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HAART过程中285例HIV/AIDS患者口腔病损的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]观察"高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)"过程中,人免疫缺陷病毒感染(HIV)/艾滋病(AIDS)患者口腔病损发生情况.[方法]2007年3月对上蔡县正在实施HAART的285例HIV/AIDS患者进行口腔病损调查,CD<,4>细胞计数分析,观察实施HAART 1至2年后HIV/AIDS患者口腔病损发生情况.[结果]在本组HIV/AIDS患者中,27例出现口腔病损,其中口腔白色念珠菌病14例、单纯疱疹性口炎3例、非特异性口腔溃疡2例、卡波济肉瘤2例、可单发或同时伴发.[结论]实施HAART能显著降低HIV/AIDS患者口腔病损的发生.  相似文献   

目的了解艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者拒绝高效抗反转录病毒(简称"HAART")治疗的原因及影响因素。方法采用普查法对2016-12居住在黔东南州3个月以上,存活可随访且≥18岁的HIV/AIDS进行调查,收集社会人口学信息与疫情数据库进行互补,计算HIV/AIDS拒绝HAART比例,应用Logistic回归分析研究拒绝HAART的影响因素,调查拒绝HAART原因。结果符合本次研究条件的HIV/AIDS共计1 802例,有24.4%(440/1 802)的HIV/AIDS拒绝HAART。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,苗族HIV/AIDS比其他民族更可能拒绝HAART(OR=1.99,95%CI:1.13~3.51);与疾控机构对HIV/AIDS实施的初筛阳性告知相比,综合医院告知(OR=1.48,95%CI:1.03~2.12)、未告知(OR=2.26,95%CI:1.44~3.56)更可能拒绝HAART;与无收入来源的HIV/AIDS相比,主要收入来源以低保为主的(OR=0.18,95%CI:0.08~0.39)更容易接受HAART结论黔东南州拒绝HAART比例较高,不同民族、初筛阳性告知机构、收入来源是HIV/AIDS拒绝HAART的相关影响因素。应提高初筛阳性告知质量,挑选懂少数民族语言的医生参与动员治疗工作,协助符合条件的HIV/AIDS申请低保,开辟低保申请"绿色通道"。  相似文献   

目的 开展吸毒人群死亡率研究,为多年来高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)工作的效果进行分析和评价.方法 对玉溪市1995-2011年参加HAART的注射吸毒HIV/AIDS治疗病例和死亡病例进行分析.结果 治疗病例死亡率维持在较低水平,注射吸毒HIV/AIDS死亡率维持在1.02~5.56/100人年之间;注射吸毒HIV/AIDS死亡速度趋势的比较在HAART前后两个阶段有统计学意义(P<0.01).讨论 影响注射吸毒HIV/AIDS死亡的因素众多,HAART有效降低了吸毒人群HIV/AIDS的死亡率和死亡速度,延长了病人的生存年限.  相似文献   

目的研究吉林市93例HIV感染者/AIDS病人疾病进展情况;采用高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)的疗效,为HIV/AIDS综合防治措施提供科学依据。方法通过现场流行病学调查分析HIV感染者/AIDS病人一般情况,检测抗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)抗体,定期进行CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞绝对计数检测以监测疾病进展,用HAART治疗HIV感染者/AIDS病人,监测病毒学及免疫学变化,观察抗病毒药物的毒副作用及服药依从性。结果吉林市93例HIV感染者/AIDS病人中86例(92.5%)经血液感染且合并HCV感染。估计感染时间在8年以上者88例,其中20.5%CD4+T淋巴细胞数<200/mm3,50%为200~500/mm3,29.5%>500/mm3。接受HAART治疗的23例HIV感染者/AIDS病人治疗前平均病毒载量为5.06 log拷贝/ml(4.39×105拷贝/ml),治疗12个月后平均下降3.47log拷贝/ml(P<0.001),其中16例达到检测不出的水平(<400拷贝/ml),CD4+T淋巴细胞数平均上升48个/mm3(P<0.05)。结论吉林市存在部分疾病进展缓慢的HIV感染者;HAART治疗取得了较好的疗效,但司他夫定和去羟肌苷联合应用使周围神经病变发生率较高;加强对感染者疾病进展和抗病毒疗效及不良反应监测,有助于确定开始抗病毒治疗的时机和及时调整治疗方案。  相似文献   

高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)显著降低了人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)患者的机会性感染发生率,接受治疗者的CD4T细胞计数增加表明其免疫功能已有提高。HAART使HIV/AIDS相关的真菌感染率由90年代中期的25%下降到现在的20%,耐咪唑类药的白色念珠菌和曲霉菌引起的机会性感染很少出现于HIV感染者,而HIV合并真菌感染者在接受HAART后也不需要超长时间的抗真菌治疗。随着HAART的有效应用,HIV/AIDS相关机会性感染将得到显著的控制。  相似文献   

高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)显著降低了人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)患者的机会性感染发生率,接受治疗者的CD4 T细胞计数增加表明其免疫功能已有提高.HAART使HIV/AIDS相关的真菌感染率由90年代中期的25%下降到现在的20%,耐咪唑类药的白色念珠菌和曲霉菌引起的机会性感染很少出现于HIV感染者,而HIV合并真菌感染者在接受HAART后也不需要超长时间的抗真菌治疗.随着HAART的有效应用,HIV/AIDS相关机会性感染将得到显著的控制.  相似文献   

目的 了解南京市接受抗病毒治疗(ART)的HIV感染者及艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)的ART依从性及其影响因素,为提高HIV/AIDS人群的ART依从性提供参考。方法 2014年5-6月在南京市第二医院接受免费高效抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)的HIV/AIDS作为研究对象,收集一般人口学、ART情况及社会支持与歧视等信息,利用logistic回归分析HAART依从性的影响因素。结果 共调查HIV/AIDS 276例,以依从性支持评价中心的依从性指数为评价标准,调查发现总体依从性良好252例,占91.3%。经单因素及多因素分析显示,提醒服药(OR=0.13,95%CI:0.04~0.37)、年龄较大者(OR=0.52,95%CI:0.31~0.89)服药依从性较好;而存在ART副作用(OR=4.11,95%CI:1.35~12.56)、WHO分期较诊断时降低(OR=3.56,95%CI:1.37~9.21)和吸烟(OR=5.38,95%CI:2.00~14.45)是影响依从性的危险因素。结论 南京市HIV/AIDS人群ART依从性整体情况较好,为进一步巩固提高,对存在ART副作用、无提醒服药、吸烟、年龄较小、病情减轻的患者加强服药依从性教育。  相似文献   

云南省15个地州级医院自2004年陆续开始对HIV/AIDS中符合抗病毒治疗指征者进行高效联合抗病毒治疗(HAART)。为评估HAART效果及用药后不良反应,本研究选择2007—2012年2830例接受HAART的HIV/AIDS,监测其病毒载量、CD4+T淋巴细胞计数,并分析1371例患者换药情况和用药后不良反应  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省商洛市高效抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)的生存率及影响因素,为提高艾滋病抗病毒治疗效果提供依据。方法以2010—2018年在商洛市首次接受HAART治疗的≥18岁HIV/AIDS病例为研究对象。采用寿命表法分析HIV/AIDS病例的生存率、死亡率和中位数生存时间;采用Cox比例风险回归模型分析HAART治疗HIV/AIDS病例生存时间的影响因素。结果共调查286例HIV/AIDS病例,因AIDS死亡27例。治疗后1年内、4年和8年的累计生存率分别为93.95%、89.71%和88.39%。多因素Cox比例风险回归分析结果显示,首次接受HAART治疗时年龄≥30岁(RR:4.208~24.095,95%CI:1.219~79.491)比18~29岁组死亡风险高;AIDS患者(RR=38.590,95%CI:15.451~96.382)比HIV感染者死亡风险高;同性性接触感染(RR=3.425,95%CI:1.385~8.470)和其他途径感染(RR=10.299,95%CI:3.602~29.446)比异性性接触感染死亡风险高;基线CD4+T淋巴细胞数≥200个/μL (RR:0.133~0.170,95%CI:0.048~0.604)比200个/μL死亡风险低。结论商洛市HAART治疗HIV/AIDS病例生存率较高;首次接受治疗时年龄、病程、感染途径和基线CD4+T淋巴细胞数影响HIV/AIDS病例的生存时间。  相似文献   

目的 了解河北省HIV/AIDS的HAART效果。方法 以1989-2013年全省报告的4 148例HIV/AIDS进行研究, 对发现的HIV/AIDS定期随访、检测CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、登记死亡。自2003年开始, 对符合HAART条件的HIV/AIDS实施免费治疗。观察截止日期为2013年12月31日。结果 4 148例HIV/AIDS, 观察12 451.48人年, 全死因死亡968例, 死亡密度7.77/100人年, 其中接受HAART者死亡密度为2.87/100人年, 未接受HAART者死亡密度为16.58/100人年, 后者是前者的5.77倍。对1 894例AIDS, 自发病之日至观察截止日, 观察4 774.48人年, 全死因死亡581例, 死亡密度121.69/100人年, 其中参加HAART者死亡密度4.77/100人年, 未参加HAART者死亡密度125.92/100人年。CD4+T淋巴细胞计数<200 cells/mm3组的死亡密度由不接受HAART治疗的22.9/100人年降至接受HAART治疗的5.3/100人年。通过年度分析发现, 随着HIV/AIDS人群HAART覆盖率逐年提高, 人群的全死因死亡率逐年下降。HIV人群HAART覆盖率提高, 可降低未参加HAART的HIV感染者的死亡率。结论 进一步扩大抗病毒治疗覆盖面, 可有效减少HIV/AIDS的死亡。  相似文献   

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has dramatically altered the natural history of HIV disease. Studies demonstrate that ≥95% adherence is necessary to garner the full benefits of HAART. However, appropriate adherence to treatment is difficult and challenging. This paper provides an overview of potential clinical and economic outcomes associated with poor adherence to HAART. Since there are no studies exploring the costs associated with poor adherence to HAART, we discuss potential direct and indirect costs accrued with more frequent treatment failures, selection of resistant strains, increased hospitalizations and a faster progression to AIDS associated with poor adherence to HAART. Additionally, we review studies of interventions and strategies to improve adherence to HAART. Although, single-focus interventions have enhanced the chances of achieving viral suppression by 10 to 23%, the literature has demonstrated that for long-term treatments, programs employing diverse interventions that continue over time are more effective. Under constrained healthcare budgets, government, healthcare managers and policy makers require accurate and timely information concerning the cost effectiveness of adherence intervention programs. We discuss considerations in determining the cost effectiveness of an adherence intervention program.  相似文献   



Poor adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) may result in treatment failure and death. Most reports of the effect of adherence to HAART on mortality come from studies where special efforts are made to provide HAART under ideal conditions. However, there are few reports of the impact of non-adherence to HAART on mortality from community HIV/AIDS treatment and care programmes in developing countries. We therefore conducted a study to assess the effect of adherence to HAART on survival in The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) community HAART programme in Kampala, Uganda.  相似文献   

Treatment adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is a critical issue in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care. HAART can extend the longevity of people living with HIV, but treatment efficacy relies on strict adherence that is difficult for many consumers to manage. Results presented in this article are based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with Native Hawaiian consumers (n = 6) who reported moderate to low levels of overall HAART adherence, and based on their kokua, or primary support. All interviews were recorded on audiotape, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using Grounded Theory methods. Research questions that guided the inquiry, included: What are the challenges of Hawaiians who report moderate to low levels of HAART adherence? How does non-adherence occur? What is the role of the kokua (primary caregiver) and/or family members in treatment adherence? What types of support enhance adherence? The unpredictability of living with HIV was a major challenge to adherence. Symptom distress and active use of alcohol and other drugs interfered with the capacity to appropriately adhere. Two patterns of non-adherence were identified: interrupted regime and intermittent use. Tangible and emotional types of support, sometimes delivered in culture-specific ways, were viewed as helpful in maintaining compliance and in resuming the regime when difficulties arose. The findings complement extant research on HAART by providing an understanding of adherence as a lived experience among Native Hawaiians and their kokua.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess whether HIV RNA levels (log(10) scale) in highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) treated population have a bimodal distribution, suggesting optimal or suboptimal response to HAART. METHODS: The study population from two ongoing cohort studies comprised 564 men (4785 person visits) and 1173 women (8675 person visits) with known dates of HAART initiation and with HIV RNA measurements before and after initiation. Values below detection limit of assays were treated in the analysis as left censored. Maximum likelihood methods were used to estimate parameters and to determine possible bimodality of HIV RNA distributions. RESULTS: A two component mixture model fitted HIV RNA levels significantly better than did a single component distribution at different years from HAART initiation in both therapy experienced and therapy naive patients. In the fifth year after HAART initiation, 32% of men and 44% of women had HIV RNA in the higher component with medians of 5247 and 9253 copies/ml, respectively, suggesting suboptimal virological response to HAART, which was associated with poor adherence and lower frequency of CCR5 heterozygous genotype. CONCLUSION: The bimodal distribution of HIV RNA persisted during the years after HAART initiation. The high occurrence of suboptimal virological response at the fifth year after HAART initiation underscore the needs for careful monitoring and patient education about the importance of treatment adherence. This data analysis overcomes limitations of measurement techniques of observations having values below detection limits and serves to characterise the dynamics of the virological response to therapies.  相似文献   

People with drug addictions have among the lowest rates of adherence to HIV medications (i.e. HAART) of any infected population, which is often explained through reference to the instability associated with problematic drug use and the ‘chaos’ that is assumed to characterize the lives of people with addictions. Many studies examine the links between addiction and adherence from the perspective of HIV-positive populations, but few explore how HIV care providers think about addictions, their impact on adherence, and how to incorporate the complex health needs of drug-using populations into comprehensive HIV care practices. Using qualitative data from a pilot study on adherence to HAART among people with drug addictions in Vancouver, British Columbia, this paper examines how eight HIV care providers (i.e. physicians, pharmacists, and community-based service providers) approach these interconnected issues. Our findings illustrate that while addictions often complicate adherence to HAART, this is not a universal reality, and the kinds of drugs used as well as the individual capacities of these patients also factor significantly in their adherence success. The organization of the HIV care environment, which is highly stratified and provides certain professionals with more resources and structural capabilities to deliver comprehensive care than others, also plays a large role in our participants’ abilities to address the health needs of their clients with addictions. We recommend that the current HIV care delivery system be adapted to ensure more integrated care and greater equity across the different groups of providers working in the field of HIV care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Inadequate adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) may lead to poor health outcomes and the development of HIV strains that are resistant to HAART. The authors developed a model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of counseling interventions to improve adherence to HAART among men who have sex with men (MSM). METHODS: The authors developed a dynamic compartmental model that incorporates HIV treatment, adherence to treatment, and infection transmission and progression. All data estimates were obtained from secondary sources. The authors evaluated a counseling intervention given prior to initiation of HAART and before all changes in drug regimens, combined with phone-in support while on HAART. They considered a moderate-prevalence and a high-prevalence population of MSM. RESULTS: If the impact of HIV transmission is ignored, the counseling intervention has a cost-effectiveness ratio of $25,500 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained. When HIV transmission is included, the cost-effectiveness ratio is much lower: $7400 and $8700 per QALY gained in the moderate- and high-prevalence populations, respectively. When the intervention is twice as costly per counseling session and half as effective as estimated in the base case (in terms of the number of individuals who become highly adherent, and who remain highly adherent), then the intervention costs $17,100 and $19,600 per QALY gained in the 2 populations, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Counseling to improve adherence to HAART increased length of life, modestly reduced HIV transmission, and cost substantially less than $50,000 per QALY gained over a wide range of assumptions but did not reduce the proportion of drug-resistant strains. Such counseling provides only modest benefit as a tool for HIV prevention but can provide significant benefit for individual patients at an affordable cost.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to determine how well self-reported adherence fares compared to therapeutic drug monitoring in monitoring HAART adherence.MethodsWe administered a validated self-reported adherence (SRA) questionnaire to 925 HIV patients on HAART in a large Malaysian hospital from 2010 to 11. We also performed Therapeutic Drug monitoring (TDM) by concurrently collecting and testing blood samples for Efavirenz, Nevirapine and Lamivudine using Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. We compared the SRA against the TDM results. Sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive (NPV) and diagnostic accuracy values were computed for each drug.ResultsSelf-reported adherence (SRA) over-estimates adherence by between 6 and 10 percentage points compared to therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). SRA is highly sensitive with sensitivity exceeding 0.90 but is not very specific (0.56–0.63). PPV for SRA ranged between 0.76 (Lamivudine) and 0.84 (Efavirenz) while NPV ranged between 0.78 (Lamivudine) and 0.81 (Efavirenz). Overall diagnostic accuracy ranged between 0.76 (Lamivudine) and 0.84 (Nevirapine).ConclusionSelf-reported adherence is a surprisingly accurate instrument for measuring HAART adherence compared to TDM and can be reliably used in practice in resource-poor settings.  相似文献   

目的 探讨随访干预对人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immune deficiency virus,HIV)感染者/艾滋病(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS患者)社会支持及服药依从性的效果。方法 采用分层随机抽样的方法,在随访干预前后对河南省五个艾滋病防治示范县/市的HIV/AIDS患者抗病毒治疗的社会支持度和服药依从性进行基线和随访调查评价。结果 基线和随访调查分别纳入研究对象911人和860人,其中抗病毒治疗者分别为798人和795人。HIV/AIDS患者基线与随访调查的社会支持总平均得分分别为(38.64±7.87)分和(40.36±7.45)分,差异有统计学意义(t=4.486,P<0.001);随访干预后调查对象各维度支持得分均高于基线调查平均得分,差异均有统计学意义(均有P<0.05)。研究对象基线与随访调查抗病毒治疗服药依从性好的患者与依从性差的患者比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.648,P<0.001)。结论 随访干预可以有效提高HIV/AIDS患者社会支持和服药依从性,且社会支持得分越高,服药依从性越好。  相似文献   

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