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目的 评价中文版SF-36量表在老年人群健康生命质量评价中的信度和效度.方法 2007年10-12月统一受训的调查员使用含中文版SF-36量表的问卷对浙江省城乡4241名60周岁以上的老年人面对面询问式调查,采用相关分析、信度分析、因子分析、t检验和方差分析等统计学方法 评价量表的信度和效度.结果 中文版SF-36量表具有较好的分半信度(r=0.91,P<0.001),内部一致性信度α系数除生命活力(α=0.65)、社交功能(α=0.65)、心理健康(α=0.40)维度外,其余维度的α系数均>0.8.每个条目跟相关维度的相关系数均>0.4(条目9-2除外),且高于该条目与其他维度的相关系数(条目9-8除外),说明中文版SF-36量表有良好的集合效度和区分效度.35个条目在提取的6个公因子中的分布与量表的理论结构假设基本一致,累计贡献达67.04%.除心理健康维度外,各维度具有良好的判别效度.结论 中文版SF-36量表有较好的信度和效度,适用于老年人群健康生命质量评价,但量表心理健康维度的信度与效度较低,且其中的9-2、9-8以及躯体功能维度中的3-1条目不适合于中国老年人群.  相似文献   

公交司机付出-获得不平衡与抑郁症状关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究公交司机付出-获得不平衡与抑郁症状之间的关系.方法 付出-获得不平衡采用付出-获得不平衡(Effort-Reward imbalance,ERI)量表进行测量;抑郁情绪调查采用美国流调中心的抑郁自评量表(Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale,CES-D)对浙江省307名公交司机进行横断面调查.采用单因素和多元Lo-gistic回归进行抑郁症状的影响因素分析.结果 公交司机抑郁症状阳性率为67.10%,其抑郁症状与工作中付出-获得不平衡、超负荷、性别、喜欢旅游和球类运动等因素有关(P<0.05).结论 公交司机工作中付出-获得不平衡对其抑郁症状有负面影响.  相似文献   

目的汉化并初步评价修订版产前应对量表(Nu PCI)在孕妇群体中应用的信效度。方法遵循量表翻译原则,对英文版Nu PCI量表进行翻译、回译和文化调适,形成中文版Nu PCI量表。于2017年10月-2018年2月采用方便抽样方法选取在天津市某三甲医院产科及某社区卫生服务中心妇产科门诊进行规律产检的210例孕妇进行问卷调查。采用临界比值法、相关性分析对量表进行项目分析,采用因子分析法评价量表结构效度,采用Nu PCI得分与简易应对方式量表得分的相关性评价量表的校标关联效度,采用Cronbach'sα系数、重测信度评价量表信度。结果中文版Nu PCI共包含30个条目,经探索性因子分析共获得4个公因子,分别命名为逃避(12个条目)、计划准备—心理(7个条目)、计划准备—知识(7个条目)、灵性—积极应对(4个条目),各条目在相应主成分载荷均0. 400,累计方差贡献率为61. 247%。总量表的内部一致性Cronbach'sα系数为0. 919,各维度的Cronbach'sα系数为0. 767~0. 929;总量表的重测信度为0. 914,各维度的重测信度为0. 876~0. 931。结论中文版Nu PCI量表具有良好的信效度,适用于中国孕妇群体产前应对方式的测量和评价。  相似文献   

医务人员工作中社会心理因素与抑郁症状的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨医务人员工作上的付出-获得不平衡与抑郁症状之间的关系.方法 付出-获得不平衡采用付出-获得不平衡(the Effort-Reward Imbalance,ERI)量表测量,抑郁情绪调查采用美国流调中心的抑郁自评(Center of Epidemiology Survey Depression,CES-D)量表测量医务人员的抑郁症状.研究对象来自在浙江大学6个附属医院工作的1 179名医务人员.调查表包括ERI量表、CES-D量表和一些基本特征.使用Spearman相关分析、Mann-Whitney检验、Pearson χ^2检验或似然比χ^2检验进行单因素分析;用多元Logistic回归方法分析医务人员中工作上的付出-获得不平衡与抑郁症状之间的关系.结果 医务人员抑郁症状的阳性率为48.12%(95% CI:45.08%~51.16%),护士抑郁症状的阳性率为52.40%(95%CI:47.87%~56.93%),较医生抑郁症状的阳性率[44.70%(95%CI:10.64%~48.77%)]高,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=6.077,P=0.014).工作高付出-低获得和超负荷是医务人员抑郁症状发生的相关因素(OR=1.859,95%CI:1.337~2.585;OR=2.207,95%CI:1.656~2.942).结论 医务人员抑郁症状的发生与工作高付出-低获得、超负荷有关.  相似文献   

目的 对英文版的NAPPA - QOL进行跨文化调适,建立NAPPA - QOL量表中文版,并对其信度和效度进行初步评价。方法 对NAPPA - QOL英文版进行正向翻译、综合协调、反向翻译、专家委员会评议,形成中文NAPPA - QOL预试验版。使用预试验版对30例指(趾)甲银屑病患者进行预调查,进一步修订量表,建立正式中文版NAPPA - QOL。通过访谈患者评价NAPPA - QOL量表表面效度和内容效度,采用Cronbach’s α系数和分半信度评价内部一致性,Spearman相关分析检验聚合效度。结果 30例患者中有27例(90.0%)对所有条目完全理解;NAPPA - QOL中文版总分和3个维度的Cronbach’s α系数在0.77~0.91之间,分半信度为0.80。除条目1和13外,其余条目与所在维度的相关系数均>0.5,而与其他维度的相关系数则较弱。结论 跨文化调适后的NAPPA - QOL中文版具有较好的信度和效度,适用于中国文化背景下指(趾)甲银屑病患者的生存质量评估。下一步可对中文版NAPPA - QOL量表的测量性能进行大样本数据采集和评估。  相似文献   

  目的   评价死亡态度描绘量表(修订)(death attitude profile-revised, DAP-R)中文版应用于中国大学生群体的死亡态度测量的信度和效度。   方法   利用中文版DAP-R量表对合肥7所高校561名在校大学生进行调查。采用Cronbach'sα系数和Spearman-Brown折半系数评价量表信度, 通过计算各条目与所在维度、维度与量表总分的Pearson相关系数评价内容效度, 运用Kaiser正常化最优斜交主成分因子分析评价结构效度。   结果   中文版DAP-R量表Cronbach'sα系数为0.868, Spearman-Brown折半系数为0.835。各条目与所在维度Pearson相关系数为0.554~0.828(均有P < 0.001);除自然接受, 余下4个维度与总分的Pearson相关系数为0.630~0.792(均有P < 0.001)。因子分析提取5个因子, 且所有条目归类的因子与DAP-R量表原所属维度一致, 累计方差贡献率达55.906%。   结论   DAP-R中文版量表应用于中国大学生具有较好的信、效度。  相似文献   

  目的  对急救医疗服务心理弹性量表(emergency medical services resilience scale,EMSRS)进行汉化并检验中文版量表的适用性。
  方法  获得原作者授权同意后,对EMSRS量表进行翻译修订、跨文化调试,形成中文版EMSRS。采用便利抽样法选取太原市某急救中心252名急救人员进行量表调查并进行条目分析和信度、效度检验。条目区分度采用独立样本t检验分析,信度采用Cronbach’s α系数、折半信度、重测信度来评价;采用专家咨询法测量其内容效度,运用探索性因子分析来验证其结构效度。
  结果  预测试结果显示仅有6.6%的人认为量表的长度和内容不合适或者不清晰,表明原量表接受度较好。项目分析显示31个条目在两组间差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05),故均予以保留。经专家咨询对量表两个条目内容做了调整。最终得到的中文版急救医疗服务心理弹性量表有6个维度、31个条目,探索性因子分析共提取6个公因子,根据条目内容将6个公因子分别命名为工作动机、工作积极性、压力的影响、自我管理、沟通挑战、社会支持,累计方差贡献率为75.717%。量表各条目的CVI(I-CVI)值为0.833~1.000,量表全部条目的平均CVI(S-CVI)值为0.965。量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.936,各维度Cronbach’s α系数为0.801~0.940,总量表折半信度为0.848,各维度的折半信度为0.750~0.904,总量表重测信度为0.872,各维度重测信度为0.742~0.879。
  结论  汉化后的EMSRS量表具有良好的信度、效度,可作为紧急医疗服务人员心理弹性的调查工具。

目的 汉化顺应喂养行为评价量表(RFPAT),并在我国6~12月龄婴儿照护者中检验其信度和效度。方法 通过直译、回译、文化调试,形成中文版顺应喂养行为评价量表。对402名6~12月龄婴儿照护者进行调查,测评该量表的信效度。结果 中文版顺应喂养行为评价量表共4个维度(喂养环境、恰当喂养、识别婴儿信号、回应性互动)、15个条目。量表的Cronbachα系数为0.899,折半信度为0.823,重测信度为0.892;量表的内容效度指数均值为0.960,条目水平内容效度指数为0.833~1.000;因子分析提取出4个公因子,累计方差贡献率为65.008%,各条目因子载荷量为0.609~0.821(均>0.400);验证性因子分析的模型拟合度较好。结论 中文版顺应喂养行为评价量表信效度良好,可用于评价我国6~12月龄婴儿照护者顺应喂养行为。  相似文献   

目的 汉化抑郁症病耻感量表(DSS),并检验其在社区人群中的信效度。方法 通过翻译、回译、专家委员会评议、预调查,形成中文版抑郁症病耻感量表。对2000名社区居民进行抑郁症病耻感调查,采用临界比值法和Pearson相关分析对量表进行条目分析;Cronbach′s α系数和重测信度评价量表的信度;经专家测评评定量表的内容效度,因子分析评价量表的结构效度。结果 DSS量表各条目的内容效度指数(I-CVI)为0.778~1.000,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.914。探索性因子分析提取两个公因子,各条目的因子归属情况与原量表保持一致。进一步验证性因子分析结果显示模型的契合度良好。个人病耻感维度、感知病耻感维度、量表总分的Cronbach′s α系数分别为0.710、0.810、0.812,P<0.001;重测信度分别为0.902、0.734、0.901,P<0.001。结论 中文版抑郁症病耻感量表经文化调适后在中国社区人群中具有良好的信效度,可用于社区居民对抑郁症患者的态度、抑郁症患者自身的病耻感水平的测评。  相似文献   

程莉莉  路璐  王烈 《职业与健康》2008,24(22):2383-2385
目的评价中文版Zafit护理负担量表的信度和效度。方法采用修订后的中文版Zafit护理负担量表进行问卷调查,并评价量表的修订效果。结果量表总的Cronbach‘s α系数为0.88,信度较高;条目敏感性分析显示量表反应度较好,各条目均可保留。各条目与总分的相关系数均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),量表的内容效度较高;除条目5外,各因子内部条目的相关系数均大于外部相关系数,量表结构效度较好。结论中文版Zarit护理负担量表具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the criterion validity, factorial validity, and internal consistency of Korean version of effort–reward imbalance (ERI) for the scales of effort, reward, and overcommitment as well as to examine the effect of psychosocial factors on physical and mental illness among petroleum refinery workers in South Korea. Methods The Korean version of ERI questionnaire was constructed using the translation and back-translation technique, and its psychometric properties were explored among 908 male workers in a large petroleum refinery in South Korea in 2002. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test internal consistency. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on all items of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on each dimension of effort, reward and overcommitment. Physical and mental health was measured by self-rated health (SF-8). The lowest tertiles of the scores were defined as illness. Multiple logistic regression models were used to test the effect of job stress on the physical and mental health (criterion validity of ERI scales). Results The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for effort, reward, and overcommitment were 0.71, 0.86, and 0.75, respectively, indicating satisfactory internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis found three latent factors, which closely corresponded to the theoretical structure of the ERI model. Acceptable construct validity was shown using confirmatory factor analysis. The highest tertile of effort–reward ratio was significantly associated with physical illness (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.7–3.6) and mental illness (OR 2.9, 95% CI 2.0–4.2), compared to lower tertiles. Overcommitment was significantly associated with mental illness, but not with physical illness. Conclusions These findings contribute to the validity and reliability of the Korean ERI questionnaire. Importantly, in the context of a rapid change in the labour market, the lack of reciprocity between efforts and rewards at work is strongly associated with self-rated physical and mental health.  相似文献   

公务员工作压力与抑郁症状之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨公务员工作压力和抑郁症状之间的关系。方法工作压力采用中文版的付出一获得不平衡量表,抑郁评价采用中文版CES—D量表。采用问卷形式对474名浙江省公务员进行横断面调查,调查内容包括工作付出、获得、超负荷,抑郁症状和一般情况。采用方差分析、秩和检验或X^2检验进行单因素分析,采用logistic回归进行多因素分析。使用Epidata2003建立数据库。采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果本次调查结果显示浙江省公务员抑郁症状阳性率为41.56%(95%CI:39.30%~43.82%)。采用多元logistic回归校正了其他因素后,工作中付出一获得不平衡的0R=1.772(95%CI:0.369~8.508)。公务员抑郁症状与超负荷(OR=3.468,95%CI=1.542~7.801)、单身(OR=2.661,95%CI=1.017~6.963)、社会支持(0R=2.088,95%CI:1.246~3.498)和亚健康状态(0R=2.475,95%CI:1.110~5.520)有关。结论公务员工作超负荷对其健康状况有负面影响。  相似文献   



To assess the reliability and validity of the Farsi version of the effort-reward imbalance questionnaire (F-ERIQ) and to examine the responsiveness of the tool to changes over time.


A longitudinal study was carried out among 227 male employees of Iran Polyacryl Corporation. The F-ERIQ was developed through a forward–backward translation process that includes three scales of effort, reward and over-commitment (OC). Reliability and internal consistency of the F-ERIQ were assessed by split-half and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Confirmatory factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validity were conducted to evaluate construct validity. Depressive mood was used as an indicator for exploring criterion validity. The variations in mean scores over time for scales were regarded as measures of the responsiveness to changes.


Baseline split-half correlations for effort, reward and OC were 0.53, 0.85 and 0.65, respectively; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients improved from 0.61 to 0.70 for effort, 0.85 to 0.88 for reward and 0.67 to 0.72 for OC. All of item-total correlations were higher than 0.23 and item-scales correlations were higher than 0.4. Although Values of Goodness of Fit Index and Adjusted GFI were higher than 0.9 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, Root Mean Square Residual and Standardized RMR were lower than 0.05, confirmatory factor analysis only confirmed the construct of the effort and OC. People with higher job stress were at higher risk of depressive mood (at least 3 times more). Overall, the mean score of effort, OC and ERI increase, and the figures decrease for reward among people who experience changes.


These findings provide evidence that the F-ERIQ is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing psychosocial stress at work among Farsi-speaking male employees. We propose that F-ERIQ be further evaluated across a variety of jobs and industries.  相似文献   

This article assesses the validity and reliability of the work ability index (WAI) for 1,436 nurses in three public hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study estimated the dimensional validity by means of exploratory factor analysis, as well as correlational validity, relating WAI to theoretically relevant constructs. Reliability was evaluated by internal consistency analysis, using Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega. Factor analysis indicated a two-dimensional structure explaining 52.8% of the accumulated variance for the principal components and 42% for the principal axes. The theoretical hypotheses for the construct's validity were confirmed, with direct and significant correlation between the WAI and the reward, control, and self-rated health scores; an inverse and significant correlation with the scale on need for recovery after work, minor psychological disorders, effort, over-commitment, and demand. In conclusion, the WAI showed adequate psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the 23-item effort–reward imbalance (ERI) questionnaire and to analyze its association with job dissatisfaction in a sample of Chinese healthcare workers. Methods: A self-reported survey was conducted, in university hospitals of China, among 192 male and 608 female healthcare workers. Results: Appropriate internal consistencies of the three scales: effort, reward, and overcommitment, were obtained. Exploratory factor analysis replicated the theoretically assumed structure of the ERI construct in men and women. Evidence of criterion validity was obtained from cross-correlations of the scales and from their correlations with gender, education and job dissatisfaction. Finally, all three scales were associated with an elevated odds ratio of job dissatisfaction, and the effect was strongest for the ERI ratio as predicted by theory. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study the Chinese version of the ERI questionnaire is considered a reliable and valid instrument for measuring psychosocial stress at work. It is applicable to Chinese working populations and, in particular, to the healthcare sector.  相似文献   

目的 对Llewellyn CH编制的婴儿饮食行为量表(BEBQ)进行中文版标化,评价中文版的信度和效度,为我国婴儿的食欲和饮食行为评估提供可靠工具。方法 2015年5月对BEBQ进行中文翻译和专业人士的回译及审校;召开专家讨论会,对问卷条目进行初步修订;然后选取西安市两所大型综合医院儿科门诊,对健康咨询或就诊的300名哺乳期婴儿母亲进行问卷调查,随机选取50人2周后进行重测。采用因子分析、相关分析等方法对问卷的信度、效度、反应度进行检验。结果 中文版问卷由15个条目组成,包括食物响应、食物喜好、进食缓慢、过饱响应4个维度,累计方差贡献率为58.4%;验证性因子分析各指标均达到统计学要求。问卷的Cronbach's α系数为0.93,分半信度系数为0.87,重测信度系数为0.75。结论 中文版婴儿饮食行为问卷具有良好信度和效度,4个维度能较为全面地反映婴儿饮食行为特点,可用于我国哺乳期婴儿食欲及饮食行为的测量及评估。  相似文献   

目的:了解效验工作能力指数(WAI)中文版的可信度和有效度。方法:对500名不同职业人群进行工作能力指数调查,使用测信度、半信度的方法进行信度检验,工作能力指数调查表中各条目间的一致性检验及职业人群不同背景资料与WAI的关系进行效度检验。结果:信度检验表明重复调查的WAI得分组内相关系数为0.83,分半信度具有非常显著的统计学意义(P<0.01)。效度检验表明各条目之间一致性较好。结论:工作能力指数表(WAI)中文版具有较好的可信度与有效度。  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the Thai version of the Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire (T-ERIQ). The English version of the 23-item ERIQ was translated and back-translated. Content validity was examined by five experts and face validity was examined by twelve key informants before being tested for construct validity with 828 workers from six garment factories. Predictive validity was assessed through the relationship between the ERI constructs and psychological health outcomes including psychosomatic symptoms, state of anxiety, depression, and job satisfaction. The internal consistency of the Thai ERIQ was tested using the first survey (n=828), and test-retest stability was examined 2 to 4 wk later with a subsample (n=408). The results show that 2% of workers reported effort-reward imbalance (ERI ratio>/=1). The Thai ERIQ has good content validity with a Content Validity Index of 0.95. Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the effort, reward, and overcommitment scales were 0.77, 0.81, and 0.66, respectively. The 2-4 wk stability of these three constructs was moderate (r=0.496-0.576, p<0.001). Overall, the factorial validity was demonstrated as the best model fit, with high values of the goodness-of-fit indices, using confirmatory factor analysis, indicating accordance with the theoretical constructs of the ERI model. Logistic regression analyses supported significant associations of reward with all psychological health outcomes (p<0.05). The findings suggest that the Thai ERIQ has adequate reliability and validity to investigate the psychosocial work environment. The Thai ERIQ can be applied to the Thai working population, particularly industrial manufacturing workers.  相似文献   

目的:对父亲卷入量表中文版进行修订并考察其信效度。方法:①对189名6个月婴儿的父亲卷入量表结果进行探索性因素分析,根据探索结果删减量表题目,确定其维度。②对另外189名婴儿父亲卷入量表施测数据进行验证性因素分析,检验修正后量表的拟合指数。③对修正后的父亲卷入量表进行信效度检验。结果:验证性因素分析表明数据与测量模型的拟合程度较好;信度检验也发现总量表的克伦巴赫α系数为0.83,分半信度系数为0.67(P<0.01),父亲卷入量表分为认知卷入和社会性卷入两个维度。结论:父亲卷入量表具有较好的心理测量学指标,可以作为衡量早期儿童父亲卷入程度的依据。  相似文献   

工作能力指数表中文版的信度和效度   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:30  
目的 检验工作能力指数表中文版的信度和效度。(方法)对5213名不同职业人群进行WAI调查,并对其中36名职业人员进行了重复调查、分半信度的方法进行信度检验;WAI调查表中各条目间的一致性检验及职业人群不同背景资料与WAJ的关系进行效度检验。(结果)信度检验表明,重复调查的WAI得分组内相关系数为0.84;分半信度具有显著的统计学意义(P〈0.01)。效度检验表明,各条目间的一致性较好。(结论)W  相似文献   

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