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对“以病人为中心”的再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姚磊 《现代医院》2009,9(9):3-5
"以病人为中心"是以人为本理念在医疗服务领域中的具体体现。全面准确地理解"以病人为中心",为医院建设与管理提供了思想基础。贯彻"以病人为中心"的服务理念,对促进医院管理模式的转变和管理水平的提高,促进医院和谐发展有重的意义。  相似文献   

1用医院文化铸造服务的品牌 现代医院的服务和核心价值就是落实以病人为中心的服务理念。以病人为中心,最大的挑战就是观念的真正转变。这种思想应贯彻于医疗工作全过程。我院推行机关干部门诊值班巡视制度,  相似文献   

现代医院管理与思想政治工作   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
当前,医院面临着社会主义市场经济和医疗制度的深化改革,医院的生存发展受到严重的挑战,要适应这种新的形势变化,调动全院职工同心同德,共度难关,做好思想政治工作显得更为重要。一、把思想政治工作融入现代医院管理之中思想政治工作是现代医院管理的一种手段和方法,要把思想政治工作与医院管理相结合,自觉地把思想政治工作融入现代医院管理之中。如当前我们医院要重点突出“以病人为中心”,要求全院职工为病人全方位的服务。改变过去病人对医院“不方便、不便宜、不放心”的“三不”看法,自觉的把“以病人为中心”落实到实际工作…  相似文献   

业务流程再造在现代医院信息管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,很多医院正面临着越来越多的发展难题,如何"以病人为中心",提高管理水平,增强竞争力,是医院管理者必须面对的问题;在政府投入不足,市场竞争激烈的环境下,如何通过业务流程再造改进管理和服务迫在眉睫。现代医院信息作为医院管理工作的  相似文献   

<正> 坚持以人为本的管理是现代医院文化中的重要理念,也是一个现代化医院与国际接轨的重要标志之一。现代医院文化要取得实际效果,必须体现以人为本的思想,并持之以恒地创建拓展。 1 以病人为中心的服务理念是医院文化的核心 病人是医疗服务对象,也是决定医院生存和发展的根本因素之一,最大限度地实施对患者的关怀是人本战略的出发点与归宿点。以“病人为中心”并不是一句口号,而是医院全体员工在医疗活动的全过程中要尊重病人的人性,给他们提供全程高效优质的医疗服务。 1.1 组建精干的医疗团队 随着人民生活水平的提高,社  相似文献   

丁磊 《工企医刊》2007,20(1):51-52
药品药学保健(Pharmaceutical Care,简称PC),又称药学监护.这一概念是在上世纪90年代由美国学者首先提出的,PC要求医院药学的各个环节都要以病人为中心,药品为手段,运用药学专业技术知识来开展工作、提供服务.PC不是医院药学的一个专业,也不是与供应、制剂、药检、血药浓度监测、药物信息咨询等并列的业务工作,而是整个医院药学新的工作模式.这一模式使医院药学的工作从过去"面向药品"转变为"面向病人",从"对物"转变为"对人",变被动服务为主动服务,变(在药房)等候服务为上门(病房、门诊)为病人服务.PC代表了现代医院药学的发展趋势.PC也是中国传统药师的出路.  相似文献   

文章着重探讨了现代医院如何应用信息技术完善门诊服务流程,本着"一切以病人为中心"的思想,采取一切可能的措施简化流程,方便病人,从而优化服务质量,提高工作效率,解决当今普遍存在的"看病难"问题.  相似文献   

病人满意原则。病人第一,质量至上已成为医院服务的宗旨。医院服务的演变,从以疾病为中心,到以医疗工作为中心,从以病人为中心到以病人满意为医院工作的最高标准,越来越体现了医院工作的特点和规律。病人(顾客)满意原则是21世纪医院工作的最高原则,是医院追求的最高标准。一切为了病人,为了一切病人,一切为了病人满意,是医疗市场的结果,是现代医院质量管理发  相似文献   

文章根据药房的实际情况并结合医院的整体业务,探讨在信息技术条件下,如何设计出符合现代医院管理要求的门诊药房流程,优化了医院现有的药房流程,提高了药房工作效率,同时提高了病人满意度,体现了"以病人为中心"的管理思想.  相似文献   

在新形势下,医院要"以病人为中心",注重医学人文关怀,树立医院良好的社会形象,以打造医院核心竞争力.文章对医院在现代医学模式下如何注重医学人文关怀,开展具有人文精神的"人性化服务":尊重病人,关爱病人,方便病人,服务病人进行了理论分析.  相似文献   

Optometry in a Hospital Setting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to determine the extent to which optometry has been integrated within the hospital delivery system in New York State and to determine the types of services rendered by optometrists in governmental and non-governmental hospitals. A survey was developed and sent to all hospitals in the State to assess which hospitals provided eye care and whether optometrists were on staff. The number of optometrists affiliated with a hospital has increased from 27% in 1978 to 43% in 2003. Virtually all (90%) of city, county, and federal government hospitals used optometrists as compared to 32% of voluntary hospitals. Optometrists were found to provide a full range of medical ocular services including treatment. Given the cost savings of using optometrists, hospitals should consider integrating this profession into their primary eye care services.  相似文献   

CONTEXT/OBJECTIVES: We surveyed New Jersey (NJ) hospitals to assess current language services and identify policy recommendations on meeting limited English proficiency (LEP) patients' needs. METHODS: Survey with 37 questions regarding hospital/patient features, interpreter services, and resources/policies needed to provide quality interpreter services. RESULTS: Sixty-seven hospitals responded (55% response rate). Most NJ hospitals have no interpreter services department, 80% provide no staff training on working with interpreters, 31% lack multilingual signs, and 19% offer no written translation services. Only 3% of hospitals have full-time interpreters, a ratio of 1 interpreter:240,748 LEP NJ residents. Most hospitals stated third-party reimbursement for interpreters would be beneficial, by reducing costs, adding interpreters, meeting population growth, and improving communication. CONCLUSIONS: Most NJ hospitals have no full-time interpreters, interpreter services department, or staff training on working with interpreters, and deficiencies exist in hospital signage and translation services. Most NJ hospitals stated third-party reimbursement for interpreter services would be beneficial.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Although critical access hospitals (CAHs) have limitations on number of acute care beds and average length of stay, some of them provide intensive care unit (ICU) services. PURPOSE: To describe the facilities, equipment, and staffing used by CAHs for intensive care, the types of patients receiving ICU care, and the perceived impact of closing the ICU on CAH staff and the local community. METHODS: A semistructured interview of directors of nursing at CAHs that provide intensive care services. RESULTS: Two thirds of CAHs that provide intensive care do so in a distinct unit. Most have continuous or computerized electrocardiography and ventilators. Other ICU equipment common in larger hospitals was reported less frequently. Nurse:patient ratio ranged from 1:1 to 1:3, and some or all nursing staff have advanced cardiac life support certification. Most CAHs admit patients to the ICU daily or weekly, primarily treating cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and drug- or alcohol-related conditions. ICUs are also used for postsurgical recovery. Respondents felt that closure of the ICU would be burdensome to patients and families, result in lost revenue, negatively impact staff, and affect the community's perception of the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: Intensive care services provided by CAHs fall along a continuum, ranging from care in a unit that resembles a scaled-down version of ICUs in larger hospitals to care in closely monitored medical-surgical beds. Nurse to patient ratio, not technology, is arguably the defining characteristic of intensive care in CAHs. Respondents believe these services to be important to the well-being of the hospital and of the community.  相似文献   

目的:分析社区医院开展中医药服务的相关因素,为进一步加强中医药在社区卫生服务中的运用和发展提供科学的决策依据。方法选取2009-2012年的全院门诊数据,统计出每月的总门诊人次、中医医疗收入、中成药收入、中草药收入、开展的中医项目数、中医人员配置和中医药品的配置等数据,应用SPSS 19.0统计软件对数据进行因子分析。结果中医人员和中医设备配置为影响社区医院开展中医药服务的第一因素,其特征值为3.187,加强社区医院中医药队伍建设,提高医务人员的业务水平,能使更多医务人员开展中医药服务,配备中医医疗设备为中医药服务项目的开展提供硬件保障;中医药品配备为影响社区医院开展中医药服务的第二因素,其特征值为2.474,种类齐全的中医药品有利于开展中医全科医疗服务;中成药收入是目前社区医院中医业务收入的主要影响者,是影响社区医院开展中医药服务的第三因素,其特征值为1.996,源于中成药易于被患者和非中医医务人员接受,其用量明显大于中草药。结论社区医院开展中医药服务,首先应考虑中医药人才队伍的建设,中医设备的配置是开展中医非药物治疗项目的必要条件,中医药品的配备特别是中药饮片品种是否齐全会影响社区医院的中医药服务的开展。  相似文献   

作为主要实行以政府购买卫生服务的国家之一,指导医院合理确定其提供医疗服务的价格对澳大利亚来说至关重要。自2010年起,澳大利亚针对公立医院建立了全国统一的医疗服务价格形成及调整体系。文章详细介绍了当前澳大利亚的医疗服务价格形成机制,通过对其实施经验的总结和研究,为我国医疗服务价格制定及调整提供相关建议。  相似文献   

目的通过对安徽省某三甲医院的医护人员互联网诊疗现状进行调查,探讨影响医护人员互联网医院使用意愿的关键因素。方法对安徽省某大型三甲公立医院279名医护人员进行问卷调查,调查内容包括个人基本信息、互联网诊疗认知、互联网诊疗使用、互联网医院使用意愿等。结果在互联网诊疗使用方面,193名调查对象未使用过互联网诊疗为患者提供服务,占69%。互联网诊疗服务意愿方面, 61名调查表示不愿意使用互联网医院为患者提供服务,占比78%。在不愿意提供服务的影响因素中,“没有多余精力或时间”“增加工作负担”“互联网医院操作繁琐”三个因素影响最为显著,占比分别为32%、28%、23%。结论应进一步创新薪酬激励机制,完善信息化建设,针对性地提髙医护人员互联网医疗使用意愿和使用率。  相似文献   

While most hospitals provide chaplaincy services for patients, families, and staff, these services are seldom studied and their contribution is poorly understood. A questionnaire created by the College of Chaplains of the American Protestant Health Association was mailed by an insurance company to patients recently dismissed from the hospital, requesting evaluation of three non-medical services (social services, chaplaincy, and patient representatives) and how well the spiritual needs for support/counseling, prayer, and sacraments were met. Responses revealed that, in comparison to the other two non-medical services, patients receive more visits from chaplains, evaluate these visits as more important (p less than 0.000), and report that these visits meet their expectations more highly (p less than 0.000). Regression analyses demonstrate that when the chaplain meets the patient's need for support/counseling, the respondent is more likely to select the hospital again (p = 0.04) and recommend it to others (p = 0.05). Similarly, when chaplains meet the family's need for support/counseling, the respondent is likely to choose the hospital again. Since chaplains clearly make an important contribution to patients, their families, and the hospital, administrators should review the adequacy of their chaplaincy services in the light of these data.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2010,20(4):248-253
BackgroundProvision of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) is widely recognized as the standard of care to prevent pregnancy after a sexual assault. However, previous research has shown that hospitals do not routinely counsel sexual assault patients about or provide sexual assault survivors with ECPs or accurate referrals.MethodsWe undertook a mixed methods study to assess policies and practices regarding the provision of ECPs for sexual assault survivors in South Carolina. The study includes four components: An analysis of the South Carolina Victims' Rights Amendment, in-depth interviews with rape crisis agency and state agency representatives, a survey of hospital emergency department staff, and a survey of hospital emergency department administrators.FindingsOur findings indicate that hospital policies and practices regarding ECP-related services for sexual assault patients are generally consistent with the standard of care. According to hospital staff and administrators, requiring a police report and/or undergoing a rape kit examination before providing ECPs do not seem to be significant access barriers. However, hospitals that do not conduct rape kit examinations transfer patients to other facilities, and these initial hospitals do not routinely provide patients with ECPs before transfer.ConclusionOur findings suggest that further research to document whether transfer practices and reporting requirements impede access to ECPs is warranted. Furthermore, our results support the recommendation that any woman reporting sexual assault should be immediately offered dedicated, progestin-only ECPs. Last, our results suggest that key stakeholders in the sexual assault community could be engaged to improve sexual assault and ECP-related services in South Carolina.  相似文献   

论国有医院产权形式多样化的实现条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述阵有医院产权形式多样化的五个实现条件:(1)政府和医院的关系。企业与企业医院的关系改变为市场经济下的平等协商关系;(2)确保国有财产神圣不可侵犯;(3)必须建立以非本院职工社会代表为主体的董事会,医院决策权必须同执行权分离;94)政府对医院的社会公益性服务要予以扶持和资助,医院继续承担社会福利载体的功能;(5)改革劳动人事制度。  相似文献   

实施文化立院 加强价值观建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内公立医院发展迅速,硬件条件越来越好,但老百姓对医院的服务仍不满意,其关键在于软实力的提升、员工素质的提高。应实施文化管理,加强价值观建设,同时用制度保障文化管理的连续性,打造一支凝心聚力、爱民为民的医疗队伍,为人民群众提供满意优质的生命健康保障服务。  相似文献   

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