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住院病人护理工作满意度调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解住院病人对医院护理工作的满意度及其影响因素,为制定护理服务对策提供依据。方法 两阶段分层整群抽样方法确定调查对象。采用问卷调查。调查员深入病房向病人讲明原因、目的、注意问题后,让病人亲自填写问卷,问卷应答率为99.6%。结果 病人对护理工作总体满意度为94.5%。对护理环境、护理设备的满意程度低于对护理服务态度、护理技术水平的满意度。病人时护理工作中尚不满意的问题主要是病房设备简陋及病房环境差,护理人员数量不足,服药、注射时间安排不合理,对病人人文关怀服务和健康教育做的尚不够。结论 坚持“以病人为中心,以顾客满意为目标”的服务宗旨,进一步完善护理质量管理体系,加强对病人的人文关怀,重视心理护理和健康教育,加强病房环境、护理设备和护理队伍建设,满足病人不同需求.提高护理工作满意度。  相似文献   

目的:对产妇护理满意度的影响因素进行分析。方法:随机选取2013年1月~2013年12月于本院进行分娩的产妇226例,作为研究对象,利用本院自制的调查问卷表,调查统计产妇护理满意度的影响因素,并对调查数据行多因素回归分析。结果:影响产妇护理满意度的因素主要包括护理专业知识与技能、护理服务态度、医院病房环境、特殊情况处理能力,其中又以护理专业知识与技能、护理服务态度与产妇护理满意度呈显著相关性。结论:对产妇护理满意度影响较大的因素主要为护理专业知识与技能、护理服务态度两大方面,临床需提高重视,采取有效措施加强护理质量,以便能尽最大程度提高产妇的护理满意度。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析职工对所在医院医疗及护理质量的评价,探讨影响医疗和医护服务质量的因素.方法:问卷调查,问卷采用6点分法,依次为"很(好,满意,高)、(好,满意,高)、较(好,满意,高)、一般、较差、差",并依据答案进行计分.问卷内容包括:医务人员的基本情况、工作满意度等相关项目.结果:表明影响医疗质量的相关因素依次为医生技术、医护质量、医院社会效益、医院服务态度、医院经济、个人建议采纳、个人福利、工作心情、个人才能发挥;影响医护质量的相关因素依次为医院服务态度、医生技术、学科建设、人才培养、个人才能发挥、个人福利、工龄、医院经济收入、职称等方面,医疗质量满意度的分析表明职业对其有影响.结论:提高医生技术在加强医疗质量和医护质量中起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

王淑梅  李静 《现代保健》2013,(21):153-155
目的:调查研究影响注射室患者满意度的相关因素,以提高护理质量和患者满意度。方法:随机抽取2012年7-11月1200例门诊注射室患者,以问卷的方式调查其对护士工作的满意度,研究分析影响因素。结果:患者对护士的注射技术、服务态度、健康教育非常在意,三者是影响患者满意度的主要因素。结论:提高患者满意度,要从提高护理人员的技术操作水平,改换服务理念,重视健康教育等方面着手,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨出院患者对护理工作的满意度及影响因素。方法采用护理部统一设计问卷调查表对符合条件的出院患者收回的608份进行汇总分析。结果对护理人员服务态度平均满意率达95.6%,不满意的原因依次有病房环境、生活不能自理护士不够主动完成、健康知识讲解缺乏等。结论应重视改善病房卫生环境,改善护士主动服务性,加强与患者沟通等护理对策,才能更好提高患者对护理的满意度。  相似文献   

王丽娟  郑晓燕 《现代保健》2010,(17):110-112
目的 了解新医疗改革形式下门诊患者对笔者所在医院护理工作的满意程度,分析影响因素并探讨正确处理护理工作满意度的对策,为改善笔者所在医院护理服务质量及提高护理管理水平提供依据.方法 于2009年7月~2009年12月采用笔者所在医院护理部自行设计的门诊患者护理满意度调查问卷,随机抽取1500位门诊患者进行问卷调查.结果 不同付费方式、不同文化程度、不同职业的患者对就医期间护理服务总体评价具有显著性差异.各项护理服务项目中满意度最高的是服务态度,满意度最低的是就诊环境.结论 良好的护理质量能够有效促进患者康复,融洽护患关系,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

王丽娜  王丹心 《现代预防医学》2012,39(23):6181-6182
目的 通过对患者在创建护理示范病房前后对各项护理内容的满意度调查及比较,探讨创建护理示范病房对提高医疗服务质量的意义.方法 将2011年2月普外科创建护理示范病房后510名住院病人的满意度调查问卷与2010年同科室510份随机满意度调查问卷进行护士服务态度等5个内容的结果统计和对比分析.结果 创建护理示范病房后住院病人对护理服务的5个项目满意度均较前有显著提高(P<0.05),其中对服务态度和健康教育差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 创建护理示范病房后患者的满意度有明显提高,对提高医疗护理服务质量有显著效果.  相似文献   

目的了解患者对医疗非技术质量服务的满意度及其影响因素,为质量改进提供依据。方法依据JCI标准设计调查问卷,对某院2010年3月~2011年2月的住院病人进行调查。结果医技人员、后勤人员服务态度较差;护士满意度明显低于医生满意度;送餐膳食服务、环境安全与卫生满意度较低,亟需改进。结论医院应注重医疗非技术质量服务的改进,可从改善后勤及医技人员服务态度、督促医护人员尊重病人权利、及时提供医疗费用清单服务、建立健全后勤服务评价制度及标准等入手。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肿瘤外科病房采用双因素理论护理管理对护理满意度的影响;方法:选取2017年3月至2018年1月该院肿瘤外科病房的20名护理人员作为主要观察对象,采用双因素理论进行护理管理,对比干预前后的患者对护理人员的满意度及医生对护理人员的满意度、护理职业能力;结果:经过双因素理论模式干预后,医生对护理人员的满意度及患者对护理人员的满意度均显著高于干预前,(P0.01);护理人员职业能力评分总分为(99.76±2.44)分显著高于干预前评分(87.56±3.81)分(P0.05);结论:经过双因素理论护理管理,肿瘤外科病房的护理满意度得以提高,护理人员护理职业能力得以加强,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的 了解老年病区护理人员对预防肺部感染相关知识的掌握,以提高临床护理质量.方法 采用自行设计的肺部护理知识问卷调查表,对医院老年病房90名不同层次的护理人员进行调查.结果 老年病房中高龄长期卧床患者较多,翻身、扣背、吸痰在日常护理中操作率较高,在调查问卷中得分显著高于雾化吸人和振动排痰仪得分.结论 需要加强预防肺部感染相关知识的宣教,使高龄老年病房护理人员掌握其相关知识,并应用于护理工作中.  相似文献   

《Healthcare benchmarks》2000,7(11):124-5, 121
Perhaps you think that patient satisfaction data are the lightweights among all your beanchmarking data. Not so, according to a Chicago-area behavioral health hospital. The information you can glean from patient perceptions is so important at Alexian Brothers Behaviors Health Hospital taht last year it opted to change its surveys.  相似文献   



To determine the perceived quality variables related to satisfaction and to identify the influence of sociodemographic factors on user satisfaction with hospital emergencies.


A telephone survey was conducted with a specifically designed questionnaire for use in a sample of 3,600 users of hospital emergency services in nine public hospitals in 2008 and 2009.


The adjusted model including all perceived quality and sociodemographic variables explained 47.1% of the variance (adjusted R2). Of all the independent variables included, only eight were significant in predicting the level of patient satisfaction. These variables were related to the patient's opinion of the relationship with medical staff (p = 0.041), nurses’ and porters’ professionalism (p = 0.010 and 0.022), infrastructure (cleanliness and comfort) (p = 0.033 and 0.008), information received at discharge (p = 0.000), waiting time in the emergency department (p = 0.000) and the perception of treatment-diagnosis without failure (p = 0.028).


The variables influencing emergency patients’ satisfaction were determined, allowing areas where corrective action could be introduced to be identified. In addition, possible confounding factors that should be controlled for when comparing results among distinct hospitals were identified. The emergency satisfaction questionnaire is a useful instrument to evaluate and improve quality of care.  相似文献   

目的了解三级医院门诊病人对医院门诊医疗服务的满意度及其影响因素。方法应用随机抽样的方法在徐州市2家三级医院就诊的病人中确定调查对象,采用问卷调查。结果门诊医疗服务总体满意度为76.9%,影响满意度的主要因素是医疗费用高(40%)、等待时间长(29.5%)、手续繁(20%)。结论门诊服务质量还需进一步提高,减少医疗费用,加强医院的管理,为就诊者提供方便、廉价、优质的服务。  相似文献   

A review of inpatient satisfaction data for MUSC provides both comfort and cause for additional study. Although overall satisfaction rates of 89 and 88 during the period of organizational change indicate stable patient perceptions, one must reflect upon these scores in greater detail. For example, although survey response rates in the 36 percent to 28 percent range appear customary for this type of survey, absolute numbers of discharge responses averaged 496 for the four quarters reported. Some confidence can be taken in the fact that overall survey scores were highly consistent in the 89 to 88 range for the entire reporting period. Moreover, the fact that workforce performance variables such as medication errors and patient occurrence reports did not change indicates that patient care did not deteriorate during this period. Although one could argue that in a time of workforce reduction, employees may work more diligently in order to ensure job security, and that work deterioration may be more apparent over a longer period of observation, this limited view suggests that, at least in the acute phase, work performance was maintained. Future studies should review the relative effectiveness of the specific strategies adopted by MUSC management to ensure high levels of patient care. For example, although MUSC adopted a fairly comprehensive communications effort, it is difficult to discern whether timeliness, variety, or repetition contributed more to the effectiveness of the communications program. Such information could help managers develop focused change implementation strategies. It appears from the inpatient survey data collected by UHC and from the two work performance monitors that MUSC's approach to change management has been able to preserve acceptable levels of patient satisfaction in the face of significant organizational change. Furthermore, these strategies may have been helpful in countering the turbulence caused by large scale change or, at the very least, insulating the care site from potentially negative effects.  相似文献   

目的:通过对肿瘤专科医院患者诊疗时间满意度调查分析,为医疗服务质量改进提供依据和建议。方法:采用改进的PKU-VPSM工具对1 000例出院患者以邮寄信函问卷方式进行满意度调查,其中涉及诊疗时间的调查有11项,为封闭型问题。结果:回收问卷367份,有效问卷360份,住院患者对诊疗时间总体满意率为58.9%;单项满意率最高的是对住院时间的满意度,为92.6%;其次,是对医生和护理人员反应时间的满意度,分别为67.2%和68.9%;最低为等待住院时间为51.2%。结论:必须加强各诊疗时间的管理,提高患者满意度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the contributors to job satisfaction of hospital chief executive officers (CEOs) using a multidimensional approach of demographic characteristics. environmental traits, and person environment fit traits. By analyzing the concept of hospital executive job satisfaction in a multidimensional approach, a more comprehensive model of the most salient determinants of job satisfaction was developed. CEOs ranked their performance highest on employee and staff relations and managerial team building and lowest on information management systems. The results of this study can be used to better understand the intricacies and uniqueness of being a hospital CEO as well as the professional and personal requirements of success.  相似文献   

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