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一起冷饮引起的学校内甲型肝炎暴发调查江阴市卫生防疫站孙旦,潘永华,姚祖述1995年4月13日~5月4日江阴市璜土中学发生一起甲肝暴发,发病40人,经用1:2配对调查,查明可能的暴发因素为塑料袋装饮料,报告如下。1调查方法1.1制订调查表首先对暴发现场...  相似文献   

我院自1992年1月至2001年12月共抢救治疗鼠药中毒患者18例 ,现总结报告如下。1临床资料1 1一般资料本组病例均为我院急诊抢救的患者 ,其中男15例 ,女3例 ;年龄4~48岁 ,其中4~12岁幼儿9例 ,13~39岁5例 ,40~48岁4例 ;中度中毒8例 ,重度中毒10例 ;中毒药物及剂量 :毒鼠强中毒11例 ,氟乙酰胺中毒5例 ,磷化锌中毒2例。因其鼠药毒性大 ,小剂量即可引起中毒。18例患者均经口中毒 ,其中企图自杀4例、误服5例、他人投毒9例 ;从发现到入院时间15min~2 5h,平均0 5h。1 2诊断依据①…  相似文献   

1997年罗马尼亚麻疹暴发流行戴振威译余文周校(安徽省卫生防疫站230061)1996年12月1日至1997年9月30日,罗马尼亚国家卫生部报告共发生麻疹20,034例(发病率88.7/10万),死亡13例。暴发始于1996年12月,1997年5月达...  相似文献   

1998年12月8~24日,在灌云县宁海乡突发37例甲型副伤寒病人,死亡1例,经省、市、县三级卫生防疫专业人员调查,证实为经水传播的甲型副伤寒暴发疫情,现将调查情况报告如下。1 疫情概况本次暴发共发病37例,罹患率为168.5/10万。病人分布于该乡9个行政村,其中发生15例的1个村,7例的1个村,4例和2例的各2个村,1例的3个村。患者年龄最大67岁,最小5岁;主要集中在5~14岁,占发病数的81.1%,男女性比值为1.64∶1。中小学生31例,占发病总数的83.7%,首例病人12月8日发病,…  相似文献   

1起眼部医院感染暴发流行的分析首都医科大学宣武医院张京利(北京100053)1流行情况1996年12月20~21日两天内我院眼科病房5名患者发生急性结膜炎,男4例,女1例,年龄32~74岁,60岁以上3人,分布于3个病室。2控制措施将5名患者集中一室...  相似文献   

一起水灾冲毁铜矿尾砂坝引发的腹泻病暴发谢立舒丽萍1994年7月12~13日,大冶县连降百年不遇的特大暴雨,形成的山洪将某铜矿两座80余米高的尾砂坝冲毁。灾后,距尾砂坝5km的胡庚村发生腹泻病暴发流行。尾砂坝冲毁的第2天,即7月14日,村内发生4例患者...  相似文献   

本文报告组织细胞增生症X27例,男15例,女12例。年龄11/2月-9岁。临床,X线和病理诊断14例,临床和X线诊断9例,临床和病理诊断19例,临床诊断1例。LS15例,HSC7例,EG2例,中间型3例LS扫热13例,皮诊14例,咳嗽1例,肝脾肿大各14例,HSC头部肿物,突眼,尿崩分别为5例,4例,X线LS肺纹增多13例,网点关影10例,四型颅骨破坏分别为4例,2例,6例,2例。  相似文献   

1998年2月至4月南平市延平区峡阳镇大埂村、浪石村来坑自然村、安科村暴发麻疹58例。我们开展了流行病学、临床学与血清学调查,现将调查结果报告如下:1流行病学调查1.1流行时间、强度首例病人发生于2月18日,为峡阳镇大埂村小学学生,女12岁,两天后其...  相似文献   

糖尿病患者治疗过程中常发生低血糖反应 ,诊断和处理不当会致病情加重甚至死亡。现将我院1994年2月~2002年7月收治的42例2型糖尿病并低血糖反应病例进行临床分析。1临床资料1 1一般资料本组42例均符合1998年世界卫生组织2型糖尿病诊断标准。其中男29例 ,女13例 ;年龄48~76岁 ,平均62 5岁 ;病程8个月~12年。其中合并糖尿病肾病6例、高血压病9例、冠心病5例、脑血管意外2例。1 2用药情况单用优降糖14例、二甲双胍4例 ;优降糖合用二甲双胍8例、合用消渴丸6例 ;优降糖并注射胰岛素4例 ;使…  相似文献   

腹部创伤后引起急性阑尾炎是一种少见的特殊阑尾炎 ,因为患者有腹部外伤史 ,临床表现及体征不典型 ,往往会造成误诊或漏诊。我科自1989年至1999年12月共收治7例腹部创伤后急性阑尾炎 ,现报告如下。1临床资料1 1一般资料本组共7例 ,男性5例 ,女性2例。年龄最小者14岁 ,最大者54岁。7例患者均有腹部创伤史 ,为闭合性腹部创伤。自行车把碰伤4例 ,三轮车碰伤2例 ,汽车挤伤1例。合并软组织损伤5例 ,肋骨骨折2例 ,7例患者受伤前均无阑尾炎发作史 ,外伤后就诊到手术时间3小时~2天。1 2症状与体征7例均有转移性右…  相似文献   

During the Spring of 1978, students with a history of previous measles vaccination accounted for over three-forths of 203 cases of measles in a metropolitan county. Seventy cases occurred in two schools where 99% of the students were vaccinated. We analyzed countywide data to determine past patterns of measles vaccination, including outbreak control and vaccination update clinics. We also examined records of children from the two schools to assess the relationship between disease incidence and age at vaccination. When susceptibility was determined by trained health workers rather than by parents, fewer doses of measles vaccine were estimated to be needed. The majority of cases occurred among children 5 to 9 years old. Attack rates were higher for children vaccinated at 12 months of age or younger than for those vaccinated at 13 months of age or older. There were no significant differences in attack rates among children vaccinated at 13 months of age or older. These findings support recommendations for delaying routine measles vaccination until after 12 months of age and suggest that, during outbreaks, all children vaccinated prior to 13 months of age be revaccinated.  相似文献   

孙波  李忠典  钱忠 《现代预防医学》2012,39(17):4392-4393
目的 报告一起小学水痘暴发疫情及调查处理情况.方法 由专业技术人员进行现场调查处理并记录,根据现场记录总结分析.结果 该校12名学生被诊断为水痘,罹患率25.5%.其中三年级11例、占91.7%,二年级l例、占8.3%,男生9例,罹患率32.1%;女生3例,罹患率15.8%,无并发症及死亡病例.经专家确认是由水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)引起的水痘暴发疫情.结论 由于报告不及时导致此次疫情暴发,采取了有效防控措施,疫情得到控制.  相似文献   



In late May 2012, Bagjan division of Borbam tea estate, of Sivasagar district of Assam was affected by an outbreak of acute watery diarrhea, subsequently confirmed as Vibrio cholerae O1.


Our objective is to investigate and control the acute diarrheal disease outbreak in Sivasagar district of Assam.

Materials and Methods:

A physician-epidemiologist-led team did rapid outbreak investigation to confirm the outbreak and instituted treatment and control measures. Quantitative data collection was done using standard schedule and qualitative data by using key informant interview schedule.


Spot mapping of cases was done along the garden residential lines. About 120 suspected cases were line listed; with 1:1.23 male: female ratio. Ages ranged from 3 to 70 years (median - 40.5 years). Attack rate was 4.79% with one death; case fatality rate was 0.83%. Open air defecation was practiced by 94.6%. Rectal swabs were positive for V. cholerae O1 (Ogawa). All the piped water samples were class IV unsatisfactory for domestic use.


There is a need to improve water and sanitation facility in the tea garden lines along with implementation of a strengthened disease surveillance system through integrated disease surveillance project covering all tea estates.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome, Beijing, 2003   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The largest outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) struck Beijing in spring 2003. Multiple importations of SARS to Beijing initiated transmission in several healthcare facilities. Beijing's outbreak began March 5; by late April, daily hospital admissions for SARS exceeded 100 for several days; 2,521 cases of probable SARS occurred. Attack rates were highest in those 20-39 years of age; 1% of cases occurred in children <10 years. The case-fatality rate was highest among patients >65 years (27.7% vs. 4.8% for those 20-64 years, p < 0.001). Healthcare workers accounted for 16% of probable cases. The proportion of case-patients without known contact to a SARS patient increased significantly in May. Implementation of early detection, isolation, contact tracing, quarantine, triage of case-patients to designated SARS hospitals, and community mobilization ended the outbreak.  相似文献   

目的分析手术时机选择对小儿急性粘连性肠梗阻临床疗效的影响。 方法择取山东省胶州市人民医院2012年6月至2015年9月接收的急性粘连性肠梗阻患儿84例,其中男性56例,女性28例,平均年龄(8.3~11.2)岁,阑尾炎36例,肠套叠19例,肠绞窄7例,肠扭转不良13例,膈疝6例,巨结肠3例。采用随机单盲法将84例患儿均分为试验组和对照组。试验组于发病48 h内接受手术,对照组于发病48 h后接受手术。观察两组疗效,比较死亡率和并发症发生率。 结果试验组总有效率为95.24%,明显高于对照组的76.19%(P<0.05)。试验组并发症发生率和病死率分别为9.52%、0.0%,明显低于对照组的35.71%、7.14%(P<0.05)。 结论对急性粘连性肠梗阻患儿早期实施手术治疗,可降低并发症发生率和病死率,疗效显著。  相似文献   

Sweetened beverage intake has risen in past decades, along with a rise in prevalence of overweight and obesity among children. Our objective was to examine the relationship between beverage intake patterns and overweight and obesity among Canadian children. Beverage intake patterns were identified by cluster analysis of data from the cross-sectional Canadian Community Health Survey 2.2. Intake data were obtained from a single 24-hour recall, height and weight were measured, and sociodemographic data were obtained via interview. Data on children and adolescents aged 2-18 years who met inclusion criteria (n = 10?038) were grouped into the following categories: 2-5 years (male and female), 6-11 years (female), 6-11 years (male), 12-18 years (female), and 12-18 years (male). χ2 test was used to compare rates of overweight and obesity across clusters. Logistic regression was used to determine the association between overweight and obesity and beverage intake patterns, adjusting for potential confounders. Clustering resulted in distinct groups of who drank mostly fruit drinks, soft drinks, 100% juice, milk, high-fat milk, or low-volume and varied beverages (termed "moderate"). Boys aged 6-11 years whose beverage pattern was characterized by soft drink intake (553 ± 29 g) had increased odds of overweight-obesity (odds ratio 2.3, 95% confidence interval 1.2-4.1) compared with a "moderate" beverage pattern (23 ± 4 g soft drink). No significant relationship emerged between beverage pattern and overweight and obesity among other age-sex groups. Using national cross-sectional dietary intake data, Canadian children do not show a beverage-weight association except among young boys who drink mostly soft drinks, and thus may be at increased risk for overweight or obesity.  相似文献   

目的:了解钦州市钦南区2000年霍乱流行病学特点,为进一步控制霍乱的流行提供依据。方法:采用卫生部统一制定的霍乱调查表对2000年霍乱的散发病例、爆发病例和带菌者进行问卷调查,然后做描述性统计分析。结果:2000年钦州市钦南区共报告霍乱病例25例,其中16例为散发病例,9例为爆发病例,发病率为6.64/10万,疫情波及5个乡镇,18个村;男性13例,女性12例,年龄最小为4岁,最大82岁,50岁以上人群占绝大多数(76%)。农民24例,学生1例;临床分型,轻型病例15例,中型3例,重型7例。血清学及噬菌体——生物分型为小川1b型。结论:2002年钦州市钦南区霍乱以散发为主,轻型病例占多数,发病人数趋向于中老年群体。  相似文献   

[目的]分析1起学校甲型H1N1流感暴发的特点和原因,为今后类似疾病的预防与控制提供经验。[方法]2009年10月14日至11月16日,到现场进行流行病学调查。[结果]本起疫情历时32d,全校发生甲型H1N1流感病例13例,罹患率为0.14%;无重症和死亡病例;男生罹患率为0.56%,女生罹患率为0.07%。13例病例分布在山东大学兴隆山校区7个学院10班级,采集20份患者咽拭子,13份甲型H1N1流感核酸阳性。[结论]确定为1起暴发甲型H1N1流感。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the consumption of phosphoric acid-containing soft drinks and hypocalcemia in postmenopausal women. A case control study was designed to include 21 cases and 64 controls, matched by age and menopausal duration with similar family income, scholarship, and daily dietary intakes. Clinical and dietetic conditions that may produce hypocalcemia were considered as exclusion criteria. Cases were defined as a serum Ca level < or = 8.8 mg/dl, and controls as a serum CA level > 8.8 mg/dl. Women in the case group had a higher consumption of phosphoric acid-containing soft drink, and showed increased serum levels of PTH and hyperphosphaturia, than those in the control group without significant differences in 1,25(OH)2D3. In the multivariate regression analysis consumption of one or more bottles per day of cola soft drinks showed association with hypocalcemia (1.28, CI 95% 1.06-1.53). The consumption of soft drinks with phosphoric acid should be considered as an independent risk factor for hypocalcemia in postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

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