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大气污染对儿童健康影响的生物监测新指标的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨大气污染新的生物监测指标,本文选择不同大气污染环境下的10 ̄12岁儿童,测定其唾液溶菌酶(LYS)含量,血清补体C3,a1-抗胰蛋白酶(a1-AT)水平及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,发现以上生物监测指标,大气污染区儿童均显著低于清洁区儿童,并且在国内较早将C3,a1-AT,SOD用于大气污染对人体健康影响的研究,发现三者与唾液溶菌酶都是对大气污染较敏感的生物监测指标。  相似文献   

室内热环境舒适性的影响因素及预测评价研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过对国内外室内热环境舒适性研究状况的回顾 ,对影响室内热环境的各种参数、评价指标、评价方法等进行了较详细的综述 ,提出应结合我国国人的生理参数及我国国情 ,对室内热环境的预测评价做深入的研究  相似文献   

目的:根据大型复合低压舱的特点,制定出切合实际、可操作性强的操作规程,确保大型复合低压舱能够长期安全稳定运行。方法:通过手动和自动控制,试运行具有低压、低温、高温、干燥和紫外线消毒功能的大型复合低压舱,实现单项功能和组合功能,探究其运行特点,找寻最佳方案,完善操作规程。结果:(1)完善了大型复合低压舱模拟高寒环境功能的操作规程;(2)完善了大型复合低压舱模拟低压环境时,多舱联合使用及备用泵使用的操作规程;(3)完善了大型复合低压舱5大功能组合模拟复合自然环境的操作规程;(4)完善了大型复合低压舱真空泵使用和保养的操作规程。结论:根据大型复合低压舱特点,完善了操作规程,使实验舱各项功能的实现更加科学、更加安全稳定。  相似文献   

本文报道了往来青岛港的9艘定期班轮的卫生学调查结果。船员舱室卫生设施达到了WHO推荐的“船员宿舱公约”指标:船员宿舱均在甲板以上,船长室面积9~53m^2/人,一人一室;厕所浴头(盆)每2.8~6.4人/1个,洗脸盆数量充足,其他卫生学指标:宿舱气温可调至18~28℃,湿度49~60%,风速0.1~0.4m/s,机舱内夏季温度较高,应注意防暑。CO2浓度0.04~0.075%,CO浓度1.0~3.0mg/m^3,细菌总数冬季1000~2400个/m^3,夏季1000~2300个/m^3,舱室照度除个别为75Lx,应改善。其他都超过100Lx,噪音在65dB(A)以下,机舱90~95dB(A)以下,空气中总烃浓度为44.4~79.4g/m^3,低于工厂车间指标。  相似文献   

目的探讨心电图(ECG)与超声心动图(UCG)诊断高血压左室肥厚(LVH)的差异。方法根据超声心动图(UCG)报告结果,选定观察组(A组)高血压病伴左室肥厚60例及对照组(B组)高血压病不伴左室肥厚55例;测定心电图(ECG)各指标数据并计算其敏感性。结果心电图(ECG)诊断高血压病左室肥厚时QRS波群电压指标最敏感,肢导联室壁激动时间(VAT)次之,余指标敏感性较低。超声心动图左室舒张末期内径、室间隔及左室后壁厚度等指标更加直观、准确、受外界影响因素较小。结论心电图各项指标在诊断高血压病左室肥厚时的价值不同,超声心动图诊断高血压左室肥厚敏感性和特异性高于心电图。  相似文献   

目的:研究制造外置往复运动式间歇低氧箱,用于建立间歇低氧大鼠动物模型。方法:设立两个动物舱(280mm×200mm×150mm)和一个低氧舱(800mm×800mm×600mm),动物舱中各放入4只SD实验大鼠,低氧舱内持续充入高纯氮以保持舱内低氧环境.伺服电动机驱动低氧舱在两个动物舱之间做往复运动,使两个动物舱交替进出低氧舱.动物舱内实验动物即交替获得低氧环境。设定低氧舱内目标氧体积分数为(10±0.5)%,低氧舱运动周期为180s,其单向运动时间为4S,低氧舱滞留时间868(即实验动物间歇低氧时间为90s),每天运行8h。分别测定动物舱处于低氧舱内外时的大鼠血气值。结果:低氧箱运行安全可靠;动物舱位于低氧舱内时实验大鼠的最低氧分压为(4.766±0.536)kPa(即(35.75±4.02)mmHg),最低氧饱和度为0.69±0.08,达到了中重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸综合征(0SAS)患者诊断标准。结论:自行研制的外置往复运动式间歇低氧箱可用于建立慢性间歇低氧大鼠动物模型。  相似文献   

目的 运用德尔菲(Delphi)法构建学校传染病发生与流行的风险评估指标体系,为学校传染病发生的早期主动监测和防控提供方法学依据。方法 在文献查阅基础上,通过两轮德尔菲法专家咨询,筛选学校传染病流行风险评估指标,通过直接评分法确立指标权重,构建指标体系。结果 经过对10位专家的两轮咨询,专家积极系数分别为100.0%和90.0%,专家平均权威系数为0.773,第二轮咨询一级、二级、三级指标专家协调系数依次为0.340(χ2=6.125,P <0.05)、0.243(χ2=24.068,P<0.05)、0.212(χ2=93.626,P<0.001)。经指标筛选,形成由3项一级指标、12项二级指标和46项三级指标构成的学校传染病流行风险评估指标体系。3项一级指标权重从高到低依次为学校传染病常态化管理(0.348 1)、学校卫生环境(0.341 9)、学生(家长)健康素养(0.310 0)。结论 建立了学校传染病流行风险评估指标体系,本体系专家积极程度和权威程度较高,专家意见趋于一致,可为贵阳市学校疫情防控常态化管理提供评估重点。  相似文献   

锌营养状况评价指标的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究以低锌饲料喂养实验大鼠,观察了缺锌和补锌对动物血浆、肝脏、肾脏和毛中锌含量的影响;同时,测定了血球三磷酸腺苷(ATP)含量及血浆中碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)和甘露糖苷酶(Mann)的活性变化,以比较评价这些生化指标对机体锌营养状况改变的灵敏性。研究结果表明,血浆锌含量,AKP活性和体外加锌法测定的Mann活性变化对动物缺锌的反应最灵敏。红细胞ATP含量和ACE活性虽然也  相似文献   

慢性肝炎临床生化指标与病理分级相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究肝功能指数(AAPea指数)在慢性肝炎分度诊断中的意义。方法:对800例慢性肝炎肝穿病例临床生化指标通过判别分析筛选,测定血清A/G、AST、PA、EP与ALB与病理分级相关性,根据这些指标量化打分,计算肝功能指数(AAPea指数),并进一步研究其与肝组织病理损伤的关系,通过受试者特征工作曲线(SOCC)确定cut-off值。结果:AAPea指数与慢性肝炎肝组织炎症活动程度及纤维化程度相关系数分别为0.559、0.545(P<0.0001),与病理分度相关系数为0.529(P<0.0001)。轻、重度cut-off值分别为小于12分、大于24分时,敏感性、特异性分别0.818、0.789和0.382、0.394,中度在12-24分间敏感性、特异性为0.504、0.543,本临床与病理符合率比单项指标判定为高。结论:肝功能指数(AAPea指数)评估慢性肝炎组织炎症活动程度及纤维化程度有意义,但对重度评估效果较差,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

预防氧舱事故的做法及体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国各大中城市的许多医院相继建成了高压氧舱,目前全国已拥有各种类型的高压氧舱2000多台,高压氧专业人员5000多人。从1964年建成我国第一台医用高压氧舱开始至目前为止,我国先后发生各类氧舱事故19起,死亡53人,伤6人。从事故的性质看,其中氧舱内起火16起,观察孔爆炸1起,二氧化碳中毒1起,舱内缺氧窒息1起。引起事故的原因有:(1)氧舱非标设计;(2)氧舱安装不规范;(3)吸烟;(4)操作人员违章操作;(5)违章修理电器;(6)摩丝发胶及电动玩具入舱;(7)制度不严;(8)空调安装不符合要求…  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to define the lowest ambient air and cabin temperatures at which aircrews wearing immersion protection are starting to experience thermal discomfort and heat stress during flight operations, and to characterize during a flight simulation in laboratory, the severity of the heat stress during exposure to a typical northern summer ambient condition (25 degrees C, 40% RH). Twenty male helicopter aircrews wearing immersion suits (insulation of 2.2 Clo in air) performed 26 flights within an 8-month period at ambient temperatures ranging between -15 and 25 degrees C, and cabin temperatures ranging between 3 and 28 degrees C. It was observed based on thermal comfort ratings that the aircrews were starting to experience thermal discomfort and heat stress at ambient and cabin air conditions above 18 degrees C and at a WBGT index of 16 degrees C. In a subsequent study, seven aircrews dressed with the same clothing were exposed for 140 min to 25 degrees C and 40% RH in a climatic chamber. During the exposure, the aircrews simulated pilot flight maneuvers for 80 min followed with backender/flight engineer activities for 60 min. By the end of the 140 min exposure, the skin temperature, rectal temperature and heart rate had increased significantly to 35.7 +/- 0.2 degrees C, 38.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C and between 110 and 160 beats/min depending on the level of physical activity. The body sweat rate averaged 0.58 kg/h and the relative humidity inside the clothing was at saturation by the end of the exposure. It was concluded that aircrews wearing immersion suits during the summer months in northern climates might experience thermal discomfort and heat stress at ambient or cabin air temperature as low as 18 degrees C.  相似文献   

研究了挥发性有机化合物 (VOCs)接触量的监测指标。采用热解吸毛细管气相色谱法测定环境中和呼出气中VOCs ;采用了固相微萃取 -气相色谱法测定血中VOCs。实验结果表明 :接触组人群所暴露的环境空气中、呼出气中以及血中VOCs浓度均高于对照组。结果提示 ,血中的VOCs特异、敏感 ,是评价个体接触VOCs较好的指标  相似文献   

For the people who live in cold region, residence quality is especially important to their health, not only from economical aspects such as heating costs in the winter, but also thermal sanitation. Thatched houses are not rare in the district areas. From the climatic or historical implication, old thatched houses are recently improved or rebuilt and people intend to use them. That is, improvements are carried out on such old houses, and the good points are utilized, and reconstruction undertaken, and the example of presenting the house adaptation is also mainly observed. In this study, the thermal sanitation of the indoor environment in the winter was mainly examined on the cases of thatched houses near Fukushima City. The thatched houses used as research objects, are over 100 years after construction and they were previously used as sericulture farmhouses. A temperature and humidity collector and an automatic recording thermo-hygrometer were used in the measurement of the air temperature and humidity. This study was carried out in winter, February and March. The temperature was considerably different according to various parts of the rooms and time, and the air temperature near the ceiling was higher generally than the lower parts of room, near the floor. In the research of the housing where large-scale reconstruction was made, the room temperatures of the living room and kitchen were comparatively high at the time when they were used. In the meantime, room temperatures in the washroom, bedroom, etc. were generally low, showing a changing pattern, which was almost parallel to the change of the outside ambient temperature. In the research of the housing where ceilings had been added and the hearth, etc. had been improved; the room temperatures of most rooms were the lowest in early the morning. The room temperature of the living room rose in the morning and evening where the family gathered, and it was especially higher in the evening, showing air temperature from 12 degrees C to 18 degrees C. In the bedrooms, which did not use heating appliances such as oil heaters etc., the room temperature was generally low. In the present study, the room temperature of the living room was comparatively high and that of the bedrooms and lavatories in houses with inadequate heating system was low. Even if reconstruction or improvement of old houses is made, the thermal indoor condition is not sufficient. Consideration of thermal facilities of floor heating, etc. is necessary with the air-tightness of houses following reconstruction.  相似文献   

Leaking oil seals in jet engines, at locations prior to the compressor stage, can be a cause of smoke in the cabins of BAe-146 aircraft. Compressed combustion air is bled off to pressurize the cabin and to provide a source of fresh air. Bleed air is diverted from a location just prior to the combustion chamber at a temperature around 500 degrees C. To prevent oil breakdown products from entering the cabin air, catalytic converters have been used to clean the air. During an oil seal failure this device becomes overloaded and smoke is observed in the cabin. Some aircraft companies have removed the catalytic converters and claim an improvement in air quality. During an oil seal failure, however, the flight crew is potentially exposed to the thermal breakdown products of the engine oils. Because very little is known regarding the thermal breakdown products of jet engine lubrication oils, two commercially available oils were investigated under laboratory conditions at 525 degrees C to measure the release of CO, CO2,NO2, and HCN as well as volatiles which were analyzed using GC-Mass spectrometry in an attempt to see if the neurotoxic agents tricresyl phosphates (TCPs) and trimethyl propane phosphate (TMPP) would be present or formed. TMPP was not found in these experiments. Some CO2 was generated along with CO which reached levels in excess of 100 ppm. HCN and NO2 were not detected. GC compositions of the two bulk oils and their breakdown products were almost identical. The presence of TCPs was confirmed in the bulk oils and in the volatiles. Localized condensation in the ventilation ducts and filters in the air conditioning packs are likely the reason why the presence of TCPs has not been demonstrated in cabin air. It was recommended that this needed to be verified in aircraft.  相似文献   

The microclimate of 205 rooms of single storey houses in four new rural residential districts in coastal and inland Shandong was monitored and studied the blood circulation of the finger, skin temperature, sweating function and other physiological indexes among 2,401 peasants. We interrogated their personal sensation to cold and warmth. The count was done by the application of thermal equilibrium index (TEI), predicted 4-hour Sweat Rate (P4SR) and the uncomfortable index. The standard room temperature is recommended as follows. In rural area in winter the appropriate room temperature is 14-16 degrees C, the comfortable room temperature is 16-20 degrees C, the lowest room temperature must not be below 14 degrees C. In summer the appropriate room temperature is 25-28 degrees C, the comfortable room temperature is 26-27 degrees C, the highest temperature must not be above 28 degrees C.  相似文献   

自1991年起,三二四一七部队连续3年开展灭蟑螂达标活动。在查清蟑螂虫情的基础上,坚持以环境治理为主,采用药物喷洒和药笔划线相结合的方法,蟑螂成、若虫侵害率由灭前的47.5%降至1.5%,平均密度(只/间)由灭前的21.3降至3.2;卵鞘侵害率由灭前的5.5%降为0.4%,平均密度(只/间)由灭前的2.1降至1.4.灭蟑达标后巩固至今,各项指标均维持在"双五、双二"标准以内  相似文献   

文章对国内外有关军事远程飞行任务对飞行员健康的影响因素及航空卫生保障对策进行了综述。远程飞行的影响因素主要包括长时间的作业任务、座舱环境、生理心理因素等3个方面。远程飞行的航空卫生保障对策包括合理的作息制度、改善座舱环境、不同飞行阶段的对策、催眠与促醒药物的合理使用,以及疲劳监测和管理等5个方面,为今后制订军事飞行人员的卫生保障对策提供参考。  相似文献   

人工负离子净化舰艇舱内空气的效果研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
为探讨人工负离子对军用舰艇舱内空气质量的改善,利用电晕放电原理,在舰艇舱内建立人工放电气候。结果表明,人工负离子环境下,舱内空气中的悬浮微粒、甲醛和二氧化碳分别降低了89.5%,83.3%,76%和32%,舰内船员的胸闷、头痛、头晕、恶心等症状明显减轻,说明人工负离子对舱内空气质量有较好改善。  相似文献   

为保护舰艇舱内海军官兵的身体健康,在舰艇舱内利用电晕放电以产生人工电气候,并对 红细胞计数,血红蛋白含量,肺活量,心率及空气满意度进行测定并进行模糊数学的综合评价,结果表明在人工电气候中官兵的各观察指标综合评价结果优于对照组,说明人工电气候可对舰艇舱内官兵产生良好的生理学效应。  相似文献   

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