAge, race, socioeconomic level, parents’ schooling, and sexual activity.ResultsA total of 418 students participated, 122 from a private school, 165 from a state public school, and 131 from a federal public school. The state school students were predominantly black and had the lowest socioeconomic level, with their parents having the fewest average years of schooling. They also reported the most sexual partners, pregnancies, and abortions. Their characteristics differed significantly from those of the private and federal school students, which were similar to each other. The average age of first sexual activity was similar for all the respondents and the first visit to a gynecologist occurred significantly later among the state school students.ConclusionsThe more frequent pregnancies and abortions by the state school students can be a consequence of the lower demand for or insufficient access to gynecologic services, depriving these students of the necessary care to promote sexual and reproductive health. This demonstrates the need for public policies that promote and facilitate access to routine preventive gynecologic care by low-income adolescent girls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the knowledge of reproductive physiology and anatomy among adolescents and young adults in Sweden, and to evaluate the education obtained on these issues. METHODS: Two hundred and nine study specific questionnaires were distributed, of which 206 were answered by students in primary school, upper secondary school and at first year of university. A total knowledge score based on 21 out of the 35 questions in the questionnaire was calculated. As only 44 of the 206 respondents answered all the questions a revised score was also calculated, in which partial dropouts were interpreted as wrong answers. RESULTS: The mean of the total knowledge score was 28.7 out of 54 among the 44 respondents answering all questions, and the revised knowledge score was 24.0. The level of knowledge tended to be higher in older age groups, among women, as well as among respondents who had visited a Youth clinic. The time of ovulation was known by 21.4% of men compared to 63.4% of women. Almost 50% of the students knew one mechanism whereby oral contraceptives act to protect against pregnancy. Of the respondents, 77.2% knew of Chlamydia trachomatis but the knowledge of other STIs, like condyloma, was poorer (16.5%). Reasons for infertility were relatively well known among the respondents. Of the respondents, 57.5% stated that they had not received enough information on reproductive issues. CONCLUSIONS: The students have not achieved sufficient knowledge concerning sexual and reproductive matters that they, according to the national curriculum, should have attained by the end of the 9th grade. An improvement of the quality of the education, adapted to the students' age and pre-existing knowledge, and a review of the contents of the education is therefore needed.  相似文献   

目的:了解未婚流动人口的避孕措施使用状况及其影响因素。方法:采用结构式匿名问卷对上海市长宁区新泾镇1092名15~24周岁未婚流动人口的性与生殖健康知识、态度、行为和避孕措施使用状况等进行调查。结果:有22.6%的对象自我报告有性经历,男女性经历比例分别为34.8%和12.7%。9.4%的对象曾经怀孕或使其性伴怀孕,男女分别为13.7%和6.0%。其中,1/3的对象或其性伴有过2次及2次以上的妊娠。怀孕的主要原因为未避孕(54.4%)。仅7.3%的对象坚持每次性生活都使用避孕措施,21.1%的对象从未使用过避孕措施。59.8%的对象首次性行为时未使用避孕措施。使用最多的避孕方法为避孕套(76.4%),其次是口服避孕药(34.4%)、安全期(33.3%)和体外排精(30.3%)。避孕药具主要来源于药店(60.5%)。不避孕或未坚持使用避孕的主要原因是因为“偶尔的性生活不会怀孕(36.7%)”、“通常性生活是在无思想准备情况下发生(24.0%)”“不懂得避孕(17.5%)”及“不好意思买/要避孕药具(16.2%)”等。多因素分析结果提示,月平均收入较高、在上海居住时间较短、避孕知识得分较高者避孕使用频率较高;文化程度较高、服务行业职工、避孕知识得分较高、与媒体接触较多者避孕套使用比例较高。结论:未婚流动人口的避孕措施使用率低,提高他们的避孕知识水?  相似文献   

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