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目的分析大学附属医院青年医师科研能力培养的重要性及相关科研产出,为进一步加强科研人才培养提供参考。方法以北京大学口腔医院为例,分析青年医师获得基金、发表论文情况。结果北京大学口腔医院青年医师近五年获批国家级和省部级基金项目呈现逐年增多趋势;发表论文总数无明显变化,但其中SCI收录的论文所占比例增加。结论北京大学口腔医院系列人才培养政策有利于青年科研人才培养,已有相当数量的青年医师具备承担国家级基金项目和发表高水平论文的科研实力。  相似文献   

研究生论文在医院科研发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨研究生论文在医院科研发展中的作用;方法:对2003--2007年本院研究生发表论文情况进行回顾性分析。结果:研究生发表论文数量、质量逐年上升,对医院的科研发展起到了促进作用。结论:研究生论文质量有待于进一步提高;论文质量与学科发展密切相关。  相似文献   

对广东省几所重点高校近几年在自然科学学报上发表研究生的论文数进行了统计分析。随着研究生招生工作的扩招,研究生在学报上发表论文的需求会不断增长,高校学报要注意开发这部分的稿源,一是增加来稿的数量,使可刊登论文的筛选率增大;二是配合高等教育的特点和需要,培养合格的研究型人才。  相似文献   

目的 为了解护理论文书写的质量和护理科研水平.方法 对南京医科大学第二附属医院2009-2013年护理人员发表的论文在数量、质量、类别、分布等情况进行统计分析.结果 该院近5年发表的护理论文总数较多,基本呈现逐年上升趋势,统计源期刊的论文数量也在不断增长.不同职称和不同学历的护理人员所发表论文数量与质量存在差异.结论 加强护理人才培养,加大科技论文奖励力度,建立长效考核机制等,是提高护理科技论文数量和质量的关键.  相似文献   

目的分析浙江省疾病预防控制中心2001-2008年期间专业论文发表情况,探讨该中心成立以来业务发展和人才趋势,总结成绩,找出问题,为中心科研和疾病预防提供依据.方法以浙江省卫生厅"浙卫发[2002]285号"文件刊物名录为标准,对8年来发表论文的期刊等级、数量、专业人员情况进行统计.结果 2001-2008年间浙江省疾病预防控制中心共发表论文1328篇,2003年后在SCI收录期刊发表论文逐年增多.结论浙江省疾病预防控制中心成立以来论文发表数量逐年递增,中级职称论文发表数量居多;高级职称论文个人绝对数和论文质量均居疾控中心发表论文的首位.这提示高级职称在疾控中心业务的开展起到领军作用.  相似文献   

目的分析浙江省疾病预防控制中心2001--2008年期间专业论文发表情况,探讨该中心成立以来业务发展和人才趋势,总结成绩,找出问题,为中心科研和疾病预防提供依据。方法以浙江省卫生厅“浙卫发[2002]285号”文件刊物名录为标准,对8年来发表论文的期刊等级、数量、专业人员情况进行统计。结果2001--2008年间浙江省疾病预防控制中心共发表论文1328篇,2003年后在SCI收录期刊发表论文逐年增多。结论浙江省疾病预防控制中心成立以来论文发表数量逐年递增,中级职称论文发表数量居多;高级职称论文个人绝对数和论文质量均居疾控中心发表论文的首位。这提示高级职称在疾控中心业务的开展起到领军作用。  相似文献   

"九五"期间上海第二医科大学SCI收录论文的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的进一步了解“九五”期间上海第二医科大学被SCI收录科技论文的现状;方法运用统计学χ^2检验、回归分析等方法对被SCI收录的科技论文从发表年度等四个方面进行一系列统计和分析;结果学校论文发表数量基本逐年增加,不同附属单位和学科间论文产出差异较大,与临床结合学科产量突出且重点学科优势显著。结论提高学校科技论文发表的数量和质量及提升学校的总体科研水平,必须从培养创新精神等方面入手。  相似文献   

【目的】 深入了解目前研究生群体在论文写作方面遇到的困难和论文指导课程开设的现状,探索融媒体时代由导师、研究生学院、高校学报、图书馆等联合培养研究生论文写作的新模式,以及联合培养模式下高校学报所发挥的作用。 【方法】 通过开展问卷调查,了解目前研究生学术论文写作指导开展的方式、遇到的困难以及期望的学术论文指导方式等。【结果】 目前高校开展的研究生论文指导课程仍不能满足研究生作者的需求,被调查研究生对已开设的论文指导课程满意度欠佳,不同年级、不同学位类型和不同学科的研究生在论文写作方面普遍存在问题,研究生作者期望得到导师、期刊编辑、审稿专家、高产作者等的联合指导。【结论】 高校应充分利用网络及新媒体资源,开展研究生论文写作的联合培养模式,高校学报应充分利用自身优势和新媒体平台,通过与校内多部门合作以及与其他兄弟期刊联合,同时调动审稿专家与高产作者资源,形成线上线下相结合的多样化指导模式,培养优秀的研究生作者。  相似文献   

为了解北京大学第一医院研究生发表论文的情况,检索了2004-2008年度<科学引文索引>网络版、<中国期刊全文专题数据库>和<维普数据资源系统>等数据库收录的以北京大学第一医院为第一作者在国内、外期刊发表的论文,对论文的数量、SCI论文的期刊影响因子年平均分等进行了统计,并从中筛选、统计研究生发表的论文的情况.结果发现研究生发表的SCI论文占全院SCI论文的45.8%,其中重点学科研究生发表的SCI论文又占研究生发表的SCI论文的90.3%.表明研究生在全院SCI论文的产出中占有重要的位置.  相似文献   

中山医院近年科技论文的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 通过对本院1998年-2000年发表的论文进行统计分析,从一个侧面探讨本院临床,科研工作的优势,特色和存在的问题,进而提出相应的对策。方法 统计1998年-2000年间本院各科论文发表数,课题数和研究生数,并对统计期资料进行回顾性分析。结果 3年中,本院在国内外各类学术期刊上共发表论文1891篇,分别为551篇,631篇和709篇,年均增长13.5%,在国外杂志上发表的论文数分别为23篇,23篇和31篇,在中华系列杂志上发表的论文数分别为124篇,128篇和141篇。具有高级职称的人员发表的论文数超过总数的1/2,研究生为第一作者发表的论文数约占总数的20%;列为各级重点学科的科室,其论文数,课题数和承担的研究生培养任务分别占45.69%,48.37%和46.04%。结论 论文数量呈逐年上升趋势,但论文质量还有待进一步提高;论文发表与研究生培养密切相关;具有高级职称的人员是本院科研工作的骨干;论文发表与学科发展密切相关。  相似文献   

赵海艳  郝明  常海波  王琪 《现代保健》2009,(26):183-184
医学研究生是高级专业人才,在当今社会,其人文素质的重要性不亚于专业素质。本文着重分析了医学研究生人文素质教育的必要性、存在的问题和加强医学研究生人文素质教育的途径,以便我国医药院校更好地培养医学研究生的人文素质,提高其综合素质,以适应社会的发展。  相似文献   

The coordinated dietetic internship/master's degree program (CDI/MDP) was formed in 1965 as a consortium of three hospitals and a university combining a hospital internship and graduate degree program. As of 1984, there were 317 graduates. The purpose of this study was to determine the employment, professional activity, and further education profiles of graduates in a 20-year period. The critical path method (CPM) was used as the blueprint for the 6-month project in which 267 questionnaires were sent and 152 were returned. Findings on areas of practice of graduates of the CDI/MDP indicated that their employment generally follows the same rankings as those found in previous studies of internship, CUP, and Plan IV programs, except for greater frequency of employment in education. Activities in professional associations were notable, with many graduates serving as officers or committee members. Twenty-one percent of respondents have earned or are in the process of pursuing study beyond the master of science earned with the internship. This may indicate that students interested in completing an internship/master's program have a strong achievement orientation or that they have an unusually high regard for education. Our findings provide valuable data for understanding the career impact of advanced education combined with the internship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Context: The number of studies on long‐term effects of rural medical education programs is limited. Personal factors that are associated with long‐term retention of physicians in rural areas are scarcely known. Purpose: The authors studied the outcomes of Jichi Medical University (JMU), whose mission is to produce rural doctors, and analyzed the characteristics of its graduates who engaged in rural practice even after their 9‐year obligation of rural practice. Method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted including 2,988 JMU students who graduated between 1978 and 2006. Baseline data were collected at matriculation and graduation. Workplace addresses were surveyed in 2000, 2004, and 2006. Follow‐up rates were 98.7%, 98.2%, and 98.0% respectively. Findings: After their obligation period, JMU graduates were 4 times more likely than non‐JMU graduates to work in rural areas. The higher proportion of JMU graduates in rural areas did not change significantly between 1994 and 2004. The rural recruitment rate of post‐obligation JMU graduates was somewhat lower than rates reported for top rural medical education programs in the United States. In multivariate analyses, rural upbringing and primary care specialty were positively associated with having a rural address in at least one post‐obligation study year (OR 1.89 [95% CI 1.27‐2.81]; and 7.63 [4.37‐13.34], respectively) and settlement (ie, having a rural address over multiple years) after the contract (1.90 [1.04‐3.48]; and 32.07 [4.43‐232.24], respectively). Graduation from a private high school had a negative association with recruitment (0.56 [0.33‐0.96]). Conclusions: JMU was successful in increasing the number and retention of rural physicians. Rural origin and primary care specialty have a positive impact on both recruitment and retention after the rural obligation.  相似文献   

目的:了解某高校本科生新生和硕士研究生新生健康素养状况,分析影响因素,为改善学生健康素养水平提供依据。方法制定调查问卷,采取整群抽样的方法,选取某高校本科一年级全体新生和校本部硕士一年级全体新生,共537人做健康素养问卷调查,共回收有效问卷484份。结果某高校新生具备健康素养的比例为15.91%;健康素养三个方面,具备健康生活方式与行为素养的比例最低,为11.16%;五类健康问题方面,具备慢性病预防素养的比例最低,为15.29%;健康素养总体得分显示,本科生新生高于硕士研究生新生(P<0.01)、独生子女高于非独生子女(P<0.0001)、城镇生源高于农村生源(P<0.01)、家庭平均月收入5000元及以上的高于不足5000元的(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析显示,是否独生子女、健康知识获取途径、对健康教育的内容和形式的满意程度的不同自我评价是具备健康素养与否的影响因素。结论某高校新生的健康素养总体水平较低,学校应重点加强健康生活方式与行为方面和慢性病预防方面的健康促进工作,对男生、研究生、非独生子女、农村生源、家庭经济条件较差的学生群体予以重点关注,满足学生对提升健康素养的不同需求。  相似文献   

At the conclusion of undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom most students pass a university qualifying examination and obtain a degree in medicine and surgery. Some students pass an external non-university qualifying examination in medicine as an alternative to obtaining a degree, and some do both. The degree may be obtained in the same year as the non-university qualifying examination, or in a different year. Some students from a medical school intake qualify in a later year than expected, for various reasons. Data from university, Health Department and other sources may relate to the academic year, the calendar year, or a fixed date such as 30 September. It is not a simple exercise, therefore, to define the exact number of people who qualify to practise medicine, for the first time, in any given 'year'. In counting qualifiers from individual medical schools, the problems are further compounded by the movement of students between the preclinical and clinical stages of the course, particularly from Oxford and Cambridge to London teaching hospitals. This paper analyses the situation for the calendar years 1977 and 1983, showing a decline in the number of students obtaining double (i.e. both university and non-university) qualifications. The number of UK graduates not registering with the General Medical Council to practise, at least for a time, in the UK was small, and the population base compiled for Medical Career Research Group studies was reasonably accurate in each of the 2 years examined.  相似文献   

Background/aim: The transition from classroom to clinical practice is a necessary and challenging journey for occupational therapy students. In recent years, worldwide trends in occupational therapy education are moving towards graduate‐entry in professional preparation courses. Little is known about the journey experienced by these graduates when they enter practice. This qualitative study aimed to explore the lived experience of these graduates in their transition from student to practitioner within first six months of practice. Methods: A phenomenological approach was adopted for this study. Using purposive sampling, eight participants from a recent graduate cohort of the Master of Occupational Therapy from the University of Sydney were recruited. Data was collected via in‐depth, face‐to‐face interviews. The focus of inquiry was on the experience of transition. Interviews were audio‐taped, transcribed and analysed thematically. Member checking and consensus coding were conducted to increase trustworthiness of the study. Results: Four themes emerged from the interview data. The themes were (i) valuing maturity; (ii) being new; (iii) needing skills; and (iv) pursuing satisfaction. Participants described metaphors about their experience across and within these themes. Conclusions: Recognising the experience of transition from student to practitioner has the potential to assist university staff in the development of the educational curriculum. Understanding this transition can also help employers and therapists in providing adequate support and supervision for new graduates. Furthermore, awareness of the transition experience allows students to better prepare themselves for their own transition to practice.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine how symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may confer drinking risk as students with trauma histories complete college and move toward independent adulthood. Students (N = 283) completed assessments of trauma, posttraumatic stress, and alcohol use and consequences at four time points during the year following their fourth year of college. Some students had transitioned out of the college environment, whereas others had not. We examined how transition status moderated within-person associations between changes in PTSD and corresponding changes in alcohol outcomes over time. Using multilevel modeling, we examined differences in within-person PTSD-alcohol associations comparing students who were (1) continuing as fifth-year seniors, (2) graduated and pursuing graduate education, and (3) graduated and left the university setting. Alcohol use and consequences tended to decline on average from the fourth to fifth year post-matriculation. Yet, within-person increases in posttraumatic stress symptomatology across the fifth year were associated with greater alcohol consequences, but only for those students who had left the university setting. These data suggest that the transition out of college may be an important developmental context that is associated with increased vulnerability for negative consequences from stress-related drinking. Findings may have important implications for campus-based prevention efforts geared toward the facilitation of a successful transition into independent adulthood.  相似文献   

某卫校学生乙肝病毒感染状况及四年后追踪调查结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解医学生在校学习期间HBV感染情况及其变化规律,为学校乙肝防治工作提供依据.方法:应用ELISA法对1999年入学的370名新生进行了乙肝感染五项标志物检测,2003年毕业体检时做了同样指标的追踪调查.结果:新生入学时HBsAg阳性率为6.49%,HBV感染率为20.27%,毕业体检时HBsAg阳性的学生增加了17例,HBsAg阳性率为11.23%,HBV感染率为26.85%,两者相比其差异有显著性意义(P<0.05).在17例新增的HBsAg阳性的学生中,护士生占13例.结论:医学生是HBV感染的危险人群,应加强预防乙肝健康宣教和学生自身保护意识,在入学时对易感者及时接种乙肝疫苗.  相似文献   

Sophisticated information technology systems have made distance education both possible and highly desirable. Distance graduate research degrees have contributed to the globalization of occupational therapy research. An exploratory study using qualitative methodology was conducted to further understand the perspectives of four distance students and three supervisors. All students perceived many personal and professional advantages in undertaking graduate study by distance; however, they acknowledged a number of challenges, such as social isolation and lack of access to resources. Supervisors and students identified issues relating to the university bureaucracy, infrastructure, time and isolation. A number of supports that promote successful graduate education were identified, including associate supervisors, on-campus residency and informal social networks. Students and supervisors needed excellent time management and communication skills, and a commitment to maintaining contact. Students needed to balance multiple demands and supervisors needed to be student advocates. The small sample size in this study limits generalizability of the findings. Further research into methods of optimizing the use of information technology is required. An awareness of the issues and challenges is essential if graduate distance education is to be a mutually beneficial experience for supervisors and students. Copyright © 2000 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

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