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国际学术会议是高校国际合作与交流的重要形式。我校以举办几次军事医学大型国际学术会议为开端,逐步发展到目前基础医学、临床医学、军事医学多领域齐头并进的国际交流局面。通过主动创办国际学术会议、根据前沿趋势适时主办国际学术会议、利用各种机会争取承办国际学术会议等多种方式,起到了掌握科技前沿信息、树立国际学术品牌、推动国际科研合作、加速学科人才培养、浓厚合作交流氛围等积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

2007年中华医学会学术会议计划所列出的学术会议,系由中华医学会各专科分会及中华医学会有关部门提出,经中华医学会第23届理事会学术工作委员会第3次会议讨论及第4次常务理事会审批通过.并报中国科协备案。计划包括中华医学会及各专科分会举办的全国性学术会议和国际或双边、地区性学术会议。  相似文献   

2007年中华医学会学术会议计划所列出的学术会议系由中华医学会各专科分会及中华医学会有关部门提出,经中华医学会第23届理事会学术工作委员会第3次会议讨论及第4次常务理事会审批通过并报中国科协备案。计划包括中华医学会及各专科分会举办的全国性学术会议和国际或双边、地区性学术会议。  相似文献   

2007年中华医学会学术会议计划所列出的学术会议系由中华医学会各专科分会及中华医学会有关部门提出,经中华医学会第23届理事会学术工作委员会第3次会议讨论及第4次常务理事会审批通过并报中国科协备案。计划包括中华医学会及各专科分会举办的全国性学术会议和国际或双边、地区性学术会议。  相似文献   

目的:以学术会议为依托,促进医学期刊发展。方法:对科技期刊举办学术会议的实践进行分析。结果:举办学术会议有利于期刊扩大宣传,增进学术,培养人才,与企业实现合作共赢。结论:医学期刊举办学术会议,可以提升期刊综合能力,对促进期刊高质量发展具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

<正> 刚才邹雁宾同志代表这次学术会议专家组做了一个很好的学术总结,对我们这次学术会议所讨论的主要问题给予了高度的概括,对大家就这些问题提出的意见也给予了恰当的表述。我想在这里再讲三点意见。 一、关于孕前服务学术会议 科技司对这次孕前服务学术会议很重视。在去年的学术会议之后,经过讨论确定了“孕前服务”这个课题,主要是基于对计划  相似文献   

目的研究评价2019年口腔医学学术会议中女性讲者的现状,为口腔医学学术领导力多样性建设提供依据。方法选取2019年全国口腔医学学术会议讲者信息,分析学术报告讲者的性别分布,比较不同学术会议、不同亚学科之间女性讲者比例的差异,并评估讲者的工作单位和职称分布。结果本研究共纳入5次会议、580名讲者(人次)信息,其中女性214人次(36.9%),男性为366人次(63.1%),男女比例为1.7:1。女性讲者的比例在不同学术会议之间的差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)、在不同亚学科之间的差异有统计学意义(p<0.001)。讲者中约九成来自高校且具有高级职称。结论2019年口腔医学学术会议中,女性讲者的比例低于男性讲者,不同亚学科之间存在明显差异,高校和高级职称专家承担了主要学术报告工作,学术领导力多样性建设有待加强。  相似文献   

<正>中国泰山高峰论坛是国内较早开展中毒学术交流的知名学术平台。迄今为止已主办六届全国中毒急危重症学术会议、四届全国百草枯农药中毒专题学术会议、19期国家和省级继续医学教育培训班,先后培训学员5000余人次,国内顶尖级专家学者悉  相似文献   

医学学术会议与医学科学技术的传播和创新息息相关。刊发于1617年的《医学疑问》一书可能记载着我国最早的国际学术会议,讨论的主题是医学问题[1]。1911年4月在沈阳召开的国际防疫大会,可能又是近代中国举办的第一次国际学术研讨会,讨论的问题还是医学问题[2]。这些说明了医学学术会议在医学发展中的重要作用。中华医学会以及各省级医学会每年各自需要组织多达几十至上百个的学术会议。  相似文献   

医学会学术会务部作为负责学术会议管理的部门,面对学术会议的多学科化、国际化,面对复杂多变、竞争日趋激烈的环境,打造高效的专业的学术会务团队,时不我待。1树立集体意识确定团队目标社会的发展推动着学术会务部职能的调整,现在,主要负责上海市医学会国际、国内学术交流的组织管理,并提供会务服务。学术会务部传统的工作方式是个人负责制,学术会议由大会主席负责学术安排,主办人负责筹备、策划、联络并独自做出决策,部门成员各自承担自己的责任,完成自己的目标,成员不一定要参与到需要共同努力的集体工作中,也不一定有机会这样做,部门的绩效仅仅是每个成员个人贡献的总和。而举办专业学术会议是一项非常繁琐而复杂的工作,学术、会务、联络、财务等等各个环节环环相扣,随时可能有不可预计的变故出现。如果部门成员都有团队意识,以团队的形式投入到工作中,团队成员间互相协作、互相补台,通过成员的共同努力,产生积极的协同作用,产生的绩效水平将远大于个体成员绩效的总和。高效的团队,就是把工作上相互联系、相互依存的人们组成一个相互协作的群体,使之能够以更为有效的合作方式达成个人的、部门的、团队的和组织的目标。部门主管应通过广泛地获取成员对共同目标的相关信息,对...  相似文献   

目的系统总结安宁疗护家庭会议临床实践的经验,为召开家庭会议和改进会议质量提供参考。方法运用计算机检索Web of Science、PubMed、The Cochrane Library、OVID、VIP、Sinomed、CNKI和万方数据库,检索从建库至2019年10月1日中英文文献,归纳安宁疗护家庭会议的准备过程、会议流程、会议内容和会议效果及其影响因素。结果共纳入19篇文献,其中17篇英文,2篇中文。根据临床实践中筹备家庭会议的过程,评价安宁疗护家庭会议召开的人员准备、召开时机、常用的三种会议流程,以及在人员构成、沟通技巧和会议进程等方面对会议效果的促进因素、阻碍因素和安宁疗护家庭会议的交流内容及会议成本预算存在的不足。结论安宁疗护家庭会议的人员准备、会议流程和会议前后的准备与落实工作和会议效果的影响因素等内容对安宁疗护机构培训工作人员和召开家庭会议具有较强的可借鉴性。会议的召开时机差异性大,对会议的时间成本和人力资源成本考虑不足,灵性关怀和临终讨论的内容较少,未来有待增加这方面的研究和改进安宁疗护家庭会议。  相似文献   

Does the following remind you of a hospital board meeting you attended recently? The meeting starts late, the PowerPoint presentation on hospital operations is too detailed to understand, 20 minutes are spent discussing parking, one or two trustees do all the talking, others check their PDAs or scribble on the agenda, and you try to keep your mouth shut while yawning. Hospital board meetings are often described as ritualized, unfocused, rambling, mindless, and inconclusive. Experts agree that board meetings in many hospitals are dysfunctional and need restructuring (Knecht 2001; Perrine 2003; Orlikoff and Totten 2002). Recently, St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California, employed consultants and invested much effort in making its board meetings productive (Perrine). More such endeavors are needed for better hospital governance. In the last 5 years, several books and articles have focused on reforming board meetings. In this article I draw on them to discuss key problems of board meetings and how to make the meetings more effective.  相似文献   

Little P  Hayes S 《Family practice》2003,20(2):192-198
BACKGROUND: Conventional post-graduate meetings-typically 'lunchtime' meetings outside practices-have been heavily criticized. Revalidation is also impending, and there has been associated pressure for the widespread introduction of personal development plans (PDPs). However, there is very little empirical evidence about the usefulness to GPs of different kinds of educational meeting or of PDPs. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to assess the utility to GPs of different types of post-graduate meeting and PDPs. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to 921 GP principals in three health authorities, who were asked to recall their most recent post-graduate education-approved (PGEA) meetings (practice-based and 'outside') and the latest major learning 'undertaken' in their PDP. RESULTS: A total of 698 GPs (76%) returned questionnaires. A substantial minority (208; 30%) had a PDP. Most had undertaken education recently [median time elapsed (weeks): meeting 'outside' practice, 4; 'practice-based', 5; PDP, 3]. Education had not changed clinical practice for many GPs ('practice-based' 39% reported no change; 'outside' meetings 50% and PDPs 57%). A change in practice after a practice meeting was related to relevance to everyday practice [disagree/neutral, agree, strongly agree odds ratios: 1.00, 4.22 (95% CI 2.1-8.6) and 5.9 (2.6-13.3), respectively], to lecturer factors (enthusiasm, summarizing important points, handouts) and to social enjoyment. PDPs were less likely to be perceived relevant to practice (practice-based meeting, 'outside' meeting, PDPs: 89, 87 and 72%, respectively), as a break from practice (54,72 and 18%), good socially (63, 72 and 15%), good for professional networking (54, 70 and 19%) and glad to have done it (84, 86 and 44%). Being glad to use a PDP was more likely if the learning was clinically relevant, a break from practice, and incorporated professional networking. CONCLUSION: Changes in practice after post-graduate meetings are not only related to clinical relevance and lecturer factors, but also to professional and social factors. PDPs may not be providing better learning opportunities or enjoyment than traditional meetings, although GPs who are glad to use PDPs incorporate clinical relevance, a break from practice and networking. Post-graduate tutors should probably continue to support and monitor the lecturer quality and clinical relevance of a balanced portfolio of both practice-based and 'outside' meetings.  相似文献   



Outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) might be worse during academic meetings because many medical professionals attend them.


This nationwide population-based observation of all consecutively enrolled Japanese adult OHCA patients with resuscitation attempts from 2005 to 2012. The primary outcome was 1-month survival with a neurologically favorable outcome. Calendar days at three national meetings (Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, and Japanese Circulation Society) were obtained for each year during the study period, because medical professionals who belong to these academic societies play an important role in treating OHCA patients after hospital admission, and we identified two groups: the exposure group included OHCAs that occurred on meeting days, and the control group included OHCAs that occurred on the same days of the week 1 week before and after meetings. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounding variables.


A total of 20 143 OHCAs that occurred during meeting days and 38 860 OHCAs that occurred during non-meeting days were eligible for our analyses. The proportion of patients with favorable neurologic outcomes after whole arrests did not differ during meeting and non-meeting days (1.6% [324/20 143] vs 1.5% [596/38 855]; adjusted odds ratio 1.02; 95% confidence interval, 0.88–1.19). Regarding bystander-witnessed ventricular fibrillation arrests of cardiac origin, the proportion of patients with favorable neurologic outcomes also did not differ between the groups.


In this population, there were no significant differences in outcomes after OHCAs that occurred during national meetings of professional organizations related to OHCA care and those that occurred during non-meeting days.Key words: out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, national academic meeting, outcome, cardiopulmonary resuscitation  相似文献   

We have studied the use of video-mediated technology to facilitate multidisciplinary meetings where consensus is reached about the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The meetings involved 2-5 sites, with 1-20 participants from each site, and concerned patients with severe diseases in the upper abdomen. During a period of about one year we conducted observations and interviews at the Karolinska hospital and some of the local hospitals. Eight video-mediated consensus meetings were video-recorded and transcribed. The audio and the radiology images presented during the meetings were considered to be most important; video was not critical for the consensus meeting itself, but contributed to a feeling of awareness and social presence. We conclude that video-mediated consensus meetings are affected by the technology used, and certain changes in the technology or environment could improve the meetings. Without the technology, such meetings would lead to more travelling for the patient and for the medical staff involved.  相似文献   



Subsequent publication rate of abstracts presented at meetings is seen as an indicator of the interest and quality of the meeting. We have analyzed characteristics and rate publication in peer-reviewed journals derived from oral communications and posters presented at the 1999 College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) meeting.  相似文献   

People who have chronic disabling conditions are frequently advised by health or social care practitioners to attend meetings organised specifically for individuals who have the same or similar health problems. The purpose of the analyses described in the present paper was to ascertain the variables independently associated with attendance at meetings for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), and amongst those who did attend, variables related to the level of perceived helpfulness. A postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 471 people with MS in eight randomly selected health authorities/boards across England and Scotland with the general aim of eliciting their preferences for and views of health and social care. There were 318 respondents to this questionnaire (68%), 136 (43%) of whom had attended such a meeting. Logistic regression and proportional odds regression models were used to investigate the relationships with the two outcomes of attendance and helpfulness for 23 explanatory variables drawn from the questionnaire. The explanatory variables related to the following six broad areas: socio-demographic, illness-related, support, self-management, psycho-social factors and social function. Just under half of the respondents reported that they had attended a meeting. Half of these individuals found the last meeting that they had attended to be reasonably helpful, and one in five found it of no help. The individuals who were more likely to have attended were aged 45-64 years, had been in contact with a health professional in the past 12 months and felt that they had the ability and means to access MS-related information. The last meeting was considered more helpful by those who reported greater contentment with access to MS-related information and by those with mild depression. These findings should be useful to health professionals who may consider recommending meetings to people with MS, and also to those who are engaged in ensuring that meetings are both attractive and relevant to all potential attendees.  相似文献   

Staff meetings are a wonderful practice management tool, if they are well-planned and well-run. This article offers practical advice for planning and running productive staff meetings. It suggests calculating the actual cost of staff meetings and provides a formula for doing so. It describes three basic types of meetings--daily, regular, and special event--and all the how--to's you'll need for running each kind. It offers relevant advice for preparing and circulating a meeting agenda and minutes. It describes how to chair a meeting and suggests when to call meetings and when not to. Finally, this article establishes reasonable meeting expectations and provides a self-quiz to help you measure the effectiveness of your own staff meetings.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners from multiple perspectives, including developmental science, sociology, business, medicine, and public health, have considered the implications of employment for young people. We summarize a series of meetings designed to synthesize information from these perspectives and derive recommendations to guide research, practice, and policy with a focus on young worker safety and health. During the first three meetings, participants from the United States and Canada considered invited white papers addressing developmental issues, public health data and findings, as well as programmatic advances and evaluation needs. At the final meeting, the participants recommended both research and policy directions to advance understanding and improve young worker safety.  相似文献   

Background: Cancer care has become complex, requiring healthcare professionals to collaborate to provide high-quality care. Multidisciplinary oncological team (MDT) meetings in the hospital have been implemented to coordinate individual cancer patients’ care. General practitioners (GPs) are invited to join, but their participation is minimal.

Objectives: Aim of this study is to explore participating GPs’ perceptions of their current role and to understand their preferences towards effective role execution during MDT meetings.

Methods: In May to June 2014, semi-structured interviews (n?=?16) were conducted involving GPs with MDT experience in Belgium. The analysis was done according to qualitative content analysis principles.

Results: Attendance of an MDT meeting is perceived as part of the GP’s work, especially for complex patient care situations. Interprofessional collaborative relationships and the GP’s perceived benefit to the MDT meeting discussions are important motivators to participate. Enhanced continuity of information flow and optimized organizational time management were practical aspects triggering the GP’s intention to participate. GPs valued the communication with the patient before and after the meeting as an integral part of the MDT dynamics.

Conclusion: GPs perceive attendance of the MDT meeting as an integral part of their job. Suggestions are made to enhance the efficiency of the meetings.  相似文献   

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