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Occupational respiratory symptoms caused by decorative flowers are seldom reported in the literature. In the years 1985–1993 four such cases of occupational asthma were diagnosed at the Institute of Occupational Health of Finland. Occupational asthma was caused by freesias (n = 1), chrysanthemums (n = 1), and tulips (n = 2). The diagnoses were based on work-related respiratory symptoms during flower handling in the patients' histories, specific challenge tests, and allergologic examinations. Flower allergy is rare but can even develop into occupational asthma. It usually leads to a change of profession.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of nanotechnology has increased the occupational exposure to nanomaterials. On the other hand, a growing body of evidence considers exposure to these materials to be hazardous. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the effects of occupational exposure to these materials by different methods. Biological monitoring, especially the investigation of oxidative stress induced by exposure to nanomaterials, can provide useful information for researchers. This study systematically reviews studies that have investigated oxidative stress caused by occupational exposure to nanomaterials. The search was conducted on the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases. Of the 266 studies we obtained in our initial search, eventually 11 were included in our study. There is currently no specific biomarker for investigating oxidative stress induced by exposure to nanomaterials. Therefore, the reviewed studies have used different biomarkers in different biological fluids for this purpose. Also, the methods of assessing occupational exposure to nanomaterials in the investigated studies were very diverse. Given the approach of the investigated studies to biomarkers and exposure assessment methods, finding a specific biomarker for investigating exposure to nanomaterials seems unattainable. But reaching a group of biomarkers, to assess exposure to nanomaterials seems more applicable and achievable.  相似文献   

A 68-yr-old male, smoker, is admitted for proteinuria (2,800 mg/24 h) and reduced renal function (serum creatinine 2 mg/dl, GFR 35 ml/min). Renter, he started working 20-yr-old as a sandstone cave miner. Despite the high levels of silica dusts, he reported no mandatory use of airways protection devices during the first 25 yr of activity. No clinical or radiological signs of silicosis or pneumoconiosis where reported until the year of retirement (1997). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (91 mm/h) and C reactive protein (35 mg/l) suggested a pro-inflammatory status. High serum IgA was found (465 mg/dl). A renal biopsy identified glomerular sclerosis with IgA deposition, signs of diffuse vasculitis and tubular atrophia suggesting a diagnosis of IgA nephropathy. Chest X-Rays showed emphysema and diffuse nodularity suggesting diagnosis of silicosis. Chest tomography was also positive for mild signs of silicosis with silicotic nodules and without honeycombing. IgA nephropathy is the most common type of glomerulonephritis worldwide. Several clues suggest a genetic or acquired abnormality of immune system as a trigger of the increased production of IgA. In our case report, simultaneous kidney and pulmonary disease could suggest same triggers (e.g. exposure to virus, bacteria or environmental agents) inducing IgA synthesis and pulmonary immune system activation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of active and passive smoking with occupational injury among manual workers. Data from the 2011 Korean Working Conditions Survey were analyzed for 12,507 manual workers aged ≥15 yr. Overall, 60.4% of men and 5.8% of women were current smokers. The prevalence of injury was higher among never smokers who were exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) (7.7% in men and 8.1% in women) than current smokers (4.2% in men and 4.1% in women). After controlling for potential confounders, in men, compared to those who never smoked and were not exposed to SHS, people who never smoked and were exposed to SHS (adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=3.7, 2.2–6.4) and current smokers (aOR=2.5, 1.6–3.8) were more likely to experience injury. Among women, the aORs of occupational injury were 8.4 (4.2–16.7) for never smoking women with occasional exposure to SHS and 3.5 (95% CI: 1.4–8.7) for current smokers, in comparison to never smoking women who were never exposed to SHS at work (reference group). The present study suggests that exposure to SHS is a possible risk factor of occupational injury for never smoking men and women.  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析鼻咽喉科疾病致小儿慢性咳嗽患儿临床资料,为小儿慢性咳嗽的诊断与治疗提供理论依据。方法选取2015年12月-2017年12月于该院确诊的118例鼻咽喉科疾病致小儿慢性咳嗽患儿为研究对象,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析,统计所有患儿鼻咽喉科疾病种类,不同年龄、性别以及病程患儿的疾病种类分布,采用描述性流行病学分析法进行数据分析比较。结果所有患儿均为单种鼻咽喉科疾病种类,其中咳嗽变异型哮喘(CVA)45例、慢性鼻炎(CR)40例、其他18例和胃-食管反流性咳嗽(GERC)15例;不同年龄分布中,<1岁患儿其他比例最高,为40.00%,1~3岁患儿CVA比例最高,为47.62%,3~6岁患儿CVA比例最高,为42.11%,6~14岁CR比例最高,为42.85%;男性患儿CVA比例最高,为38.33%,女性患儿CVA比例最高,为37.93%病程<1月中CVA比例最高,为42.42%,病程1~3月中CR比例最高,为40.43%,病程>3月中CVA比例最高,为36.84%。结论CVA、CR、GERC等鼻咽喉科疾病容易导致小儿慢性咳嗽,不同年龄、性别、病程病因有所差异。  相似文献   

Accidents at work are still a heavy burden in social and economic terms, and action to improve health and safety standards at work offers great potential gains not only to employers, but also to individuals and society as a whole. However, companies often are not interested to measure the costs of accidents even if cost information may facilitate preventive occupational health and safety management initiatives. The field study, carried out in a large Italian company, illustrates technical and organisational aspects associated with the implementation of an accident costs analysis tool. The results indicate that the implementation (and the use) of the tool requires a considerable commitment by the company, that accident costs analysis should serve to reinforce the importance of health and safety prevention and that the economic dimension of accidents is substantial. The study also suggests practical ways to facilitate the implementation and the moral acceptance of the accounting technology.  相似文献   

This study followed assembly line workers during 7 months, comprising a 4-wk season holidays. The main purposes were to determine the potential effect of working time on the presence and intensity of upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms, as to verify the effect of 4 wk of job interruption in the upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms presence and intensity. Data was collected during 6 moments. Generalized estimating equations analyses were used. For the effect estimates, odds ratio with corresponding 95% confidence intervals were reported for each outcome/model. The upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms showed a significant increase (p=0.001), especially after the 4 wk off. In all data collection points there was a significant positive association between the upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms and general health status (p<0.001). Considering symptoms’ intensity, significant relations were found (p<0.001). Work time had a negative effect on the work-related upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms over 7 months (OR 0.909, 95% CI 0.861–0.960, p=0.001). For the intensity of upper limb symptoms, the effect of time was also statistical significant (OR 0.115, 95% CI 1.031–1.220, p=0.008). A 4-wk job interruption did not show an immediately positive effect on upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms presence.  相似文献   

Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) used in work places are neurotoxic. However, it has been difficult to study the cellular mechanisms induced by a direct exposure to neurons because of their high volatility. The objective of this study was to establish a stable system for exposing brain slices to VOCs. With a conventional recording system for brain slices, it is not possible to keep a constant bath concentration of relatively highly volatile solvents, e.g. 1-bromopropane (1-BP). Here we report a new exposure system for VOCs that we developed in which a high concentration of oxygen is dissolved to a perfused medium applying a gas-liquid equilibrium, and in which the tubing is made of Teflon, non adsorptive material. Using our system, the bath concentration of the perfused 1-BP remained stable for at least 2 h in the slice chamber. Both 6.4 and 2.2 mM of 1-BP did not change the paired-pulse response, but fully suppressed long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampal slices obtained from rats, suggesting that 1-BP decreases synaptic plasticity in the DG at the concentrations tested. Our new system can be applicable for investigating the underlying mechanisms of the neurotoxicity of VOCs at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Professional heavy vehicle drivers can experience a traumatic event at work when suicidal drivers deliberately crash into their vehicles or a pedestrian jumps in front of them. This study adopts a qualitative approach, aiming to gain an understanding about the psychological and other consequences that these crashes have for this occupational group. We organized a semi-structured focus group meeting with six drivers who reported experiencing a deliberate crash into their vehicle. The meeting was moderated by two psychologists. The participants reported that avoiding the crash was difficult. These events can have long-lasting effects on drivers’ well-being although individual differences in the response to the event and coping strategies do exist. Participation in our meeting was regarded as a positive experience. This encourages us to believe that organizing similar meetings that allow drivers under the supervision of professionals to share their own experiences with those who experienced similar events, could perhaps be one way of providing support to such drivers who experienced a traumatic event at work.  相似文献   

Work intensification is a popular management strategy to increase productivity, but at the possible expense of employee mental stress. This study examines associations between ratings of work intensification and psychological distress, and the level of agreement between compared employee-rated and manager-rated work intensification. Multi-source survey data were collected from 3,064 employees and 573 company managers from the private sector in 2010. Multilevel regression models were used to compare different work intensification ratings across psychological distress strata. Distressed employees rated higher degree of total work intensification compared to non-distressed employees, and on three out of five sub ratings there were an increased prevalence of work intensification in the case group. In general, there was poor agreement between employee and company work intensification rating. Neither manager-rated work intensification nor employee/manager discrepancy in work intensification ratings was associated with psychological distress. Distressed employees had a higher total score of employee/manager agreed work intensification, and a higher prevalence of increased demands of labour productivity. This study demonstrates higher ratings of employee/manager agreed work intensification in distressed employees compared to non-distressed employees, challenging previous findings of reporting bias in distressed employees’ assessment of work environment.  相似文献   



to understand the family''s experience of the child and/or teenager in palliative care and building a representative theoretical model of the process experienced by the family.


for this purpose the Symbolic Interactionism and the Theory Based on Data were used. Fifteen families with kids and/or teenagers in palliative care were interviewed, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews.


after the comparative analysis of the data, a substantive theory was formed "fluctuating between hope and hopelessness in a world changed by losses", composed by: "having a life shattered ", "managing the new condition", "recognizing the palliative care" and "relearning how to live". Hope, perseverance and spiritual beliefs are determining factors for the family to continue fighting for the life of their child in a context of uncertainty, anguish and suffering, due to the medical condition of the child. Along the way, the family redefines values and integrates palliative care in their lives.


staying with the child at home is what was set and kept hope of dreaming about the recovery and support of the child''s life, but above all, what takes it away even though temporarily is the possibility of their child''s death when staying within the context of the family.  相似文献   

目的 探讨编码纤维蛋白原(Fg)γ多肽链基因-FGG突变,所致新生儿先天性纤维蛋白原缺乏症(CA)的临床及遗传学特点。方法 选择2021年5月,青岛大学附属医院新生儿科诊治的1例CA新生儿为研究对象,回顾性分析其临床病例资料。采用单基因病高通量测序技术,检测本例患儿外周血FGG基因,患儿父母进行特定基因位点的Sanger法测序,以明确患儿基因突变来源。对中国知网数据库、万方数据知识服务平台及PubMed数据库中,关于新生儿期起病的FGG基因突变所致CA病例进行检索,总结CA新生儿的临床及遗传学特点。本研究遵循的程序符合2013年修订的《世界医学协会赫尔辛基宣言》要求。监护人对患儿的诊治知情同意,并签署临床研究知情同意书。结果 (1)临床资料:本例患儿系女性,生后11.7 h时,因“发现面部淤斑4 h”入院,无发热,不伴其他部位出血等。除面部淤斑外,体格检查无异常。入院时凝血常规检查结果异常,主要为抗凝血酶Ⅲ与血浆Fg含量均较正常值低,分别为31.0%与0.18 g/L;凝血酶原时间与凝血酶时间均较正常值延长,分别为22.3 s与24.0 s。同时,患儿母亲于分娩前发现血浆Fg减少(为0...  相似文献   

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