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测算卫生总费用可以从两个角度人手。一是从筹资的角度,运用卫生总费用筹资来源法,按照资金的筹集渠道与筹集形式归集卫生总费用,测算全社会卫生筹资总额。福建省从1997年开始运用筹资来源法,测算1991年以来的全省卫生总费用,为我省制定宏观卫生经济政策提供了参考。二是从分配的角度,运用卫生总费用机构流向法,反映卫生资金在不同  相似文献   

2002年中国卫生总费用测算结果与分析   总被引:35,自引:8,他引:27  
报告和概要描述2002年中国卫生总费用测算结果,并从经济与社会协调发展的角度,重点分析中国公共卫生费用与农村卫生投入状况?反映中国社会经济持续高速发展的背后,公共卫生投入比例相对减少,农村卫生投入不足,以及中国公共卫生与农民健康存在的潜在危机。  相似文献   

采用筹资来源法对四川省1995-2002年农村卫生总费用进行了测算和分析,结果显示农村卫生总费用呈增长趋势,且农村卫生事业与国民经济发展基本协调,但存在水平不高、筹资不公平、结构不合理等问题;提出了在目前受经济总量的限制条件下,建议通过三种途径,可以在一定程度上提高卫生筹资公平性和卫生保健公平性.  相似文献   

文章运用福利经济学的基本理论对辽宁省1990-2008年的卫生总费用进行了测算,从公平性角度对迁宁省卫生总费用占GDP比重、人均卫生费用、卫生总费用筹资构成、政府卫生投入水平和居民个人卫生投入水平进行了分析.  相似文献   

安徽省卫生总费用实际使用法研究报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫生总费用实际使用法是根据消费者所接受的各种卫生服务的数量和成本价格估算卫生总费用的一种测量方法。中国卫生总费用核算小组根据上述原则与方法测算了安徽省1997,1998卫生总费用。首次介绍了在安徽省应用实际使用法测算卫生总费用的目的,指标体系及其理论依据,测算方法及结果。从卫生总费用的总量及其构成,发展速度等方面与全国卫生总费用的相关指标进行了初步对比分析,并提出了有关的建议。  相似文献   

1992~1997年中国医疗费用测算结果和概略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国卫生总费用核算工作组运用实际使用法测算中国1992年医疗总费用作出阶段性研究结果,发表研究结果和初步分析报告(见本刊2000年第1期)。现在,继续发表核算工作组对1997年医疗总费用的测算结果,并与1992年测算结果进行初步比较分析。  相似文献   

卫生费用分配总额测算是卫生总费用核算体系的第二个层次,是按照卫生服务机构分类对卫生总费用进行测算。从卫生职能机构划分,卫生费用表现为不同级别的医疗机构费用、公共卫生机构费用、药品零售机构费用、卫生行政管理机构费用及医学科研机构费用等,反映卫生资金在各级各类卫生机构的分配使用情况,可用来分析与评价卫生资源配置的效率与公平。  相似文献   

卫生总费用研究进展与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王颖 《中国卫生事业管理》2003,19(5):267-268,295
文章通过查阅国内外卫生总费用研究的相关文献资料,同时结合本人参与安微省卫生总费用测算的实践,在介绍了卫生总费用的定义、测算范围以及国内外研究进展的基础之上,就目前卫生总费用测算与研究对实践的指导意义作了探讨,最后明确了我国卫生总费用研究尚需进一步完善的方面。  相似文献   

中国卫生总费用分配流向测算报告   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
卫生总费用测算是反映全社会用于卫生保健资金的全部运动过程,它涉及一以卫生资金的筹集来源,分配流向(即机构流向)和使用消耗三个不同的层次,卫生资金的分配流向作为三个层次中的中间层次对卫生资金的筹集来源和使用消耗起着制约作用,开展卫生总费用分配流向法测算的研究可以得到资金分配在卫生服务各领域的比重及其变化趋势。所谓卫生总费用分配流向研究就量研究卫生资金从进入卫生系统到流出卫生系统的过程中,资金是如何在卫生系统分配和使用的。本文给出了卫生总费用分配流向测算方法并利用此测算方法对1999年全国卫生总费用进行了测算和分析。  相似文献   

安徽省卫生总费用分配流向测算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫生总费用测算涉及卫生资金的筹集来源,分配流向(即机构流向)和使用消耗三个不同层次。卫生总费用分配流向作为三个层次中的中间层次对卫生资金的筹集来源和使用消耗起着制约作用。利用安徽省资料给出了安徽省卫生总费用分配流向测算方法,并对1999年安徽省卫生资金在全省不同部门,不同地区,不同领域和不同层次的配置和使用效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the rate and predictors of health science graduates joining the rural health workforce following a rural placement. DESIGN: Longitudinal survey including the years immediately prior to and post graduation. SETTING: Western Australian health sciences graduates contacted by email and/or phone. Participants: Allied health and nursing students from urban campuses of three Western Australian universities who had taken a rural placement in their final year of study between 2000 and 2003. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Location of employment six months or more after graduation. RESULTS: Of 429 participating allied health and nursing graduates, 25% had entered the rural workforce. Factors with a positive bivariate association with rural employment were: rural background, health discipline, self-reported value of placement, non-compulsory rural placement, and placements of four weeks or less. After controlling for rural background, the value and duration of the placement were significantly associated with rural employment. CONCLUSIONS: This study augments previous work showing that any prior rural background is a significant predictor of rural work. Rural practitioners of both urban and rural origin who undertake voluntary rural placements are more likely to enter rural practice and consequently mandatory placements may not be helpful to increasing the rural workforce. The quality of a placement is a highly significant factor associated with future workplace choice, the details of which need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

我国农村医疗卫生体制分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
近几年来,随着农民收入的增长相对缓慢,政府对农村卫生资金投入不足,造成农村卫生人才缺乏,基础设施落后,某些地方传染病、地方病有所抬头,医疗费用居高不下,农民因病致贫、因病返贫现象突出,农村合作医疗举步艰难等等。建议:(1)继续深化卫生服务体系改革。(2)增强政府筹资的作用.  相似文献   

Rural mental health outcomes have been persistently poorer than those in larger cities suggesting that the prevailing investments to improve matters are not working. Mental health researchers and service providers from New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory met in Orange in October 2018 to explore issues pertaining to rural mental health and well‐being. The group recognised and acknowledged that rural residents experience a series of interconnected geographical, demographic, social, economic and environmental challenges which are not addressed adequately by the current mix of services. This declaration has been endorsed by those listed below and we welcome further support. We list ten interrelated problems and ten solutions. As a group, we take this declaration as an opportunity to invite discussion about how we can collectively improve the mental health of rural residents through research, service design and delivery. We invite the reader to consider endorsing this declaration. A short summary of supporting evidence is available online at https://www.crrmh.com.au/ .  相似文献   

Objective: To determine if multi‐purpose service (MPS) Programs deliver improved residential aged care as opposed to traditional rural hospitals. Design: A variation on comparative–experimentalist: type 4. In this design 2 groups providing different service models of rural health services are compared. Setting: Six MPS Programs and three traditional hospitals in rural New South Wales. Subjects: Key stakeholders – area representatives, health service managers, MPS managers, doctors, staff, MPS or hospital committee members and consumer groups including residents. Main outcome measure: To analyse the ability of MPS Programs to deliver quality residential aged care as opposed to using traditional hospitals for such services. Results: Multi‐purpose service programs provided better residential environments and greater flexibility of service provision. There were few apparent differences between the two service models in regard to organisational culture and training. Conclusions: The findings of this evaluation suggest that in the provision of residential aged care in rural communities, MPS Programs demonstrated better standards of care than traditional hospital based services. What is already known on the subject: The development of multi‐purpose service programs to replace the older traditional rural hospitals is a relatively new practice in Australia. With the introduction of MPS programs there has been little evaluative research to demonstrate their effectiveness in health service delivery and the provision of residential aged care. Multi‐purpose service programs aim to integrate and coordinate acute, aged and community rural health services under one structure and so it is imperative that evaluative studies such as this one takes place. What does this study add?: The findings of this study demonstrate that the MPS model provides a better solution than hospitals to the problem of providing residential aged care in rural communities. With Australia looking to further develop MPS Programs in rural areas, it is hoped quality aged care services will be enhanced allowing older adults to remain in the communities of their choice.  相似文献   

政府一方面要完善农村医疗卫生网络,发挥网络的整体功能,另一方面应在农村医疗保障制度建设的过程——目标规划、制度设计、实施和监管中承担责任。同时,全面落实政府的责任还应建立起政府和农民之间的信任关系,适时推进政策的法制化。  相似文献   

通过政策的比较与分析发现,我国农村卫生室的举办主体主要包括乡镇卫生院、村委会、乡村医生(个人或者联合)、政府、社会和单位,其中前三项是最主要的举办方式。在比较资金的筹措、公益性的保持、服务的提供、乡村医生的激励及监管的专业性等五个方面之后,认为乡镇卫生院举办农村卫生室更具综合优势,亦符合我国推行的乡村卫生服务一体化的理念和要求,有助于维护农村居民健康权等个人权益,有助于实现"人人享有基本医疗卫生服务"的国家目标。  相似文献   

我国农村卫生事业发展中存在的主要问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
改革开放以后,我国农村卫生事业发展的社会环境产生了重大变化,农村原有的合作医疗因失去集体经济的依托而解体。目前农村卫生事业存在一系列问题,绝大多数农村没有建立医疗保障制度。各级政府要从“三个代表”重要思想的高度来认识农村卫生事业改革和发展的重要性。采取必要的措施,加强卫生体制改革,加大财政投入,优化资源配置,提高乡村卫生的医疗水平,建立多种形式的农村医疗保障制度。  相似文献   

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