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假药之祸是一个世界性难题。解决这个问题,固然离不开立法、执法等公共管理机关的监督管理,但是为了防止自己的合法权益受到不法侵犯,或者在自己的合法权益受到不法侵犯以后能够及时察觉,及时维护自己的合法权益。作为消费者有必要学会一些识别伪劣药品的知识。依据《药品管理法》的规定,有下列情形之一的,为假药:(一)药品所含成份与国家药品标准规定的成份不符的;  相似文献   

当前 ,医患矛盾已成为社会关注的热点问题 ,患方的利益受到法院、消协和社会其他方面的广泛同情与保护 ,而医院的合法权益却受到患方及来自社会各层面的忽视、侵犯甚至损害 ,殴打医务人员、诋毁医院形象、严重干扰医院正常工作秩序、高额索赔和判罚的情况时有发生。本文结合我国医院的性质和任务 ,奉行的最高准则 ,面临的重重困难 ,阐明维护医院的合法权益归根结底是保护病人的健康权益 ,因而必须在依照法律法规、强化自律的原则下 ,采取具体的措施加以维护。  相似文献   

在我国,消费者运动已经有了10多年的历史。许多消费者都有这样的体会,当自己的合法权益受到损害,个人去与经营者进行交涉时,往往得不到应有的重视,甚至还被经营者说成是无理取闹。但当消费者向消费者协会进行投诉后,再以消费者协会的身份与经营者进行交  相似文献   

2006年7月19日,国家广播电影电视总局、国家工商总局下发通知,要求整顿广播电视医疗资讯服务和电视购物节目内容。该通知指出,近年来,一些医疗机构在广播电视医疗资讯服务节目中,隐含保证治愈内容,夸大诊疗效果,利用专家、患者名义进行证明,误导患者;一些电视购物公司在电视购物节目中夸大产品功能,特别是一些丰胸、减肥产品,以消费者使用产品前后形象做对比,使用不科学地表示功效的断言,保证使用效果。这些问题损害了消费者合法权益,影响了广播电视媒体的社会公信力。  相似文献   

<正> 1996年3月全国人大会议通过的《行政处罚法》是我国的一部基本法。行政处罚是国家行政权的重要组成部分,直接关系公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益。这部法律的颁布,对于规范行政处罚的设定权和实施,保障行政机关有效地实施行政管理和保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益不受行政机关违法行为的侵犯提供了法律依据。  相似文献   

目的 研究我国行政诉讼现状 ,为进一步完善行政诉讼提供依据。方法 对浙江、云南、福建 3省 ,保定、台州、合肥 3市相关案件进行分析。结果 公民的诉讼意识、行政机关的法治意识都有了很大程度的提高 ,人民法院审理行政案件的经验在逐渐积累 ,人民法院对行政案件的承受力在逐步加大或增强。行政诉讼受案范围等需进一步发展。结论 建立和完善行政法律救济体制 ,保证行政相对人的人权和在行政管理关系中的合法权益受到行政主体侵犯后 ,能获得及时、有效的救济 ,充分保护公民、法人或其他组织的合法权益 ,全面监督行政机关依法行使职权己势在必行  相似文献   

试论医疗事故处理中医务人员合法权益的保护   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
医疗事故处理条例确立了对患者的法律保护,但同时却忽视了对医务人员合法权益的保护。覆行告知义务时应当避免对患者产生不利后果的规定,容易造成认识上的分歧和实践操作上的困难,使医务人员处于极为不利的境地;而主观性病历资料封存的规定侵犯了医务人员的保密权,不利于医疗事故的处理;医疗事故鉴定制度中没有确定医务人员的主体地位,使医务人员权利受到损害时没有救济的途径。建立并完善医务人员权利保护机制十分必要。  相似文献   

为了保护消费者的合法权益和身体健康,于2004年8月份对金水区药店进行了问卷调查,结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省2003年度化妆品的卫生状况,保障消费者的健康,保护消费者的合法权益,提高我们对化妆品市场 的监督管理水平。方法 按《化妆品卫生规范》(2002年版)检测。结果 市场监督、检测力度的增大,大大降低了往年超标 率过高的情况。结论 加强市场、公共场所化妆品的卫生监督检测工作的重要性,不仅提高了我省化妆品卫生质量,同时也 维护了消费者的合法权益。  相似文献   

医疗行为中患者隐私权保护存在的问题和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会法制的逐步健全 ,人们法律保护意识的不断提高 ,维护患者合法权益问题已引起人们的广泛关注。患者的隐私权作为其人格权的组成部分 ,已越来越受到患者自身的重视 ,但由于我国法律在此方面规定的缺陷和医务人员的忽视 ,由此而引发的医疗纠纷不断发生 ,所以笔者认为有必要对患者的隐私权保护问题进行探讨。1 患者隐私权的内容和特点  我国现有立法并没有直接规定隐私权 ,但从立法精神和司法解释来看 ,公民的隐私权是受法律保护的。《宪法》第 38条规定 :公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。民法通则第 10 1条规定 :公民享有名誉权 ,公民的人…  相似文献   

为寻求解决医疗消费者权益保护制度问题的途径,以期对今后的理论研究和具体立法与改革实践发挥有益的作用,从医疗消费者的角度入手,以医疗消费者权益保护为主线,采用实证和历史分析、比较研究的论证方法。研究表明,国外对医疗消费者权益的保护无论是保护力度上还是保护范围上,都值得我国进行分析和借鉴。因此,具体分析和借鉴国外一些国家和地区医疗消费者权益保护制度,并结合我国实际国情,提出构建我国医疗消费者权益保护机制设想,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

公立医院社会责任与法律保障关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公立医院改革试点的指导意见确立,公立医院发展面临前所未有的挑战。围绕公立医院社会责任以及运用法律保障公立医院更好地履行社会责任等方面进行分析,具有探讨性地提出一些观点。同时对如何保障公立医院的合法权益,如何为公立医院、医务人员提供良性的执业环境等方面从法律角度,结合我国目前新医改方案出台、公立医院面临新一轮改革的形势,提出一些建议与意见。深化医药卫生体制改革是确保公立医院履行社会责任的有效途径之一,目的是建立中国特色的基本医疗卫生制度,保证城乡居民公平,享有安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务。这不仅是解决当前医患矛盾也是确保公立医院履行职责的治本之策、久安之道。  相似文献   

试论医院的合法权益及其维护   总被引:33,自引:17,他引:16  
作者首先描述了医院对内对外的法律关系包括了3个层面的法律法规;直接规定医院性质地位和权利义务的法律法规;卫生法律法规;其它法律法规。随后就医院在各种法律关系中享有的合法权益进行了阐述,最后在论述了医院维护自己合法权益的途径后指出,医院要维护自身权益,一是主动实行自律和维权,二是行业的维权活动要形成合力,三是医院要依法维护医院和医务人员的权益。  相似文献   

A critical review of the published literature investigating the Internet and consumer health information was undertaken in order to inform further research and policy. A qualitative, narrative method was used, consisting of a three-stage process of identification and collation, thematic coding, and critical analysis. This analysis identified five main themes in the research in this area: (1) the quality of online health information for consumers; (2) consumer use of the Internet for health information; (3) the effect of e-health on the practitioner-patient relationship; (4) virtual communities and online social support and (5) the electronic delivery of information-based interventions. Analysis of these themes revealed more about the concerns of health professionals than about the effect of the Internet on users. Much of the existing work has concentrated on quantifying characteristics of the Internet: for example, measuring the quality of online information, or describing the numbers of users in different health-care settings. There is a lack of qualitative research that explores how citizens are actually using the Internet for health care.  相似文献   

The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in consumers seeking health information online. However, the quality of such information remains questionable, and the trustworthiness of online health information has become a hot topic, whereas little attention has been paid to how consumers evaluate online health information credibility. This study builds on theoretical perspectives of trust such as personal-capital-based, social-capital-based, and transfer-based, and it examines various correlates of consumer trust in online health information. The author analyzed the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey data (N?=?7,674). Results showed that consumer trust in online health information did not correlate with personal capital such as income, education, and health status. Social capital indicated by visiting social networking Web sites was not associated with trust in online health information either. Nevertheless, trust in online health information transferred from traditional mass media and government health agencies to the Internet, and it varied by such information features as easiness to locate and to understand. Age appeared to be a key factor in understanding the correlates of trust in online health information. Theoretical and empirical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Health care consumers increasingly obtain health information from the Internet to inform their health care; the health care consumer, who also has the role of patient, maintains the right to access information from sources of their choosing for this purpose. However, noteworthy considerations exist including information appraisal skills, health literacy and the patient-provider relationship. Awareness and education are warranted to assist the health care consumer in achieving proficiency as they turn to the Internet for health information.  相似文献   

目的普及室内环境保护知识,维护消费者的合法权益,倡导绿色装修,创造健康的室内环境。方法深圳信息职业技术学院以有奖填写调查问卷的形式,针对深圳市居民进行了室内环境知识问卷调查。结果深圳市居民对室内环境污染防治有所认识,但是完全清楚室内环境污染源(16.3%)和室内环境的主要污染物(9.4%)及危害(15.6%)的百分比相当低。结论对国家室内环境相关标准的宣传还应该加大力度。  相似文献   

The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in consumers seeking health information online. However, the quality of such information remains questionable, and the trustworthiness of online health information has become a hot topic, whereas little attention has been paid to how consumers evaluate online health information credibility. This study builds on theoretical perspectives of trust such as personal-capital-based, social-capital-based, and transfer-based, and it examines various correlates of consumer trust in online health information. The author analyzed the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey data (N = 7,674). Results showed that consumer trust in online health information did not correlate with personal capital such as income, education, and health status. Social capital indicated by visiting social networking Web sites was not associated with trust in online health information either. Nevertheless, trust in online health information transferred from traditional mass media and government health agencies to the Internet, and it varied by such information features as easiness to locate and to understand. Age appeared to be a key factor in understanding the correlates of trust in online health information. Theoretical and empirical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Internet has changed healthcare practice and has just begun to influence pharmaceutical consumers and providers. The Internet firstly affects the pharmaceutical consumer through the five main functions it offers to all consumers of care. These functions are: (i) to provide and distribute information; (ii) to support informed decision making; (iii) to promote health; (iv) to provide a means for information exchange and support (the community concept) and; (v) to increase self care and manage the demand for health services, thus, lowering direct medical costs. Secondly, the Internet influences the pharmaceutical consumer by enhancing the move to consumer empowerment. Thirdly, it offers increased self-care capabilities to consumers through pharmaceutical information gathering and pharmaceutical products and services purchasing using Internet pharmacies. Finally, the Internet affects the pharmaceutical consumer by enhancing efficiency in the medical management of patients.It does this by providing the means for telemedicine and telepharmacy, by changing the healthcare professional-patient relationship, and by providing a tool for registering adverse drug events. Disease management benefits include: (i) access to care for remotely located consumers; (ii) the possibility of peer consultation and of access to diagnostic and therapeutic Internet information for healthcare providers; and (iii) continuity of care via virtual community networks, integrated health systems, interconnected, real-time, virtual healthcare teams, and virtual unified electronic health records. The Internet’s effect of increasing knowledge of illicit and unregulated drugs, which may change drug use behavior and drug culture, though, makes the medical management of patients less efficient.The effects of the Internet on the pharmaceutical provider firstly relate to technological and managerial changes. The Internet, secondly, induces changes in the provision of pharmaceutical care by offering the means for telemedicine, telepharmacy, and e-commerce, for advertising, promotion, and communication with consumers, and for supporting drug safety and pharmacovigilance.The Internet’s positive influence on pharmaceutical consumers and providers, however, mainly will depend on whether proper solutions can be found for the privacy/security and confidentiality problems existing in pharmaceutical information gathering and pharmaceutical products and services purchasing. Special focus should be placed on ensuring the privacy of consumer information and on the secure transmission of financial information. The best defenses will be adequate, national, international, and global laws and regulations which ensure privacy/security and confidentiality on a global level.  相似文献   

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