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Advocates say health savings accounts will kick-start the era of consumer-driven health care and bring costs under control. Critics say they are perks for the well-to-do and will increase the number of uninsured Americans. What's clear is that HSAs have the potential to dramatically change how consumers use and pay for your services.  相似文献   

Nosocomial diarrhoea, defined as diarrhoea occurring more than 72 h after hospital admission, is reported to account for <1% of endemic nosocomial infections and 17% of epidemic nosocomial infections. The yield of diagnoses from stool cultures in nosocomial diarrhoea is low, and information regarding the role of parasites is limited. We conducted a study to determine the responsible bacterial and parasitological pathogens from nosocomial diarrhoea cases in our 2000-bed tertiary care facility over a 16-month period. Of 226 patients, Clostridium difficile toxins A or B were present in 5.5%, giardia cysts and/or trophozoites in 4.4%, Blastocytis hominis in 4.4% and Cryptosporidium sp. in 0.5% of samples. In conclusion, parasites should be sought in nosocomial diarrhoea in endemic areas.  相似文献   

The preterm delivery rate in North Carolina is consistently higher than the national average. However, recent reports suggest that singleton preterm delivery rates for non-Hispanic Whites are increasing while those for non-Hispanic African Americans are decreasing. To study this pattern further, the authors examined data on singleton non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic African-American births in 1989 and 1999 by using North Carolina vital statistics data. They found that the frequency of preterm delivery rose 1.1% (8.5% to 9.6%) among non-Hispanic Whites but declined 1.4% (17.9% to 16.5%) among non-Hispanic African Americans over the same time period. For both subgroups, a bimodal distribution of birth weights was apparent among preterm births at 28-31 weeks of gestation. The second peak with its cluster of normal-weight infants was more prominent among non-Hispanic African Americans in 1989 than in 1999. To reduce the potential for bias due to misclassification of infant gestational age, frequencies of preterm delivery of infants who weighed less than 2,500 g were calculated. Unlike the original analysis, this calculation showed that preterm delivery increased for both subgroups. A number of non-Hispanic African-American births classified as preterm were apparently term births mistakenly assigned short gestational ages. Such misclassification was more frequent in 1989 than in 1999, inflating 1989 preterm delivery rates.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Falls are prevalent in elderly patients residing in nursing homes, with approximately 1.5 falls occurring per nursing home bed-years. Although most are benign and injury-free, 10% to 25% result in hospital admission and/or fractures. Primary care providers for nursing home residents must therefore aim to reduce both the fall rate as well as the rate of fall-related morbidity in the long-term care setting. Interventions have been demonstrated to be successful in reducing falls in community-dwelling elderly patients. However, less evidence supports the efficacy of fall prevention in nursing home residents. METHODS: The authors conducted a Medline search using the key words Falls and Nursing Homes. RESULTS: Several studies examined the efficacy of multifaceted intervention programs on reducing falls in nursing homes with varied results. Components of these intervention programs include: environmental assessment, assistive device evaluation and modification, medication changes, gait assessment and training, staff education, exercise programs, hip protector use, and blood pressure evaluation. Current literature supports the use of environmental assessment and intervention in reducing falls in nursing homes, and demonstrates an association between certain medications and falls. However, there are no studies that examine the effect of medication adjustments on fall rates. Also, the literature does not strongly suggest that exercise programs are effective in fall reduction. Although not effective in reducing fall rates, the use of hip protectors appears to result in less fall-related morbidity. CONCLUSION: More studies must be done to clarify the effects of high-risk medication reduction, the optimal nature and intensity of exercise programs, and patient targeting criteria to maximize the effectiveness of nursing home fall prevention programs. Based on the current literature, an effective multifaceted fall prevention program for nursing home residents should include risk factor assessment and modification, staff education, gait assessment and intervention, assistive device assessment and optimization, as well as environmental assessment and modification. Although there is no association between the use of hip protectors and fall rates, their use should be encouraged because the ultimate goal of any fall prevention program is to prevent fall-related morbidity.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine whether the three mailings routinely used by researchers for epidemiological surveys are useful and appropriate, by comparing social characteristics and selected disease histories to find out if there are differences between individuals responding at different times.

Methods: Social characteristics and selected disease histories of 11,797 British women still under general practitioner observation in the Royal College of General Practitioners' Oral Contraception Study were compared. The women aged 40-78 at December 1992 were sent health survey questionnaires via their general practitioners between November 1994 and July 1995.

Results: Significant differences in the characteristics of first, second and third mailing respondents and non-respondents were found for smoking habits, social class, parity, area of residence, further contact, bronchitis, hysterectomy and mental illness. First mailing respondents were more likely to be from a non-manual social class, have a parity of less than three, live in England, and be happy to be contacted again, but were less likely to have had bronchitis or mental illness and were less likely to have been smokers at the time of recruitment than second mailing respondents. A comparison of second and third mailing respondents on the above factors showed no significant differences between the two groups.

Conclusions: The inclusion of third mailing respondents did not significantly change the social or health characteristic profile of the cohort and suggests that the effort and resources expended in carrying out a third mailing may not be justified.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evaluation of health care contacts from first events alone often misses large amounts of potentially important data and may produce different results than evaluation of all data including recurrent events. OBJECTIVE: We aim to bring the different methodological approaches for analysing longitudinal health care data to the attention of researchers in primary care. METHODS: We used hospital admission data from the Ebeltoft Health Promotion Project, a randomized trial in primary care examining the effect of preventive health checks. Comparisons included three randomized groups: an intervention group receiving health checks, a group where intervention consisted of a health check followed by a health discussion with the GP and one control group. RESULTS: Both intervention groups had approximately 20% fewer hospital admissions than the control group over a 6 year period. If dependence among recurrent events is excluded, such a reduction amounts to a highly significant effect. Use of the standard Poisson distribution for analysing recurrent events and exclusion of their dependent structure causes data interpretation to be incorrect, because the model does not account for the extra variability between persons; the resulting 95% CIs would therefore be too small. CONCLUSION: Analysis of health care contacts should embrace both first and recurrent events and it should use a model appropriate to these data. An individual rate model that includes a parameter of an unspecified individual event distribution frailty may be a natural choice when analysing longitudinal data of contacts to the health care system in broad terms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low response rates to surveys are a problem in general practice. There is evidence that offering GPs incentives improves response rates to postal questionnaires. However, there is less evidence about the most effective form of incentive. OBJECTIVE: Our trial aimed to maximize response to a postal questionnaire and to test the most effective form of incentive. METHODS: The study involved a randomized controlled trial of a postal survey RESULTS: The incentive of a lottery for six bottles of champagne generated a response rate of 79%. Furthermore, one chance of six bottles generated 9% more responses than six chances of one bottle. CONCLUSIONS: This study has established that, among incentives for postal questionnaires, one big prize improves the yield more than many small prizes despite the lower odds of winning. It has also confirmed that offering a modest incentive to GPs generates good response rates for postal questionnaires.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The types and quantity of non-response in surveys influence the extent to which the results may be generalized. This study analysed trends in non-response in the Danish Health Interview Surveys from 1987 to 1994 and used the National Patient Registry to assess whether non-response biased the estimated population prevalence of morbidity when solely based on responders. METHODS: The data were for the 23,096 adults sampled for the Danish Health Interview Surveys in 1987, 1991 and 1994. All were followed using the National Patient Registry to obtain such information as hospital admissions. RESULTS: Non-response increased from 20.0% in 1987 to 22.6% in 1994. Four combinations of background variables characterized the non-response: gender and age; gender and civil status; county of residence and age; survey year and age. Non-respondents and respondents had identical gender- and age-standardized hospital admission rates for approximately 5 years before and 2 years after data collection, but non-respondents had a significantly higher rate immediately before and during data collection. Admissions rates were analysed according to reasons for non-response. Refusers had a lower admission rate than respondents before data collection but similar during and after data collection. The rate was higher during the whole period among ill or disabled non-respondents. Among people who could not be contacted during the data collection period a higher admission rate was only found immediately before and during data collection. CONCLUSIONS: Although admission rates differed between respondents and non-respondents these differences were too small to bias the estimated population prevalence of morbidity when solely based on respondents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic pain has large health care costs and a major impact on the health of those affected. Few studies have also considered the severity of pain in different parts of the body across all age groups. OBJECTIVES: To measure the prevalence and troublesomeness of musculoskeletal pain in different body locations and age groups, in a consistent manner, without using location specific health outcome measures. METHODS: A cross-sectional postal survey of 4049 adults registered with 16 MRC General Practice Research Framework practices. Frequency of chronic pain overall and troublesome pain by location and age was calculated. Logistic regression was undertaken to explore the relationship between chronic pain and demographic factors. RESULTS: We received 2504 replies; response rate 60%. The prevalence of chronic pain was 41%. The prevalence of chronic pain rose from 23% in 18-24 year olds reaching a peak of 50% in 55-64 year olds. Troublesome pain over the last 4 weeks was commonest in the lower back (25%), neck (18%), knee (17%) and shoulder (17%). Troublesome wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck and lower back pain were most prevalent in the 45- to 64-year-age groups. Troublesome hip/thigh, knee and ankle/foot pain were most prevalent in those aged 75 or more. CONCLUSIONS: Great efforts have been made to develop and test treatments for low back pain. Our findings suggest that the overall prevalence of troublesome neck, knee and shoulder pain approaches that of troublesome low back pain and that similar efforts may be required to improve the management these pains.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Stable angina is a growing problem worldwide. Diagnostic methods and treatment regimens are established but data on actual practice are sparse and pre-date current guidance. OBJECTIVES: To compare diagnosis and treatment information with guideline recommendations, and to assess impact on quality of life. METHODS: This international epidemiological survey recruited patients through primary and secondary care clinicians from China, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Russia and Slovak Republic. Participants experienced at least one episode of stable angina within the previous four weeks. Outcomes included use of diagnostic techniques, pharmacological treatments, surgical intervention, secondary prevention and quality of life. RESULTS: The study included 7074 patients, average age 63.3 (sd 10.3). Diagnosis of angina was most frequently as a result of chest pains (87.4%) with confirmation by resting ECG in only 54.9%. Advice regarding risk factors was frequently given although secondary prevention was often ineffective with 41% of treated hypertensives lacking effective control. 97% of patients were taking at least one of the primary therapies for stable angina recommended by the guidelines with rates of individual therapies varying greatly across countries. Quality of life was lowest in countries with low rates of surgical intervention and poor observance of guidelines on pharmaceutical therapy. CONCLUSION: Results show that the management of patients with stable angina does not meet recommended standards, although the appropriateness of these guidelines in poorer countries needs further investigation. Overall, the survey indicates that improved medical care and risk factor management would enhance prognosis and improve quality of life.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: GPs need evidence and guidance to help them diagnose and manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/ME appropriately. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this survey was to obtain baseline data and identify the factors associated with GPs' attitudes to and knowledge of CFS/ME. The attitude of GPs to the condition is an important indicator of likely prognosis. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to 1054 GPs served by Taunton, Bristol and Gloucester laboratories. GPs' attitudes to nine statements about CFS/ME were assessed and the factors associated with positive or negative responses were determined. Knowledge of the clinical features was also assessed. RESULTS: 811 GPs (77%) returned the questionnaire. 48% of GPs did not feel confident with making a diagnosis of CFS/ME and 41% did not feel confident in treatment. 72% of GPs accepted CFS/ME as a recognisable clinical entity and those GPs had significantly more positive attitudes. Three other key factors that were significantly, positively associated with GPs' attitudes were knowing someone socially with CFS/ME, being male and seeing more patients with the condition in the last year. CONCLUSION: Despite the publication of guidance for GPs on CFS/ME, confidence with making a diagnosis and management was found to be low. Educational initiatives and guidance for GPs should stress the importance of accepting CFS/ME as a recognisable clinical entity, as this is linked to having a positive attitude and could lead to improved confidence to make a diagnosis and treat CFS/ME patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether a previously-validated touch screen computer program of symptoms and management of childhood asthma is acceptable to parents who accompany their children to consult a GP, and to examine whether any parent characteristics are associated with acceptability. METHODS: Conducted in general practice in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. A cross sectional pen and paper survey was given to parents of children consulting a GP after completing the computer questionnaire on childhood asthma in the waiting room. Measurements were frequencies of Likert scale responses to statements concerning the computer questionnaire, compared with demographic and personal characteristics. RESULTS: High levels of acceptability of the asthma computer questionnaire were reported by the 198 respondents, with most being willing to do the same program once or twice a year (87%), or to do similar programs on other topics (91%). Most respondents (81%) agreed that the computer program was enjoyable, and very few (8%) would have preferred to answer the asthma questions by pen and paper rather than by computer. Two or more children accompanying the parent was the characteristic most associated with less positive responses. CONCLUSIONS: Overall the high acceptability of this questionnaire suggests that this computerised format is an appropriate method of screening children for asthma and determining their current management. As a large component of underdiagnosis of asthma is lack of reporting to the doctor, this valid and acceptable diagnostic aid has the potential to improve detection of unreported asthma, and also to identify high-risk individuals.  相似文献   

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