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目的了解家庭环境因素对城市儿童不同饮料行为的影响,为改善儿童饮料行为提供科学的理论依据。方法以福建省4所小学一~六年级小学生为研究对象,采用自制的调查表进行调查,并使用累积比数模型对结果进行分析。结果15.5%的城市儿童经常饮用含糖饮料,21.1%经常饮用牛奶。监护人的认知水平和家庭收入是影响儿童饮料行为的主要因素。结论福建省城市儿童不良饮料行为的发生率较高,监护人的认知水平与儿童饮料行为显著相关,而家庭收入的影响具有双向性。  相似文献   

儿童青少年饮用含糖饮料行为越来越普遍,过多饮用含糖饮料会对健康带来很多危害.本研究对儿童青少年含糖饮料摄入情况及其对健康影响进行阐述,同时汇总了国内外控制含糖饮料摄入的相关策略,为我国制定相关政策提供参考.总结发现,我国儿童青少年含糖饮料的摄入量及频率处于较高水平,含糖饮料的摄入增加肥胖、龋齿、高血压、血脂异常、抑郁症、性早熟等疾病的发生风险,一些国家采取了限制销售、征税、限制营销、粘贴警示性标签、健康教育等措施控制儿童含糖饮料消费,我国也下发了相关方案,为减少儿童青少年含糖饮料的摄入,我国应借鉴国际经验,制定综合性干预措施.  相似文献   

目的 分析1998 - 2008年中国部分城市 8~14岁儿童零食消费行为变化情况,为有关部门制定相关干预策略提供理论依据.方法 利用1998年和2008年在广州等市开展的儿童饮食行为数据进行分析.2次调查均采用三阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,选取8~14岁的儿童6 189名作为研究对象,使用问卷凋查方法收集零食消费行为.结果 2次调查中城市儿童零食消费比例始终在98%以上,最常食用零食种类选择冷饮类的比例从59.5%上升到75.7%;新鲜蔬菜水果类从85.1%下降到74.5%;饮料的人均日饮用量从1998年的329.1 mL上升到528.8 mL,碳酸饮料饮用比例从1998年的78.5%下降到57.1%,其他含糖饮料饮用比例则从1998年的25.7%上升到60.5%.结论 儿童吃零食的比例始终保持在较高水平,饮料的饮用量有所上升,零食种类的选择有所变化.应加强儿童及其家长营养知识教育和干预,培养健康的零食消费习惯.  相似文献   

<正>含糖饮料包括碳酸饮料、果糖饮料、含乳饮料、功能饮料和茶类饮料,如雪碧、可乐、凉茶、奶茶等。含糖饮料的消费量在逐年增多。那么,长期大量饮用含糖饮料对身体健康有哪些不利影响呢?◆含糖饮料对身体有哪些危害含糖饮料诱发糖尿病经常饮用含糖饮料,摄入过量糖分产生过多的热卡,可导致儿童和成人体重增加。希腊研究表明,经常饮用含糖饮料的儿童比不饮用的儿童肥胖风险增加1.7倍,每天只要多喝一罐高糖饮料(约300毫升),糖尿  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省儿童青少年饮料摄人情况,探讨饮料摄入对儿童青少年体质指数影响,为制定有效干预措施提供科学依据.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,对山东省5个城市15所学校的2 400名儿童青少年进行问卷调查.结果 正常组有38.5%、超重组有35.7%每周饮料的支出额主要集中在5~15元,肥胖组有36.7%支出额为1~4元,3组差异有统计学意义(x2=19.737,P<0.05);正常组、超重组、肥胖组选择饮料规格比例最高的为塑料瓶(450 ~600mL),分别占57.4%、59.5%、60.1%,正常组、超重组、肥胖组经常饮用植物蛋白饮料比例分别占6.8%、3.5%、4.9%,经常饮用咖啡饮料比例分别占9.2%、11.6%、9.4%,3组间差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);肥胖组每日茶饮料的饮用量为(122.6 ±76.8)mL,超重组为(110.4 ±64.9)mL,正常组为(104.8±61.8)mL,3组间差异有统计学意义(F=4.752,P=0.009).结论 儿童青少年饮用饮料具有普遍性,降低其饮料饮用频率和饮用量对其健康有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市青少年饮食行为习惯,为开展有针对性的干预措施提供科学依据.方法 采用“中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”,对分层整群随机抽取的广州市66所大、中学校11939名学生进行问卷调查.结果 广州市青少年偏食行为检出率为29.87%.调查前7d经常饮用汽水饮料以及进食甜点、油炸食品、快餐及经常吃路边摊的不健康饮食行为比例分别为6.83%,18.36%,9.72%,0.71%和1.52%;很少吃水果、蔬菜,少用早餐,少喝牛奶的行为比例依次为18.20%,2.74%,3.47%和38.74%.经常喝汽水饮料的男生(9.36%)明显多于女生(4.66%),而经常吃甜点的女生(20.42%)则明显多于男生(15.98%);城市青少年经常吃西式快餐(0.90%)的比例明显高于农村青少年(0.36%),而农村青少年很少喝牛奶(54.22%)的比例明显高于城市青少年(30.57%);6.78%的大学生很少吃早餐,47.77%的职中生很少喝牛奶.结论广州市青少年不健康饮食行为普遍存在,不同性别、地区及学段均有各自的特点.应采取有针对性的健康教育措施.  相似文献   

了解北京、湖南、宁夏三地儿童青少年甜饮料摄入的现状及其影响因素,为指导青少年养成健康的饮食习惯提供参考.方法 采用横断面调查设计,于2012年9月至2013年1月,在北京、湖南、宁夏三地通过方便样本整群抽取21所中小学校4 087名10~18岁儿童青少年作为调查对象.通过膳食问卷进行甜饮料饮用行为调查,收集社会人口学特征和甜饮料摄入情况.结果 共纳入有效调查对象3 796名,人均甜饮料摄入(7.1±10.3)杯/周(每杯250 mL);每周饮用甜饮料的对象有3 040名,其人均甜饮料摄入为(8.9±10.8)杯/周.儿童青少年摄入更多甜饮料的独立危险因素(R2=0.262)包括:男生(β=-0.079,95%CI=-0.114~-0.045)、每日视屏时间长(β=0.131,95%CI=0.096~0.165)、家中甜饮料储备多(β=0.218,95%CI=0.183~0.253)、家庭社会经济学得分高(β=0.164,95%CI=0.126~0.203)、不正确的甜饮料饮用观念(β=-0.190,95%CI=-0.225~-0.155)、缺乏健康意识(β=-0.099,95%CI=-0.134~-0.064)以及自我控制力薄弱(β=-0.210,95%CI=-0.244~-0.175).结论 10~ 18岁儿童青少年甜饮料的摄入情况受性别、每日视屏时间、家中甜饮料储备情况、家庭社会经济学得分以及对甜饮料饮用的态度等因素影响.  相似文献   

上海市儿童少年饮食行为及其影响因素调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
[目的 ] 了解目前上海市儿童少年的饮食行为及其影响因素。 [方法 ] 采用问卷调查。 [结果 ] 91.8%的儿童和 6 8.0 %的青少年有特别的食物喜好。绝大多数孩子有吃零食的习惯 ,青少年比儿童更普遍。大部分孩子吃过肯德基等西式快餐。碳酸饮料是孩子的最爱 ,白开水 (或矿泉水 )、牛奶等健康饮料也有相当高的饮用率。大部分青少年购买时经常考虑食物的卫生因素等 ,一半以上的青少年还注意了食物的营养成分。食物的口味、营养是影响儿童少年食物选择的主要因素。 [结论 ] 上海市儿童少年具有较好的营养与食品卫生概念 ,未发现十分突出的不良饮食行为。  相似文献   

探讨含糖饮料摄入频率对儿童青少年血压水平的影响,为预防和控制儿童高血压提供科学依据.方法 利用“中国健康与营养调查”2004,2006,2009和2011年4轮调查中儿童青少年部分的调查数据,分析收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)水平随含糖饮料摄入频率增加的变化趋势.结果 2004-2011年我国6~17岁儿童青少年含糖饮料摄入频率由2004年的76.5%增加到2011年的91.5% (P<0.01).调整性别、年龄、地区、调查年份以及BMI等因素后,SBP和DBP水平随含糖饮料摄入频率的增加而升高(P值分别为0.026和0.012).与含糖饮料低摄入组(<1次/周)相比,高摄入组(>3次/周)儿童青少年的SBP和DBP分别升高1.1和0.8 mmHg.结论 我国儿童青少年含糖饮料摄入频率呈上升趋势,降低含糖饮料摄入对降低儿童青少年血压水平具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的了解中国儿童青少年含糖饮料消费趋势及与肥胖的关系,为预防和控制儿童青少年肥胖提供依据。方法利用"中国居民健康与营养调查"项目公开数据库中2004年、2006年、2009年和2011年的横断面调查数据,分析我国儿童青少年含糖饮料消费情况及趋势,并探索儿童青少年消费量与超重/肥胖的关系。结果儿童青少年含糖饮料消费比例由2004年的73.58%上升至2011年的90.49%,平均消费量由1.2 L/周上升至1.5 L/周,超重/肥胖率由10.19%上升至20.01%,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,在校正性别、年龄、城乡分布和零食偏好等因素后,含糖饮料消费量高(OR=1.231,95%CI:1.118~1.354)仍是儿童青少年超重/肥胖的危险因素。结论我国儿童青少年的含糖饮料消费比例和消费总量均呈上升趋势,含糖饮料消费量与儿童青少年超重/肥胖的风险存在统计学关联,建议儿童青少年适当控制含糖饮料的摄入总量。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden 13 Arbeiter untersucht, die zwischen 1 3/4 und 18 Jahren in einem PVC-herstellenden Betrieb beschäftigt waren. 8 von ihnen wiesen sklerodermieartige Hautveränderungen (Abb. 2) auf, die histologisch charakterisiert sind durch Verbreiterung und Homogenisierung der kollagenen Faserbündel (Abb. 3 u. 4) sowie Fragmentation und Rarefizierung der elastischen Fasern (Abb. 5). Bei 7 Patienten bestanden trommelschlegelartige Auftreibungen einzelner Fingerendphalangen (Abb. 1). 11 Patienten zeigten Durchblutungsstörungen der Extremitäten (4 von diesen ein Raynaud-Syndrom) und 6 Patienten Acroosteolysen einzelner Fingerendphalangen (Abb. 6, Tabellen 1–3).Darüber hinaus bestand bei allen Patienten eine Thrombocytopenie, bei 12 Patienten eine Splenomegalie, bei 11 Patienten eine Einschränkung der Leberfunktion (erhöhte BSP-Retention). An der Leber ließ sich histologisch bei den 5 laparoskopierten Patienten eine deutliche Fibrosierung der Portalfelder nachweisen. Bei 4 Patienten bestanden Oesophagusvaricen (Tabellen 4 u. 5). 8 Patienten zeigten eine Partialinsuffizienz mit Hinweisen für vorwiegend restriktive Veränderungen.Die hier beschriebenen Veränderungen gehen weit über das bisher bekannte Acroosteolysesyndrom hinaus. Es wird der dringende Verdacht geäußert, daß langfristige Vinylchlorid-Exposition dieses komplexe Krankheitsbild verursacht. Daher wird für diese systemische Krankheit die Bezeichnung Vinylchlorid-Krankheit vorgeschlagen.Wir danken Frau E. Voigtländer für die Herstellung der klinischen und histologischen Abbildungen.  相似文献   

Perceptions by medical students of patients' affective states were investigated, and the effect of the students' own emotions on such perceptions. One hundred and one fourth-year medical students rated the levels of anxiety and depression of three women patients presented on videotape, rated their own levels of anxiety and depression and completed a questionnaire on aspects of the rating process. Students had widely different and often inappropriate perceptions of patients' levels of anxiety and depression. Students who consistently overrated anxiety or depression in patients, compared to those who consistently underrated, were themselves significantly more anxious or depressed. These data suggest a need in medical education for systematic teaching of empathic skills and for recognition of potential bias in clinical decision-making arising from the clinician's own emotional state.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although incidence data for work-related ill-health in the UK are available, more detailed information for smaller geographical areas has hitherto been unpublished. AIMS: To estimate the incidence of work-related ill-health reported by clinical specialists in Scotland, 2002-2003. METHODS: THOR (The Health and Occupation Reporting network) is a UK wide reporting scheme for work-related ill-health. In 2002-2003, 241 out of 2162 physicians in THOR were based in Scotland. We have summarized the reported cases and calculated incidence rates for categories of ill-health by age, gender and industry. The UK Labour Force Survey (2002) was used to provide denominator data, with comparisons made between rates for Scotland and the rest of the UK. RESULTS: In 2002-2003, 4043 estimated cases were reported from Scotland. Mental ill-health was most frequently reported (41%); followed by musculoskeletal disorders (31%), skin disorders (16%), respiratory disease (10%), hearing disorders (2%) and infection (1%). The reported average annual incidence rate per 100,000 employees for all work-related ill-health in Scotland was 86.0. The highest reported rate for mental ill-health was found for employees in public administration and defence (76.7 per 100,000), and health and social work (72.3 per 100,000). The construction industry had the highest reported rate of musculoskeletal disorders (41.6 per 100,000), while hairdressers appeared at most risk of developing occupational contact dermatitis (rate=86.4 per 100,000). CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limitations, THOR has indicated types of work-related ill-health and related industries for targeted disease prevention in Scotland.  相似文献   

Wolf G 《Nutrition reviews》2005,63(3):97-100
A protein called RPE65 performs a key role in the trans-cis isomerization of retinol in the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye. The palmitoylation of RPE65 serves to switch off the visual cycle in darkness and to switch it on in the light.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serious accidental poisoning by pesticides is rare in the UK, but more minor pesticide-related illness may be under-reported. Anecdotally, use of sheep dip has been linked with flu-like symptoms. AIM: To explore the frequency, nature and determinants of acute symptoms following work with pesticides. METHODS: A postal survey of men in three rural areas of England and Wales provided data on occupational use of five categories of pesticide, occurrence of 12 specified symptoms within 48 h of using pesticides and tendency to somatize. Risk factors for pesticide-related symptoms were assessed by modified Cox regression. RESULTS: Of 10 765 responders (response rate = 31%), 4108 had at some time used pesticides occupationally, including 935 (23%) who reported symptoms following such work on at least one occasion. In two areas, acute symptoms were most frequent following use of sheep dip (29 and 32% of users), but in the third area the rate was significantly lower (13% of users). The relative frequency of symptoms was similar for all five categories of pesticide, and flu-like symptoms did not cluster unusually among users of sheep dip. Risk of pesticide-related symptoms increased with somatizing tendency (prevalence ratio for highest versus lowest category 2.4, 95% confidence interval 2.0-3.0) and was higher in men who had used pesticides most often or handled concentrate. CONCLUSION: Acute symptoms are common following work with pesticides, but in many cases the illness may arise through psychological rather than toxic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the validity of the original weightings used by the Life Events Inventory (LEI) with those obtained from a contemporary occupational sample. Fifty male and 62 female manufacturing employees (age range 16-55 years) assigned scores to each item on a slightly modified version of the LEI scale. The current sample consistently assigned higher weights to events/items than did the original sample, but there was high agreement in terms of item ranking. Some distinct age and gender differences in scoring were apparent, and are discussed further. It was concluded that when separate weightings are employed for age and gender groups, the LEI remains a useful tool for quantifying background levels of stress in both workplace stress audits and epidemiological studies where statistical control for non-occupational sources of stress is required.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of occupational maxillofacial injuries using a newly installed relational database. Twenty-six injuries were identified out of 28,624 patients admitted to the emergency unit during a 12 month period. Falls from height or being struck by moving objects were common causes of these injuries. Two-thirds of those identified were construction workers. This paper demonstrates the power of modern databases to identify specific occurrences that may provide the basis for prevention in the future.  相似文献   

Endocannabinoids are endogenous lipids which modulate the release of neurotransmitters and activate different signaling pathways, through the binding to cannabinoïd receptors, CB1 and CB2. Endocannabinoids are involved in the control of a variety of behavioural and neuroendocrine functions, including feeding behaviour. In the central nervous system, they essentially modulate the expression of orexigen or anorexigen neuropeptides thus resulting in the stimulation of food intake. Their peripheral targets are mainly the liver and the white adipose tissue where they stimulate lipogenesis, through the modulation of several enzymes and proteins expressions. Cannabinoïd receptor agonists are nowadays prescribed to improve appetite of people suffering from cancer or AIDS. In the same way, CB1 antagonist, such as Rimonabant, could provide efficient treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High levels of stress-related illness are causing concern across industry. Against a background of impending legislative moves to try to improve this situation, there is a need to identify key work-related stressors. Police work tends to be regarded as inherently stressful because of the personal risk of exposure to confrontation and violence and the day-to-day involvement in a variety of traumatic incidents. As a result, high levels of stress-related symptoms might be expected in this population. OBJECTIVE: To examine the sources of stress-related symptoms within police officers and measure the prevalence of significant associated mental ill-health. METHOD: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of a population of 1206 police officers was performed to assess levels of strain associated with a series of potential home and work related stressors. Participants were then split into low and high scoring groups on the basis of a General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) threshold score in order to identify those stressors most associated with mental ill-health effects. RESULTS: Occupational stressors ranking most highly within the population were not specific to policing, but to organizational issues such as the demands of work impinging upon home life, lack of consultation and communication, lack of control over workload, inadequate support and excess workload in general. The high scoring group constituted 41% of the population and differed significantly from those with low scores in perception of all stressors, ranking both personal and occupational stressors more highly, and from personality constraints appeared significantly more 'stress-prone'. A significant association between gender and mental ill-health was found, with females more likely to score more highly on the GHQ than males. CONCLUSION: This study confirms previous findings of organizational culture and workload as the key issues in officer stress. Given that the degree of symptomatology appears to be worsening, management action is required. Further research is indicated within the police population into a possible increased susceptibility in female officers.  相似文献   

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