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在医学院校学生中开展卫生国情与卫生改革教育,是医学院校学生深入学习邓小平理论的需要,在加强医学院校思想教育的需要,是深化卫生体制改革与发展卫生事业的需要,是提高大学生心理健康水平的需要。我院于1998年开始在本科一年级第二学期开设“卫生国情与卫生改革”选修课。调查表明:有60%以上的学生认为通过该课程的教学,对他们的思想、综合素质、思维方法等方面都习生了积极的影响,特别是在综合素质的提高和对改革的认识上的积极意义更加明显。如果进一步抛开学习目的与态度的差异,在关于教学效果评价的调查项目上,均可高出8-10个百分点。在课程建设方面,大多数学生认为开设该课程是必要的。当然,学生也对进一步加强课程建设提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

第58届联合国大会27日通过了中国提出的关于加强全球公共卫生能力建设决议案。 决议案呼吁各国和国际社会采取措施,加强全球公共卫生能力建设,完善全球卫生应急体系。决议案得到了加拿大、俄罗斯、德国和法国等156个国家的联署。  相似文献   

胡月 《卫生软科学》2010,24(6):525-527
职业化管理是卫生管理的必经之路,我国卫生管理人才的培养仍处在探索阶段。为改进医学院校对卫管专业的教学方式、优化课程设置、加强专业建设,该研究在南京医科大学卫管高年级学生中进行了调查。根据学生的反馈评价,针对性地提出改进方案。  相似文献   

要解决卫生工作的重要任务—提高对居民的医疗服务质量—对高等医学院校提出了新的课题。医学院校应当培养有能力在新的要求的水平上创造性地解决提高卫生工作各个环节、首先是基层卫生工作的效果和质量的医师。这就决定了对年轻的专业人员必须进行综合性的教育,即除了学习诊断和治疗工作的临床课程外,还应当具备组织工作的能力。为了提高教学效果,苏联列宁格勒第一医学院社会卫生与保健组织学教研室采取了一系列措施。首先,和学院内20个临床教研室制订了社会卫生与保健组织学的综合教学大纲。此外,社会卫生与保健组织学教研室的教师们还为住院实习医师拟订了组织医学服务、劳  相似文献   

论新形势下我军部队卫生工作建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球范围内新军事变革的推进,我军使命任务的不断拓展以及卫生观念的转变,对部队卫生工作提出了新的挑战。转变卫勤保障能力生成模式,加快推进部队卫生工作创新发展,成为当今军队卫生建设中的重要课题。本文就如何适应新形势下部队卫生工作的特点与要求进行了思考分析,参考借鉴了外军部队卫生工作的经验,提出了加强我军部队卫生工作建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

卫生应急管理与处置能力已经成为国家治理能力的重要表现,完善应急体系建设、加强卫生应急人才队伍建设是当前一项紧迫而重要的任务。近年来,世界各地重大传染病疫情和自然灾害频发,对本国乃至全球的应急反应及应急管理提出了新的挑战。在各国交往频繁且深度依赖的大背景下,  相似文献   

为认真贯彻《职业病防治法》,四川省卫生监督机构通过加强队伍建设、开展相关法律法规的宣传、加强职业卫生监督管理、抓好大案要案、注重与新闻媒体的合作等方式,将该省的职业卫生工作逐步引向法制化管理,取得明显的收效。作者将工作中积累的经验、体会进行了简要阐述,并提出了新的思考。  相似文献   

卫生法学作为医学人文学科的重要课程,在医学院校的课程体系中越来越受到重视。但由于我国卫生法学教育起步较晚,无论是课程的设置、教材的建设还是师资的培养都存在诸多问题。该研究从卫生法学教学的现状和问题入手,提出优化和改革策略,以期为高校的卫生法学教学提供依据。  相似文献   

目的探析《国际卫生条例(2005)》实施以来东疆口岸核心能力建设所取得的成绩和不足,为未来发展提出对策建议。方法主动开展自查和国家质检总局检查,并借鉴国内外先进口岸核心能力建设经验,根据评估结果完善口岸核心能力建设。结果东疆口岸核心能力建设成绩显著,并根据自身存在的不足提出了未来发展的对策建议。结论东疆将按照《国际卫生条例(2005)》提出的要求,集合各方力量,科学实施,实现"十二五"期间口岸核心能力建设的全面提升。  相似文献   

关于发挥高等医学教育资源优势加强基层卫生人才培养   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
深化医疗卫生体制改革意见的出台,开启了我国新一轮卫生改革,对卫生服务体系能力建设,提出了更高的要求.人力资源的素质直接影响了卫生服务提供的质量.如何提高卫生技术队伍的素质,尤其是基层卫生人员素质,满足人们基本保健服务需求,是高等继续医学教育发展的重要任务.文章就高等医学院校继续医学教育活动的开展,如何适应社会需求的变化,进行了探讨.提出高等医学院校的继续医学教育机构,应该充分发挥高校医学教育资源优势,在教学资源组织、培训模式和内容的制定方面进行完善,为基层卫生机构提供高质量的继续医学教育服务.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There has been increasing focus on the role of health systems in low and middle-income countries. Despite this, very little evidence exists on how best to build health systems program and research capacity in educational programs. The current experiences in building capacity in health systems in five of the most prominent global health programs at Australian universities are outlined. The strengths and weaknesses of various approaches and techniques are provided along with examples of global practice in order to provide a foundation for future discussion and thus improvements in global health systems education.  相似文献   

Strengthening the capacity of public health systems to protect and promote the health of the global population continues to be essential in an increasingly connected world. Informatics practices and principles can play an important role for improving global health response capacity. A critical step is to develop an informatics agenda for global health so that efforts can be prioritized and important global health issues addressed. With the aim of building a foundation for this agenda, the authors developed a workshop to examine the evidence in this domain, recognize the gaps, and document evidence-based recommendations. On 21 August 2011, at the 2011 Public Health Informatics Conference in Atlanta, GA, USA, a four-hour interactive workshop was conducted with 85 participants from 15 countries representing governmental organizations, private sector companies, academia, and non-governmental organizations.The workshop discussion followed an agenda of a plenary session - planning and agenda setting - and four tracks: Policy and governance; knowledge management, collaborative networks and global partnerships; capacity building; and globally reusable resources: metrics, tools, processes, templates, and digital assets. Track discussions examined the evidence base and the participants’ experience to gather information about the current status, compelling and potential benefits, challenges, barriers, and gaps for global health informatics as well as document opportunities and recommendations.This report provides a summary of the discussions and key recommendations as a first step towards building an informatics agenda for global health. Attention to the identified topics and issues is expected to lead to measurable improvements in health equity, health outcomes, and impacts on population health. We propose the workshop report be used as a foundation for the development of the full agenda and a detailed roadmap for global health informatics activities based on further contribution from key stakeholders. The global health informatics agenda and roadmap can provide guidance to countries for developing and enhancing their individual and regional agendas.  相似文献   

新中国成立70年以来,党和国家始终高度重视人民健康。针对不同时期人民健康的主要影响因素,不断推进卫生改革发展,稳步提升公共卫生服务能力,构建起世界上最大的基本医疗保障网,不断健全医疗卫生服务体系,提高医疗质量水平,使群众从“不得病、少得病”到“看得起病、看得上病、看得好病”,提高了人民健康水平,走出了一条符合我国国情的卫生改革发展道路,为全球健康治理和人类命运共同体建设贡献了中国智慧。历史经验表明,我国卫生改革发展要坚持党的领导和与时俱进的卫生健康工作方针,坚持立足国情,预防为主,卫生工作与群众路线相结合。随着新时代我国卫生健康事业面临社会主要矛盾变化、经济社会转型、人口疾病状况转变、医改进入深水区等一系列形势和挑战,要始终坚持正确的改革理论、路径和方法,为人民健康更好地提供全方位、全周期的健康保障,同时为全球健康治理提供更多的智慧和经验。  相似文献   

Nutrition is a necessary component of education in the health professions. Although often underplayed, nutrition is an integral facet of dental education, particularly because the oral cavity is the entry point to the gastrointestinal tract. This article addresses the current status of nutrition education in medical and dental schools, including the common themes, strategies, and challenges of integrating nutrition education in this venue, particularly in dental schools. The survival and progression of nutrition as a component of medical and dental education depends to a large extent on the creativity and innovative strategies used by educators and administrators in medical and dental schools and in training programs. A forward-thinking attitude with a focus on the integration of nutrition topics throughout the 4 y of medical or dental school and subsequent training programs will increase the potential for a successful program.  相似文献   

The challenge for regions embarking on measles elimination will be to maintain high population immunity with excellent vaccination coverage and high-quality surveillance. Meeting this challenge will be especially critical for dealing with importations of measles virus that will occur as long as the virus is circulating anywhere in the world. Implementation of measles elimination strategies will uncover the "hidden" disease burden of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. As was the experience in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), integrating the elimination of measles with the elimination of rubella will greatly enhance the capacity of countries to sustain progress in the reduction of measles mortality. Countries of LAC prioritized the routine national immunization program over short-term successes. While doing so, they have also encountered new opportunities to expand the benefits of disease control and elimination activities to other aspects of public health, most importantly towards improving health care for women and newborns and reducing inequities in health in the region's poorest communities. Implementation of similar strategies could lead to the global eradication of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome early this century, while strengthening routine immunization programs, and developing the capacity to introduce new and underutilized vaccines.  相似文献   

目的 深入分析医学社团在全球卫生治理进程中的特点,参与路径;思考医学社团助力中国参与全球卫生治理带来的启示。 方法 本文通过文献检索,总结医学社团的特点,理解在全球卫生进程中发挥的作用;通过案例分析法,回顾中华预防医学会疫情期间国际交流工作实践,探索医学社团助力中国参与全球卫生治理的路径。 结果 医学社团利用专业性、灵活性和协同性等特点,在全球重大公共卫生问题应对、推动全球卫生倡议、促进全球卫生合作中发挥重要作用。医学社团通过组织学术交流会议、分享抗疫经验、搭建权威信息平台及争取国际组织任职等路径,帮助中国参与全球卫生治理进程。 结论 医学社团应提升能力,配合政府开展工作,主动将国际交流工作主动纳入中国参与全球卫生治理工作大局。  相似文献   

Despite an increase in organizational capacity building efforts by external organizations in low and middle income countries, the documentation of these efforts and their effects on health programs and systems remains limited. This paper reviews key frameworks for considering sustainability of capacity building and applies these frameworks to an evaluation of the sustainability of an AIDS non‐governmental organization (NGO) capacity building initiative. From 2004–2007 Bristol‐Myers Squibb Foundation's Secure the FutureTM initiative in southern Africa funded a five country program, the NGO Training Institute (NGOTI), to build capacity of NGOs working to address HIV/AIDS. Lessons learned from this project include issues of ownership, the importance of integrating planning for sustainability within capacity‐building projects, and the value of identifying primary capacity‐building objectives in order to select sustainability strategies that are focused on maintaining program benefits. Sustainability for capacity building projects can be developed by discussing key issues early in the planning process with all primary stakeholders. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a review of opportunities and challenges for future progress in building intercountry, regional, and global alliances for public health nutrition training. Drawing on experiences from developing, implementing, and evaluating public health nutrition training in Australasia, Europe, and the Middle East, suggestions are provided for building a network of global training activities. Opportunities are described in areas such as standardization of course competencies and registration schemes, resource sharing, student and trainer exchange programs, and professional development. Challenges are identified and options presented for building global alliances in public health nutrition training into the future.  相似文献   

目的为我国中西部地区乃至全国范围内的基本医疗保健制度的建立提供经验和政策建议。方法采用了快速政策研究方法、文献分析法、结构式访谈和现场考察等定性方法;在课题组内部开展了"头脑风暴法"的专家讨论会。结果与结论就农村卫生投入政策、发展新型农村合作医疗制度、城乡居民基本卫生保健服务体系建设、农村卫生人力政策和农村公共卫生服务均等化五个方面总结了现有经验并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

目的探索符合口岸发展新形势要求的核心能力建设模式,以达到总局2009-2012口岸卫生检疫核心能力建设方案要求。方法通过对口岸卫生检疫核心能力建设基本需求主要涉及到检疫查验能力建设等六个方面建设进行研究,使保健中心、技术中心的技术优势为现场查验和口岸卫生监督媒介生物监测等发挥重要作用。结果完善口岸卫生检疫设施和建立口岸卫生检疫核心能力新模式,最大限度的发挥六个方面的最优作用。结论通过建立起新的卫生检疫口岸检疫模式充分发挥口岸卫生检疫的最大效能,对确保口岸卫生安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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