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2008年中国烟盒包装健康警示效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜垣  李强  杨焱 《中国健康教育》2009,25(6):411-413,430
目的评估中国居民对中国烟盒健康警示以及国外图形及文字方式健康警示有效性的感知。方法在北京、上海、昆明、银川4个城市共调查1169人,包括成年吸烟者、非吸烟者以及青少年,男女各半。以中华牌烟盒为背景,制作了10种不同的健康警示,包括我国大陆地区文字警示新版和旧版共2种,译成中文的国外图文警示共4种,以及以这4种图文警示为基础删除图形后的国外文字警示4种。调查对象对10种健康警示进行评分和排序。结果在促使吸烟者戒烟及阻止青少年吸烟方面,图文警示有效性评分最高,国外文字警示次之,中国文字警示旧版有效性评分最低。排序结果与评分结果基本一致,均表现为图文警示优于国外文字警示,优于中国文字警示。在不同研究对象组、城市、性别的分析中,结果一致。结论中国新烟盒健康警示与旧的警示相比,效果提高非常有限。中国应切实履行《烟草控制框架公约》第11条实施准则的要求,使用图形加文字方式的健康警示,向公众有效传播吸烟的健康危害知识。  相似文献   

查找大量文献资料进行数据比对,并对国内外烟盒包装的现况和警示烟盒的推广效果进行统计分析。经对比发现,国外大部分国家在烟盒上添加警示图片,且警示图片面积均高达百分之40%及以上,警示效果优于警示文字,吸烟率远低于中国,而中国烟盒包装仅有的警示文字的警示效果不明显。建议中国严格按照《烟草控制框架公约》有关规定,推广带有警示图片的烟盒,向烟草消费者充分宣传吸烟的危害性,以达到警示的效果,降低吸烟率,共同建设无烟健康环境。  相似文献   

烟盒健康警语对6个城市吸烟者警示效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解现行的烟盒包装健康警语对北京、沈阳、上海、长沙、广州、银川等6个城市吸烟者的警示效应.方法 采用多阶段抽样方法 ,在6个城市抽取4 815名成年吸烟者进行人户调查,测量健康警语对其的警示效应,采用多因素Logistic回归分析健康警语对吸烟者警示作用的影响因素.结果 6个城市调查对象中男性占94.9%.警示效应平均得分为1.38分(≥2分为有警示作用);过去1个月经常因健康警语而没有吸烟的比例为2.15%;只有13.31%的吸烟者会在吸烟时回避健康警语;因健康警语而经常考虑吸烟对健康危害的比例为8.26%,因烟盒上的健康警语很想戒烟的比例为5.29%.多因素分析提示,不同城市和吸烟时间长短是警语对吸烟者警示效应的影响因素.结论 现行的烟盒健康警语已经失去应有的警示效应.6城市中大部分吸烟者不会回避烟盒上的健康警语或因健康警语而停止吸烟.也不会因警语而经常考虑吸烟危害或很想戒烟.  相似文献   

目的了解公众对警示包装的知晓程度以及图片警示在公众中的警示效应,评价这一控烟措施的有效性和可行性。方法采用多阶段整群抽样方法选取上海市某区居民2300人,包括吸烟者和非吸烟者,进行人户调查,采用自填式问卷调查。结果76.7%的居民知道我国现有的烟盒上印有健康警示。79.6%的公众认为图片警示可以减少吸烟者的吸烟量;78.7%的公众认为图片警示可以防止青少年吸烟;72.9%的公众认为图片警示可以减少人们之间互相递烟的行为。相对于不知道和没注意过烟包警示的人群,知道烟包警示的人更支持更换图片警示,OR值为1.43(95%CI:1.09~1.88);和非吸烟者相比,吸烟者和戒烟者支持更换图片警示比例较低,OR分别为0.22(95%CI:0.17~0.28)和0.38(95%CI:0.23~0.60)。结论疾病图片警示可以在公众中产生广泛的警示效应,公众对更换图片警示包装呈支持态度。  相似文献   

杨芳  范义兵 《中国卫生产业》2012,(13):181+183-181,183
烟草包装健康警示是向公众传播吸烟危害的最直接而且有效的手段,也是控烟政策的重要组成部分.作者通过查阅国内外相关文献,分别从烟草包装健康警示的概念、信息传输及实施效应方面进行综述,以期为今后烟草包装健康警示的进一步健全与规范提供帮助.  相似文献   

烟盒上健康警语及其在控烟中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烟盒上的健康警语是烟草控制工作的重要组成部分。《烟草控制框架公约》对烟草制品的健康警语做出了具体的规定,并要求各缔约方在《公约》生效后3a内,根据其国内法采取和实施有效措施,以确保该条款的实行。笔者通过查阅相关文献,描述健康警语的发展过程,并介绍实行健康警语的依据,部分国家实行健康警语的基本情况、特点,及其效果,以期为今后烟草制品的健康警语的进一步健全与完善提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

2014年4月8日,世界卫生组织发布了题为《中国烟草健康警示:有效证据与行动意义》的报告。该报告指出,中国在控烟方面未能符合世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约中对烟草产品包装和标签的要求。报告呼吁决策者应在烟草产品的包装上尽快实现图像的健康警示,并在中国国家烟草控制计划中设定相应的公共教育目标。  相似文献   

曹远  小琴  晓鑫 《健康》2009,(9):12-13
目前,世界上已经有多个国家强制性执行了有关卷烟包装上加印警示标志的规定。它们在销售的卷烟包装上印上了病变的黑肺、溃烂的口腔、流脓的脚趾、骷髅头等怵目惊心的图片。而在我国,烟草业以种种理由拒绝使用这些"丑陋"的图片。很多香烟依旧以名山大川、文物古  相似文献   

梅欣  李毅琳  黄远霞  钟庆  李俊林 《中国健康教育》2020,(11):1000-1005+1010
目的评估卷烟包装对武汉市居民的健康警示有效性。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法选取武汉市居民5000人,进行入户面对面调查。结果 2017年武汉市成人烟草流行监测共调查4564人,应答率为91.3%,其中现在吸烟者1116人。91.8%的现在吸烟者看到卷烟包装上的健康警示,而其中因卷烟包装的健康警示考虑戒烟者仅占22.3%。卡方检验结果显示,现在吸烟者中因卷烟包装的健康警示考虑戒烟比例更高的居民特征包括:过去12个月内尝试戒烟、日均吸烟量小于10支、每个月卷烟消费小于200元和正确认识低焦油卷烟的危害,差异具有统计学意义。多因素Logistic回归结果显示,过去12个月内尝试过戒烟的现在吸烟者因健康警示考虑戒烟的可能性更大(OR=3.373,95%CI:1.323~8.456,P=0.011)。2017年现在吸烟者中因卷烟包装上的健康警示而考虑戒烟的比例相比2015年有所下降,差异无统计学意义。居住地是农村的现在吸烟者2017年因卷烟包装上的健康警示而考虑戒烟的比例相比2015年下降了16.7%(P <0.001)。结论卷烟包装的健康警示对武汉市居民戒烟意愿未起到激励作用,提示应该制作...  相似文献   

全面无烟是全民健康的保障   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
WHO《烟草控制框架公约》生效11年后,在全球和中国都取得了进展,控烟政策的制定和实施是控烟取得进步的保障。本文介绍不同控烟政策在不同国家的效果以及中国公共场所禁烟的进展和面临的挑战。在中国只有全面无烟才能实现全民健康。  相似文献   

P Beede  R Lawson 《Public health》1992,106(4):315-322
A survey was conducted with 568 adolescent children (average age 13) to investigate the possible effects upon perceptions of health warnings when cigarettes are presented in plain packaging. A measure of unaided recall was used to reflect participants' attention to the assortment of cues presented on cigarette packs. The presentation of health warnings in the context of plain packs achieved a significantly greater recall rate as opposed to brand packs. When less brand image cues were presented, respondents were able to perceive and recall with more accuracy a greater proportion of 'non-image' information.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health warnings on cigarette packages provide smokers with universal access to information on the risks of smoking. However, warnings vary considerably among countries, ranging from graphic depictions of disease on Canadian packages to obscure text warnings in the United States. The current study examined the effectiveness of health warnings on cigarette packages in four countries. METHODS: Quasi-experimental design. Telephone surveys were conducted with representative cohorts of adult smokers (n=14,975): Canada (n=3687), United States (n=4273), UK (n=3634), and Australia (n=3381). Surveys were conducted between 2002 and 2005, before and at three time points following implementation of new package warnings in the UK. RESULTS: At Wave 1, Canadian smokers reported the highest levels of awareness and impact for health warnings among the four countries, followed by Australian smokers. Following the implementation of new UK warnings at Wave 2, UK smokers reported greater levels of awareness and impact, although Canadian smokers continued to report higher levels of impact after adjusting for the implementation date. U.S. smokers reported the lowest levels of effectiveness for almost every measure recorded at each survey wave. CONCLUSIONS: Large, comprehensive warnings on cigarette packages are more likely to be noticed and rated as effective by smokers. Changes in health warnings are also associated with increased effectiveness. Health warnings on U.S. packages, which were last updated in 1984, were associated with the least effectiveness.  相似文献   

While international evidence suggests that featuring pictorial health warnings on tobacco packaging is an effective tobacco control intervention, the process used to introduce these new warnings has not been well documented. We examined relevant documents and interviewed officials responsible for this process in New Zealand. We found that, despite tobacco companies' opposition to pictorial health warnings and the resource constraints facing health authorities, the implementation process was generally robust and successful. Potential lessons for other countries planning to introduce or refresh existing pictorial health warnings include: (i) strengthening the link between image research and policy; (ii) requiring frequent image development and refreshment; (iii) using larger pictures (e.g. 80% of the front of the packet); (iv) developing themes that recognize concerns held by different smoker sub-groups; and (v) running integrated mass media campaigns when the warnings are introduced. All countries could also support moves by the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control's Secretariat to develop an international bank of copyright-free warnings.  相似文献   

Pictorial warnings are effective in promoting smoking cessation as shown by research in the developed countries. This study aims to determine perceptions of Indians about the effectiveness of pictorial health warnings on tobacco packs which existed from May 31, 2009, to December 1, 2011. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken in five states of India with 1897 participants (56% males; 54% tobacco users). More tobacco users expressed that the pictorial warnings are inadequate to convey the health impact of tobacco use when compared with nonusers (71.50% vs. 62.75%; P < 0.001). More illiterates when compared with literates expressed their concern that the current pictorial warnings will not motivate them to quit (61.17% vs. 51.01%; P < 0.001). The new warnings implemented from December 1, 2011, in India are also not field-tested. Field testing and assessment of effectiveness of health warnings should be a mandatory requirement for Parties reporting on Article 11 of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).  相似文献   



After years of prevalence of smoking increase, Ukraine observes its decline. Recent tobacco control measures included smoke-free policies, new textual health warnings (THW) since late 2006, ban of outdoor tobacco advertising since January 2009 and tobacco tax increase since late 2008. The objective was to estimate potential contribution of THW to smoking decline process in Ukraine.  相似文献   

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