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在医学科学研究中,跨单位、跨学科的科研大协作已成为完成重大研究项目的 重要组织形式.医学科研合同作为处理协作各方权利和义务关系的法律形式,应尽可能地做到公平合理、科学严谨.作者对当前医学科研合同写作中存在的问题进行了初步探讨,并提出相关的注意事项.  相似文献   

张俊祥  孙新 《卫生软科学》2004,18(4):176-178
医学科学的发展和进步离不开医学临床科研 ,医学临床科研涉及的伦理、法律和社会问题越来越受到人们的关注。由于医学科研对象的特殊性 ,医学科研必须严格遵守国家有关法律、法规 ,自觉维护社会公益、秩序和伦理道德 ,严格履行知情同意原则 ,充分保障受试者的身心健康和合法权益 ,避免产生法律纠纷 ,促进医学科学的不断进步和可持续发展。  相似文献   

医学工作者在从事临床医学科研和临床医疗过程中,都存在医学科研的价值与道德判断问题。作为道德理性的医学科研伦理可以增强医学科研工作者对医学科研后果的道德责任感,在临床医学科研中把握好医学伦理观,是每个医学科研工作者所进行的科研得以顺利进行和完成的保证。  相似文献   

临床医学科研与医学科研伦理探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医学工作者在从事临床医学科研和临床医疗过程中, 都存在医学科研的价值与道德判断问题.作为道德理性的医学科研伦理可以增强医学科研工作者对医学科研后果的道德责任感,在临床医学科研中把握好医学伦理观,是每个医学科研工作者所进行的科研得以顺利进行和完成的保证.  相似文献   

加强科研项目实施过程的科学管理 ,提高医学科研的投入产出效益是医学科研管理面临的重大课题[1] 。医学科研是多参量投入、多参量产出的复杂的开放的系统 ,因此 ,我们在评价科研效益时应尽可能考虑到选择的指标的准确性。本文旨在分析浙江省医药类高校科研投入产出效益的变化发展情况 ,探讨科研效益的影响因素 ,为有关部门决策提供科学的依据 ,不断推动高校科研管理迈上新的台阶。材料与方法1 调查对象 在浙江省 11个地市范围内从事教学、科研、预防、医疗的高等医药院校 12所。本研究选择其中一所综合性大学的三个系、一所综合性大学新…  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国执业医师法>和<医疗事故处理条例>颁布后,医疗行为和病人的权益均进一步得到了法律的制约和保护,这是社会进步的体现.21世纪是生命科学的世纪,医学科研中的伦理与法律问题同样也引起高度关注.在注重病人权益的前提下,若要保证科研工作顺利进行,就必须提高对医学科研中伦理与法律的认识,并积极认真地采取相应对策.  相似文献   

《中华医学科研管理杂志》作为广大医学科研管理工作者,参与、支持医学科研管理的医药卫生科技工作者,科学管理理论工作者所共同关心、热爱的学术刊物,越来越多地得到各级领导和学术界的理解、承认和支持。  相似文献   

广东"九五"医学科技项目投入产出初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着“科教兴国”战略在神州大地的全面实施 ,科学技术是第一生产力的科学论断已被我国改革开放所取得的巨大成就所证实。医疗卫生行业依靠科技进步 ,推动卫生事业发展已为全行业人士共识。“九五”以来我省医学科技投入力度加大 ,科研项目逐年增加 ,取得长足进步。加强项目实施过程的科学管理 ,提高医学科研投入与产出效益是医学科研管理面临的重大课题。“投入”与“产出”相结合的评价是经济学评价中常用的方法 ,医学科研投入—产出系统是一个多参量投入、多参量产出的复杂的、开放的系统 ,决定了我们在选择评价内容和指标时应考虑其易测…  相似文献   

为防范合同相关法律风险,规范管理各类采购与服务行为,疾控机构在合同签订时需要建立合同审查备案机制,健全合同制度化管理秩序,本文通过梳理合同签订过程中存在的法律问题与风险,以四川省疾病预防控制中心为例,从合同审查中各风险点的梳理及该中心建立协同管理模式的介绍等多角度提出了疾控机构合同签订中的法律风险防控与对策。  相似文献   

为了解山东省医学科学院科研队伍的状况,利用文献计量学方法,对山东省医学科学院1995-2004年间全院各院(所)发表学术论文的作者进行了统计分析,归纳总结了山东省医学科学院科研队伍的现状、特点和存在问题,提出了科研队伍建设与管理方面的相关建议.  相似文献   

As part of the Minnesota Medical Association's ongoing contract review process, this article provides information to help educate physicians about the major managed care contracts being offered to them. The information provided is not intended to, nor should it be a substitute for legal advice pertaining to an individual's practice and specific contracts with third parties. The MMA will not be making recommendations regarding the merits of any particular contract. A decision to enter into a contract rests with the physician and his or her clinic in consultation with private legal counsel.  相似文献   

实施知情同意 防范医疗争议   总被引:41,自引:10,他引:31  
医疗服务中,常有医患双方因为对服务期望的不同意见导致的矛盾冲突,甚至形成医疗争议,问题源于医患法律关系的基本定位及其特殊性。医患法律关系基本定位为民事法律关系,被视为医疗服务合同。与其他服务合同相比,由于医疗服务的个性化特点和损害特性,医疗服务合同在需要医患双方认识达成一致的合同标的、履行方式和数量频次、合同履行风险、以及服务所需时间期限和费用等主要的合同元素方面则是严重残缺的。为了维护医患双方的合法权益,作者提出了在医疗服务的各个不同阶段,通过知情同意对医疗服务合同进行完善和补充,以防范和减少医疗争议发生的思路,分析了知情同意的重要意义和目前存在的主要问题,并且就告知的内容、范围、主体、对象、方式、证据等具体操作和管理问题提出了切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

Palmer N  Mills A 《Health economics》2003,12(12):1005-1020
Contracts have played a central role in public sector reforms in developed countries over the last decade, and research increasingly highlights their varied nature. In low and middle income countries the use of contracts is encouraged but little attention has been paid to features of the setting that may influence their operation. A qualitative case study was used to examine different dimensions of a contract with private GPs in South Africa. Features of the contract are compared with the notions of classical and relational contracts. Formal aspects of the contract such as design, monitoring and resort to sanctions were found to offer little control over its outcome. The relational rather than classical model of contracting offered a more meaningful framework of analysis, with social and institutional factors found to play an important role. In particular, the individual nature of GP practices highlighted the role played by individual motivation where a contract exercised little formal control. Due to the similarity of factors likely to be present, results are argued to be relevant in many other LMIC settings, and policy-makers considering contracts for clinical services are advised to consider the possibility of experiencing a similar outcome.  相似文献   

随着社会发展,人民群众法制意识的增强以及医院经济活动的增多,经济合同的审计也逐渐成为审计部门的一项重要工作,医院加强了合同管理,规范了签订程序.  相似文献   

The introduction of an internal market in the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom necessitated the use of contracts between purchasers and providers. Little thought was given to the nature of these contracts by policy makers, who appeared to assume that the contracts could conform to the classical, complete model. This paper uses socio-legal and economic theories of contract (which provide an alternative model of relational contracts, in contrast to classical contracts) to explore how realistic that assumption was. An analysis of the institutional context in which the contracts were made is provided, including a legal analysis of the relevant legislation. Contracting by health authorities and GP fundholders is examined, using the results of a recent case study of contracting for district nursing services carried out in a health authority in Greater London. The results show that classical contracting is an inappropriate model for NHS contracts, but that relational contracting is not an entirely appropriate model either. Contracting was found to have increased the accountability of providers in respect of some financial matters, but not in respect of the quality of district nursing services. There are negative implications for the use of contracting in publicly financed health services--hierarchies may be more efficient (as lower transaction costs can be incurred) and possibly more effective in improving quality of care.  相似文献   

简要介绍了科研机构经济合同内部审计程序.通过经济合同签订前审查合同主体、事项和条款,合同签订后检查会签执行、合同履行、合同档案管理和合同用章保管、账务处理和资产保管、税费缴纳情况,完善经济事项管理,健全科研机构内部控制,防范合同风险.  相似文献   

随着近年公立医院规模的不断扩大,其经济活动无论从金额还是种类上都呈上升趋势,对外签订的合同数量及复杂程度也随之加大,因此医院急需完善合同管理流程,并从合同签订前、订立、履行三个阶段加强审计,识别其风险,采取有效控制措施,以规避风险、维护医院合法权益。  相似文献   

Two generic contract models have been developed to resolve the legal and ethical issues that arise when contracting for telemedicine services across Europe. Model 1 relates to the risks and responsibilities of the expert providing and specialist opinion and the telemedicine service organization, while model 2 outlines the risks and responsibilities from the perspective of the client seeking the advice and (again) the telemedicine service organization. These contracts express the legal rights and responsibilities of each of the parties involved.  相似文献   

This study examines the possible health impact of marginal employment, including both temporary and part-time employment schemes. It addresses three research questions: (1) Are employed people with a fixed-term contract or no contract more likely to report poor health than those who hold jobs with permanent contracts? (2) Are part-time employed respondents (even when they hold jobs with permanent contracts) more likely to report poor health than full-time workers? (3) Does change in employment stability (i.e., from employment with permanent contract to fixed-term or no contract employment and vice-versa) have an impact on health status? Logistic regression models were used to analyze panel data from Britain and Germany (1991-1993), available in the Household Panel Comparability Project data base. We included 10,104 respondents from Germany and 7988 from Britain. A single measure of perceived health status was used as the dependent variable. Controlling for background characteristics, the health status of part-time workers with permanent contracts is not significantly different from those who are employed full-time. In contrast, fulltime employed people with fixed-term contracts in Germany are about 42 per cent more likely to report poor health than those who have permanent work contracts. In Britain, only part-time work with no contract is associated with poor health, but the difference is not statistically significant. We conclude that monitoring the possible health effects of the increasing number of marginal employment arrangements should be given priority on the social welfare research agenda.  相似文献   

随着医疗改革的推进,医疗纠纷剧增,而我国医事法律立法迟滞,理论研究落后,已经暴露出了诸多严重问题,其中的核心问题便是医疗纠纷的法律适用问题,而这取决于医疗契约法律性质的界定.医疗契约是医患关系的法律形式,是医事法律关系的核心.因此,医患关系和医疗契约法律性质的界定,关系着医事法学理论的构建;决定着医事法学在我国法学体系中的地位;代表着整个社会的人权理念.  相似文献   

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