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物资采购管理水平的高低,直接影响医院的社会效益和经济效益.在医院经济管理改革实践中,本院不断优化物资采购流程,整合完善物资管理软件系统,提高了物资采、供、管效能,实现了物资的采购计划、领用和出入库管理网上运行,有效提高了医院物资管理的自动化程度.  相似文献   

目的:提高战备物资的调配速度和战地使用管理的信息化水平。方法:利用射频识别和网络技术,扫描医疗物资射频识别码信息,实现医疗物资的自动识别和统计管理。结果:系统实现了医疗物资的快速出入库、战地物资发放和消耗统计智能化,缩短了库房盘点时间,提高了野战医疗所医疗的响应速度和战地物资的管理效率。结论:系统的研制完成,保证了野战医疗所的物资管理最佳备用状态和战地补给的及时性,对于提高野战医疗所的快速反应能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 :进一步完善战储物资的可视化、智能化管理模式,提高物资保障效能。方法 :采用虚拟现实技术,构建三维战储物资仓库,以虚拟场景漫游的方式进行维护操作,同时模拟战储物资抽组推演。结果:虚拟三维战储物资仓库功能完善、显示直观、运行顺畅,能实现战储物资全方位的可视化管理。结论:该物资仓库可提高物资管理效率,增强卫勤保障能力。  相似文献   

王军  刘建军  曹敏 《医疗卫生装备》2010,31(4):80-80,100
分析了野战医疗所物资装备的管理现状。根据装备的性质、性能和使用目的,运用信息化管理野战医疗所物资装备,使物资装备使用、维修、保养工作更趋科学完善,既满足了野战医疗所物资装备平战结合的使用.又达到了随时执行遂行任务的需要,提高了物资装备的管理和使用效益。  相似文献   

消毒供应室物资管理系统的建设和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘粉丽  尹小青 《医疗装备》2006,19(11):18-19
我院消毒供应室应用物资管理软件系统,有力保障了临床一线物资的及时供应,减少了差错,提高了工作效率和管理水平。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种战备库房仓储管理及分发系统,提高医用急救物资发放、转运效率,缩短应急响应时间。方法:把现代仓储管理、条码管理系统、医院信息管理系统结合起来,由计算机系统将战备物资管理系统与医院信息管理系统连接起来,由计算机终端进行物资转运控制及协调。结果:该系统实现了仓储物资管理的自动管理,发挥了医院物资管理的优势,从而降低了战备物资存储的成本。结论:该系统具有投资小、效率高等特点,为医用战备物资的转运及管理提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

目的:为了提高战备物资管理的现代化水平,设计一种战备医疗物资仓储管理系统,针对战备医疗救援相关设备、耗材、药材、被装等物资进行智能化管理,以避免发生物资和账目的混乱。方法:设计基于J2EE架构,建立基于Oracle11i平台的数据中心,局域网内计算终端可以通过JDBC、JSP、JavaMail实现数据访问,具有可伸缩性、易于维护等优点。结果:系统实现了战备医疗物资编码、分类、日常维护、应急箱包组合等功能,提高了应急物资管理的智能化。结论:系统具有投资小、效率高的特点,为军队战备医疗物资的管理提供了现代化管理手段,降低了分队响应时间,为应急救治争取到宝贵的时间。  相似文献   

目的实现物资的全生命周期管理。配合物资管理程序,从物资入库开始到最终的消耗,由系统全程跟踪,以达到提高管理质量,节约成本的目的。方法分析医院物资管理中面临的各种问题,提出物资管理的方法和流程。从系统的架构设计、关键技术、应用体会等方面介绍本系统。结果实现了物资仓库的全流程、条码化管理。结论利用条形码、无线网络等成熟先进技术可以更好地实现对物资的管理。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨预见性三级物资管理模式在援鄂医疗队新冠肺炎病区管理中的应用效果。方法 采用预见性三级物资管理模式对新疆第三批援鄂医疗队的医疗物资进行管理,并比较实施前后物资拿取及时率、物资冗余率、物资交接时间及一次性备齐诊疗操作物品所需时间。结果 实施预见性三级物资管理模式后,各区域物资拿取及时率提高、物资冗余率降低,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);物资交接时间及输液、采血、吸氧物品备齐所需时间均较实施前缩短,医护人员满意度较实施前提高(80.13% VS 96.15%),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 预见性三级物资管理模式能够加强前瞻性救治策略,实现新冠肺炎病区物资精准化、科学化管理,有效提高援鄂救治物资管理效能,使医护双方满意,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的卫生战备物资智能管理系统的研发   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
左娅佳 《医疗卫生装备》2007,28(11):19-21,25
目的:用现代信息技术手段,解决各级卫生机构战备物资储备管理落后的问题。方法:根据战备物资管理的具体要求,以业务管理系统为核心,RFID技术、计算机模拟仓库形式为手段,建立系统间数据的双向互连。结果:成功研发一套“卫生战备物资智能管理系统”系列软件。结论:实现了对卫生战备物资智能化、可视化管理,从而为提高战备物资管理效率和水平奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Industry forecasters have predicted that most hospitals will belong to a multi-hospital system or an alliance by the end of this decade or they will simply disappear. This will concomitantly expand and contract the role of materiel managers, while creating new challenges for them in free-standing hospitals or in a multi-hospital system environment. What should materiel management's role be in this new arena? What functions or activities should materiel management be responsible for functionally or administratively? How should a hospital or multi-hospital system's materiel management department be organized to meet this new challenge? What relationship should evolve between hospital divisions and the system's materiel management department? Who should control the purchasing, inventories, and distribution for hospital divisions? What functions should be centralized and what should be decentralized? The answers to these questions will be discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Hospital mergers afford healthcare providers the chance to take advantage of economies of scale, integrate clinical, administrative and support functions, eliminate functional redundancies and redesign patient care delivery. This article explains how such advantages were realized, demonstrated through a hypothetical case based on information obtained from actual mergers. A corporate materiel management division was established, and centralized warehousing, product evaluation and purchasing instituted. Some management positions were eliminated or restructured and patient care services were closed, relocated, or opened among the various entities in the merger. Through these and other changes, the new healthcare system was about to realize about $1.7 million in one-time savings and expects savings in the seven digits over at least the next three years. The article concludes that as hospital mergers continue to increase, the position of corporate director of materiel management will evolve as the next logical career step for materiel management professionals.  相似文献   

Materiel management personnel undoubtedly believe that in the past they have done all within their power to cut costs, increase efficiency and comply with their facility's productivity requirements. However, with healthcare reform and associated changes, it will be necessary for them to develop additional creative ideas--and implement innovative information system solutions--to improve the materiel management operations. EDI and decentralized inventory management at remote locations will become prominent as health care continues to move out of the hospital. Closer working relationships with physicians and other providers in coordinated networks to match cost-effective products to improved clinical outcomes will occur. And with additional regulation, materiel managers can, ironically, expect increased demand for documentation.  相似文献   

Computerized information systems use in material management is expected to increase over the next decade. The goal of computerization is to improve information and productivity. However, without a through understanding of materiel management inventory control techniques implemented through the software, meeting this goal is questionable at best. Using computerized information systems inefficiently by ignoring a significant number of the system's recommendations, using inaccurate data, circumventing procedures or using the wrong set of inventory control techniques can create a poor environment for decision-making. Material managers need to understand each inventory control technique available through their computerized system, their associated underlying assumptions and the implications of each on the quality and usefulness of information generated.  相似文献   

One of the most difficult challenges a materiel manager can face is designing different programs to support materiel management services for specific clinical and ancillary areas of the hospital. While basic service standards for purchasing and logistic services should exist for all areas, a large part of how effective a materiel management department is depends on customized program development. In other words, fine tuning services to major customers, such as the Operating Room, can mean the difference between simply filling supply orders and aggressive cost control. This article reviews how Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, MA) maintains consistency in standardizing materiel services while adapting to the requirements of individual departments, such as Surgical Services.  相似文献   

When evaluating materiel management systems for your needs into the 1990s, be aware that the hardware you choose could be just as important as the software. It should 1) provide flexibility for growth, 2) provide access to a unified database for departments on-site as well as in remote locations, and 3) be easily managed and maintained by those that need it for critical day-to-day information. Software developers are already incorporating the new technologies in their programs and systems designs for the 1990s. Being up-to-date on the new hardware and new software will help you evaluate the right materiel management information system.  相似文献   

实现医院科技档案信息化管理,是当前医院科技档案管理部门的一项重要而紧迫的任务。本文从实际工作出发,探讨医院科技档案信息化建设及管理的发展思路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to overview the state-of-the-art computer applications in nutrition and dietetics, outline considerations for computerizing, present a series of questions to ask, outline steps involved in computerizing, discuss the potential impact that computerizing will have on personnel policies and procedures, and conclude with recommendations on how to avoid common pitfalls which may be encountered when computerizing nutritional service operations. In short, the purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive strategy to facilitate computerizing nutritional service operations in health care facilities.  相似文献   

Our 1993 professional survey showed materiel managers gearing for change, as they expect to see their ranks decrease in number but gain influence. Central service managers seem to be warily watching CS contract services. Salaries increased more for materiel managers than CS managers, though both showed some losses in some regions. Bed size again had a direct bearing on compensation, and those who made more tended to have more benefits. Benefits were lost by 14 percent of materiel managers and 21 percent of CS managers. Few of either group changed jobs. Materiel managers again reported in the largest numbers to finance and CS to materiel management, though this reporting structure seems to be weakening. Education gains were up for both groups, and membership to one or more associations was high for both groups. Materiel managers seem more satisfied with their jobs than they did last year, but CS managers seem decidely less satisfied.  相似文献   

Capitation...most healthcare providers do not work under it, comprehend it, or even want it, yet supply capitation contracting seminars are popping up everywhere creating the feeling that the bandwagon is leaving, and it might be time to get on board. Not true. Supply capitation is not for all organizations. Capitation contracting is not easy and there are not many successful models to help the uninitiated. If a panacea is sought for reducing supply costs, capitation is only one component of a systematic strategy to reduce materiel costs. This article suggests a direction using the Group Health Materiel Management (Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, WA) experience as a point of reference. It advocates a systematic approach that focuses on expense reduction in: cost of goods, holding cost of inventory, labor cost associated with all materiel processes, distribution cost (transportation and par stock pick, pack, and replenishment), product utilization, variation in product standards, and waste stream byproducts. At Group Health (GH) these issues are primarily addressed through the use of: information systems, supplier certification/selection processes, group purchasing compliance, supply channel management, supply capitation contracting programs, standardization, and utilization management. Because of managed care organizational structure, Group Health Cooperative supply capitation contracting, as performed at GH, is discussed not as a quick fix solution but in the spirit of sharing our experience with others who may be considering it as a cost savings tactic in the context of a broad-based materiel management strategy. This article highlights the experiences of GH beginning with materiel management's business process assumptions toward multiple-franchise supply capitation.  相似文献   

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