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报道一例临床罕见的荒酸二甲酯中毒致全身表皮坏死松解症病人的救治过程,总结了护理方法。正确的创面处理,适时的知识宣教,恰当的心理疏导及必要的基础护理不仅促进了创面的愈合,更减少了感染等并发症的发生。  相似文献   

荒酸二甲酯致接触性变应性皮炎11例临床分析江苏省常州市职业病防治所(健身路,213000)翟明芬,庄莹,李程丽荒酸二甲酯,化学名为氰亚胺二硫代碳酸二甲酯,是生产药物西米替丁的中间体,有强烈的致敏性,可引起全身广泛的接触性变应性皮炎,1988~1991...  相似文献   

我院近来收治 2例职业性接触荒酸二甲酯引起重症多形红斑患者 ,经积极治疗 ,均痊愈出院 ,现报告如下。例 1 患者男 ,4 5岁 ,已婚 ,农民操作工。因全身皮肤红斑疱疹 2 6d于 2 0 0 1年 3月 2 2日下午 2时入院。患者于 2 0 0 1年 2月 17日始在某乡镇化工厂从事荒酸二甲酯的生产工作 ,6d后双手背部、前臂出现红斑 ,自感微痒 ,未做任何治疗 ,数日后发现胸腹部、背部、面颈部、四肢出现红色斑疹 ,其中可见大水疱 ,初起时边界清楚 ,后逐渐融合成片 ,内有无色液体。先后给予静脉滴注洁霉素、先锋霉素、清开灵等药物(具体剂量不详 )及外用皮炎平治…  相似文献   

荒酸二甲酯对皮肤的职业危害分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荒酸二甲酯对皮肤的职业危害分析李程丽,翟明芬,庄莹,彭文彬,王琴芳,马全兴荒酸二甲酯(C4H6N2S2)系生产西米替了的中间体。有关荒酸二甲酯的职业危害,尚未见报道。近年来,我们在职业病防治中发现荒酸二甲酯能引起严重的皮肤损害。本文对96例接触人群资...  相似文献   

接触性皮炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
接触性皮炎是指身体接触外源性刺激物后,如化纤衣着、化妆品、药物等,发生的急性或慢性炎性反应。其临床特点为在接触部位发生边缘鲜明的损害:轻者为水肿性红斑;较重者有丘疹、水疱甚至大疱;更严重者则可有表皮松解,甚至坏死。  相似文献   

荒酸二甲酯 ,系甲氰咪呱的中间体 ,多因接触致敏。由前臂直接接触荒酸而首先发病 ,而后延至面、颈及四肢呈弥漫性融合性暗红色红斑样损害 ,其界限不清 ,表面有多数大疱并融合破溃 ,皮损表现为Ⅱ度烫伤样剥离面并伴有大量渗液 ,该文重点阐述其治疗及护理是预后好坏的关键  相似文献   

结合工作实践,从密切联系现场情况,斑试试验必须用工人操作时的实际接触物,工业就变性接触性皮 能有IgG 参加3方面总结了变应性接触性皮炎与职业接触的关系。  相似文献   

小鼠背部变应性接触性皮炎模型的建立   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的建立小鼠背部变应性接触性皮炎(allergic contact dermatitis,ACD)模型.方法用二硝基氟苯(dinitrofluorobenzene,DNFB)分别建立小鼠背部及耳廓ACD模型,比较两种模型在不同时间点皮肤肿胀度及HE染色炎细胞数量变化情况.结果①背部ACD肿胀度大于耳廓ACD肿胀度,配对t检验,t=6.39,P<0.01,并且两种模型的肿胀度变化呈正相关. ②背部ACD较耳廓ACD单一核细胞数量少,多形核细胞数量多,前者t=8.59,P<0 .01,后者t=6.05,P<0.01;两模型的细胞数量变化呈正相关.结论背部ACD模型可以代替耳廓ACD模型用于评价抗炎药物.背部模型肿胀度高,适合肉眼判断皮炎程度.  相似文献   

山辣椒又称威灵仙,属中药毛莨科植物,性味辛温,有祛风除湿、通络止痛、消炎解毒的功能。本组病例均采用山辣椒秧鲜根或嫩叶捣烂,外敷关节处治疗风湿痹痛、肢体麻木、瘫痪。结果在接触部位的皮肤发生接触性皮炎。现报告如下。  相似文献   

67 例因接触汞蒸气致接触性皮炎患者, 37 例服用氯雷他定, 30 例服用息斯敏。经临床疗效观察, 氯雷他定优于息斯敏。  相似文献   

目的:阐述低分子右旋糖酐过敏反应的急救和护理。方法:针对1例临床病例进行回顾性分析。结果:经过及时适当的抢救与护理,病人转危为安。结论:密切观察、及时发现、及早处理是抢救成功的关键。  相似文献   

Occupational contact dermatitis is often of multifactorial origin, and it is difficult to determine the relative significance of the various contributing factors. Contact allergies are relevant in 20-50% of recognised occupational contact dermatitis cases. The reported frequency in different studies varies, depending on differences in how occupational diseases are notified and recognised, in types of occupation in a geographical area, and the "quality" of the dermatological examination, including the accuracy of the diagnostic patch-test investigation. However, the clinical relevance of the reported contact allergies is often uncertain. Many occupational contact dermatitis patients with documented contact allergies develop chronic eczema, in spite of work changes and attempted allergen avoidance. Recognition/non-recognition of a notified case may be based on circumstantial evidence, because of difficulties in the establishing of a firm proof of work exposure and subsequent development of skin disease. Reliable quantitative exposure measuring techniques are needed. Methods are developed for the measurement of exposure to allergens such as nickel and acrylates, which makes it possible for exposure-effect relationships to be established with increased certainty. For prevention of allergic contact dermatitis it was a major step forward, with mandatory ingredient labelling of cosmetic products. However, improved labelling of the presence of contact allergens in household and industrial products is needed. For the identification of hazardous contact allergenic compounds, guinea pig or mice assays are still required. The local lymph node assay (LLNA), which is an objective and sensitive mouse assay has now been internationally validated and accepted.  相似文献   

A case of the hands and face dermatitis in a patient employed in a store with motor-car spare parts is presented. Both the patient and her doctor were convinced that skin lesions were caused by the contact with metals, oils and greases. After detecting allergy to primine (after 48 and 96 h, + +), the patient recalled that two months earlier she had started to grow primrose (Primula obconica) at home. Patch tests with the primrose leaf and flower were also positive (+ +). The presented case provides evidence that routine primine testing is essential in all patients with suspected contact allergy dermatitis. In Poland like in the majority of countries, primina is not included in the standard kit.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of electrophilicity in the induction of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in humans, we compared the structure-activity relationship (SAR) model of ACD with those of electrophilic and nonelectrophilic subsets of chemicals in the ACD database. For these analyses, electrophilicity was defined as the potential of a chemical to induce mutations in Salmonella. It was found that electrophilicity accounted for approximately 30-40% of ACD-inducing ability, and the remainder was associated with nonelectrophilic structures. The identification of these moieties opens the possibility for studying their role in ACD.  相似文献   

化妆品过敏的常见变应原及诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
化妆品过敏是皮肤科研究的重点之一。本文就化妆品过敏的常见变应原(香料、防腐剂和对苯二胺)及诊断做一综述。  相似文献   

三氯乙烯可引起药疹样皮炎以及肝、肾、心、脑、肺等重要脏器功能损害。通过对4例三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎患者救治经过的分析,提示糖皮质激素对三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎救治效果良好,但其引起的继发感染、消化道出血、血糖升高、骨质疏松等并发症不容忽视,临床需加强对本病引发多系统损害的观察。  相似文献   

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