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在医学科研中,统计分析是一项重要的工作。做好统计分析是每个科研人员必须掌握的本领。为了提高统计分析的效果,笔者结合具体例子分析得出如下结论:一、尽量用计量的方法搜集资料:计量资料能充分利用每个观察值的具体信息,比计数资料更为精  相似文献   

目的 探讨现场调查中多重应答资料的统计推断方法.方法 根据多重应答资料不同选项间既存在关联,又不可互换的特点,将其视为多因变量的多元logistic回归问题,采用广义估计方程建模分析,并通过实例及其SAS编程的实现过程进行阐述.结果 广义估计方程可以很好地分析自变量对于多重应答资料各项的影响,并能进一步回答各选项的基线应答概率、作业相关矩阵信息;在此模型下,还可以进一步分析各影响因素对于每一选项的具体影响,或各自变量的分层比较具体差异的信息.结论 广义估计方程可以作为现场调查中多重应答资料的推断分析.  相似文献   

唐宋词中词牌翻译统一化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨词牌翻译的统一化.方法:用实例分析法指出了常用的三种翻译方法.结果:通过对例子的分析指出前两种方法的不足之处和第三种译法的优点.结论:从欣赏和跨文化交际的角度出发提出了词牌翻译统一化的观点.  相似文献   

1.周密的旅游计划:即事先要制定时间、路线、膳宿的具体计划和带好导游图(书)、有关地图及车、船时间表及必需的行装(衣衫、卫生用品等)。 2.带个小药包:外出旅游要带上一些常用药,因为旅行难免会碰上一些意外情况,如果随身带上个小药包,可做到有备无患。  相似文献   

新世纪第一个春天已经到来,旅游随着季节逐渐升温,来自旅游业界的信息表明,今春都市人正在形成旅游新时尚. 体育健身游:我运动我健康国家旅游局确定今年的旅游促销主题为“中国体育健身游”,并决定在全国范围内推出两大类体育健身旅游产品,包括60项各地具有代表性的大型体育健身旅游活动和80个专项体育旅游产品.一时间,滑雪、登山、冲浪、攀岩、徒步探险等融体育与休闲为一体的旅游,在国内各大城市火爆登场.但是,有人要问:一个人孤独而又艰难地奋战数小时去攀登一座岩壁,到底算不算旅游?其实,体育与旅游本来就是休闲的双胞兄弟.   ……  相似文献   

通过案例分析,对医学论文统计分析及结果表达方式进行剖析,主要包括:(1)选择合适的统计描述及统计推断方法;(2)充分利用资料信息进行统计分析;(3)科学合理地描述统计学内容,包括描述具体统计方法及其分析的内容,报告统计量值及具体P值,摘要的"结果"部分尽可能描述主要数据及统计分析结果;(4)合理表述统计软件输出的结果;(5)注意统计学内容的一致性,包括统计方法与资料性质一致,"统计学处理"与"结果"一致,全文数据要吻合,注意统计量与P值的顺序.  相似文献   

正长摘要属于2020年新增栏目"固废前沿与行业资讯",是本刊响应国家"破四唯"的专项行动,面向国内固体废物处理领域的科研工作者、工程设计人员和管理人员的实际需求,介绍具有重要行业影响的国际期刊论文的一种新形式,以期为国内同行快速了解国际热点领域、前沿话题及突破性技术提供交流平台。长摘要同步在《环境卫生工程》官方微信公众号发布。具体投稿要求如下:1.长摘要应客观地翻译、总结和凝练原文,不得以广告为目的宣传作者团队信息。2.翻译的论文应具有很强的创新性和时效性,不得宣传期刊影响因子,而应强调研究工作的创新性、科学价值与应用前景。  相似文献   

根据《国境卫生检疫法》赋予卫生检疫的职责,结合具体工作中的实际情况,就涉外旅游与信息咨询、预防保健、疾病监测、卫生监督、卫生处理、旅游服务人员的培训等诸方面的关系问题进行了探讨,同时以具体的事例来阐明卫生检疫在涉外旅游中的重要作用;涉外旅游部门应认真学习卫生检疫知识与卫生保健知识,积极与卫生检疫部门配合,才能真正提高旅游服务人员、旅游管理人员、旅游饮食从业人员的服务质量,搞好涉外旅游服务。  相似文献   

<正>资料与方法1.资料来源:借助该院住院病案首页信息系统中的病人基本信息,从2008至2013年所有出院病人信息中过滤出患者的第一次住院信息,共纳入69968例作为研究对象。2.基本概念:医疗服务半径是指医疗机构提供的医疗服务所能覆盖的最远距离[1]。3.统计方法:运用医疗服务半径模型,按照中国行政区划分,对患者所在省、市(州)、县(区)进行归  相似文献   

目的:明确剖宫产术后腹胀发生原因,应用具体护理对策加以预防和解决.方法:采用临床资料查证法,对我院妇产科收治的132例产妇的临床资料进行查证,统计其腹胀发生人数.结果:132例产妇中,发生腹胀患者20例;占15.15%;腹胀发生的主要原因是:产前饮食过多者、产程中大喊大叫吸入过多空气者、术后过早进食、产后着凉、产后久躺不活动3例.结论:剖宫产术后腹胀受多方面制约,产前适度饮食、术中保持平稳心态、术后排气后再进食、产后加强防寒保暖、产后适度活动,是预防产后腹胀的具体护理措施,值得临床诊断该项护理方法,对孕产妇加以指导.  相似文献   

The incrasse in the incidence of HIV/AIDS among minorities in the United States and in certain developing nations has prompted new intervention priorities, stressing the adaptation of efficacious interventions for diverse and marginalized groups. The experiences of Florida International University’s AIDS Prevention Program in translating HIV primary and secondary prevention interventions among these multicultural populations provide insight into the process of cultural adaptations and address the new scientific emphasis on ecological validity. An iterative process involvcing forward and backward translation, a cultural linguistic committee, focus group discussions, documentation of project procedures, and consultations with other researchers in the field was used to modify interventions. This article presents strategies used to ensure fidelity in implementing the efficacious core components of evidencebased interventions for reducing HIV transmission and drug use behaviors and the challenges posed by making cultural adaptation for participants with low literacy. This experience demonstrates the importance of integrating culturally relevant material in the translation process with intense focus on language and nuance. The process must ensure that the level of intervention is appropriate for the educational level of participants. Furthermore, the rights of participants must be protected during consenting procedures by instituting policies that recognize the socioeconomic, educational, and systemic pressures to participate in research.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research project was to translate and adapt the School Function Assessment (SFA), a standardized criterion-referenced instrument that measures school-related functional skills, for its cross-cultural use in Taiwan. The project consisted of four study phases: translation, cultural adaptation, pilot testing, and field testing for standardization. A series of rigorous procedures including the method of translation and back-translation, team consensus for cultural adaptation, and Rasch modelling techniques were used to address various dimensions of cross-cultural equivalence and psychometric properties of the translated SFA. The protocols that were developed as well as technical issues that were addressed in this project provide useful guidelines for international occupational therapists who are interested in translating and adapting instruments for cross-cultural use.  相似文献   

Despite a growing number of U.S. citizens who do not speak English fluently, little literature attends to issues of accurate translation of medical documents. We conducted a systematic review of the World Wide Web and electronic library resources to identify sources on translating clinical and medical research documents. We identified and carefully examined 44 relevant articles. Each article was coded with 5 to 10 key words that were used as a guide when we searched the articles for issues salient to assuring quality in medical translations. We divided these into two major categories, mechanics/practicalities of translating medical documents and extrinsic factors influencing medical translations. The results of this review confirm that medical translation is a complex process involving far more than mechanically converting one language to another. Attention to translation procedures can improve the quality of care for limited English proficient patients.  相似文献   

Translating for children is of very special importance for Finland. In spite of the flourishing Finnish children's literature, Finns must rely heavily on translations. A case is made for the dialogic nature of translation. When translating dialogically for the child, the translator should anticipate the response of the child-reader, listen to his reader, reach out to the child. Some scholars see only one way of translating well: reproducing the original text as faithfully as possible. This paper presents an alternative thesis that the best way to respect the child and children's literature is to give new life to texts, to create translations that live and breathe while being read.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the potential of brief intervention (BI) as a modality for translating health behavior intervention research into practice. We discuss common definitions of BI, applications within common models of translation research, effects of BI on a range of health behaviors and across various populations, current and potential mechanisms, and uses for dissemination to practice. A number of advantages of BI suggest they are well suited for translating behavioral research. In addition, findings from 13 systematic reviews of BI effects show their potential versatility. Basic research on motivation, decision making, and persuasion may be applied to the design of BIs (Type 1 translation). Suggestions for translating BI research into practice are discussed (Type 2 translation). The article concludes that efforts to use BIs to translate research into practice are currently underdeveloped. Recommendations are provided for using BI in translating research into practice.  相似文献   


In multilingual societies, where researchers and participants often do not speak the same language, research is a challenge as a mismatch of understanding between researchers, research instruments and participants often occurs. Reporting on the translation process is crucial because of the potential implications for the validity of the data that follow from it. We aimed to report on the complexities of such a translation process and many considerations that came to our attention. Methodologically, we used a detailed case study to demonstrate that the complexity of translation might be underestimated by researchers who may neglect to report on the challenges that they experience to benefit the wider research community. We emphasise that translating documents, particularly between languages that are not cognate, requires time and financial resources that researchers often do not anticipate or plan for. By discussing what happened to texts that were translated, and how we as researchers were challenged by considerations that were primarily linguistic but also straddled cultural and socio-political domains, we hope to encourage a deeper understanding of the translation task. We conclude that consideration of these complexities is necessary if the aim is the development of translated documents which complement the researchers’ goals.  相似文献   

There is a growing demand for tools to assess outcomes multinationally for use in international clinical trials. This has been accompanied by the need to produce valid and reliable questionnaires in a multiplicity of languages within a short time frame. We present an eight-step protocol for rapidly translating a quality of life (QOL) questionnaire into multiple languages, and demonstrate the protocol's utility and effectiveness by evaluating the translations for reliability and validity. The rapid translation protocol represents a minimalist approach to QOL questionnaire translation. Although this minimalist approach is not considered a recommended methodology, it may represent a feasible mechanism for questionnaire translation under certain circumstances. Most of the steps were completed in the USA, including a translation and back-translation by bilingual translators who were native speakers in the target-language, a test-retest of the translated instrument on five bilingual respondents to establish language and cultural equivalence and review of the translation by an editorial review board. The translated instrument was performance tested in the target language country on a pilot population of patients to determine its reliability and validity. Based on the findings, the instrument was further refined for use in the clinical trial.Preliminary data from this study were presented at the 1st Annual Symposium of Contributed Papers on Quality of Life at the Drug Information Association Workshop, 26 April 1993 in Charleston, South Carolina. Supported by Roche Laboratories, Nutley, NJ, USA.  相似文献   

In response to the need for linguistically and culturally appropriate cancer survivorship materials for Latinos, the Office of Education and Special Initiatives and the Office of Cancer Survivorship at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) set out to test, adapt, and refine a Spanish translation of an English-language booklet for adult cancer survivors titled Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment (Siga adelante: la vida después del tratamiento del cáncer). The authors used a process called "transcreation," which involves translating existing English-language materials into Spanish and then adapting them for Latino audiences. The Spanish version of the booklet was reviewed by nine Spanish-speaking reviewers who were cancer survivors. The multistage transcreation process reinforced the importance of conducting formative research as well as adjusting the methodology to address the needs of changing demographics.  相似文献   

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