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韩晓虎 《健康天地》2010,4(2):39-40
运动性疲劳是体育界永恒的话题。消除疲劳对于中长跑运动员就显得尤为重要。研究结果表明,中长跑运动员产生疲劳的原因为中枢性疲劳和外周性疲劳两大方面;中长跑运动员疲劳的恢复手段主要有物理恢复、心理疗法、营养补充三个方面。  相似文献   

江滔  何津 《职业与健康》2007,23(11):953-954
运动性疲劳是运动训练过程中普遍存在的现象,是一种正常的生理现象,如这种现象不能及时消除,将会影响运动员体能,导致运动性疾病或损伤,以致发展成为一种病理现象,从而对健康造成不良影响.该文就运动性疲劳着重探讨其产生机制及消除运动性疲劳的有效方法,为教练员、运动员在运动训练及比赛中提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨补血益气方对大负荷运动的恢复效果。方法:选取2011年2月-2012年12月吉林省运动队的80名运动员,将所有运动员随机分为观察组40名及对照组40名。检测两组实验前后的血红蛋白、肌酸激酶、尿素氮、血乳酸等水平变化及观察5min定量负荷后心率恢复率、安静时屏息时间的变化。结果:对照组运动员实验前后血红蛋白、肌酸激酶、尿素氮、血乳酸水平及定量负荷后心率恢复率、安静时屏息时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而观察组运动员实验后血红蛋白、肌酸激酶、尿素氮、血乳酸水平及定量负荷后心率恢复率、安静时屏息时间则明显提高(P〈0.05)。结论:补血益气方可以恢复运动员大负荷运动后的疲劳状态,增强运动员的运动能力。  相似文献   

西洋参对血乳酸、血清尿素氮和肝糖原含量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
[目的]探讨西洋参改善血乳酸因尿素氮和糖原含量及提高体能,抗疲劳作用。[方法]进行小鼠负重游泳试验。测定运动后的小鼠血清尿素氮,肝糖原及血乳酸的含量。[结果]0.325g/kg和0.650g/kg剂量组均能延长小鼠负重游泳时间。小鼠运动后血乳酸量,肝糖原消耗量,血清尿素氮与对照组相比均有明显减少。[结论]西洋参有明显增强运动耐力和解除疲劳的作用。  相似文献   

西洋参对血乳酸、血清尿素氮和肝糖原含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的 ]探讨西洋参改善血乳酸、血尿素氮和糖原含量及提高体能、抗疲劳作用。 [方法 ]进行小鼠负重游泳试验 ,测定运动后的小鼠血清尿素氮、肝糖原及血乳酸的含量。 [结果 ] 0 32 5g/kg和 0 650 g/kg剂量组均能延长小鼠负重游泳时间 ,小鼠运动后血乳酸量、肝糖原消耗量、血清尿素氮与对照组相比均有明显减少。 [结论 \〗西洋参有明显增强运动耐力和解除疲劳的作用。  相似文献   

刘伟  王素芳  刘玉贤 《中国卫生产业》2013,(27):178-178,180
在较长时间的耐力运动与较短时间的剧烈运动过程中所出现疲劳的机理是不一样的。在体育竞技的当今,大运动量、大强度的体育训练是体育竞技取胜的主要方式;在大运动量、大强度的体育训练之后,大部分的运动员会出现下面的一些症状:食欲不振、睡眠眠失调等,这样就不能够很好地恢复体力,从而影响到以后的训练质量。在体育运动当中,消除疲劳主要采取药物内服与理疗,空气负离子吸入法,湿水浴负压疗法,按摩等方式。当前,采取中药外治法以消除运动性疲劳还很少见,本文就中药外治对大运动量、大强度训练之后增进食欲和促进睡眠,以迅速地消除疲劳进行了分析。  相似文献   

黎江 《家庭医学》2005,(12):41-41
天气渐渐热了,很多人喜欢喝各种各样的饮料。近年美国生理学博士约翰发现,凉开水才是人们最佳的饮料。凉开水具有许多高级饮料无法比拟的某些特异的生理活性,每天习惯喝凉开水的人,体内脱氧活性酶较高,能较快消除肌肉中乳酸积累,因此不易疲劳。凉开水还容易透过细胞膜.促进新陈代谢.增加血液中血红蛋白含量.从而有利于改善人体的免疫功能.增加机体免疫力,以致起到保健的作用。  相似文献   

刘艳 《实用预防医学》2008,15(6):1935-1937
目的研究自由式摔跤运动员运动训练期间的生化指标变化情况及规律,配合调控运动训练的强度和量,减少过度疲劳的产生,提高训练质量,在比赛中取得佳绩。方法选择广西男子自由式摔跤13名运动员在备战“十运会”最后一年的冬训、夏训期间,进行与运动训练相关的血生化指标:血色素(HB)、红细胞(RBC)、血睾酮(T)、皮质醇(C)、血清肌酸激酶(CK)、血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、血尿素氮(BUN)跟踪监控。结果夏训期RBC、HB、T、BUN、LDH、CK明显高于冬训期,有显著性差异,C值低于冬训期。冬训期RBC、HB、T最低(C较高),BUN、LDH、CK值高于实验前,低于夏训期。结论运动员HB、RBC、T值升高,C值下降。是身体机能良好的表现,LDH、CK、BUN升高与运动训练强度及训练的质量有关。即大负荷量训练的同时保持运动员最佳机能状态有利于比赛中提高运动能力。  相似文献   

目的评价一种负离子改性纤维材料的抗运动疲劳效应。方法以64名平均年龄21岁的男性为研究对象,在负荷运动前后及休息后检测血乳酸、血氨、尿蛋白、心率等指标,结合受试人员疲劳程度的主观感受(疲劳量表-14),综合分析负离子改性纤维材料的运动服对人体负荷运动后疲劳程度的影响。结果与对照组相比,试验组负荷运动后及休息20分钟后血氨水平显著下降(P0.05);与对照组相比,试验组负荷运动后心率、尿蛋白水平显著下降(P0.05);与对照组相比,实验组血乳酸及疲劳量表-14结果均未见显著差异(P0.05)。结论本次实验结果表明,负离子改性纤维对负荷运动后人员疲劳程度具有一定缓解作用。血氨及尿蛋白检测结果变化提示,负离子改性纤维可能对负荷运动后人员疲劳恢复后期具有改善效果。  相似文献   

西洋参口服液缓解小鼠体力疲劳实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]研究西洋参口服液缓解小鼠体力疲劳的作用。[方法]小鼠经口给予西洋参口服液30 d,采用负重游泳实验,观察小鼠游泳死亡时间;游泳一定时间后采血检测血清尿素氮含量;取肝脏检测肝糖原含量并测定小鼠在运动及安静前后血乳酸含量的变化。[结果]小鼠负重游泳时间明显延长,运动时产生的血清尿素氮含量减少,肝糖原含量增加,运动结束安静20 min后血乳酸的消除值增加,而对小鼠体重增长无影响。[结论]西洋参口服液具有缓解小鼠体力疲劳的作用。  相似文献   

Female athletes who participate in jumping and cutting-type sports have a four- to six-fold higher incidence of serious knee injuries compared with male athletes in the same sports. Many of these injuries involve the anterior cruciate ligament, and occur by non-contact mechanisms. The susceptibility of the female athlete's knee to injury is likely multifactorial, although neuromuscular factors seem to have an important role. Recent studies have identified neuromuscular differences between male and female athletes. Specifically, female athletes have decreased stiffness and decreased potential for dynamic stabilization of the knee joint. Proprioception deficits involving the knee and side-to-side strength and coordination imbalances are more frequent in female athletes. Also, female athletes more commonly demonstrate imbalances in strength, timing of activation, and recruitment patterns of the lower extremity muscles. Based on these findings, neuromuscular training programs have been studied in an effort to correct lower extremity neuromuscular imbalances. Preliminary results from these programs have been encouraging in reducing peak landing imact forces in the knee, correcting strength and proprioception deficits, and ultimately in decreasing the incidence of serious knee injuries in female athletes.  相似文献   

周红梅 《现代预防医学》2011,38(16):3251-3252
[目的]研究运动员中急性运动损伤发生情况,并研究其影响因素。[方法]采用自制调查表调查200名运动员中急性运动损伤发生情况。并用SPSS13.0分析急性运动损伤的原因。[结果]共发生急性运动损伤166例,运动损伤发生中男性多于女性,并且多发生于年龄小,运动年限低的运动员。运动损伤时间发生时间主要集中在1~3月和10~12月,在损伤类型中,受伤最多的是拉伤和扭伤,受伤项目最多的是单杠。[结论]在体操运动训练过程中,应该加强易伤部位肌肉群力量和韧带柔韧性的训练,做好充分的热身运动,从而有效地预防急性运动损伤。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have found that female athletes who participate in jumping and pivoting sports are four to six times more likely to sustain a knee ligament injury, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, than male athletes participating in the same sports [1-8]. A widening gender gap in the number of serious knee ligament injuries exists due to geometric growth in female athletic participation, coupled with the four- to sixfold higher injury rate. More than 50,000 serious knee injuries are projected to occur in female varsity intercollegiate and high school athletics each year [9, 10]. Most ACL injuries occur by noncontact mechanisms, often during landing from a jump or making a lateral pivot while running [2, 11]. Knee instability, due to ligament dominance (decreased medial-lateral neuromuscular control of the joint), quadriceps dominance (increased quadriceps recruitment and decreased hamstring recruitment and strength), and leg dominance (side-to-side differences in strength, flexibility, and coordination) are possible contributing factors to the increased incidence of knee injury in female athletes [5, 6]. In this review, dynamic neuromuscular analysis (DNA) training is defined, and a rationale is presented for correcting the neuromuscular imbalances that may result in dynamic knee instability during sports play. Dynamic neuromuscular training has been shown to increase knee stability and decrease knee injury rates in female athletes [5, 12.., 13.]. Preliminary research on athlete screening and injury prediction based on the three aforementioned imbalances also is presented with recommendations for developing screening protocols for the identification of high-risk athletes.  相似文献   

Fluids and hydration in prolonged endurance performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous studies have confirmed that performance can be impaired when athletes are dehydrated. Endurance athletes should drink beverages containing carbohydrate and electrolyte during and after training or competition. Carbohydrates (sugars) favor consumption and Na(+) favors retention of water. Drinking during competition is desirable compared with fluid ingestion after or before training or competition only. Athletes seldom replace fluids fully due to sweat loss. Proper hydration during training or competition will enhance performance, avoid ensuing thermal stress, maintain plasma volume, delay fatigue, and prevent injuries associated with dehydration and sweat loss. In contrast, hyperhydration or overdrinking before, during, and after endurance events may cause Na(+) depletion and may lead to hyponatremia. It is imperative that endurance athletes replace sweat loss via fluid intake containing about 4% to 8% of carbohydrate solution and electrolytes during training or competition. It is recommended that athletes drink about 500 mL of fluid solution 1 to 2 h before an event and continue to consume cool or cold drinks in regular intervals to replace fluid loss due to sweat. For intense prolonged exercise lasting longer than 1 h, athletes should consume between 30 and 60 g/h and drink between 600 and 1200 mL/h of a solution containing carbohydrate and Na(+) (0.5 to 0.7 g/L of fluid). Maintaining proper hydration before, during, and after training and competition will help reduce fluid loss, maintain performance, lower submaximal exercise heart rate, maintain plasma volume, and reduce heat stress, heat exhaustion, and possibly heat stroke.  相似文献   

Participation in high school sports helps promote a physically active lifestyle. High school sports participation has grown from an estimated 4 million participants during the 1971-72 school year to an estimated 7.2 million in 2005-06. However, despite the documented health benefits of increased physical activity (e.g., weight management, improved self-esteem, and increased strength, endurance, and flexibility), those who participate in athletics are at risk for sports-related injuries. High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations annually. To date, the study of these injuries has been limited by inabilities to calculate injury rates, compare results among groups, and generalize findings from small, nonrepresentative samples. During the 2005-06 school year, researchers at a children's hospital in Ohio used an Internet-based data-collection tool to pilot an injury surveillance system among athletes from a representative national sample of U.S. high schools. This report summarizes the findings of that study, which indicated that participation in high school sports resulted in an estimated 1.4 million injuries at a rate of 2.4 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures (i.e., practices or competitions). Surveillance of exposure-based injury rates in a nationally representative sample of high school athletes and analysis of injury patterns can help guide activities aimed at reducing these injuries.  相似文献   

A new type of athlete is appearing in the offices of sports dietitians: formerly obese people who have undergone gastric bypass surgery and now aspire to be marathoners, triathletes, and other types of endurance athletes. The standard nutrition advice offered to bypass patients is contrary to the standard sports advice given to athletes. Bypass athletes need to limit carbohydrates, fluids, and energy intake and consume a protein-based diet. This case study describes the sport nutrition concerns of a woman who, after having gastric bypass surgery, trained to run a marathon (42 km). Because of her limited ability to consume food and fluids, she experienced difficulty preventing fatigue and dehydration during her long training runs and the marathon itself. She learned through trial and error how to survive the nutritional challenges and complete the marathon. Health professionals need to be aware of the potential medical risks associated with endurance exercise in gastric bypass patients. Research is needed to determine the best sports nutrition practices for bypass patients. Only then can sport dietitians better educate this small but growing contingent of endurance athletes so the athletes can meet their training and performance goals and reduce their risk of experiencing serious health consequences.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of and relationship between the disorders of the female athlete triad in collegiate athletes participating in aesthetic, endurance, or team/anaerobic sports. Participants were 425 female collegiate athletes from 7 universities across the United States. Disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and musculoskeletal injuries were assessed by a health/medical, dieting and menstrual history questionnaire, the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), and the Eating Disorder Inventory Body Dissatisfaction Subscale (EDI-BD). The percentage of athletes reporting a clinical diagnosis of anorexia and bulimia nervosa was 3.3% and 2.3%, respectively; mean ( SD) EAT and EDI-BD scores were 10.6 9.6 and 9.8 7.6, respectively. The percentage of athletes with scores indicating "at-risk" behavior for an eating disorder were 15.2% using the EAT-26 and 32.4% using the EDI-BD. A similar percentage of athletes in aesthetic, endurance, and team/anaerobic sports reported a clinical diagnosis of anorexia or bulimia. However, athletes in aesthetic sports scored higher on the EAT-26 (13.5 10.9) than athletes in endurance (10.0 9.3) or team/anaerobic sports (9.9 9.0, p <.02); and more athletes in aesthetic versus endurance or team/anaerobic sports scored above the EAT-26 cut-off score of 20 (p <.01). Menstrual irregularity was reported by 31% of the athletes not using oral contraceptives, and there were no group differences in the prevalence of self-reported menstrual irregularity. Muscle and bone injuries sustained during the collegiate career were reported by 65.9% and 34.3% of athletes, respectively, and more athletes in aesthetic versus endurance and team/anaerobic sports reported muscle (p =.005) and/or bone injuries (p <.001). Athletes "at risk" for eating disorders more frequently reported menstrual irregularity (p =.004) and sustained more bone injuries (p =.003) during their collegiate career. These data indicate that while the prevalence of clinical eating disorders is low in female collegiate athletes, many are "at risk" for an eating disorder, which places them at increased risk for menstrual irregularity and bone injuries.  相似文献   

本文通过对运动疲劳动物模型建立的规律和方法,及其与运动疲劳理论方面的联系的研究,提出应用中医中药消除运动员训练中的疲劳,提高其机能。要根据中医的整体观念和辩证实施的原则,辩证论治,并利用现代医学的诊断技术,加强疲劳机制理论和治疗的研究。  相似文献   

本文通过对运动疲劳动物模型建立的规律和方法,及其与运动疲劳理论方面的联系的研究,提出应用中医中药消除运动员训练中的疲劳,提高其机能。要根据中医的整体观念和辩证实施的原则,辩证论治,并利用现代医学的诊断技术,加强疲劳机制理论和治疗的研究。  相似文献   

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