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目前,医疗机构正面临着日益激烈的市场竞争,医疗服务的竞争将不再局限于质量和价格。如何提供最好的服务并使之有别于其他竞争对手,将成为重要的竞争因素。患者满意度的调查作为一种工具,从患者的角度来考查医院的服务质量及患者对医院的忠诚度,从而为医院管理层提供信息,并据此作为制定改进措施和服务发展策略的重要依据。同时患者满意度调查也是医院管理年情况实施、行风建设评价的一项重要指标。本文主要结合笔者所在医院的实践,对患者满意度调查工作的意义、内容、方法以及患者反馈的信息进行了分析探讨,并针对所存在的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

<正>医院患者满意度的调查作为一种工具,从患者的角度来考查医院的服务质量及患者对医院的忠诚度,从而为医院管理层提供信息,并据此作为制定改进措施和服务发展策略的重要依据[1]。当今医院患者满意度调查中存在的问题现在大多数医院都在进行病人满意度的调查,结果都很不错,看起来病人对医院的服务质量都是很满意的,可是日益增多的医患矛盾,医疗纠纷却和医院满意度调查的结果向背,这其中的原因值得调查单位深思。  相似文献   

省级医院住院病人满意度调查分析S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病人满意度调查作为一种常用工具,从病人的视觉考察医院的服务质量,并据此制定质量改进措施和服务发展策略。我们对省级医院住院病人进行了满意度调查,将调查的25个开放性问题所反馈的意见进行归纳剖析,并根据患者提出的建议,以期探索提高省级医院住院病人满意度的措施与对策。  相似文献   

社区老年人服务利用及其对生活质量影响调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 通过对沈阳市社区老年人进行社区各种服务利用和生活质量调查评估,探讨及解决在社区服务利用中存在的问题,为提高老年人生活质量提供参考依据。方法 采用统一调查表对455例≥60岁的老年人进行有关一般性服务项目及其他服务项目的利用、自觉需求、服务提供者情况和生活质量情况进行问卷调查。结果 社区老年人服务的主要内容是交通工具、家访服务、家事服务、餐饮服务、护理性照顾。老年人的服务提供者以家人、自己为主,社区老年人服务利用对老年人的生活质量起着正向的影响作用。结论 今后社区应适当增加社会娱乐活动设施和医疗保健服务机构。此外,社区应该增加综合评估服务、老年医疗服务和心理健康服务等项目,这些将有助于提高老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

综合服务满意度调查方法及内容的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
医院实行综合服务满意度调查,旨在对医疗服务过程进行跟踪监测,通过调查、分析、整改、督查、落实这5个环节,对影响服务质量的不利因素做好控制。从而加强医院管理,全面提高医疗服务质量。武汉市儿童医院结合近年来综合服务满意度调查的实际情况,将1996年以来的调查结果作为依据,阐明了调查的对象、方法、内容以及影响服务质量的主导因素,论述了调查工作必须适应医疗卫生服务不断改善的发展趋势,改进与完善调查方法,加  相似文献   

目的 收集了大连市区群众对市内医院的服务需求情况及其满意度资料,评估市民对市内医院的信任感和忠诚度,为持续改进医院服务提供依据。方法 利用市医师协会组织市内20余家医院为市内居民义诊的机会,采用单纯随机抽样的方法,向4975名参加义诊的群众随机发放问卷500份。运用卫生经济学相关理论,从需方角度,对医疗服务涉及的看病难、看病贵、医疗质量问题,解析曾就诊过的医院、印象最深的医院、不选择某医院就诊的原因、全年支付健康费用、服务环境设施等5个方面,与调查对象现场沟通,针对主要因素对其结果进行分析并讨论与医院管理的相关性。结果 医疗服务需求者个体,对非营利性国家医院抱有较大的热情与期望。医护人员在医疗服务中的人文关怀给服务对象留下的深刻印象,是评价医疗服务质量的重要因素,就近择医、为服务对象提供相适宜的医疗技术服务、合理的流程、舒适便捷的就诊环境也为需求者所关心。医疗服务价格在本组资料中不是需方选择就医的首要条件,就诊者从社会学群体及个人角度对此有较全面的认识。496份调查结果还表明,作为提供医疗服务的医院方的责任在于规范医疗行为、提高技术水平,在医疗护理过程中加入人文关怀,在医疗决策中考虑各方利益,努力减少资源消耗。结论 本文报告496份调查结果作为信息资源被利用,通过与2003年3月-2006年3月3年实践结合,取得较好的效益。  相似文献   

以群众满意度为导向持续改进服务质量的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的以群众满意度为导向,寻找医院在医疗服务中存在的不足,将医院服务质量持续改进作为一个重要项目,探讨并提出提高服务质量的有效措施,加以实施.方法采用问卷调查等方式,将调查结果进行分析、讨论和改进.结论通过对群众的满意度调查和分析,找出与群众需要还存在的差距,采取有效措施进行整改,以进一步提升群众满意度,发挥满意度调查作为医疗服务工作的导向作用.  相似文献   

目的以群众满意度为导向,寻找医院在医疗服务中存在的不足,将医院服务质量持续改进作为一个重要项目,探讨并提出提高服务质量的有效措施,加以实施。方法采用问卷调查等方式,将调查结果进行分析、讨论和改进。结论通过对群众的满意度调查和分析,找出与群众需要还存在的差距.采取有效措施进行整改,以进一步提升群众满意度,发挥满意度调查作为医疗服务工作的导向作用。  相似文献   

门诊病人满意度的测量和评价   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16  
满意度是评价医院医疗服务质量的重要指标,它反映了病人就医的主观感受,同时病人满意度也和其他的医疗服务产生紧密联系,比如医疗投诉、病人回头率等[1 6 ] 。2 0 0 2年1月我们对深圳市6家综合医院的门诊病人进行满意度调查,通过对调查结果的分析,期望为卫生行政部门进行行政决策提供参考依据。一、资料与方法(一)调查对象和测量工具:本研究以调查期间在医院就诊的门诊病人为调查对象,采用自行设计的调查表,于2 0 0 1年12月2 6日至2 0 0 2年1月6日在深圳市共调查了6家综合医院4 6 5名门诊病人。本次调查共回收4 6 5份调查表。调查表包括个人…  相似文献   

护理在医院工作中占有重要地位,“三分治疗,七分护理”充分表达了护理工作的重要性,护理服务的质量直接影响到病人的满意度。为提高护理满意度,找出护理工作中的薄弱环节,我院自2002年对住院病人进行了满意度调查,现将调查结果报告如下:  相似文献   

为了提高医院的服务质量,满足病人的需求,医院收集病人的反馈信息是必要的。很多医院用满意感来评估医院的服务质量。但最近用满意感来衡量病人的服务质量的方法受到学者们的普遍批评。  相似文献   

Ambulatory care providers are being challenged to deliver high-quality care at low cost with easy access. Patient satisfaction with services hinges on the ability of providers to meet these often elusive benchmarks. This article focuses on the barriers to benchmarking patient relations in ambulatory care organizations and strategies for improving patient relations through internal benchmarking that encourages service innovation and performance emphasis. A case study of programmatic benchmarking in the Lovelace Health System is used to illustrate how patient relations can benefit from establishing internal performance thresholds that guide service delivery. Examples from Lovelace's High Risk Pregnancy Program demonstrate the value of benchmarking efforts. The implications for patient relations benchmarking in other ambulatory care settings are discussed.  相似文献   

城镇职工基本医疗保险认知及满意度评价调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解城镇职工对基本医疗保险信息知晓情况以及满意度评价。方法采用分层抽样法,自制问卷对黑龙江省城镇职工进行问卷调查。结果被调查者对基本医疗保险的信息知晓率较低;在对定点医疗机构、定点药店和社保机构服务满意度评价中,基本医疗保险定点药店满意度最高;基本医疗保险定点医疗机构满意度评价中对就医自由选择度满意度评价最高:医疗服务价格满意度最低;在对社保机构服务的评价中,机构形象和人员素质满意度评价最高,但医疗服务提供方的监督和抱怨处理满意度评价较低。结论社会医疗保险的公众满意度评价研究较少,缺乏相关的理论研究;通过对基本医疗保险的知晓情况以及满意度评价,可以发现政策运行中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: This paper seeks to present an analysis of the literature examining objective information concerning the subject of customer service, as it applies to the current medical practice. Hopefully, this information will be synthesized to generate a cogent approach to correlate customer service with quality. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Articles were obtained by an English language search of MEDLINE from January 1976 to July 2005. This computerized search was supplemented with literature from the author's personal collection of peer-reviewed articles on customer service in a medical setting. This information was presented in a qualitative fashion. FINDINGS: There is a significant lack of objective data correlating customer service objectives, patient satisfaction and quality of care. Patients present predominantly for the convenience of emergency department care. Specifics of satisfaction are directed to the timing, and amount of "caring". Demographic correlates including symptom presentation, practice style, location and physician issues directly impact on satisfaction. It is most helpful to develop a productive plan for the "difficult patient", emphasizing communication and empathy. Profiling of the customer satisfaction experience is best accomplished by examining the specifics of satisfaction, nature of the ED patient, demographic profile, symptom presentation and physician interventions emphasizing communication--especially with the difficult patient. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The current emergency medicine customer service dilemmas are a complex interaction of both patient and physician factors specifically targeting both efficiency and patient satisfaction. Awareness of these issues particular to the emergency patient can help to maximize efficiency, minimize subsequent medicolegal risk and improve patient care if a tailored management plan is formulated.  相似文献   

Growing interest in using consumer satisfaction information to enhance quality of care and promote informed consumer choice has accompanied recent expansions in managed care. This article synthesizes information about consumer satisfaction surveys conducted by managed-care plans, government and other agencies, community groups, and purchasers of care. We discuss survey content, methods, and use of consumer survey information. Differences in the use of consumer surveys preclude one instrument or methodology from meeting all needs. The effectiveness of plan-based surveys could be enhanced by increased information on alternative survey instruments and methods and new methodological studies, such as ones developing risk-adjustment methods.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction surveys have become popular gauges of practice efficiency and are among the markers used by third-party payers to measure health-care quality. Although surveys may yield valuable information for providers to improve their services, these results most often are assigned a low priority and not applied in actual practice. This article briefly outlines the basic features of a patient satisfaction survey and details specific steps that managers may follow to implement their findings.  相似文献   

The Urban Research Center (URC) in Harlem, New York City, is a collaboration of community members, service providers, and academics. A Community Advisory Board (CAB) meets regularly to formulate priorities for action and to direct research. A conceptual model of social determinants of health relevant to the Harlem community was developed. Early meetings of the CAB identified substance use as a health concern in the Harlem community. Access to social services was identified as a key social determinant that should guide research and intervention efforts of the URC. Surveys of service providers and of substance users were carried out to quantify availability of information and barriers to access. This article discusses the CAB process that led to the model of social determinants, development of surveys, and interpretation of results. The authors also discuss survey results and how the URC will use these results to develop interventions.  相似文献   

《Healthcare benchmarks》1997,4(8):109-110
Some satisfaction issues are universal. Almost every industry surveys its customers on issues similar to those examined by health care. Health care providers are not restricted to benchmarking against other providers. There are viable partners in other industries to benchmark against. If your facility's surveys are always 100%, have a low response rate, or show problem areas, it's probably time to benchmark patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to present one example of how the strategies of total quality management (TQM) and continuous improvement are being used by US health care providers to meet the challenges of the future. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This article presents an application utilizing the strategies of TQM and continual and rapid improvement in the area of assessing internal customer satisfaction in the health care arena. Satisfaction information concerning internal processes is critically important to the health care provider, and this article presents the development and application of an instrument designed to provide timely and relevant internal customer satisfaction information to individual health care providers. This provides information on problem identification and improvement opportunities for a world-class continuous improvement program. FINDINGS: The article finds that customer satisfaction is increasingly being recognized as an appropriate measure for determining how well a particular organization is accomplishing its mission and, while customer satisfaction surveys provide valuable information and may be used to improve the entire operation, they provide limited insight into the details of the inner workings of each cost center. Each of the measures discussed in this article is potentially equally insightful and may provide more directly usable information when applied to internal customers. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article provides useful information on providing customer satisfaction in the health care arena.  相似文献   

A mixed methodology mail survey was used to gauge level of customer satisfaction with, and identify issues that may help improve, personal emergency response system service delivery. A total of 1,236 surveys were mailed out to subscribers of Victoria Lifeline (Canada; n = 618) and their designated responders (n = 618). Overall response rate was 50%. Significant predictors of subscriber and responder satisfaction were satisfaction with the service during an emergency and whether expectations of service were met. In addition, for responders, customer service also predicted satisfaction. Thematic analysis of subscriber and responder comments identified the need for improvement in several areas: equipment, cost of the service, training sessions for users, and communication between subscribers and service providers. Although more than 95% of subscribers and responders were satisfied with the service, the findings provide direction to personal emergency response service providers about ways in which their product and service delivery might be enhanced, and underscore the need for research examining the impacts of response systems on family caregivers and public policy regarding community care solutions.  相似文献   

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