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OBJECTIVE: The concerns about the potential threats of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have increased, since, in China, there is a lack of sexual education and condom use is rare. A community-based survey was conducted in September 2001 in Changchun city among 1227 unmarried young people aged 15-24 years (619 males and 608 females) to assess risky sexual practices and the obstacles to accessing appropriate contraceptive and other services. METHOD: The study comprised a survey employing self-administered questionnaires, as well as key informant interviews, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. This paper investigates the factors associated with young people's access to contraceptive services. RESULTS: Results showed that 16% of young people had experienced premarital sexual intercourse and, among them, only 48.2% used contraceptive methods during the first sexual intercourse; 29.9% used a condom. Drug stores were the main source of contraceptives. CONCLUSIONS: While data are sparse, findings suggest that the hostile and judgmental attitudes of providers, as well as the lack of counseling and privacy, were the key obstacles that unmarried youth encountered in their search for contraceptive services. Findings suggest the need for a reorientation of the contraceptive services to focus on unmarried youth, and generally to make contraceptive services more accessible to young people.  相似文献   

目的:了解未婚流动人口的避孕措施使用状况及其影响因素。方法:采用结构式匿名问卷对上海市长宁区新泾镇1092名15~24周岁未婚流动人口的性与生殖健康知识、态度、行为和避孕措施使用状况等进行调查。结果:有22.6%的对象自我报告有性经历,男女性经历比例分别为34.8%和12.7%。9.4%的对象曾经怀孕或使其性伴怀孕,男女分别为13.7%和6.0%。其中,1/3的对象或其性伴有过2次及2次以上的妊娠。怀孕的主要原因为未避孕(54.4%)。仅7.3%的对象坚持每次性生活都使用避孕措施,21.1%的对象从未使用过避孕措施。59.8%的对象首次性行为时未使用避孕措施。使用最多的避孕方法为避孕套(76.4%),其次是口服避孕药(34.4%)、安全期(33.3%)和体外排精(30.3%)。避孕药具主要来源于药店(60.5%)。不避孕或未坚持使用避孕的主要原因是因为“偶尔的性生活不会怀孕(36.7%)”、“通常性生活是在无思想准备情况下发生(24.0%)”“不懂得避孕(17.5%)”及“不好意思买/要避孕药具(16.2%)”等。多因素分析结果提示,月平均收入较高、在上海居住时间较短、避孕知识得分较高者避孕使用频率较高;文化程度较高、服务行业职工、避孕知识得分较高、与媒体接触较多者避孕套使用比例较高。结论:未婚流动人口的避孕措施使用率低,提高他们的避孕知识水?  相似文献   

Objective?To examine sexual and contraceptive use patterns, including method choice, among unmarried youth in Spain.

Method?The analysis is based on the 1999 Youth Survey. The analytical sample comprised 696 never-married sexually experienced women aged 15–24 and 1070 men. Logistic regression was used to assess the influence of various socio-demographic factors on contraceptive use, and multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the determinants of method choice.

Results?Given the trend towards earlier sexual initiation and increasing marriage postponement, sexual activity prior to marriage has become the norm in Spain. Nine out of 10 sexually active single youth reported contraceptive use at their last intercourse. Differentials across social subgroups were small, with the exception of those based on educational level. Young women and men with more than one partner in the previous year and those not currently in a stable relationship were more likely to engage in unprotected intercourse. Regarding the choice of method, the analysis revealed that, although condom is the dominant method, there is a tendency to shift to the pill with increasing age and relationship stability.

Conclusion?The level of contraceptive protection among unmarried youth is reasonably high, but a nontrivial proportion of youth engage in unprotected sexual activity.  相似文献   

In Lao PDR, evidence is emerging of considerable sexual activity among unmarried youth, but contraceptive services remain inadequate to meet their needs. This study explored the attitudes of formal and informal sector providers in serving the contraceptive needs of unmarried youth in Vientiane Municipality, their perceptions of quality of care, confidentiality and privacy, level of comfort in discussing sexual matters, and any differences between providers in the two sectors. In-depth interviews were carried out with 56 key informants, followed by a quantitative survey of 150 formal sector and 100 informal sector providers. We found ambivalence and discomfort among providers in communicating with unmarried youth and providing contraceptives to them, and low priority placed on their right to privacy and confidentiality. Providers tended to attribute difficulties almost entirely to young people's inhibitions and unwillingness to listen. Less than 60% of formal sector providers would supply contraceptives to unmarried youth, compared to 80% of informal providers, but the latter were more likely to charge a fee for supplies. Both formal and informal sector providers need training in communication and counselling skills for serving unmarried youth. Programmes must ensure that unmarried youth have access to good quality contraceptive services and supplies.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the reproductive health knowledge, attitude and practice of high school students in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions. The study revealed that the students had high level knowledge of contraceptives and where to obtain contraceptive services; however, level of use was low. Some of the reasons given for not using contraceptives include lack of access to services, carelessness, unplanned sexual intercourse and pressure from sexual partner. The study indicates that young people engage in sexual relationships at an early age without protection or with unsafe non-conventional methods. There was no significant difference between the demographic variables and contraceptive use at first intercourse. Educational level of the respondents was the only demographic variable that had significant association with sexual experience (p < 0.05). We recommend improved access to family planning information and services and family life education programmes based on the needs and experience of these young people as a potential solution to alleviate their reproductive health problems.  相似文献   

目的 :了解我国不同地区计划生育工作者对向 1 8~ 2 4岁未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务的态度及其可接受的服务方法。方法 :1 998年 7月~ 1 998年 1 2月 ,对八个省市 96 5名街道或乡镇以上的计划生育干部和 96 2名基层负责避孕药具发放的计生服务人员进行了问卷调查。结果 :约 6 0 %的研究对象对政府部门是否应该向未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务持肯定态度 ,约 3 6 %的研究对象对此持否定态度 ,有的省市持否定态度的比例超过了 5 0 %。研究对象可接受的向未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务的方法因地区不同而有差异。结论 :转变计划生育工作者对向未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务的态度仍任重道远。建议政府部门制定明确的政策 ,转变计生工作者的观念 ,更好地服务于未婚青年 ,改善他们的生殖健康状况。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine sexual and contraceptive use patterns, including method choice, among unmarried youth in Spain. METHOD: The analysis is based on the 1999 Youth Survey. The analytical sample comprised 696 never-married sexually experienced women aged 15-24 and 1070 men. Logistic regression was used to assess the influence of various socio-demographic factors on contraceptive use, and multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the determinants of method choice. RESULTS: Given the trend towards earlier sexual initiation and increasing marriage postponement, sexual activity prior to marriage has become the norm in Spain. Nine out of 10 sexually active single youth reported contraceptive use at their last intercourse. Differentials across social subgroups were small, with the exception of those based on educational level. Young women and men with more than one partner in the previous year and those not currently in a stable relationship were more likely to engage in unprotected intercourse. Regarding the choice of method, the analysis revealed that, although condom is the dominant method, there is a tendency to shift to the pill with increasing age and relationship stability. CONCLUSION: The level of contraceptive protection among unmarried youth is reasonably high, but a nontrivial proportion of youth engage in unprotected sexual activity.  相似文献   

BackgroundVery few studies have explored the association between cigarette or alcohol use and high-risk sexual behaviors (HRSBs) among Chinese youth.AimTo identify the associations between cigarette and/or alcohol use and HRSBs in unmarried youth 15 to 24 years old in China.MethodsData were obtained from a nationally representative survey of youth 15 to 24 years old in China. Population numbers, prevalences, and proportions were calculated where appropriate. The χ2 test was used to examine the different proportions of cigarette and alcohol use behaviors and HRSBs in female vs male youth. Logistic regression with propensity score-based weighting was used to elucidate the separate and combined associations of cigarette use and alcohol use with each HRSB.OutcomesThe sexual behaviors of condom non-use during the first sexual experience, sexual activity with multiple partners, being forced to have sexual intercourse, taking part in casual sex, engaging in commercial sex, taking part in anal sex, and condom non-use during the most recent sexual encounter were classified as HRSBs.ResultsOf youth 15 to 24 years old, 23.2% ever used cigarettes, 38.1% used alcohol, and 19.9% used cigarettes and alcohol. Compared with cigarette and alcohol non-use, cigarette and alcohol use showed a significantly increased risk of condom non-use during the first sexual experience (odds ratio = 2.9, 95% CI = 2.5–3.3), sexual activity with multiple partners (4.9, 3.8–6.2), forced sex (2.7, 1.1–6.9), casual sex (4.0, 3.1–5.3), commercial sex (2.9, 2.1–3.9), anal copulation (3.1, 2.1–4.6), condom non-use during the most recent sexual encounter (2.5, 2.1–3.0), and any HSRB (3.2, 2.8–3.6) among youth. The relations between cigarette and alcohol use and HRSBs were stronger among female youth than among male youth for all HRSBs.Clinical ImplicationsMore efforts should be made to implement HIV and AIDS prevention that consider the role of cigarette and alcohol use in precipitating HRSBs.Strengths and LimitationsThis study provided a more detailed evaluation with greater confidence of the association between cigarette and/or alcohol use and HRSBs with sex disparity taken into account using nationally representative data, although no detailed information about cigarette and alcohol use behaviors such as dependence and cessation was gathered in this survey.ConclusionYouth who use cigarette and alcohol are at greater risk of HRSBs, especially female youth.Guo C, Wen X, Li N, et al. Is Cigarette and Alcohol Use Associated With High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Youth in China? J Sex Med 2017:14:659–665.  相似文献   

目的:了解服务行业未婚外来务工青年的生殖健康知识及需求状况,为在未婚流动青年中开展性教育和服务提供依据。方法:对上海市某中心城区2个街道服务行业的未婚外来务工青年开展一对一访谈形式的匿名问卷调查,了解他们的性与生殖健康知识状况及其影响因素、过去半年获取服务的状况和对生殖健康教育/服务的需求。结果:共收集367份有效问卷,调查对象的平均年龄为20.5±1.8岁。对象的生殖生理知识和避孕知识得分均较低,男、女得分无统计学差异(P>0.05);性病/艾滋病知识得分较高,其中男性得分中位数(76.9)高于女性(69.2),差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查对象的性与生殖健康知识主要来源为电视/广播/书籍/杂志/报纸、学校、同伴和网络。多因素分析显示:男、女对象的生殖健康知识知晓率与他们是否从专业机构/社区/工作单位获取过性与生殖健康知识相关。调查对象在过去半年内所接受的知识主要是性病/艾滋病/生殖道感染知识、生理知识和避孕知识;认为社会应该提供的服务包括进行知识教育、提供咨询和提供避孕药具。对象认为获取性教育及生殖健康服务的主要障碍为:觉得不好意思,没有时间参加和不知道去哪里寻求服务。结论:服务行业未婚外来务工青年的性相关知识水平仍急需提高,考虑到其流动性和教育水平等问题,应因地制宜地开展多种形式的、通俗易懂的性教育;同时,应进一步加强对这一人群的生殖健康服务。  相似文献   

It is a continuing challenge to reach rural youth in India with sexual and reproductive health services. Drawing on a large survey among 6,572 young people aged 15–24 and 264 rural health providers accessed by them in rural West Bengal and Jharkhand, we witnessed a long-awaited response to national efforts to promote birth spacing. That 31% of young, married women without children were using contraception to delay a first birth was evidence of cracks in the persistent tradition of demonstrating fertility soon after marriage. The coverage of public sector services for reproductive and sexual health is highly variable and the scope largely restricted to married women, with unmarried young women and men relying mainly on the informal private sector, and seriously underserved. Strong social norms proscribing pre-marital sexual relationships perpetuate barriers in meeting their needs. Access to contraception is affected by negative provider attitudes and reluctance to report having sex underestimates the real scale of unmet need. Yet, 30% of providers reported unmarried young women seeking abortion services. To address the needs of all rural youth, the public sector needs to expand its remit or engage with informal providers, train them to deliver youth-friendly services and give them a recognised role in abortion referral.  相似文献   

Promotion of simultaneous protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy, referred to as dual protection, represents an important public health intervention. We investigated its prevalence and correlates in South Africa. A cross-sectional survey of 929 sexually active women, aged 15-49 years, was conducted in 89 public primary health care clinics, with dual method use and use of condom alone at last sexual intercourse as outcomes. At last intercourse, 12% of women were protected from both STIs and pregnancy. In multivariate analysis, higher education, being unmarried, and multiple sex partnership in the past year were predictors of dual method use, while younger age, higher education and awareness of the dual function of condoms were predictors of condom use alone. Dual protection is low in this population. The predominance of hormonal contraceptive use in South Africa means that increasing barrier method use among hormonal contraceptive users is an important strategy for increasing dual protection.  相似文献   

未婚流动人口中性相关行为   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
目的:了解流动人口中未婚青年性相关行为的发生状况。方法:采用结构式匿名问卷对上海市长宁区新泾镇1 092名15-24周岁未婚流动人口的性与生殖健康知识、态度、行为和需求状况进行调查。结果:34.8%的男性和12.7%的女性报告有性经历,其中45.3%、33.9%的男性和34.2%、32.9%的女性已订婚和同居;22.7%的对象报告有过商业性行为(男:22.8%,女:22.4%);13.0%的对象在过去的一年内有2个及以上的性伴(男:13.5%,女:11.8%);分别有10.9%的对象曾强迫别人发生性交行为和被迫发生性交行为;仅7.3%的对象每次性生活时都使用避孕措施,21.1%的对象从未采取过避孕;41.7%的对象曾经怀孕或使其性伴怀孕(男:39.2%,女:47.4%);过去一年内有过生殖道感染/性病的人数比例为32.8%(男:30.4%,女:38.2%)。结论:未婚流动人口中婚前性行为较为普遍,他们中存在的商业性行为、强迫性行为和多性伴现象使他们面临着未婚妊娠、人工流产、性病和HIV感染等生殖健康问题的危险。  相似文献   


Objectives To explore commercial sex workers’ experiences with the female condom in Swaziland.

Methods This is a qualitative study that draws on two focus group discussions and ten individual in-depth interviews with female commercial sex workers in Lavumisa, Swaziland.

Results The findings suggest that the majority of female sex workers prefer to use the female condom with their clients because it offers them greater control over the sexual encounter. Other factors that facilitate its use include the absence of side effects, the enhancement of sexual pleasure and protection against the risk of STIs (including HIV). In addition, the women reported that the female condom is stronger and more resistant to breakage than the male condom. Moreover, the female condoms can be inserted well in advance of sexual intercourse. Difficulties of insertion, partner objection and limited product availability were some of the barriers to the use of the device. There was also a tendency to reuse the female condoms because of lack of product availability and privacy to insert it.

Conclusion Although female condom use involves negotiation with clients, the fact that it offers sex workers an independent method of protection gives them more power and also, increases their ability to control their sexual and reproductive health.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveBecause of the high reproductive health risks that commercially sexually exploited youth (CSEY) face, we sought to understand facilitators and barriers related to their use of condoms and hormonal contraception.Design, Setting, Participants, Interventions, and Main Outcome MeasuresWe conducted semistructured interviews with 21 female CSEY. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded for emergent themes. Participants were enrolled through group homes and a juvenile specialty court serving CSEY.ResultsOverall, CSEY reported relatively easy access to hormonal contraception and condoms, expressing a strong preference for condoms as their primary form of contraception. Most respondents described an aversion toward hormonal birth control, attributed to personal experiences and peer accounts of side effects. Many also shared a common belief that hormonal methods are “unnatural,” cause infertility, and have low efficacy. Although youth expressed a preference for condom use, they also reported frequent unprotected sex. Furthermore, there were notable barriers to hormonal contraception and condom use that were specific to youths’ sexual exploitation, primarily because of their lack of control while trafficked.ConclusionAlthough participants noted relatively easy access to contraception, a number of barriers to condom and hormonal contraceptive use exist. Many of these barriers align with youth identified in other at-risk adolescent populations, however, CSEY also face a number of barriers that might be attributable to their unique experience of commercial sexual exploitation. Contraceptive education that dispels prevailing myths, sets clear expectations regarding side effects, and emphasizes autonomy is most likely to resonate with their world view and experiences.  相似文献   

Violence against women is a social mechanism confirming women's subordination in many societies. Sexual violence and harassment have various negative psychological impacts on girls, including a persistent feeling of insecurity and loss of self-esteem. This article aims to contextualize a particular form of sexual harassment, namely “eve teasing”, experienced by Bangladeshi adolescent girls (12–18 years) which emerged from a study of adolescent sexual behaviour carried out by young people. The study used qualitative methods and a participatory approach, including focus group discussions, key informant interviews and observation. Despite taboos, unmarried adolescents actively seek information about sex, erotic pleasure and romance. Information was easily available from videos, mobile phone clips and pornographic magazines, but reinforced gender inequality. “Eve teasing” was one outlet for boys' sexual feelings; they gained pleasure from it and could show their masculinity. The girls disliked it and were afraid of being blamed for provoking it. Thus, “eve teasing” is a result of socio-cultural norms relating to sexuality, as well as a lack of access to sexual and reproductive health information and services in Bangladesh. These findings underscore the importance of comprehensive sexuality education that goes beyond a mere health focus and addresses gender norms and helps youth to gain social-sexual interaction skills.  相似文献   

IntroductionPublic health condom promotion efforts increasingly focus on the importance of sexual pleasure; however, little is known about sexual event‐specific factors that may increase or decrease perceptions of sexual pleasure when condoms are used.AimsTo examine event‐level factors associated with ratings of sexual pleasure during condom‐protected vaginal intercourse.MethodsData were collected in 2008 from 1,875 men during a prospective daily diary study of sexual behavior and condom use. Sexual pleasure was assessed during condom‐protected vaginal intercourse considering situational, relational, intrapersonal, and behavioral predictors. Analyses were generalized estimating equation ordinal regression.Main Outcome MeasuresEvent‐specific perceptions of sexual pleasure (three categories: not at all enjoyable to extremely enjoyable).ResultsVaginal intercourse was reported on 29.8% (N = 8,876/29,714) of diary days; complete condom use was reported for 59.1% (5,249/8,876) of all vaginal intercourse events. This was confusing by using the word “all sexual events.” Higher sexual pleasure ratings during complete condom use were associated with older age, manual stimulation of one's genitals, receiving oral sex, and performing oral sex. Sexual pleasure ratings also increased in association with intercourse duration, intercourse intensity, ejaculation, erection perception, and condom comfort. Sexual pleasure ratings were lower with erection difficulty and partner discomfort during sex.ConclusionsThese data advance understanding of sexual pleasure during condom use, suggesting that sexual pleasure increases in conjunction with specific relational, physiological, and condom perceptions. These findings offer points upon which clinicians and health educators can engage men in an ongoing dialogue about augmenting sexual pleasure in the context of condom use. Hensel DJ, Stupiansky NW, Herbenick D, Dodge B, and Reece M. Sexual pleasure during condom‐protected vaginal sex among heterosexual men. J Sex Med 2012;9:1272–1276.  相似文献   

This study sought the views of Chinese parents on sex education and contraception for unmarried youth. Data were drawn from 16 focus group discussions conducted in eight sites in China in 1998-1999 with parents of unmarried children aged 18-24. While parents tended to recognise the reality of changing sexual norms, they were ambivalent with regard to sexual activity among young people and the provision of services to them. To prevent this ambivalence from posing a significant obstacle to the adoption of safe sex behaviours by young people, the dilemmas faced by parents need to be addressed through programmes for parents. Parents were clearly concerned for the well-being of their unmarried children, and keen to see their children protected from unwanted pregnancy and disease; they supported the provision of life skills education and the development of negotiation skills, self-esteem and the ability to exercise informed choice. Parents appeared willing for government to establish educational and service delivery programmes for the unmarried; it is important that government acts upon this.  相似文献   

上海市未婚流动人口对性相关问题的态度和看法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:了解不同性别未婚流动人口对性相关问题的态度和看法。方法:采用结构式匿名问卷对上海市某区1092名15-24周岁未婚流动人口的性与生殖健康知识、态度、行为和需求状况进行调查。结果:仅半数的对象认为男女在婚前应该保持童贞。有相当比例的对象认为在下述几种情况下发生婚前性行为是可以接受的:即使用避孕措施(11.8%)、决定终生相守时(39.3%)和确定关系前看双方是否合适(23.4%)。对“一夜情”、未婚同居、未婚人工流产和性交易行为持接受/理解态度的比例分别为53.1%、78.8%、67.5%和52.4%。男性对这些行为较女性持更为宽容和开放的态度。不论男女调查对象都对男性的性相关行为比较宽容,对女性的则比较保守。有相当比例的对象对婚前性相关问题持不置可否的态度,女性的比例明显高于男性。此外,大多数调查对象认为自己能够尊重对方的意愿或拒绝一厢情愿的性要求。男性比女性受到同伴的影响更大,更容易因为同伴的行为对自己产生心理压力。结论:未婚流动人口对性相关问题的态度较为开放。男性的态度比女性开放;对男性的行为比对女性的宽容。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe development of effective health promotion practices and education programs to reduce rates of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy requires accurate, up-to-date information about young people's sexual behaviors.AimsTo provide prevalence rates on sexual behaviors and condom and contraceptive use for Australian year 10–12 heterosexual students in a nationally representative sample.MethodsA nationally representative sample of 2,301 male and 2,055 female year 10 through 12 heterosexual students were recruited to an online survey about their lifetime sexual behaviors and condom and contraceptive use. Means and 95% confidence intervals of weighted data, based on the national census, were reported.OutcomesThe main outcomes of this study were prevalence of sexual behaviors by gender (excluding trans and gender diverse) and prevalence of contraception and condom use among sexually active students by gender.ResultsThe most common sexual behavior was masturbation (96.3% of male students, 78.9% of female students), and the least common behavior was anal or vaginal sex (43.7% of male students, 48.5% of female students). Of the sexually active students, condoms were used by 78.1% of male students and 77.5% of female students at first sexual experience and by 65.1% of male students and 56.8% of female students at their most recent sexual experience, whereas 91.6% of male students and 92.3% of female students used some form of contraception at most recent sexual experience.Clinical TranslationResults provide up-to-date information on the practices clinicians who are likely to encounter with heterosexual cisgender adolescent populations in Australia.Strengths & LimitaitonsThe study represents the largest representative cohort of adolescents in Australia to date. However, comparisons with previous representative studies were limited owing to differing samples by age and culture.ConclusionsCompared with earlier Australian studies, young heterosexual cisgender people today engage in slightly less oral and penetrative sexual behaviors, with the exception of more women receiving oral sex, and are generally consistent in condom and contraceptive use.Fisher CM, Kauer S, Mikolajczak G, et al. Prevalence Rates of Sexual Behaviors, Condom Use, and Contraception Among Australian Heterosexual Adolescents. J Sex Med 2020;17:2313–2321.  相似文献   

上海市郊未婚青年的性行为和避孕使用状况   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
目的 :了解未婚青年的性行为与避孕使用状况。方法 :对上海市某效县 1 3 0 4名 1 7~ 2 4岁社区示婚青年进行了匿名自填问卷调查。结果 :对象的性行为发生率为 1 8.4% ,避孕使用率为 2 1 .3 %。多因素分析显示 :男性年龄越大、年收入越高、在三资、私人与个体企业工作以及认为婚前性为对男性有益 (满足生理需求和稳定恋爱关系等 )或无影响者 ,其性行为发生率较高 ;女性受教育程度越低、年收入越高、不是每日在家居住以及对婚前性行为持较开放态度者 ,其性行为的发生率也较高。男性年龄越小、避孕知识得分越高者 ;而女性受教育程度越高、避孕知识得分越高以及认为未婚人工流产影响其健康和声誉者 ,其避孕方法使用率较高。结论 :未婚青年的无保护性性行为使他们面临未婚人工流产、性传播疾病等高度危险 ,在向他们提供性相关知识教育的同时 ,有必要提供避孕及健康咨询服务  相似文献   

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