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美国管理式医疗保险以其特有的优势成为目前医疗费用管理的主要模式。借鉴美国医疗管理中重视预防保健、转诊制度、第三方购买制等方法,实现按病种付费,有利于我国优化卫生资源配置,减少医疗费用的总支出。  相似文献   

从理论层面梳理不同支付方式对医疗卫生服务整合的激励机制。传统的支付方式如按服务付费、按人头付费、DRGs、单个机构的总额控制等难以建立促进卫生服务整合和提升服务质量;而结余共享支付、捆绑付费和基于人口的总额预算对于整合医疗卫生服务具有正向促进作用,有助于提高服务效率,控制医疗费用,提升医疗服务质量,促进医疗卫生服务整合;整合医疗卫生服务体系需要实施支付范围广泛的支付方式。  相似文献   

按病种分组(DRGs)付费,是一种打包付费制度,也是国际公认的较为科学合理的医疗费用支付方式。目前,美国、德国、澳大利亚等30多个国家和地区采用这种付费方式。按病种分组(DRGs)付费主要是根据患者年龄、疾病诊断、合并症并发症、治疗方式、病症严重程度以及疗效等多种因素,将诊断相近、治疗手段相近、医疗费用相近的住院患者,分入若干病组予以定额付费。按病种付费意在控制医药费用不合理增长,是国际上较为认可的付费机制,但在我国仍处在探索阶段。  相似文献   

改革机制加强管理抑制医疗费用过快增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,医疗费用持续快速增长的问题日益突出。分析了医疗费用快速增长的不合理因素主要是由于医疗卫生机制不完善造成的,如医疗服务补偿机制、医疗机构运行机制、医疗保险付费机制和医疗卫生筹资机制等。因此,控制医疗费用的快速增长既需要发展社区卫生服务,建立新型卫生服务体系,加强政府的宏观管理,理顺补偿机制,也需要医院加快内部机制改革,走可持续发展道路,同时,还应扩大医保范围,建立合理的付费方式。  相似文献   

杨伟  轩莉 《中国卫生经济》1999,18(12):57-59
1998年,上海市普陀区医疗保险办公室改革公费医疗支付方式,对门诊项目实行按人头付费。本文就改革实施一年来公费医疗费用发生情况作一分析,对按人头付费方式实施效果进行评估,得出以下结论:该支付方式较为有效地降低了医疗费用的增长幅度,减少了浪费;对促进医院加强内部管理,转变经营策略,重视医疗成本控制,提高卫生资源的利用效率起到了积极的作用。同时提出,要注意纠正个别医疗机构控制费用方法简单化的偏差,要考虑人群年龄结构因素对医疗费用的影响,适当调整付费标准,以避免医疗机构在承担费用支出方面出现畸轻畸重的问题。  相似文献   

为了科学论证"总额预算+按服务单元付费"组合支付方式对于消除百姓高额医疗费用风险,减轻居民医疗费用负担的效果,研究运用居民家庭灾难性卫生支出发生率指标及其计算方法,利用大规模居民家庭入户调查数据,通过比较分析发现,按项目付费下居民家庭灾难性卫生支出(40%阈值计算)的发生率为5.55%,组合支付方式可使其降低17.88%,且效果远大于现行医疗保障的作用(5.29%)。提示组合支付方式可通过良好的费用共担机制,降低居民家庭灾难性卫生支出的发生。  相似文献   

目的:计算并分析河南省农民不同疾病的医疗费用,为新型农村合作医疗制度实施按病种付费提供依据。方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,调查全省18个新型农村合作医疗试点县农民的卫生服务利用和医疗费用情况,计算不同疾病次均门诊费用和次均住院费用等构成。结果:不同种类疾病医疗费用存在较大差别,同种疾病在不同级别医院医疗费用亦存在差别,不同级别医院医疗卫生资源利用率存在差别。结论:DRGs(按病种付费)已为世界许多国家在医疗保险中所采用,如何在我国的医疗保险中应用这种先进、科学和实用的付费方式,关系到能否较好地实现我国医疗制度的改革,使人民群众享受高质量、低费用的医疗服务,真正使人民群众受益,使国家受益。  相似文献   

医改以来,有关医疗服务付费制度改革的呼声甚高:改革现行“按服务项目付费”方式,探索“按人头付费”、“按病种付费”、“按总额付费”等新型医疗服务付费模式,建立、完善医疗费用约束机制,控制医疗费用增长幅度,成为医疗付费制度改革的主流呼声,但至目前为止,此项改革的进展和效果均不随人愿。  相似文献   

积极探索按病种付费方式的改革   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
长期以来,我国医疗机构一直采取按医疗服务项目付费的方式。这种提供什么项目服务就收取该项费用的单项收费办法比较直观,在计划经济时期发挥了一定作用。然而,在市场经济条件下,这种付费方式与控制医药费用增长不相适应,与规范医院和医生的医疗行为不相协调。尤其是按项目付费是形成“看病贵”社会热点问题的直接原因。为实现广大人民群众“看得上病、看得起病、看得好病”的新时期卫生工作服务宗旨,必须对付费方式实行改革,由原来的按项目付费,逐渐过渡到按病种付费。  相似文献   

为验证总额预算下、按项目付费方式且合理化收费标准是实现医改突破的有效途径,研究以上海市上世纪九十年代中期出台的医疗费用"总量控制,结构调整"政策作为案例,引用政策实施前后近30年的全国卫生财务年报资料,通过纵向和同期不同地区横向比较发现,医疗费用从政策实施前的年均32.8%高速增长骤降至实施期间的12.5%,略低于期间GDP增长(14.7%),纳医疗费用在社会可承受范围之内,十年间为社会减少了2161.6亿元医疗费用负担,控费效果远超全国和同类城市平均水平。政策所取得的斐然成绩提示研究者和决策者,欲实现医疗费用的有效控制总额预算必不可少。但按项目付费方式下的高额医疗费用风险、物价部门难以协调又使得医疗机构潜在损失难以弥补等问题,均成为了现今看病贵等问题依然存在的桎梏。启示:合理设计总额预算指标以确保费用稳定增长,并需改现有按项目付费方式为预付制。  相似文献   

梳理了美国医保支付制度改革进程,总结了捆绑支付模式内涵及其对康复护理服务的影响。结合我国国情,借鉴美国医保支付制度改革经验,认为我国应建立基于价值评价的康复护理服务医保支付制度,充分发挥医保基金的引导和保障作用,健全多元化的复合型医保支付体系,创建“以人民的健康为中心”的连续型医疗服务保障体系。  相似文献   

美国安宁疗护服务根据服务方式、地点和强度分为四类--常规居家照护、连续居家照护、入院暂息照护和常规住院治疗,其医保支付方式为按床日付费,费用从公共医保基金中支出,并建立了较为完善的服务质量评价体系。美国的经验表明,科学的制度体系有利于推动安宁疗护服务的发展,据此提出推动建立我国安宁疗护服务体系的建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the major features of the new DRG prospective payment system which was introduced for the payment of hospitals under the Medicare program October 1, 1983 in the United States. It explores its general implications for the health sector, and then examines its specific implications for the development, diffusion, and utilization of medical technology. It concludes with some of the research questions that require investigation to provide an informed basis for modification to the payment system that will ensure that quality health care will be provided at an affordable cost.  相似文献   

Around the world, adults with serious illnesses or chronic conditions account for a disproportionate share of national health care spending. We surveyed patients with complex care needs in eleven countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and found that in all of them, care is often poorly coordinated. However, adults seen at primary practices with attributes of a patient-centered medical home--where clinicians are accessible, know patients' medical history, and help coordinate care--gave higher ratings to the care they received and were less likely to experience coordination gaps or report medical errors. Throughout the survey, patients in Switzerland and the United Kingdom reported significantly more positive experiences than did patients in the other countries surveyed. Reported improvements in the United Kingdom tracked with recent reforms there in health care delivery. Patients in the United States reported difficulty paying medical bills and forgoing care because of costs. Our study indicates a need for improvement in all countries through redesigning primary care, developing care teams accountable across sites of care, and managing transitions and medications well. The United States in particular has opportunities to learn from diverse payment innovations and care redesign efforts under way in the other study countries.  相似文献   

Ever since DRG-based payment systems were first introduced in the United States in 1983, the medical community has expressed concern about the potential impact of these price control systems on the quality of care. Several research studies have examined the impact of DRG-based payment systems on the quality of care within a single state in the United States, or within a specific country. We have not identified any attempts in the literature to examine the impact of DRG-based payment systems on the quality of health care across different countries. In this article we contribute to the debate by (1) providing a unique identification of DRG adoption status for each of 35 countries, (2) refining an international case mix index, and (3) applying it to examine whether DRG-based payments impact the quality of health care across national and cultural boundaries. We find some evidence for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries that, compared with non-adopters, adoption of DRG-based payment systems is associated with faster hospital case mix increases and slower quality gains with respect to patient mortality from surgical and medical misadventures.  相似文献   

This paper considers various aspects of the Canadian health care system and the implications for the improved delivery of rural health care in the United States. The major aspects examined are access to care, rural hospitals, and rural physicians. A search of the pertinent literature revealed a large amount of information concerning rural physicians in Canada, but less that dealt directly with rural hospitals and access to health care in rural areas. Universal access is the cornerstone of the Canadian health care system, which is operated by each province under certain mandates of the federal government, with both providing funding for the system. The diffusion of medical technology has been slower in Canada than in the United States, which is perceived by some as a major success of the system. Little distinction is made between rural and urban hospitals in Canada, with all hospitals funded by annual global budgets from the province, rather than by direct payment for each service provided. Funding for capital items must be requested separately. This method of reimbursement allows better planning in meeting the needs of each community. Physicians in Canada are mostly private practitioners who are reimbursed by fee for service. As in the United States, there has been difficulty in attracting physicians to rural areas. However, all but one province have incentive programs to encourage physicians to practice in underserved rural areas, with some having disincentives for those locating in overserved areas. Overall, the Canadian health care system has chosen to control costs by focusing on the provider rather than the consumer and appears to be more successful in providing access to health care in rural areas of the country.  相似文献   

The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was signed into law last year includes provisions that will improve access to health care for everyone in the United States and extend insurance coverage to some 300 million people who currently do not have it. But insurance reforms and expansion of coverage are only part of the solution to the problems within our health care system.The way health care is paid for is another important element of reform.This article describes the steps we need to take to change the way we pay for health care and efforts that are underway both in the United States and Minnesota to test new payment models.  相似文献   

目的通过介绍典型国家及地区经验,阐述医保如何通过经济手段促进医疗服务质量提升,供我国大陆地区参考。方法采用文献分析法。采取主题词与分类号组合的检索方式,收集美国、英国及我国台湾地区有关医保与医疗服务质量的文献。结果美国实行基于价值支付的奖惩机制,包括医院服务价值购买计划、再入院扣费计划、医院获得性疾病扣费计划;英国实行提升基层医疗服务质量的激励机制;我国台湾地区实行结合医院评价体系的总额预付制。结论为促使我国大陆地区通过医保支付进一步推进医疗质量管理,建议建设卫生主管部门与医保部门有机融合的医疗质量考核系统,采用质量指标的多元计分方式,设计与质量联动的奖惩机制等。  相似文献   

Once again the United States is in a ferment of health policy reform. Proposals abound but sage observers remark that national health insurance has been "just around the corner" more than once in the last forty years. This time may be different, however. Proposals from all across the ideological spectrum are converging on the notion of "managed care" which is perhaps best known in its guise as a health maintenance organization (HMO). Other forms of managed care exist but they have neither the history nor the incentives found in traditional HMOs. The discussion on national health insurance (NHI) proposals has focused on financing issues to the virtual exclusion of public health concerns. In this article, the author addresses rural health and public hospitals in the United States; two problems that have been with us for a long time. Then articles examining the Canadian and English medical care systems are reviewed, illustrating some of the weaknesses of these approaches to national medical care. Research studies relating to Europe and the developing nations are next. Once again, these are intended to highlight public health problems found in differing medical care systems. Finally, the author examines utopian views of the United States medical care system of the future: the reform proposal offered by the National Association for Public Health Policy, the experimental policy in Washington State, and a vision of a planned system. The review is intended to draw together the lessons offered by public health policy research in other countries and the United States and apply them to the issue at hand: reforming the United States medical care system.  相似文献   

Managed care, which is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States, is virtually absent in Canada. Yet managed care, if implemented judiciously, has the potential to provide comprehensive, high quality care while containing spiraling healthcare expenditures. Managed care is also the foundation of integrated health systems, which have been widely discussed during the past few years. Then why has Canada been so slow to accept managed care? Since physicians have a great deal of influence on how healthcare is ultimately delivered, a group of Ontario physicians was surveyed to determine their perceptions of managed care. It was found that physicians were knowledgeable abut the cost-containment capabilities of managed care but had misperceptions about managed care with respect to quality of patient care, preventive services and necessary medical care. Education and further research are recommended so that any debate about managed care, integrated systems or alternative physician payment can be meaningful, objective, beneficial and accurate.  相似文献   

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