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以“构成要素~要素间的作用关系~结果”为机制研究框架,运用规模经济理论和交易成本理论,结合医疗服务特征,确定了医疗生产技术、医院规模、专科细化程度、市场规模和成本转嫁能力作为医院规模持续扩张五要素,分析了五要素间的相互作用和制约关系,构建了“规模扩张均衡环,医院收益流和成本流,医疗生产技术、市场规模和成本转嫁能力三要素切入点”的医院规模持续恶性扩张机制的理论模型,简称“一环、二流、三切点”模型。运用该模型,可解释我国转型期公立医院规模持续恶性扩张的管理体制和运行机制的制度性因素,为规模持续扩张调控策略和政策制定提供思考路径。  相似文献   

我国公立医院数量和床位总量仍不足,但大型医院数量过多。公立医院规模扩张是在转型时期服务需求快速增长而体制机制改革相对滞后的环境下,内外因素共同作用的结果。规模扩张只是表象,制度因素才是根源。控制公立医院规模扩张必须从制度层面进行系统改革,以疏为主、疏堵结合,建立一个有效满足群众医疗服务需求并引导医院追求成本最小化的制度环境。  相似文献   

[目的]采用本量利短期分析与面板回归分析方法,探讨成都市7家公立医院经营活动的短期成本习性特征及长期成本驱动因素,为进一步完善公立医院成本管理提供参考依据。[方法]收集成都7家公立医院2014年12月至2018年6月的财务数据与非财务数据,并利用本量利分析法和面板回归法对数据进行分析。[结果]①大规模医院和中小规模医院盈亏临界点分别为486 678.4人次和500 348.76人次,单位边际贡献分别为113.56元和75.52元。②产出动因分析表明,门诊人次对大规模医院呈现正相关、对中小规模医院呈现负相关;住院人次对大规模医院呈现负相关、对中小规模医院呈现正相关。③收入成本动因表明,技术劳务收入和检查检验收入对于两组医院的影响均为正相关,但药品耗材收入在大规模医院呈现负相关、中小规模医院呈现正相关。[结论]①区域内公立医院存在规模效应,中小规模医院面临更大经营风险。②大规模医院和中小规模医院经营成本驱动路径截然不同。建议加强区域内公立医院成本特征实证研究,建立与成本核算相适应的医疗服务定价方法,以成本控制为基础推动公立医院改善财务绩效和控制不合理医疗费用增长。  相似文献   

我国公立医院床位规模盲目扩张存在诸多风险与弊端。本文在分析医院规模扩张一般原因的基础上,基于尼斯卡宁模型构建了公立医院规模发展的公共经济学解释模型:医院追求的供给量是医院总成本与总收益相当时所对应的产量和规模,而不是医院边际收入等于边际成本时所对应的最佳产量和最佳规模;医院追求的规模一般为最佳规模的两倍。最后提出了遏制公立医院盲目扩张的对策和建议,包括消除公立医院管理的内部性、利用医保政策引导医院集约式经营、实现医疗机构设置规划的硬约束和合理引导医疗需求向基层流动等。  相似文献   

业务流程重组理论在门诊服务优化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国社会经济的逐步转型,医疗体制改革的不断深化,以病人为中心的服务流程优化成为了转型期内的公立医院突显公益特征的主要工作。为了方便门诊病人就医,我院以门诊便民服务中心建设为契机,重组业务流程(business process reengineering,BPR),创新管理理念和服务模式,夯实了构建和谐医院的基础。  相似文献   

目的:探索影响省级公立医院规模的主要路径因素,为我国公立医院规模控制提供证据支持。方法:基于2012〜2016年浙江省级综合医院面板数据,在分析公立医院规模扩张路径基础上,分别从政策、医院和市场竞争角度对影响医院规模的因素进行数据回归分析。结果:床位扩张是公立医院规模扩张的主要路径。公立医院财政补助收入占医院总收入越低、医保支付金额越多,药品加成率越低医院规模越大。医院资产负债率和床位利用率增长对医院规模影响显著为正,市场竞争越激烈(HHI指数越低),医院规模越大。结论:在取消公立医院药品加成同时加快完善财政补助机制,提高医保定点医疗机构管理,严格控制公立医院举债经营,完善政府对医疗服务市场管制。  相似文献   

文章主要从床位规模、大型医疗设备配置及基本建设投资等规模扩张的3个方面对我国公立医院财务治理的现状进行了实证分析,发现公立医院的规模扩张在满足患者医疗需求的同时也增加了医院的运营风险,提出应不断优化公立医院财务治理环境和完善公立医院财务治理机制以提高公立医院财务治理的效能.  相似文献   

利用博弈论工具,研究公立医院在“有限理性”的情况下规模扩张的演化博弈,探讨它们如何实现“进化稳定性策略”,分析它们扩大规模的内在机理,从而发现获取更多医疗资源、诱导需求、扩大医疗市场份额、人事升迁机制等因素是公立医院扩张的内在助因;如果这些因素存在而且大到一定程度,则纵然公立医院是“有限理性的”,也必然会选择“扩张规模”策略。最后,提出抑制公立医院规模扩张的对策:注重医疗资源分配的公平性;推动公立医院人事改革,创新院长激励和考核机制;合理分流大医院就诊的患者;减少诱导需求;加强公立医院监督,增加公立医院扩大规模的成本。  相似文献   

目的研究医院是否存在规模经济,资本投入和劳动力投入对医院规模经济的影响,以及各地区间医院规模经济现状。方法以2010—2014年《中国卫生统计年鉴》数据为样本,以C-D生产函数来反映投入产出关系,利用SPSS22.0进行统计分析。结果医院普遍存在规模经济,劳动力投入对规模经济有较大影响,西部地区医院存在规模不经济。结论应增加劳动力投入,控制设备等资本投入;加大对中部地区的医疗投入,适当控制西部地区的医疗投入;提高医疗人员劳务价格。  相似文献   

目的 为了研究医院是否存在规模经济、资本投入和劳动力投入对医院规模经济的影响以及各地区间医院规模经济现状。 方法 本文以2010年—2014年《中国卫生统计年鉴》数据为样本,以C-D生产函数来反映投入产出关系,利用SPSS22.0进行统计分析。结果 医院普遍存在规模经济,劳动力投入对规模经济有较大影响,西部地区医院存在规模不经济 结论 建议应增加劳动力投入,控制设备等资本投入;加大对中部地区的医疗投入,适当控制西部地区的医疗投入;提高医疗人员劳务价格。  相似文献   

Hospitals consume a large share of health resources in developing countries, but little is known about the efficiency of their scale and scope. The Ministry of Health of Vietnam and World Bank collected data in 1996 from the largest sample ever surveyed in a developing country. The sample included 654 out of 815 public hospitals, six categories of hospitals and a broad range of sizes. These data were used to estimate total variable cost as a function of multiple products, such as admissions and outpatient visits. We report results for two specifications: (1) estimates with a single variable for beds and (2) estimates with interaction terms for beds and the category of hospital. The coefficient estimates were used to calculate marginal costs, short-run returns to the variable factor, economies of scale, and economies of scope for each category of hospital. There were important differences across categories of hospitals. The measure of economies of scale was 1.09 for central general and 1.05 for central specialty hospitals with a mean of 516 and 226 beds, respectively, indicating roughly constant returns to scale. The measure was well below one for both provincial general and specialty hospitals with a mean of 357 and 192 beds, respectively, indicating large diseconomies of scale. The measure was 1.16 for district hospitals and 0.89 other ministry hospitals indicating modest economies and diseconomies of scale, respectively. There were large economies of scope for central and provincial general hospitals. We conclude that in a system of public hospitals in a developing country that followed an administrative structure, the variable cost function differed significantly across categories of hospitals. Economies of scale and scope depended on the category of the hospital in addition to the number of beds and volume of output.  相似文献   

广东省省市级综合医院最优规模实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的测量广东省省市级综合性医院最优规模,对比分析国外情况,分析差异产生的原因。方法应用适存分析法,数据为1995年~2004年10年间广东省省市级综合医院的医院数量百分比和医院产出百分比。结果规模超过700张病床的医院显示出规模经济。随着医院规模越来越大,规模经济的作用更加明显。结果与国外显著不同。结论最优规模对医院与社会有不同含义。我国医院持续扩大规模的原因,可能来自于人口多带来的医疗市场规模扩大和缺乏有效的医疗费用支付机制。两种原因对卫生政策有不同涵义,建议做进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:测量我国公立三级综合医院技术效率并进行比较分析。方法:采取系统分层典型抽样方法收集2018年5省203家医院投入、产出指标截面数据,应用Bootstrap-DEA方法计算样本医院的技术效率、规模效率和纯技术效率,并按床位数分5组进行效率值比较分析。结果:样本医院技术效率值为0.6487,规模效率值为0.9762,纯技术效率值为0.6645;样本医院三个效率值随着床位增加呈现先升后降的趋势,床位≤1000的样本医院组平均效率值最低,3000<床位≤4000的样本医院组平均效率值最高。结论:我国部分省份公立三级综合医院技术效率整体水平较低,纯技术效率偏低是技术效率较低的主要原因;在医疗卫生服务领域存在规模经济现象,医院不宜盲目扩张。  相似文献   

应用适存分析法测量县级综合性医院最优规模   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用适存分析法,通过分析1995—2004年广东省县级综合性医院的医院数量百分比和医院产出百分比变化,测量与分析广东省县级综合性医院最优规模。结果显示:100~199张和≥600张床位的医院显示出规模经济,200~299张床位的医院显示出规模不经济。最后,对应用适存分析法测量和分析医院最优规模应注意的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the issue of whether it is economically advantageous to concentrate emergency rooms (ERs) in large hospitals. Besides identifying economies of scale of ERs, we also focus on chain economies. The latter term refers to the effects on a hospital's costs of ER patients who also need follow‐up inpatient or outpatient hospital care. We show that, for each service examined, product‐specific economies of scale prevail indicating that it would be beneficial for hospitals to increase ER services. However, this seems to be inconsistent with the overall diseconomies of scale for the hospital as a whole. This intuitively contradictory result is indicated as the economies of scale paradox. This scale paradox also explains why, in general, hospitals are too large. There are internal (departmental) pressures to expand certain services, such as ER, in order to benefit from the product‐specific economies of scale. However, the financial burden of this expansion is borne by the hospital as a whole. The policy implications of the results are that concentrating ERs seems to be advantageous from a product‐specific perspective, but is far less advantageous from the hospital perspective. © 2016 The Authors. Health Economics Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous estimates of economies of scale in the hospital setting have been obtained since the early 1980s from both flexible long-run and short-run cost functions. Although the theoretical superiority of the latter approach is widely recognized, it has been previously suggested that the two cost specifications yield quite similar econometric findings regarding scale effects. This paper utilizes a new data set consisting of 91 Greek NHS hospitals in order to empirically examine this proposition by comparing economies of scale estimates derived from both translog total and variable cost functions. The results indicate that the use of long-run equations might seriously mislead policy makers and that constant returns to scale prevail in Greek public hospitals.  相似文献   

目的借鉴Denison组织文化模型,结合我国公立综合性医院特点,科学测评医院文化.方法 运用我国东、中、西3省/直辖市的87所医院的调查数据,研究设计了医院文化测评量表.结果 医院文化测评量表包括方向性、一致性、参与性、适应性4大文化特性以及社会责任、竞争意识在内的13个文化维度,经检验,量表具有良好的内部信度和效度.结论 医院文化测评量表为医院管理者进行医院文化测评、诊断和改善提供了测评工具.
Objective A scientific evaluation of hospital culture with the Dimension organizational culture model, in view of features of China's general public hospitals.Methods Based on Denison model, according to the characteristics of the public general hospitals in China, the authors developed a tool for organizational culture assessment (TOCA) by using the survey data from 87 hospitals in three provinces from the East, Central, and West areas in China.Results This tool, an evaluation scale, comprises the four cultural characteristics of direction, consistency, participation, and adaptability, as well as 13 cultural dimensions of social responsibility and competitive consciousness. The tool is tested as having good internal reliability and validity.Conclusion The TOCA provides hospital administrators with a tool for hospital culture evaluation, diagnosis and improvement.  相似文献   

在我国医疗卫生行业中,公立医院无论在技术人才储备、资产规模还是在业务规模上均占有绝对优势。本文拟通过对公立医院改制、股权合作、受托管理等模式的分析,对社会资本如何借力公立医院的品牌、技术与市场;公立医院如何吸收投资者的资金、管理机制进行研究。  相似文献   

The paper analyzed the economies of scale of medical service and its characteristics according to the concepts and original of such a theory. It holds that hospital operations demands an appropriate size; for medical services in need of procuring large equipments, specialized service units of an appropriate size are more cost effective than service provision in individual hospitals; web release of medical service information and price information can help expand the market size; hospital alliances can integrate medical services horizontally and vertically. The above measures can attain the economies of scale for medical service.  相似文献   

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