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通过对北京大学医学部研究生的学术规范教育情况的问卷调查,了解到:医学部研究生群体中确实存在一些违反学术规范的行为,研究生对学术规范的认识程度还需进一步提高,对研究生的学术规范教育有待进一步加强。针对这样的现况,高校应通过各种途径加强对研究生的学术规范教育,完善学术制度体系,从而提高研究生学术道德水准和培养质量。  相似文献   

[目的]通过调查某高校研究生学术道德现状,发掘研究生学术道德培养中出现的问题,为制定研究生学术道德规范、促进学风建设提出建议。[方法]随机抽取某高校研究生270例,采用问卷调查的方法对其学术规范意识情况、学术失范行为的表现形式、引起学术失范行为原因等进行调查,利用Excle与SPSS进行数据整理分析。[结果]65%的调查者有学术规范的意识,但90%的调查对象在平时的学习中并未严格遵循学术道德规范;75%的人认为导师在平常的学习与科研活动中的表率作用比较好。研究生学术失范行为表现主要为篡改、伪造数据;抄袭、剽窃他人研究成果;发表论文“搭便车”;一稿两投或一稿多投;请别人代写或代别人写论文,网络购买学术产品,分别占30%、22%、17%、15%、12%,4%。社会风气不良与科研压力过大成为引起研究生学术道德失范的主要原因,人数分别有64人、61人。[结论]研究生学术道德培养中还存在很多问题,需要合理有效的学术道德培养机制。  相似文献   

学术道德规范水平与创建世界一流学科息息相关,高校导师和研究生的学术道德规范情况又对学科及高校发展尤为重要。以北京大学医学部导师和研究生为调查对象,就师生的学术道德规范认知、现况、失范原因、教育情况等进行双向测评调查及研究,并分析双向测评法在研究生学术道德规范教育中的应用及意义。  相似文献   

从社会视角探讨医学研究生的学术诚信问题,包括医学研究生学术失信的表现、危害、原因及加强学术诚信建设的措施.医学研究生学术失信行为主要表现为抄袭、剽窃、侵吞他人学术成果,捏造、伪造或篡改数据,钱学交易和一稿多投;医学研究生学术失信行为危害严重,不但害己,还危害社会;医学研究生学术失信的原因主要有环境、导师和自身因素;通过开展宣讲教育、实施制度约束、加强导师指导和增强自身践行的措施,可以加强医学研究生的学术诚信建设.  相似文献   

目的:调查医科研究生各种学术道德失范行为的情况,提出相应的对策.方法:应用自制问卷,比较某医科大学研究生总体、不同性别、专业、年级、学位类型、培养层次、录取类别研究生的课堂道德失范行为、考试道德失范行为和学术失信行为.结果:60.0%的研究生有过上课迟到行为,有过上课打盹、旷课、上课进食、考试设法作弊的比例依次为44.7%、29.7%、20.1%和5.5%.学术失信行为中比例最高的是省略他人论文(6.6%)和捏造数据(5.4%),绝大多数研究生没有任何失信行为(87.9%).不同分类研究生情况有所不同.结论:学术道德失范行为的恶劣程度越高,医科研究生有过该种行为的比例越低.医科研究生总体学术道德较好,要进一步加强和改进研究生学术道德教育.  相似文献   

目的:探讨提高研究生的学术演讲能力的思路和方法.方法:在学术演讲礼仪、学术演讲技巧、幻灯片制作、回答学术问题等方面进行深入探讨.结果:结合学术演讲的一般规律,提出如何通过培养和训练来提高学术演讲能力.结论:有意识的培养和训练是提高医学影像专业研究生学术演讲能力的必要途径.  相似文献   

本文主要概述了高等院校学术道德失范的常见表现形式:抄袭和剽窃;弄虚作假;一稿多投和二次发表.简要分析了学术道德失范的原因:科研监督和约束机制不够完善;科研考评机制存在缺陷;对道德教育重视程度的不足.提出了相应的解决建议:对学术行为加强监督和规范;完善科研考评制度;加强道德教育,提高科研职业素养.  相似文献   

学术信息多数出现在数据库、学术网站上,近年来出现了博客、播客,其中也传递部分学术信息.在繁忙的做实验研究之余,需要定期查新.对于海量学术信息如何有效的收集和管理是目前医学研究生迫切需要解决的问题.本文简介了医学研究生学术信息定制、管理学术文献新的策略和方法.  相似文献   

目的 对医学专硕学术科研水平的影响因素进行调研与分析,以期为提高其学术科研水平提供参考和借鉴。方法 选取某医院正在参与住院医师规范化培训的医学专硕作为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式对其学术水平影响因素进行调研。结果 研究生对于提升自身学术科研水平有较大的需求,且普遍存在学术科研方面的压力,随着年级的上升其压力亦明显呈上升趋势(线性χ2 = 21.624,P<0.001)。本科的知识储备、个人英语水平、兴趣爱好对其学术科研水平均有一定影响。结论 改革创新研究生学术科研水平的培养是各大高等医学院校亟待解决的问题,研究生学术科研水平的提高,需要学生、导师与高校三者进行有机结合通力协作。  相似文献   

学术信息多数出现在数据库、学术网站上,近年来出现了博客、播客,其中也传递部分学术信息.在繁忙的做实验研究之余,需要定期查新.对于海量学术信息如何有效的收集和管理是目前医学研究生迫切需要解决的问题.本文简介了医学研究生学术信息定制、管理学术文献新的策略和方法.  相似文献   

研究生学位论文是体现研究生学术能力、水平和科研成果的重要标志,也是反映研究生培养质量和水平的重要指标。该文结合研究生培养过程中的经验和体会,探讨了严格学位论文选题环节对于提高研究生学位论文的质量的作用,揭示了选题的基本原则和存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Decreased public funding, a competitive healthcare market, and higher patient care costs have been blamed for the present financial challenges that confront academic health centers. The authors examined the costs associated with graduate medical education, particularly, indirect medical education expenses in the operating room. The results indicate that it is more costly for teaching hospitals to provide surgical care to patients in the operating room. The academic health center's indirect graduate medical expenses only covered a portion of the increased costs. If the missions of academic health centers are perceived as a public good, policy makers must design a system that more appropriately compensates academic health centers for the additional costs associated with surgical procedures in graduate medical education.  相似文献   

The academic health center and the healthy community.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
US medical care reflects the priorities and influence of academic health centers. This paper describes the leadership role assumed by one academic health center, the State University at Buffalo's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and its eight affiliated hospitals, to serve its region by promoting shared governance in educating graduate physicians and in influencing the cost and quality of patient care. Cooperation among hospitals, health insurance payers, the business community, state government, and physicians helped establish priorities to meet community needs and reduce duplication of resources and services; to train more primary care physicians; to introduce shared governance into rural health care delivery; to develop a regional management information system; and to implement health policy. This approach, spearheaded by an academic health center without walls, may serve as a model for other academic health centers as they adapt to health care reform.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010 44 : 197–204 Objective This study compared the academic performance of graduate‐ and undergraduate‐entry medical students completing the same pre‐clinical curriculum and assessment at a large metropolitan university. Arguments have been made for the relative merits of both graduate‐ and undergraduate‐entry medical programmes. However, data on the academic performance of graduate and undergraduate entrants are relatively scarce. Methods This retrospective study adopted a quasi‐experimental design to compare data from assessments of bioscience knowledge and clinical skills undertaken across 2 years for four cohorts of medical students (who commenced their studies between 2002 and 2005). Percentage final results for four bioscience knowledge subjects and four clinical skills assessments (based on objective structured clinical examination [OSCE] results) were compared for 240 graduates and 464 undergraduates using multivariate analysis of variance (manova ). Results Graduate‐entry students performed marginally better than undergraduate‐entry students on all four bioscience knowledge assessments (partial eta‐squared [) and also on early clinical skills assessments (. Conclusions Graduate‐entry students had a marginal academic performance advantage during the early years of this medical course. Most graduate‐entry students had a first degree in a science discipline; thus their advantage may be explained by prior bioscience knowledge. Their performance advantage in clinical skills is less easily attributed to prior learning. Instead, this result provides some evidence for a possible advantage related to age. The marginal differences in early academic and clinical performance probably suggest that both graduate and undergraduate entry should exist in parallel to preserve multiple points of entry to the medical profession.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ways in which academic settings can enhance the professionalization of the child care field. The nature of a profession and professional organizations are described and related to the function of academic institutions and the role of academic leaders. The necessity for the preparation of senior academic leadership is emphasized and an approach to graduate education in child care emphasizing the synthesis of the knowledge and procedures of relevant disciplines is developed.This paper was partially supported by the Conference-Research Sequence in Child Care Education, Grant #5 T24 MH 15869-02, awarded by the National Institute of Mental Health.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of technology-mediated distance learning has prompted a number of health management programs to consider an online degree program as part of their portfolio. As online distance learning degree components figure more prominently into the strategic future of some programs, it becomes increasingly important for those who are guiding this process to understand certain common design and implementation issues. From inception to design to implementation, the program's academic leadership faces a sequence of decisions and issues that can have profound effects on the quality and marketability of the program. Technology-mediated learning has enormous potential in providing students who ordinarily might not be able to earn a graduate degree the opportunity to pursue a graduate education. However, the unique nature of technology-mediated learning presents a number of different strategic academic design and implementation issues. This article describes one program's experience in steering through the uncharted design and implementation waters of a new Internet-based graduate health management degree program and provides insights that could be helpful to colleagues considering similar initiatives.  相似文献   

Educators in the health sciences are concerned about academic dishonesty and are searching for methods to control misconduct. If students falsify academic work, their behavior pattern may continue in professional practice, endangering the health and well-being of the patients in their care. This paper presents the results of a study of the attitudes and experiences regarding dishonest academic behaviors of a sample of 244 students and 31 faculty in the School of Health Professions at Southwest Texas State University. Student and faculty definitions of dishonest behavior were compared, and the incidence of dishonest behavior and the experiences of faculty in recognizing and disciplining students for academic misconduct were analyzed. Major findings included: 1) faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students differ in their definitions of some types of dishonest behavior; and 2) the most common types of dishonest behavior identified by faculty and students involve cheating and plagiarism. Future research is warranted with attention given to the causal factors leading to academic dishonesty and patterns of dishonesty in academic and practice settings.  相似文献   

We have performed a benchmark exercise evaluating larger academic programs in human environmental health sciences. These programs are located at schools of public health and at other institutions that have NIEHS Centers of Excellence. The largest programs were those in which there was both an NIEHS center and a public health graduate education program. This suggests that there is synergy between environmental health sciences research and involvement in public and community health.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Due to the high volume and acuity of mental health issues presented by graduate and professional students nationwide, this study explored specific mental health needs in students in order to identify credible areas for intervention. METHODS: An assessment tool was created for this project, which identified satisfaction with current services, stress, coping, sleeping, eating, exercise, high risk sexual behaviours, social support, depression and substance use. Students at top ranking academic medical centres within the USA received a copy of the instrument on 2 separate occasions. RESULTS: Results indicated that graduate and professional students reported alarming symptoms of depression, stress and substance use. Increased symptoms of depression were associated with high levels of stress and low social support. CONCLUSION: Given the high rates of depression symptoms in this setting, along with inadequate services and long waiting lists, interventions must be found to address need. Need assessment is a proactive method of exploring need in specific populations in order to provide preventive and clinical services efficiently. Based on the relationship between stress, social support and symptoms of depression, forming groups aimed at preventing depression may be the best method of reducing the severity and frequency of symptoms in students.  相似文献   

This study used program location and program reputation to describe two important faculty characteristics: academic reputation and research reputation. The study involved 44 graduate programs in health administration representing four program locations: schools of public health, business, medicine/allied health, and graduate/independent. Fourteen programs were identified as ranked programs and the remaining 30 programs were identified as unranked programs. While the study identifies many differences, few are significant, thus adding credence to the argument for diversity in program location and diminishing credence in the argument for program reputation.  相似文献   

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