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住院患者肠外营养支持的适应证(草案)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
临床营养支持(clinical nutrition support)一般认为是经口、肠道或肠外途径为患者提供比较全面的营养素,目前临床上包括肠内营养(entemal nutrition,EN)和肠外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)。EN是指经消化道管饲较全面的营养素。PN即经静脉输注氨基酸、脂肪和糖等3大类营养素及维生素和矿物质.又称全肠外营养(total parenteral nutrition,TPN)。  相似文献   

有营养风险患者首选肠内营养支持   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
临床营养支持包括肠外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)与肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN)支持。20世纪60至80年代初,我国每年接受规范PN、EN支持的病例仅有数十至数千例,常用于有明显营养不良(不足)的患者,所以适应证方面基本不存在问题。1987年以后,接受临床营养支持的人数有了较快增长,2000年后增长更为迅速。根据洲际市场服务(Intercontinental MarketingService,IMS)保健信息系统中用药总量的动态数据,  相似文献   

临床营养支持的发展趋势   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:16  
20世纪60年代未,肠外营养(PN)与肠内营养(EN)相继应用于临床,取得了明显的效果,使许多病人得到康复,同时对临床营养的输液技术和疾病的代谢有了广泛、深入的研究.40年来,在营养制剂、输液方法和代谢理论上,都有着迅速的发展、进步,甚至有些概念也在改变.  相似文献   

肠内营养在外科临床中的应用   总被引:61,自引:4,他引:57  
0 引  言自 60年代以来 ,肠外营养 ( PN)一直受到人们的关注和重视 ,并已成为外科危重病人的一个重要支持手段 ,被认为是一个划时代的贡献。然而近几年来 ,随着肠道是外科应激的中心器官以及对肠源性感染的深入认识 ,肠内营养 ( EN)尤其是早期肠内营养 ( early enteral nutrition,EEN)的开展又引起了人们的重视。但仍有许多问题有待解决 ,尤其是外科特殊疾病中 EEN开始的时间、可行性及其临床价值仍有待于进一步探讨。1 肠内营养的重要性外科病人常伴有胃肠功能障碍 ,以及严重感染 ,此时常需肠外营养 ( PN)支持。但长期应用 PN的…  相似文献   

目的 比较不同营养方式对呼吸科老年重症患者呼吸肌力和临床结局的影响.方法 采用随机数字表法,将147例呼吸科老年重症患者按入院先后顺序随机分为肠内(EN)肠外(PN)混合营养组,EN组和PN组,每组49例,观察营养支持前后患者能量代谢指标和呼吸肌力的变化情况及短期结局.结果 营养支持后第7天,各组患者的血浆白蛋白(ALB)、血红蛋白(Hb)、肌酐(Cr)水平和氮平衡均较营养支持前明显升高(P均<0.01),血尿素氮(BUN)水平较营养支持前明显下降(P<0.01);混合营养组ALB、Hb、Cr和氮平衡升高幅度均明显高于EN组和PN组(P<0.05或P<0.01),BUN下降幅度明显高于EN组(P<0.05).混合营养组(P=0.021)和EN组(P=0.011)的最大吸气压水平明显高于营养支持前,混合营养组的气道阻断压水平明显低于营养支持前(P=0.025).PN组患者感染性并发症及非感染性并发症发生率明显高于EN组 (P=0.002,P=0.017)和混合营养组(P=0.005,P=0.004),EN组患者的胃潴留发生率明显高于PN组(P=0.035).混合营养组患者的脱机时间、呼吸重症监护病房停留时间、住院时间与20 d死亡率均明显小于EN组和PN组(P均<0.05).结论 EN与PN联用改善呼吸科老年重症患者营养状况和呼吸肌力的效果明显优于单用EN和PN,其短期临床结局也好于单用EN和PN.
Objective To compare the influences of different routes of nutrition on the outcome and respiratory muscle strength of elderly patients in respiratory intensive care unit (RICU). Methods Totally 147 elderly patients in RICU were equally randomized into combined nutrition group ( combinination of parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition), total enteral nutrition (EN) group, and total parenteral nutrition (PN) group. The changes of energy metabolism, respiratory muscle strength, and short-term outcome were observed or determined.Results Plasma albumin (ALB), hemoglobin (Hb), creatinine (Cr) levels, and nitrogen balance significantly increased in all group 7 days later ( all P < 0. 01 ), while blood urea nitrogen (BUN) significantly decreased ( P <0.01 ). The increase of ALB, Hb, Cr levels, and nitrogen balance were significantly more remarkable than that in EN group and PN group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The decrease of BUN level in the combined nutrition group was significantly more remarkable than that in EN group ( P < 0. 05 ). After nutritional support, the maximum inspiratory pressure in the combined nutrition group (P =0. 021 ) and EN group (P = 0. 011 ) became significantly higher, and occlusion pressure at 0.1 second inspiration level in the combined nutrition group became significantly lower ( P =0. 025). The incidences of infectious and non-infectious complications in PN group were significantly higher than those in EN group (P = 0. 002 and 0. 017, respectively) and combined nutrition group ( P = 0. 005 and 0. 004, respectively). Gastric retention was more common in EN group than that in PN group ( P = 0. 035). The weaning time,length of RICU stay, length of hospital stay and 20-day-mortality were significantly decreased in the combined nutrition group than those in the other two groups ( all P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion The effectiveness of the combined application of PN and EN is superior to PN or EN alone in improving nutritional status and respiratory muscle strength as well as in improving the short-term outcome in elderly patients in RICU..  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤患者应首选肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN),因为其可获得与肠外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)相似的临床营养效果,但全身性感染等并发症发生率及费用低于PN。研究显示,早期EN支持可提高重型颅脑损伤患者生存率,降低残疾率。我科自2005年5月开始采用胃.空肠管对重型颅脑损伤患者进行EN,收到良好效果,现报告如下。  相似文献   

胃肠外营养(PN)是指通过胃肠道以外的途径,即静脉输入人体代谢所需的营养物质的一种方法.作为20世纪外科学基础治疗手段的重大进步,PN已被广泛地应用于与营养相关的各科病人的综合治疗中,也成为危重症医学中的一项重要治疗手段[1].根据美国肠内肠外营养学会(ASPEN)统计,全美每年有60万人接受PN治疗,约有7 000例病人居家接受PN,即家庭肠外营养(HPN).在国内,PN的应用面也越来越广.  相似文献   

1免疫营养的由来20世纪60年代未,临床营养支持自Dudrick与Wilmore倡用腔静脉输注营养液后发展迅速。20世纪80年代,免疫营养(inmuno nutrition)学有了很大的创新和进步。随着临床营养支持广泛深入的应用,逐渐认识到营养支持不单纯具有提供热量、蛋白质等营养物质的作用,它还介入到机体的病理生理  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,肠内营养(EN)广泛应用于临床,应用鼻胃管或鼻肠管喂食是主要的方式,取得了明显的效果,但也发现了一些因EN而带来的并发症。最常见的是病人不耐受EN制剂而引发胃肠道症状,如腹胀、腹泻,甚至呕吐,也可能因EN被污染而引发肠道炎症、细菌性感染,也可因代谢障碍而有  相似文献   

目的 探讨早产极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infant,VLBWI)早期生长与肠外肠内营养的关系,为早产VLBWI肠外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)和肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN)实践管理提供科学依据。方法 根据早产VLBWI出院校正胎龄与出生胎龄的体重Z-评分(Z-score)改变(ΔWt SDS)分为两组:非生长减速(non-catch-down,NCD)组,ΔWt SDS≥-0.67;生长减速(catch-down,CD)组,ΔWt SDS<-0.67。两组临床资料行回顾性分析。结果 NCD组92例、CD组85例早产VIBWI。两组母亲孕期主要并发症发生率、出生胎龄、出生体格指标(体重、身长、头围)及相应Z-score差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。NCD组出院体格指标及相应Z-score显著高于CD组(P<0.05或<0.01)。NCD组支气管肺发育不良和静脉营养相关性胆汁淤积症发生率显著低于CD组(P<0.05)。NCD组PN时间显著低于CD组(P<0.01)。出生5~7 d NCD组PN脂肪乳摄入量和PN能量摄入量均显著高于CD组(P均<0.05),而出生2~6周NCD组PN能量摄入量显著低于CD组(P<0.05);出生5 d~6周NCD组EN摄入奶量则显著高于CD组(P<0.05或<0.01);出生5 d~5周NCD组PN和EN总蛋白质摄入量显著高于CD组(P<0.05)。结论 早产VLBWI出生1周内充足PN脂肪乳和能量摄入,EN喂养量增加,可降低PN时间,获早期生长改善。  相似文献   

目的:通过Meta分析方法系统评价肠内营养(EN)与肠外营养(PN)对危重症的临床疗效。方法:检索Pub Med、Embase、Springerlink、Medline、中国知网、万方、维普数据库(建库至2016年4月22日),纳入有关肠内营养与肠外营养治疗的随机对照试验(RCT),以总并发症发生率、总感染率、肺炎发生率、尿路感染率、脓毒症及其他感染发病率、死亡率、住院时间等为效应指标,由两名研究者独立对入选文献的质量和研究结果进行摘录,应用Review Manager 5.3进行Meta分析。结果 :Meta分析结果显示,与肠外营养相比,肠内营养显著降低了总感染发生率(OR=0.54,P=0.04)、肺炎发生率(OR=0.65,P=0.04)及脓毒症及其他感染发生率(OR=0.59,P=0.04),两者在总并发症发生率、尿路感染率、死亡率及住院时间均无显著差异。结论 :肠内营养能显著降低危重症病人感染的发生,特别是降低肺炎、脓毒症及相关性炎症反应的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨胃癌手术后早期肠内肠外营养(EN-PN)与完全肠外营养(TPN)的治疗效果。方法对2000年1月~2004年12月在我院普外科行胃癌根治术198例患者进行回顾性分析,其中97例(EN-PN组)采用术后早期肠内肠外营养治疗,101例(TPN组)采用完全肠外营养治疗,比较两组患者的术后营养指标(体重、血浆白蛋白、前白蛋白、视黄醇结合蛋白)、肛门排气时间、胃排空恢复时间、住院时间和总住院费、并发症发生率。结果EN-PN组术后第7天的血浆前白蛋白和视黄醇结合蛋白(302.54±58.65)g/L和(39.21±6.54)mg/L均显著高于TPN组的(236.89±48.84)g/L(P<0.05)和(25.36±5.37)mg/L(P<0.01);EN-PN组的肛门排气时间、胃排空恢复时间、住院时间分别为(56.8±7.1)小时、(6.6±3.8)天、(15.5±5.8)天,均显著少于TPN组的(79.6±14.6)小时(P<0.01)、(13.2±6.2)天(P<0.05)和(22.6±5.6)天(P<0.05);EN-PN组的并发症发生率18.6%和总住院费16568.35元均显著少于TPN组的40.6%(P<0.01)和28612.85元(P<0.01)。结论胃癌术后早期肠内肠外联合营养治疗安全可靠、简便易行、符合生理、肠功能恢复快、并发症少、费用低廉。  相似文献   

目的运用Meta分析的方法综合评价早期肠内营养(EN)和肠外营养(PN)对食管癌患者术后临床疗效。方法全面广泛地搜索OVID、Medline、EMBASE、Pub Med、Cochrane Library、CNKI、中文科技期刊数据库(维普)和万方中文等数据库,纳入研究涉及肠内营养和肠外营养治疗食管癌患者临床疗效的随机对照试验(RCT),无时间和语言限制,应用RevMan5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果纳入24个随机对照试验,共纳入2919例患者。Meta分析结果表明,与肠外营养相比,食管癌患者术后进行肠内营养能明显改善患者血清白蛋白、前白蛋白、转铁蛋白水平,降低术后肺部感染及切口感染的发生率(P<0.05);早期肠内营养可提高术后患者血红蛋白水平,降低术后吻合口瘘发生率及消化道症状的发生率(P>0.05)。结论肠内营养可显著提高食管癌术后患者的营养水平,同时降低术后并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

济南市3所小学四年级学生营养教育效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价对小学生及家长进行营养教育的效果。方法 随机选取济南市3所普通小学的四年级学生355名,随机分为干预Ⅰ组,干预Ⅱ组和对照组,对干预组学生进行一个学期的营养教育课(各6学时),将家长作为二级靶人群,应用定量和定性研究方法进行效果评价。结果 各干预组学生的营养知识得分分别提高45.20%和47.99%,食物选择能力增强,膳食趋于平衡,牛奶,鸡蛋,蔬菜,水果,豆制品及薯类的消费增加;家长知识得分提高20.50%和24.84%,牛奶,蔬菜及水果的消费增加;定性研究的结果表明学生开始逐渐纠正不吃早餐,偏食,桃食,常吃零食等行为。结论 开展以学校为基础的营养教育效果显。  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine the impact of ethnicity, Spanish language preference, socioeconomic status, and treatment setting on utilization of supportive services before radiotherapy (RT) among head and neck cancer patients and to determine whether a lack of these services is associated with an increased rate of adverse events.

Methods and Materials: Demographic, staging, and treatment details were retrospectively collected for patients treated at a safety-net hospital (n?=?56) or adjacent private academic hospital (n?=?183) from January 1, 2014, to June 30, 2016. Supportive care services evaluated were limited to speech/swallowing therapy and nutrition therapy. Adverse events and performance measures examined included weight loss during RT, gastric tube placement, emergency department visits, hospital admissions, and missed RT days.

Results: On multivariable analysis, patients receiving treatment at the safety-net hospital were less likely to receive speech/swallowing services. Receiving speech/swallowing therapy before treatment was associated with less weight loss during treatment, and in conjunction with nutrition therapy, was associated with fewer missed RT days.

Conclusion: Safety-net hospital treatment was associated with a lack of utilization of pre-RT speech/swallowing therapy which in turn was associated with increased weight loss. Interventions aimed at improving utilization of these services would improve treatment tolerance and patient outcomes.  相似文献   

目的 评价老年恶性消化道肿瘤患者术后应用肠内营养支持的安全性及临床疗效。方法 将108例老年恶性消化道肿瘤患者随机分为肠内营养(EN)组(45例)、肠外营养(PN)组(45例)及对照组(常规输液)组(18例),EN组术后24小时输注肠内营养液,PN组经外周静脉输注营养液。观察临床和测定营养支持前后患者的血糖、肝肾功能和电解质以及营养和免疫指标的变化。结果 EN组肠功能恢复时间明显短于PN组和对照组(P<0.001);血糖、肝肾功能、电解质、补体C3、C4和总补体溶血活性在各组问差异无显著性;EN、PN组治疗后体重、前白蛋白、白蛋白、IgG、IgM、IgA及C-反应蛋白均显著高于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01),而EN组与PN组间差异无显著性;EN组、PN组治疗后CD3^+、CD4^+、CD4^+/CD8^+均显著高于对照组(P<0.01),且EN组治疗后CD4^+、CD4^+/CD8^+亦高于PN组(P<0.05)。结论 肠内营养安全、实用有效,对体质差、年龄大的恶性消化道肿瘤患者更为适合。  相似文献   

Background: Plasma glutamine (Gln) level has been negatively correlated with the severity of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). Although Gln is widely used today, the results of individual randomized controlled trials of Gln‐enriched nutrition support for patients with SAP are conflicting. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, HighWire, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Wanfang, China Journals Full‐Text Database, and the Chinese Biomedical Literature Database were searched. Literature published before June 2014 was searched. Randomized controlled trials investigating the comparison of conventional and Gln‐enriched nutrition support were included; a random effect model using Rev Man 5.2 software was chosen to complete this meta‐analysis. The count data were analyzed using the risk ratio (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI), and the measurement data were analyzed using the standard mean difference or weighted mean difference and 95% CI. Heterogeneity analyses were conducted by I2 test; publication bias analyses were conducted by Begg test. Results: Ten studies were eventually chosen for analysis, including 218 patients who received conventional methods (control group) and 215 patients who received Gln‐enriched nutrition support (experimental group). Compared with the control group, Gln is helpful in elevating the albumin level, decreasing C‐reaction protein (standard mean difference = 1.01, ?1.89; 95% CI: 0.50 to 1.51, ?3.23 to ?0.56; P < .05), decreasing the incidence of infectious complication and mortality (RR = 0.62, 0.36; 95% CI: 0.46 to 0.83, 0.16 to 0.83; P < .05), and shortening the hospital stay length (weighted mean difference [WMD] = ?3.89; 95% CI: ?4.98 to ?2.81; P < .05) without increasing expenses (WMD = ?0.16; 95% CI: ?1.34 to 1.02; P > .05). Intravenous infusion manifested more advantages by decreasing the incidence of infectious complications and mortality. Conclusions: Gln‐enriched nutrition support is superior to conventional methods for SAP, and intravenous infusion may be a better choice for drug administration.  相似文献   

目的探讨极低出生体重儿早期静脉营养的耐受性和疗效。方法按入院先后将60例极低出生体重儿随机配对分为早期静脉营养组(早期组)和晚期静脉营养组(晚期组)。早期组于出生后24h内即给予静脉营养供给,晚期组于出生后3d开始静脉营养供给,两组均应用6%小儿氨基酸和20%脂肪乳,用量均从1.5g/(kg·d)开始,每日递增0.5g/(kg·d)直至3.0g/(kg·d)。同时,均根据病情尽早经口微量喂养。于入院后72h内和1周后检测肝功能、总胆红素、三酰甘油、总胆固醇和尿素氮,每日监测体质量、微量血糖,比较两组患儿恢复出生体质量的时间、体质量下降幅度、第3天热量、第7天热量、静脉营养时间、住院天数、过渡到全肠道营养的时间以及并发症发生例数。将资料输入SPSS软件进行统计分析。结果早期组患儿恢复至出生体质量时间较晚期组短(P0.01),第3天热量、第7天热量较晚期组高(P0.01),体质量下降幅度,两组差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论极低出生体重儿早期积极、规范和足量的肠外静脉营养是安全有效的。  相似文献   

Background: Many patients who cannot tolerate adequate enteral nutrition could benefit from parenteral nutrition support but fail to receive it due to difficult intravenous (IV) access. The objective of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of subcutaneous (SC) administration of parenteral nutrition with the peripheral IV route. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective randomized multicenter study of 121 older hospitalized patients. The primary outcome was the composite end point of major local side effects, defined as local edema, blistering, erythema, phlebitis, cellulitis, unbearable pain, or route failure requiring a switch in route. Secondary outcomes were nutrition parameters, biochemical parameters, clinical outcomes, and safety. Results: The SC route (n = 59) was noninferior to the IV route (n = 61) for major local side effects. Major local side effects trended higher in the IV group (P = .059). Local edema was more common in the SC group (P < .05), while route failure was more common in the IV group (P < .001). Nutrition and biochemical parameters, safety, and clinical outcomes were similar between groups. Conclusions: The SC route of nutrient administration was better tolerated than the peripheral IV route. SC administration of parenteral nutrition represents a safe alternative to IV nutrition.  相似文献   

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