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A study of the social and health status of women from the former Yugoslavia was conducted in Queensland, Australia. Study participants were predominantly refugee women who had migrated to Australia between 1991 and 1996. A significant number of the women rated their health status as poor or fair. Most women did not perceive any change in health following migration, but more felt that their health had deteriorated than improved. Applying a social model of health, we explored the social contexts of countries of origin and destination that impact on women's health. We analyze how preimmigration trauma, settlement problems, health risk behaviors, and participation in screening programs affect women's health status and health needs. Data analysis indicated that government and nongovernment services can reduce the impact of preimmigration experience on health risk behaviors and poor health outcomes only to a limited degree. Since the low socioeconomic status of immigrants following immigration was identified by women as a main contributing factor to their poor health status, government support in tackling structural barriers in accessing the Australian labor market is essential to achieve positive health outcomes.  相似文献   

Exploring the international arena of global public health surveillance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Threats posed by new, emerging or re-emerging communicable diseases are taking a global dimension, to which the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretariat has been responding with determination since 1995. Key to the global strategy for tackling epidemics across borders is the concept of global public health surveillance, which has been expanded and formalized by WHO and its technical partners through a number of recently developed instruments and initiatives. The adoption by the 58th World Health Assembly of the revised (2005) International Health Regulations provides the legal framework for mandating countries to link and coordinate their action through a universal network of surveillance networks. While novel environmental threats and outbreak-prone diseases have been increasingly identified during the past three decades, new processes of influence have appeared more recently, driven by the real or perceived threats of bio-terrorism and disruption of the global economy. Accordingly, the global surveillance agenda is being endorsed, and to some extent seized upon by new actors representing security and economic interests. This paper explores external factors influencing political commitment to comply with international health regulations and it illustrates adverse effects generated by: perceived threats to sovereignty, blurred international health agendas, lack of internationally recognized codes of conduct for outbreak investigations, and erosion of the impartiality and independence of international agencies. A companion paper (published in this issue) addresses the intrinsic difficulties that health systems of low-income countries are facing when submitted to the ever-increasing pressure to upgrade their public health surveillance capacity.  相似文献   

In September 1992, the International Organization for Migration(IOM), an intergovernmental humanitarian organization basedin Geneva, Switzerland, implemented the special medical programme(SMP) for the medical evacuation of war victims in former Yugoslavia.For inclusion into the SMP, patients must be victims of war,suffer from a serious medical condition with a favourable prognosis,not treatable locally, be stable enough to survive air traveland withstand delay between medical documentation and actualevacuation. As of August 1994,1,484 patients In need of secondarytreatment not locally available were evacuated to hospitalsin 31 countries. Most patients suffered from fractures, amputationsand nerve injuries. Seventy-two per cent originated from Bosnia-Herzegovina.This paper discusses various problems encountered, such as bureaucraticobstacles, ongoing armed conflict hampering humanitarian activities,lack of funding and the effects of the sustained media attention.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed by the donor community that the targeted funding of global, regional or cross-border surveillance programmes is an efficient way to support resource-poor countries in developing their own national public health surveillance infrastructure, to encourage national authorities to share outbreak intelligence, and ultimately to ensure compliance of World Health Organization (WHO) Member States with the revised (2005) International Health Regulations. At country level, a number of factors and constraints appear to contradict this view. Global or regional surveillance initiatives, including syndromic surveillance and rumour surveillance projects, have been conceived in neglect of fragile health systems, from which they extract scarce human resources. In contradiction with a rightful stance promoting 'integrated surveillance' by WHO, the nurturing of donor-driven, poorly coordinated and redundant surveillance networks generally adds further fragmentation to national health priorities set up by developing countries. In their current categorical format, ignoring the overwhelming deficits in governance and health care capacity, global surveillance strategies seem bound to benefit mainly the most industrially developed nations through the provision of early warning information or scientific data. In lower-income countries, a focus of resources on strengthening the health system first would ultimately be a more efficient way to achieve proper detection and response to outbreaks at national or sub-national level. As documented in several pilot initiatives at sub-national level (India, South Africa, Tuvalu and Cambodia), the empowerment of frontline health workers and communities is a key element for an efficient surveillance system. Such simple measures centred on human resources and community values appear to be more beneficial than massive and conditional monetary inputs.  相似文献   

In July 1992, in former Yugoslavia the World Health Organization(WHO) launched a humanitarian assistance programme. The programmewas aimed at maintaining public health in the war-affected areaswith 4 million refugees and displaced persons, over 200,000dead, at least twice as many wounded, over 60,000 patients inneed of rehabilitation and at least 1 million persons with deeppsychological scars. The programme had 4 objectives: publichealth Interventions (Induding health and nutrition monitoring),physical and psychosodal rehabilitation, distribution of medicalsupplies and health care reform. A key feature was a systematicassessment of the needs of the affected population by meansof health and nutrition monitoring which helped to target theassistance. For some areas the WHO'S medical supplies were theonly source of much needed drugs. With the health authoritiesWHO initiated a health care reform, to enable the qualitativelyreasonably good but top-heavy and expensive health care systemsInherited from the socialist era to recuperate and survive.The WHO programme has helped avert major epidemics, preventedscurvy and rickets and helped people to survive the cold ofthe winter.  相似文献   

The new International Health Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2005 (IHR 2005) represents a major development in the use of international law for public health purposes. One of the most important aspects of IHR 2005 is the establishment of a global surveillance system for public health emergencies of international concern. This article assesses the surveillance system in IHR 2005 by applying well-established frameworks for evaluating public health surveillance. The assessment shows that IHR 2005 constitutes a major advance in global surveillance from what has prevailed in the past. Effectively implementing the IHR 2005 surveillance objectives requires surmounting technical, resource, governance, legal, and political obstacles. Although IHR 2005 contains some provisions that directly address these obstacles, active support by the World Health Organization and its member states is required to strengthen national and global surveillance capabilities.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the project was to identify the cervical screening rate and other factors that may be associated with high rates of cervical cancer in women from the former Yugoslavia compared to the general population in Victoria, Australia. Design: A cross-sectional survey was conducted by structured personal interviews of 42 Bosnian, 56 Croatian, 49 Macedonian, and 35 Serbian women, and 39 women who identified as Yugoslav or of mixed background. Self-report data were collected on Pap testing behaviour, estimated screening rate of each community, stage-based barriers to cervical screening, and women's theories about causes of cervical cancer within their community. Results: Women in this study had an acceptable screening rate, but barriers to cervical screening were similar to those of other groups. While Macedonian women believed more of their community had Pap tests than the other cultural groups, just under half were under-screened themselves. Smoking rates were very high for women in this study. The most common causes of cervical cancer suggested by women in the study were: a low screening rate, lifestyle stress, and chemicals. Conclusion: It is unlikely that the high cervical cancer rate in women from the former Yugoslavia is a result of under-screening, lifestyle stress, or chemicals. Smoking may well contribute to the cancer rate, however the most likely explanation is that cancers not previously detected in Yugoslavia are now being found, together with cervical abnormalities, within the systematic two yearly screening programme of PapScreen Victoria, in Australia.  相似文献   

2000年世界卫生组织报告的10周年纪念,为我们提供了一个绝佳的机会,去重新审视报告的发布和随后引发的讨论,这种审视有利于客观地认识和理解各种争议、达成新的共识,并使讨论更有价值和更深入。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Russia rapid changes have taken place both in total and chronic disease mortality during recent years. Little reliable information is available on the trends in conventional risk factors in Russia. METHODS: Chronic disease risk factors and health behaviours were studied in the Republic of Karelia, Russia in 1992 and 1997, in population surveys connected with the National FINRISK Study in Finland. Independent random population samples (n = 1000) of people aged between 25 and 64 years were drawn in both survey years. Surveys included a self-administered questionnaire, physical measurements and laboratory analyses. RESULTS: The levels of systolic blood pressure, total serum cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased among both genders from 1992 to 1997, but the difference between the survey years was statistically significant only among women. Both self-reported alcohol consumption and serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels increased significantly in both men and women. There was a significant shift in the type of fat used on bread and in cooking, from butter use to use of margarine and vegetable oil, among both genders. CONCLUSIONS: As a whole the risk factor levels in the Republic of Karelia are high. However, some slight improvement in risk profile was seen. Positive changes in dietary habits, such as change in the quality of fat and associated reduction in serum cholesterol levels may have contributed to the decline in cardiovascular disease mortality seen in Russia since 1995. However, since smoking and elevated blood pressure levels as well as alcohol consumption are still highly prevalent, there is a great need for effective interventions.  相似文献   

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