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目的运用社会网络分析法探讨国内国际疾病分类领域作者合著现象.方法利用UCINET软件从网络密度、点度中心性、中间中心性、接近中心性和凝聚子群5个角度进行分析.结果作者合著网络密度为0.0021,网络中主成分节点占所有节点总数的3.46%,点度中心性值最高的节点是林洁中,而中间中心性和接近中心性值最高的节点均为郭蕴青,1851个作者构成44个2-丛.结论 目前国内该领域作者合著关系不紧密,但在一定程度上林洁中、梁耀、李建炜、范炜、郭蕴青、刘爱民等作者属于该领域的核心成员或意见领袖.从整体角度来看,该网络目前尚未形成明显的小团体现象,组织结构比较松散、孤立.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 梳理网络健康信息研究的基础知识,分析其研究热点与前沿。方法 以ISI web of science核心合集数据库中1995-2014年网络健康信息的论文数据为研究对象,采用CiteSpace知识图谱工具分析相关数据。结果 共获取有关网络健康信息研究的文献9 389篇,分析得出21篇重要基础文献、20个高频共现关键词和11个前沿突现术语。结论 网络健康信息研究领域主要集中在信息质量的评估控制、使用情况分析、社会影响、信息需求和获取等方面。其研究对象患者、医生,信息的质量和使用行为以及对疾病的干预、护理和保健等是研究的热点问题。社会媒体、调查统计方法、临床实践指南和电子病历等是其领域突现出的研究前沿。  相似文献   

目的 分析和比较国内外的研究热点和前沿,并对国外研究领域发展路径进行简要分析.方法 以ISI web of science核心合集数据库和《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》(CNKI)为检索库,收集2004-2020年有关网络健康信息评价的文献题录为研究对象,采用可视化软件CiteSpace为研究工具分析相关数据.结果 共检...  相似文献   

目的探讨医院专科化趋势下跨科室协作的可能性,为构建临床科室协作平台提供依据,并介绍华西医院学科协作经验。方法以医院科室科研合著网络为切入点,应用社会网络技术,对医院科室合著情况进行量化分析,并对合著网络进行可视化处理。结果目前该大型综合性医院专科化明显,但院内合著趋势强,尤其心内科与胸心外科、神经内科与神经外科关系十分密切,以老年科为中心形成多个内科科室集群。结论医院应因势利导,进行组织与管理创新,促进心脏诊疗/神经以及老年病诊疗协作平台构建,努力实践"以病人为中心"。  相似文献   

医疗健康所含信息量远超于其他学科,也是公众关注的重中之重。网络环境下信息的高速传输使公众获取信息更加及时、便利。本文研究分析网络医疗健康信息质量上存在的问题以及给公众使用带来的障碍,为提高公众使用网络医疗健康信息质量,从而提出从搜索引擎改善、信息规范及用户培训三方面建议。  相似文献   

首先,通过阅读并参考大量国内外关于网络健康信息质量评估的文献,阐述开展网络健康信息质量评估工作的必要性和重要性;然后,回顾和总结国内外网络健康信息质量评估工作,简要概述国外比较典型的网络健康信息质量评估工具,并通过对比分析指出了各种评估工具存在的问题。最后,就我国网络健康信息质量评估工作提出几点可行性意见和建议。  相似文献   

关于制订“合著论文作者贡献声明与署名规则”的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为制订期刊论文作者贡献声明与署名规则提供参考依据。方法 基于合著论文作者署名方式及其存在问题的分析,论述作者贡献声明与署名规范化的关键措施。结果 提出了制订“论文作者贡献声明与署名规则”的建议和基本内容框架。结论 期刊合著论文作者署名规范及其相应的学术评价应突出作者贡献声明的重要作用,应由权威学术机构制订统一的“论文作者贡献声明与署名基本规则”。  相似文献   

目的 分析网络平台近视手术治疗相关信息、信息传播度及其影响因素,为更好地开展眼健康科普提供参考。方法 通过舆情监测系统抓取2021年7月互联网新发布的“近视眼手术治疗”相关科普信息,进行发布主体与词频分析。以微博、微信、抖音、快手、哔哩哔哩、今日头条等平台传播数量前25位数据为对象,对比不同平台、发布账号主体、叙事要素、科学性等因素对传播度的影响。结果 累计抓取相关信息91 924条,其中微博发布数量最多(57 160条),发布主体98.47%为各种自媒体。各平台前25内容、叙事主体与点赞量显著相关(P<0.01)。平台、账号、叙事主体与点赞率相关(P<0.05),发起话题、权威专家发布信息、以视频形式呈现的信息传播度更高。55.33%的信息科学严谨,但科学性对阅读量、点赞量等传播度指标均无影响。结论网络“近视眼手术治疗”相关科普信息量巨大,发布主体类型多样,信息科学性良莠不齐,公众仅通过平台、发布主体、叙事要素等无法直接判断信息是否真实准确,可通过医疗机构优化科普创作、信息发布平台算法赋能等,助力居民健康素养提升。  相似文献   

目的通过对福建省17种报纸的内容分析,了解福建省主要报纸对健康信息以及医疗、医药、保健食品广告信息的报道情况。方法选择福建省出版及发行量较大的17种报纸,采用整群抽样的方法抽取2011年1月1—28日连续4周的报纸,对刊载的健康信息等进行编码分析。结果非党报的医药保健广告篇数与健康信息篇数的比例是党报的10.3倍(χ2=454.40,P〈0.01),医药保健广告信息面积占报纸面积的比例是党报的6.54倍。平均每篇广告信息有2.4个误导类型,在保证治愈或隐含保证治愈、利用国内外先进的技术、研究、设备等证明的误导大众类型上,非党报明显多于党报,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。全部健康信息中引用卫生研究结果的只占9.1%。结论党报与非党报在广告信息报道上区别较大,非党报的医疗、医药、保健食品的广告信息误导大众现象严重,健康信息对卫生研究结果的引用率较低。  相似文献   

山西省全面构建公共卫生信息网络的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从系统的角度出发 ,反思了SARS后我国公共卫生信息系统的存在的问题 ,并结合国家公共卫生信息系统建设方略对山西省全面构建公共卫生信息体系做了系统构想。  相似文献   

山西省公共卫生信息网络体系建设规划概略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从山西省实际出发 ,对山西省公共卫生网络体系建设的目标、实施原则、保障条件、建设内容及其功能作了概略性的论述。  相似文献   

Information security and assurance are an increasingly critical issue in health research. Whether health research be in genetics, new drugs, disease outbreaks, biochemistry, or effects of radiation, it deals with information that is highly sensitive and which could be targeted by rogue individuals or groups, corporations, national intelligence agencies, or terrorists, looking for financial, social, or political gains. The advents of the Internet and advances in recent information technologies have also dramatically increased opportunities for attackers to exploit sensitive and valuable information. Government agencies have deployed legislative measures to protect the privacy of health information and developed information security guidelines for epidemiological studies. However, risks are grossly underestimated and little effort has been made to strategically and comprehensively protect health research information by institutions, governments and international communities. There is a need to enforce a set of proactive measures to protect health research information locally and globally. Such measures should be deployed at all levels but will be successful only if research communities collaborate actively, governments enforce appropriate legislative measures at national level, and the international community develops quality standards, concluding treaties if necessary, at the global level. Proactive measures for the best information security and assurance would be achieved through rigorous management process with a cycle of “plan, do, check, and act”. Each health research entity, such as hospitals, universities, institutions, or laboratories, should implement this cycle and establish an authoritative security and assurance organization, program and plan coordinated by a designatedChief Security Officer who will ensure implementation of the above process, putting appropriate security controls in place, with key focus areas such aspolicies and best practices, enforcement and certification, risk assessment and audit, monitoring and incident response, awareness and training, and modern protection method and architecture. Governments should enforce a comprehensive scheme, and international health research communities should adopt standardized innovative methods and approaches.  相似文献   

Conflicting health information is increasing in amount and visibility, as evidenced most recently by the controversy surrounding the risks and benefits of childhood vaccinations. The mechanisms through which conflicting information affects individuals are poorly understood; thus, we are unprepared to help people process conflicting information when making important health decisions. In this viewpoint article, we describe this problem, summarize insights from the existing literature on the prevalence and effects of conflicting health information, and identify important knowledge gaps. We propose a working definition of conflicting health information and describe a conceptual typology to guide future research in this area. The typology classifies conflicting information according to four fundamental dimensions: the substantive issue under conflict, the number of conflicting sources (multiplicity), the degree of evidence heterogeneity and the degree of temporal inconsistency.  相似文献   

基于区域医疗卫生网络的医疗卫生监管模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章对医疗卫生监管的概念、内容和存在的问题以及区域医疗卫生网络进行了介绍,分析了在网络环境下进行医疗卫生监管的优势,着重探讨了基于区域医疗卫生网络的医疗卫生监管,提出了医疗卫生监管平台的模型和业务流程.并阐述了建设该平台时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

国内外健康公平研究现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
健康公平是人类共同追求的目标,是和谐社会的重要基础,然而经济、社会和文化等不同造成了健康的极大不公平。长期以来,健康公平问题一直是卫生改革和发展关注的重点,并已成为国际卫生政策的主要方向。本文对国内外健康公平的概念及影响因素研究现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the determinants of access to health-related information on the Internet and their influence on perceived knowledge of health-related topics in European countries. Referring to the European citizens’ digital health literacy survey and applying structural equation modelling hypotheses, the obtained results showed that assumption of acceptance of information and capacity level are the main determinants which have the biggest influence on the perception of access to health-related information on the Internet. The access to health-related information negatively determined the perceived level of knowledge about health-related topics, which reveals that people making more use of the information are more critical in assessing the level of their knowledge. People who evaluated their health status as poor stated that they knew about health-related topics less. Therefore, the high level of access to health-related information does not mean that people would assume having more knowledge about health-related topics. The establishment of a platform on the Internet, which would supply all understandable information on health-related topics, would be the main tool for enhancing the level of knowledge of health-related topics.  相似文献   

公共卫生信息相关群体责任分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据卫生信息来源及影响的不同,对公共卫生信息相关人群在信息产生与传播中的责任进行分析,以期获得对公共卫生信息传播与利用更清晰的视角。  相似文献   

在对大量国内外文献调研的基础上,分析了我国医疗卫生信息资源配置的现状以及存在的问题,结合国外先进经验,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

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