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湛江市疾控机构卫生检验人才现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解湛江市市、县两级疾病预防控制中心和市辖区企业防疫站卫生检验人才资源情况,为制定卫生检验人才培训、人才引进等提供科学依据。方法向市和5个县(市)疾病预防控制中心及3个市辖区企业防疫站发放卫生检验人员状况调查表,结合年鉴编制工作对2005年全市疾病预防控制机构现有从事卫生检验工作人员的学历、职称、所学专业、年龄构成等情况进行比较和分析。结果2005年全市疾病预防控制机构共有在职卫生检验人员75人,占全市疾控机构在职人员的11.0%,低于全省平均水平;高学历、高职称人才主要集中在市级疾病预防控制中心,县级疾病预防控制中心和企业防疫站高素质卫生检验人员严重匮乏。结论湛江市疾病预防控制机构卫生检验人员数量不足,整体素质偏低,全市必须有针对性地制定科学合理的规划、对策和措施,加强卫生检验人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

从科研成果获奖情况谈科研人才队伍建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 掌握医院科技人才队伍的现状,探讨医院科技人才队伍建设的措施 方法 对四川省人民医院1998~2007年获奖科研成果的数量与等级、学科(专业)分布、单位协作情况、第一完成人的年龄结构、职称、学历(位)等指标进行统计 结果 中年科技人才是医院科研工作的中坚力量,高职称人员在获奖成果的数量和质量上有明显优势,高学历人才还需加强实践经验的积累 结论 抓好科研人才继续教育。重视科研协作,提高成果水平。巩固和加强科研优势学科的建设,带动科研弱势学科的发展。完善激励机制,稳定扩大科研队伍。  相似文献   

目的分析陇南市疾病预防控制中心组织与人员现状,为人才引进、人才培养、人力资源的合理配置提供科学依据。方法通过查阅2014年陇南市疾病预防控制中心工作人员基本信息,对人员从事专业、年龄、职称、学历等构成情况进行了分析。结果陇南市疾控中心人员年龄梯度及性别构成正常;缺乏高学历人才,各级职称人员比例未达到国家规定,尤其是高级职称人员比例过小,无职称人员比例偏高;公共卫生、卫生检验技术人员缺乏,管理和工勤技能人员比例过大。结论陇南市疾控中心人力资源总量严重不足,整体素质不高,结构不合理,疾病预防控制体系建设明显滞后社会发展的需求。  相似文献   

目的通过对某地区市县(区)两级医院两年来各类人员学历及职称变化情况的对比分析,找到其变化趋势,提出人力资源开发与利用的建议和意见。方法从有关部门收集2005年和2006年两年该地区市县(区)两级医院人力资源信息,并进行比较。结果行政后勤人员大幅递减,高学历、高职称人员迅速递增,中专以下学历人员递减,医生与护士比仍未达标,护士严重不足。高学历、高职称人员市级较县(区)有明显优势,而且越是高端学历、高级职称这种优势越明显。专科医院各类职称人员递增较快,而综合科医院基本上在两年内持平或略有递减。结论加强高级人才和适宜人才的引进和培养,缩小市级与县(区)差距,提高整体卫生服务水平。  相似文献   

湛江市疾控机构人力资源现况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解湛江市疾病预防控制机构卫生人力资源的现状,为今后人力资源的合理配置提供参考依据。方法收集2004年湛江市各级疾病预防控制中心人力资源的资料,并进行相关的比例分析。结果全市疾病预防控制中心卫生技术人员以中专和大专学历、初级职称为主,所学专业以医药、卫生为主,人员配备不足,高学历、高职称人数偏少,而无学历、无职称及行政工勤人员均超标准配置。结论人力资源的配置不合理,今后要合理配置人力资源,建立人员准入制度,按照有关的要求配置足够的人员,加强继续医学教育,采取优惠政策引进高层次的人才。  相似文献   

目的了解震后灾区基层医院护理人员科研意识状况,为对策制定提供参考。方法对绵阳市所属7个县市基层医院护理人员进行问卷调查。结果震后基层护理人员有较强的科研意识,但相关知识严重缺乏,有强烈的培训需求。结论对口支援应增加论文写作相关知识的培训;基层医院需积极引入高学历、高职称护理人才,优化人力资源配置,并积极开展继续教育和培训。  相似文献   

采用自行设计的调查问卷,分层随机抽样,共抽取4家社区卫生服务中心全部全科医师队员122名.结果显示全科医师团队人力资源结构不合理,缺少高学历、高职称人才.目前面临的主要问题是工作量大、福利待遇低、居民理解配合度差等.结论是需要强化全科医师团队人力资源,全科卫生服务还需要政府、社会、居民等多方面的支持.  相似文献   

采用分层整群抽样方法选取样本,对我国东中西部、省市县级共209个样本卫生监督机构卫生监督人员收入状况进行调查分析.结果发现,按照个人收入由国家统一工资和地方津贴组成,平均收入为19 926.8元,不同地区、不同级别之间存在显著性差异.通过多因素分析可知,除机构级别、行政级别、技术职称、工龄、学历和职工性质等因素对人员收入有一定的影响外,地区和级别之间的差别对卫生监督所人员的总收入影响最为明显.因此,有必要适当提高西部地区以及基层机构的人员工资待遇,增强其对高学历、高职称人才的吸引力,提升其人才资源的配置水平,保证其卫生监督职能切实落实和完成.  相似文献   

[目的]了解河南省不同经济水平地区中医院卫生人力的现状,探讨其存在的问题,以期能够为政府卫生行政部门合理配置和开发中医院卫生人力提供参考。[方法]采用分层抽样的方法,按人均GDP的大小,在全省18个地区随机抽取好、中、差各3个地区;按整群抽样的方法,抽取以上9个地区共113所中医医疗机构进行问卷调查。[结果]中医医疗机构本科及以上学历人员所占比例较低(13.14%),而无学历偏高(20.72%);高职称人员所占比例偏低(4.73%),无职称人员偏高(33.58%);卫生人员的年龄主要集中在35~45岁,老中医少,后备力量少。[结论]河南省中医医疗机构卫生人力资源综合素质偏低,专业队伍配置不合理,老中医少,后备力量不足;欠发达地区无论是卫生人员数量,还是高学历和高职称人才的数量都不足。  相似文献   

目的 了解北海市海城区社区卫生人力资源现状,为卫生行政部门决策提供参考.方法 收集各卫生服务机构调查的资料,进行整理分析.结果 社区卫生专业技术人员年龄构成以25~44 岁为主,占61.92%;学历构成以中专、大专为主,分别占42.23%、36.27%;职称构成以初级为主,占55.7%.结论 卫技人员配置不合理,高学历、高职称人员少,需进一步优化专业人员结构,加强岗位培训以提高服务质量.  相似文献   

A survey of the career experience and postgraduate training of the 1965 and 1970 graduates of the Scottish university medical schools was carried out in 1975. The duration of training for the specialties of medicine and surgery and for obstetrics and gynaecology was in general longer than for anaesthetics, psychiatry and radiology; the implications of varying periods of training for postgraduate education are discussed. Attention is drawn to a number of factors which influenced career choice. The 1970 graduates who became principals spent longer in training for general practice than those of 1965. Some married women with children had difficulty in finding suitable part-time work; this may be a serious problem for those seeking accreditation of higher specialist training and for training for general practice. It was estimated that, of the British nationals, about 11% of the 1965 and 8% of the 1970 graduates had emigrated. General practice was the discipline most commonly chosen by doctors working overseas.  相似文献   

对国外医院管理人才培养模式和目前我国医院管理人才现状作了论述分析,通过借鉴国外的专业经验并结合我国的实际情况,就建立具有中国特色的医院管理专业人才培养机制提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Objective : To evaluate recent high school graduates' opinions on mandatory cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in the high school curriculum as a solution to improving bystander CPR rates. Methods : Participants completed questionnaires assessing their CPR training history during their high school education, their willingness to learn CPR during their high school years and their opinion on making CPR training mandatory for high school curricula. Results : Of the 178 participants in this study, 60% had undertaken CPR training during their high school education. Of those who had not undertaken CPR training, 75% reported that they would have been willing to learn CPR had they been provided with the opportunity. A total of 97% of participants were in support of mandatory CPR training in high school education. Conclusion : Implementing mandatory CPR training in high school education would be embraced by students. Implications for public health : Findings of this study support our recommendation to implement mandatory CPR training in the high school curriculum. This will likely increase the number of bystanders in the community who would spontaneously administer CPR, thereby improving outcomes for patients experiencing out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

国内外生化和药理专业博士学位论文质量案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解我国生化和药理专业博士生培养质量现状,发现问题,找出对策,以提高培养质量。方法生化和药理专业各选取2004年博士学位论文10篇,其中国内外各5篇。每专业各聘请5名专家对其相关专业论文独立评议,综合专家对同一篇论文的评价,分别合计专家对同一学科的国内外论文评阅意见。结果两专业国外论文在总体水平上均高于国内。国外论文在科学性和创新性上高于国内,尤其在创新性上差距较大,而逻辑性差别不大。结论我国生化和药理专业博士培养质量喜忧参半,要从加强论文科学性和创新性人手,提倡学科交叉以提高培养质量。  相似文献   

目的了解湖北省赴高疟区务工人员疟疾防控现状,提出输入性疟疾干预措施。方法选取武汉、宜昌、黄石、潜江等4个市,调查赴高疟区劳务派出单位、派出人数、派往国家及所采取的疟防措施等信息,访问回归人员个人基本情况、境外疟疾发病情况、个人防护措施及疟防知识知晓情况等。结果 2011-2012年,共26个企业和公司向非洲及东南亚35个国家派出务工人员10 171人,其中单位职工5 553人(54.60%),外聘人员4 618人(45.40%),务工人员接受疟防知识培训占62.62%。访问回归人员1 025人,境外患疟疾175人,患病率17.07%,其中工人患病高于其他工种,小学文化患疟疾高于初中以上文化,未接受疟防知识培训人员患病人数高于接受培训者。结论赴高疟区出国务工人员接受疟防知识培训和加强个人防护是控制疟疾感染的根本措施。  相似文献   

This paper is part of a research into the imaginaries present in the training of health professionals with respect to the regulation and exercise of their profession. The professions selected were medicine, odontology and psychology, for which emerging courses require evaluation by the National Health Council. The imaginaries were understood as operators of the virtual and the real with the potential of affirming or denying forms and contents in relation to being a professional or being in the profession. There was evidence for an imaginary of free exercise of the profession in the public sector on state level, where more experience with diseases and diversities of suffering would be gained. The ideal work place would be the private sector allowing for free choices for both professionals and users, but not without connection to the public sector for providing experience, study opportunities and the possibility of research scholarships and overseas training. Despite the expectations in relation to the private sector, currently there is no education in the field of supplementary care or about the meanings of the regulation proposed by the Brazilian Health System.  相似文献   

  目的  了解中国工程建设企业海外员工的传染病健康素养水平及其影响因素,为中资企业海外员工传染病防治工作提供依据。  方法  采取整群抽样,选取某大型石油公司所属工程建设企业2019年9月-12月参加出国培训的员工,采用自行设计的传染病健康素养问卷进行调查。  结果  员工传染病健康素养水平为51.5%。单因素分析显示,女性员工传染病健康素养高于男性(χ2 =4.559, P=0.045),年龄<50岁者高于年龄≥50岁者(χ2 =6.027, P=0.015),管理人员高于操作人员(χ2 =53.025, P<0.001)。多因素分析显示,文化程度和职业类型是影响传染病健康素养的主要因素。相较小学文化程度,初中(OR=3.847, 95% CI: 0.476~31.086, P=0.206)、高中/中专/职高(OR=7.439, 95% CI: 0.932~59.377, P=0.058)、大专/本科(OR=15.887, 95% CI: 1.992~126.673, P=0.009)、硕士及以上(OR=14.581, 95% CI: 1.681~126.479, P=0.015)者传染病健康素养较高;管理人员素养高于操作人员(OR=1.588, 95% CI: 1.105~2.281, P=0.012)。  结论  工程建设企业海外员工的传染病健康素养水平较低,主要影响因素为文化程度、职业类型和年龄。建议企业在员工出国前开展传染病防治的健康教育,重点教育对象应为高中及以下学历者、操作人员和≥50岁员工。  相似文献   

Summary. Objectives To investigate associations between dietary habits and socio-economic status in adolescents (Ghent, Belgium). Methods A random sample of 341 adolescents (13–18 years) participated in a dietary survey using a 7-day dietary record. Respondents’ educational training (general/vocational) and parental education were used as indicators of socio-economic status. Results In girls, the prevalence of overweight is higher when following vocational training or having a low parental education; the energy and micronutrient intake was higher in respondents with a general training and in those with a high parental education. Girls following a general training have significantly higher intake of fruit, vegetables, breakfast cereals, cheese and milk & milk products, while their intake was significantly lower for soft drinks. Girls with a high parental education have a higher intake of cake, biscuits, milk & milk products. In boys, small differences in micronutrient and food intake were found between different educational levels. In both sexes, the diet of general trained adolescents was more diversified. Conclusion The results demonstrate trends which highlight the need for continued efforts to improve the adolescents’ diet, particularly in lower social groups. Sumbitted: March 21, 2005 Accepted: August 30, 2005  相似文献   

There is a demand for non-traditional doctoral education in healthcare management and policy among many countries in support of their health system reform efforts. Healthcare professionals need retooling to provide stewardship to complex new health financing systems. Most health service leaders are mid career professionals and cannot transplant themselves to study on American university campuses. They demand high quality programs, designed to enable most coursework to be completed overseas. Aided by recent distance education technology, the University of South Carolina's Department of Health Services Policy and Management developed and provides doctoral programs for working professionals in Taiwan and South Korea with a minimal and convenient campus attendance requirement. This paper presents the experience of setting up the programs, management, quality control, and benefits for both students overseas and for our Department's mission and on-campus programs. Our experience is that there are many challenges, but it is also rewarding from academic, scholarly, and financial perspectives.  相似文献   

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