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坚持职业道德教育 促进行风建设的常态运行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院为促进行风建设的常态运行,采取了开展经常性的教育活动;拓展职业道德建设途径;深化制度建设,强化内外监督约束机制等措施。经常性的教育活动包括抓重点人物,进行骨干核心教育;抓重点岗位,进行岗位规范和爱岗敬业教育;抓重点内容,进行特色理论教育。  相似文献   

<正> 职业道德建设是卫生防疫站管理的重要内容,也是我们精神文明建设成效的试金石,能反映出我们坚持“一切为了人民健康”宗旨的含金量,并直接关系到卫生防疫事业的成败。深圳市卫生防疫站党政领导十分重视职业道德建设,在1994年10月就成立了职业道德建设领导小组,把它作为精神文明建设的基础工作来抓,建规章立方圆,重教育求实效,从而实现了以抓职业道德建设带动卫生防疫各项工作全面发展的局面。  相似文献   

职业道德建设是卫生系统社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容.近年来,我院始终把加强职业道德建设放在精神文明建设的突出地位来抓.把教育和强化责任作为医院职业道德建设的切入点;把建立和完善规章制度作为职业道德建设的重点;把让群众满意作为职业道德建设的落脚点,努力构建和谐医院.医院先后被评为"创建全国文明行业工作先进集体"、"全国卫生系统先进集体"、"全国卫生系统行风建设工作先进集体"和"全国医院文化建设先进单位".  相似文献   

医疗卫生事业是关系到人民群众切身利益的社会公益事业,是涉及到千家万户的特殊服务部门.卫生院是一个与人民群众身心健康密切相关的服务窗口行业,其道德行风如何深受关注.近年来,我院把加强职业道德建没放在突出地位来抓,把教育和强化责任作为医院职业道德建设的切入点;把建没和完善规章制度作为职业道德建设的重点;把让群众满意作为职业道德建设的落脚点,得到了广大干部群众的认可,被评为江苏省示范社区卫生服务中心、江苏省疾病预防与控制工作先进集体、无锡市文明单位、无锡市无红包医院、江阴市文明单位、江阴市卫生系统先进集体,在徐霞客镇开展的千人评议机关活动中,我院荣获优胜单位.  相似文献   

为保证药品质量监督、用药安全,发挥药品检验部门的作用,在工作实践中注意分析情况与强化药品质量监督相结合;开展短期培训与技术咨询相结合;熟悉药品法规与增强执法自觉性相结合;重视技术资料管理与促进业务建设相结合;坚持法规教育与职业道德教育相结合,并采取了一系列措施,取得了良好的宏观管理与监督效果。  相似文献   

一、加强职业道德教育和提升专业理论素质相结合 医德是医务人员的职业道德。职业道德教育应当作为一项系统工程。医院应紧紧联系人才实际,把加强职业道德教育和提升专业理论素质相结合,大力宏扬实事求是、坚持真理的科学精神和爱岗敬业、艰苦奋斗的工作作风。引导广大医务人员树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,增强人才的集体观念和团队意识,努力把医院建设成为具有良好医德和精湛医术的团体。  相似文献   

我县地处太行、太岳、中条三大山系之间,是一个“七山二水一分田”的土石山区,全县21个乡(镇),341个行政村,1871个自然村。实施PHC以来,在各级党政领导的重视支持下,在上级业务部门的关怀指导下,狠抓基层组织建设,加强基层组织管理,健全三级防保网络,落实PHC任务指标。重点突出了“三抓、三结合、三统一”即抓领导开发与提高群众认识相结合,统一观点;抓健康教育与提高全民卫生意识相结合,统一内容;抓PHC与促进经济稳步发展相结合,统一规划。特别是1991年,在我们提出的“抓重点,攻难点,全面实施PHC”的工作中,取得了较为显著的成绩,回顾我们_的工作,主要  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训的实施   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
我院遵照卫生部住院医师规范化培训的规定,一是抓培训目标的拟定与落实;二是抓培训方法的完善;三是抓培训内容及要求的层次性;四是抓好阶段考核,对达不到要求的人延长培训时间,从而提高了培训质量。953%的住院医师如期晋升中级职称。我们认为,规范化培训中,应当坚持:①重视基本功和专业技术训练相结合;②普遍培养与择优重点培养相结合;③近期目标与长远规划相结合;④阶段培训内容与不同层次人员相结合;⑤专业培训与法规教育相结合。  相似文献   

<正> 1 抓精神文明建设,促进机关作风好转 深圳市站始终把精神文明建设摆在重要位置,坚持政治理论学习制度和党内组织生活制度,注重加强职工职业道德建设和机关工作作风的整顿。结合开展正面思想教育和形势教育,不断树立正气,弘扬无私奉献精神,增强了单位的凝聚力和战斗力。近几年来深圳市站提出了“外树形象,内强素  相似文献   

随着医疗保险制度改革的深入,医院面临新时期的挑战。如何顺应新的形势,让病人得到满意的服务呢?我院管理层近几年主要抓了以下几方面工作: 一、重视基础建设 医院要得到良好发展,关键在于要有一支有良好思想政治素质和业务素质的医务人员队伍。以人为本,深化医院用人制度和分配制度的改革,加强精神文明建设,从职业道德教育和业务继续教育着手,充分调动全院医务人员的积极性,规范行业行为,以优良的服务态度、优质的医疗技术为病人提供服务,这是一个医院赖以生存和发展的基础。近年来我院抓导向教育坚持不懈,抓业务建设循序渐进。通过努力,我院广大员工职业道德良好,业务技术水平有所提高,医院综合医疗服务能力上了新台阶,受到了社会的好评。  相似文献   

Nursing ethics centres on how nurses ought to respond to the moral situations that arise in their professional contexts. Nursing ethicists invoke normative approaches from moral philosophy. Specifically, it is increasingly common for nursing ethicists to apply virtue ethics to moral problems encountered by nurses. The point of this article is to argue for scepticism about this approach. First, the research question is motivated by showing that requirements on nurses such as to be kind, do not suffice to establish virtue ethics in nursing because normative rivals (such as utilitarians) can say as much; and the teleology distinctive of virtue ethics does not transpose to a professional context, such as nursing. Next, scepticism is argued for by responding to various attempts to secure a role for virtue ethics in nursing. The upshot is that virtue ethics is best left where it belongs – in personal moral life, not professional ethics – and nursing ethics is best done by taking other approaches.  相似文献   

职业道德教育是高职高专医学生教育的重要组成部分。通过提高临床医学专业教师的职业道德素养,采用多种方法在理论课、实验课、见习、实习中渗透职业道德教育等途径,使学生在获得专业知识的同时,提高职业道德素养,培养既有专业技能,又有良好医德的新一代医学生。  相似文献   

目的 研究新时期编辑职业伦理构建的作用及其核心要素,为提升科技期刊编辑伦理素养、推进编辑出版业健康发展提供参考。方法 采用文献分析法对编辑职业伦理的内涵进行界定,并总结构建新时期科技期刊编辑职业伦理的作用,在此基础上,提出构建编辑职业伦理的核心要素。结果 科技期刊编辑职业伦理主要通过伦理立法规范科技期刊编辑人员的职业行为。构建新时期科技期刊编辑职业伦理能够提升编辑人员的综合素养,促进编辑人员履行社会责任,提升科技期刊质量并促进编辑事业发展。科技期刊编辑职业伦理的构建应基于权利与义务、良心与荣誉、情感与理智、胆识与审慎等核心要素,通过正确行使编辑权利与履行编辑义务、培育编辑良心、保持编辑荣誉感、建立积极理智的编辑职业情感、提升胆识和审慎素养等途径予以实现。结论 构建新时期科技期刊编辑职业伦理具有重要作用,应充分理解科技期刊编辑职业伦理的内涵,并基于相关核心要素进行积极构建。  相似文献   

Economic modeling of methods to stimulate quality improvement.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: This paper uses an economic model to compare three methods for stimulating quality improvement: payment incentives, competition for patients, and emphasis on professional ethics. DESIGN: Use an economic model to simulate the impact on quality distortions (risk selection) of differences in payment incentives, competition for patients, and emphasis on professional ethics. SETTING: Health care policymakers in many countries seek to use incentives and competition to spur quality improvement. However, strong incentives often promote risk selection: insurers and providers financially benefit from distorting quality to attract profitable patients. RESULTS: The analysis suggests that intense competition for patients and strong financial rewards for cost control can exacerbate quality distortions and compromise social solidarity. CONCLUSIONS: Carefully regulated competition and mixed forms of provider payment (risk sharing) appear to be the best options. Moreover, designing competition, regulation, payment, and other forms of health policy to promote suppliers' professional ethics can help society to reap the quality and efficiency benefits of competition and incentives without sacrificing social solidarity.  相似文献   

文章从医院后勤员工岗位存在的问题出发,论述了员工职业道德培养的方式和方法,认为后勤员工除了掌握过硬的专业技能外,还应具备符合后勤保障服务岗位需要的职业道德,这是提高后勤工作效率、确保医院正常运行的必备条件。  相似文献   

Human rights norms principally apply to governments, setting out state obligations and citizen entitlements to a range of social and material claims, whereas the highest ethical standards of occupational health professionals (OHPs) are outlined in ethical codes. Human rights discourse is rarely used to shape professional standards for health and safety. Yet there is much potential for synergy by applying human rights approaches to workplace health and safety and professional ethics. A review of international treaties confirms an extensive articulation of the right to workplace health and safety. A case study of pesticide exposure risks to small farmers in developing countries illustrates the links between human rights, occupational health practice, and professional ethics. OHPs have a responsibility to assist in the realization of workers' occupational health rights, particularly by promoting meaningful participation of those affected by hazardous exposures. Human rights approaches may assist the prevention of work-related morbidity.  相似文献   

The purpose of teaching ethics to nurses and other health and social care practitioners is not always clear. At the extremes of the continuum of aims sit (i) the teaching of ethics as a subject just like any other subject; and (ii) the teaching of ethics as a form of moral education. In this article, I outline the pedagogic tension this uncertainty creates before offering some insights into the educational implications of teaching ethics from the perspective of the ethics of Aristotle. In this conception, ethics is the pursuit of character development and specifically the development of practical wisdom, or what I have termed professional phronesis . I argue that while learning to approximate practical wisdom for nursing is possible, from the perspective of the ethics of Aristotle it is problematic for higher education. An Aristotelian approach has the potential to undermine the demarcation of teacher role as this is usually understood in higher education at the present time because, as I suggest, the best teachers of professional phronesis may turn out to be those practitioners (including practitioners of teaching) who exemplify the professional phronimos (or professionally wise practitioner).  相似文献   

浅论卫生监督工作的道德规范   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卫生监督工作中的职业道德,是卫生监督的重要内容及首要任务,卫生监督员要具有做社会公仆和为人民服务的道德观念,有良好的职业道德素质,充分发挥道德在卫生监督工作中的综合作用。指导卫生监督工作中的行为准则,提高卫生监督工作的整体效能,是卫生监督员正确行使监督权力的首要条件。  相似文献   

浅议市场经济与职业道德建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章讨论了市场经济与道德建设的关系,指出当前重点要加强职业道德建设。讨论了职业道德建设的共性、特殊性与层次性,提出医疗卫生行业的特性是:服务性、科学技术性、不以盈利为目的。提出进一步加强医德医风建设重在提高队伍的思想道德素质,注意增强服务和质量意识、群体和防病意识、长远和全局意识、创新和进取意识、自律意识。  相似文献   

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