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对世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》的解析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
杨焱  姜垣  南奕 《中国健康教育》2005,21(9):715-716
烟草危害是当今世界最严重的公共卫生问题之一,是人类健康所面临的最大的可以预防的危险因素。目前全球共有11亿吸烟,每年导致近500万例可以预防的死亡。  相似文献   

1<烟草控制框架公约>及其主席文本的由来 世界卫生组织(WHO)自1969年起就开始关注烟草问题,1970年第二十三届世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly,WHA)通过了WHA23.32号决议,首次较全面地提出控烟.此后WHA又陆续就烟草问题通过了16项决议.鉴于烟草消费及其危害的全球性,WHO认识到控制烟草蔓延也必须在世界范围内采取统一行动.为了限制全球烟草制品的无节制消费,1995年第四十八届WHA提出了制订<烟草控制框架公约>(Framework Convention of Tobacco Control,FCTC)的动议,并获联合国秘书长授权.  相似文献   

《公约》框架下控烟支持环境的构建与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观我国"吸烟环境"的复杂程度和总体趋势,中国早已面临全球最大烟草生产国和消费国的严峻形式,并且存在烟草业长盛不衰的垄断经营格局、过分依赖"烟草经济增长模式"、烟品沦为社交触媒、助长吸烟行为的歪理邪说泛滥、吸烟行为几乎不受限制、戒烟缺乏支持环境等一系列问题。因此,必须通过立法控烟、建立政府主导机制、取缔"烟草经济增长模式"、锁定"禁烟目标人群、不断增强二手烟受害者的控烟意识和能力等综合手段,逐步构建社会控烟支持环境"。  相似文献   

目的 评估2010—2022年我国七大类控烟措施实施情况与MPOWER措施要求间的差距。方法 在查阅文献的基础上,梳理我国2010—2022年已实施的控烟措施及MPOWER系列措施要求,参考《烟草控制量表2019》制定专家函询问卷。经过两轮专家咨询,综合分析11位专家的评分及意见,获得我国控烟现状与MPOWER措施间的差距值,以10分计,差距非常大为0分,极小为10分。采用Excel 2016和SPSS26.0软件进行统计分析,专家的一般情况等描述性分析以频数和百分数表示;专家积极系数以问卷的有效回收率表示;专家权威程度以权威系数(Cr)表示,专家意见协调程度以变异系数(coefficient of variation, CV)和肯德尔和谐系数(Kendall’s W)表示,并对Kendall’s W进行χ2检验,检验水准α=0.05。结果 两轮专家咨询调查专家积极系数均为100%,Cr均值为0.83,第1轮和第2轮的七项控烟措施CV均值分别为0.46和0.23, Kendall’s W分别为0.27 (χ2=18.01, P=0.006)和...  相似文献   

杨小宝 《中国健康教育》2006,22(12):947-950
《烟草控制框架公约》(以下简称《公约》)是世界卫生组织主持制定的多边国际公约,是联合国历史上最广泛受到热诚接受的条约之一。《公约》将通过减少烟草需求和烟草供应两方面宏观调控控制烟草跨境流行、减低和净化烟草消费,保护人类健康免受烟草的危害。本尝试与现实紧密结合,用综合、比较等方法来阐述国际经验与做法对我国烟草控制工作的意义和作用,并通过引介各缔约方做法,分析我国在履约准备工作基础上,如何处理好国家利益、缔约方权利和义务之间的关系。  相似文献   

《公约》框架下控烟支持环境的构建探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,全球已有190多个国家参与了《烟草控制框架公约》[1]的谈判、签署和承诺,但各国履约力度和进展情况却大相径庭。究其原因,主要是因为社会"吸烟环境"的持续存在和"有效的控烟局面"尚未形成所致。然而,纵观我国"吸烟环境"的复杂程度和总体趋势,我国早已面临全球最大烟草生产国和消费国的严峻形势,并且存在烟草业长盛不衰的垄断经营格局、过分依赖"烟草经济增长模式"、烟品沦为社交触媒、助长吸烟行为的歪理邪说泛滥、吸烟行为几乎不受限制和戒烟缺乏支持环境等一系列问题。因此,必须通过立法控烟、建立政府主导机制、取缔"烟草经济增长模式"、锁定"禁烟目标人群、不断增强二手烟受害者的控烟意识和能力等综合手段,逐步构建社会控烟支持环境。  相似文献   

目的分析澳门全面控烟政策实施效果及经验,为实现内陆有效控烟提出对策建议。方法于2019年4月运用史密斯模型对澳门6项控烟政策(MPOWER)实施效果进行分析,对澳门官网相关控烟数据进行描述性分析。结果澳门成人烟草使用率为12.2%(2017年),青少年烟草使用率为6.1%(2015年),2018年控烟执法巡查场所增长至341 951个,年检控个案下降至5 613例,澳门居民违法吸烟行为占比29.8%。结论澳门在法律制定、机构执行、目标群体干预以及环境建设方面均取得较好成果,对内陆控烟具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

辽宁省健康教育所副所长张麓曾最近提议:应加快地方立法,推动《烟草框架公约》履行。 张麓曾介绍,我国履约4年多来,面临问题依然很多。如控烟立法进程缓慢,缺乏全国性的控烟法律和控烟规划;烟草消费及烟草业产量、利税持续上升等。  相似文献   

在无烟奥运行动推广过程中召开的2008全国爱菲烟克控烟新技术研讨会上,与会代表一致倡导:在北京即将举办举世瞩目的绿色奥运、无烟奥运正快速向我们走来之际,我们必须向世界展示我国履行烟草控制框架公约的决心与态度——共创无烟环境,与时俱进地推动我国控烟事业。会上,专家代表分别作了重要发言。国家卫生部原副部长谭云鹤谈到,中国政府已经加入《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》,该公约2006年1月9日在中国生效,每个缔约方  相似文献   

国际烟草控制框架公约与国内政策的差距分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了我国的烟草使用情况、严重后果和国际烟草控制公约提出的六大控烟策略,对比分析了我国控烟措施与国际公约要求存在的差距,如公共场合和工作场所的禁烟、戒烟帮助、烟草危害警示、禁止烟草广告、促销及赞助、提高烟草税等几大问题,并在此基础上对控烟工作的差距进行深入分析,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control originated in 1993 with a decision by Ruth Roemer and Allyn Taylor to apply to tobacco control Taylor's idea that the WHO should utilize its constitutional authority to develop international conventions to advance global health. In 1995, Taylor and Ruth Roemer proposed various options to WHO, recommending the framework convention-protocol approach conceptualized by Taylor.Despite initial resistance by some WHO officials, this approach gained wide acceptance. In 1996, the World Health Assembly voted to proceed with its development. Negotiations by WHO member states led the World Health Assembly in May 2003 to adopt by consensus the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control-the first international treaty adopted under WHO auspices. The treaty formally entered into force for state parties on February 27, 2005.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(2):150-168

Tobacco control civil society organisations mobilised to influence countries during the negotiation of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) between 1999 and 2003. Tobacco control civil society organisations and coalitions around the world embraced the idea of an international tobacco control treaty and came together as the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), becoming an important non-state actor within the international system of tobacco control. Archival documents and interviews demonstrate that the FCA successfully used strategies, including publication of a newsletter, shaming symbolism and media advocacy to influence policy positions of countries during the FCTC negotiation. The FCA became influential in the negotiation process, by mobilising tobacco control civil society organisations and resources with the help of the Internet, and framing the tobacco control discussion around global public health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper are to introduce the current global tobacco control measures undertaken by WHO and other international organizations, and to describe the impact on domestic tobacco control in Japan. METHODS: Publications and documents, mainly for WHO, were reviewed especially with reference to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). RESULTS: WHO has been promotion comprehensive tobacco control globally as well as regionally in order to assist and promote its national health policy. In 1998, WHO established the Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) to take action against the growing health impact of tobacco consumption around the world. WHO has also been proposing the FCTC, the first international convention in the health field, which includes, for example, restrictions on advertisement, selling to, or buying from persons aged under 18. Currently, the FCTC is being negotiated by governments and is expected to be ratified before May 2003. WHO is also working together with other international organizations, such as the World Bank, in synchronizing its global tobacco control policy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: "Smoking and health" is, without doubt, the most significant public health problem internationally and domestically. However, tobacco control tends to be less strict in Japan than in other developed countries. Even among health personnel in Japan, the health impact is still underestimated, thus its control remains partial. Accelerated public health campaigns against tobacco and health promotion activities are greatly needed. These could be carried out more effectively in the broad context of promotion of the FCTC.  相似文献   

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