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目的了解公众对公共卫生事件的舆论动态,为卫生行政部门决策提供及时的信息支持。方法按照监测方案要求,动态实时监测公共卫生相关舆情,对舆情信息进行汇总、分析。结果共监测6类媒体114条舆情,监测内容前三位为传染病、食品安全、药品安全。结论媒体舆情监测能实现公共卫生问题的早发现、早应对,最大限度地减少不良舆论的负面影响。  相似文献   

目的 为了解我国职业性化学事件的发生规律及特征,通过网络舆情监测我国职业性化学事件,以期为制定有效的预防控制策略提供参考依据,同时为化学事件舆情监测及预警提供新思路。方法 每日通过互联网搜集整理职业性化学事件,从事件发生时间、地区、行业、原因等多方面统计分析。结果 2021年共收集职业性化学事件99起,受累人数356例,其中死亡186例,4~7月是事件的高发期,主要是有限空间中毒与窒息事件;事件级别以一般事件为主,集中发生在中、小型企业,事件报告地区最多的是广东省;事件主要发生在化学原料和化学制品制造业及水的生产和供应业,以制造、清理和检修岗位为主,毒物种类主要为窒息性气体和有机溶剂,主要涉及硫化氢、苯;事件发生原因可能是缺乏安全意识、设备跑冒滴漏、缺乏防护措施等。结论 职业性化学事件仍然多发、危害严重,主管部门及用人单位应加强监督管理,有效管控作业风险,加大对重点行业、岗位的监管力度,保障劳动者的健康及生命安全。  相似文献   

目的分析探讨2016-03 "山东问题疫苗事件"中的网络舆情发展特点以及其对四川省舆情监测工作的启发。方法以"山东问题疫苗"为关键词,通过舆情监测软件和百度搜索引擎搜索2016-03-18/04-28期间的相关网络信息。结果 2016-03-18/04-28,百度搜索"山东非法疫苗",相关结果有1 890 000条,舆情监测软件监测到102 455条;新浪微博话题"山东非法疫苗"阅读量1. 79亿次,讨论7. 9万条。分析发现本次舆情事件舆论观点分为正面、负面和干扰性观点3类,舆情发展为分为4个阶段:第1、2阶段中,曝光后3 d、6 d,舆情数量分别达到第1个高峰和最高峰;第3阶段,舆情事件发生6 d后开始下降;第4阶段舆情信息量基本平稳甚至消失。受该事件影响,四川省内共监测到2条影响较大的舆情信息,浏览量均过百万。结论从该事件监测和分析结果得出"山东问题疫苗事件"舆情演变特征和规律。本事件最明显的特征是各部门和政府的正面回应后,舆情的数量明显下降;另一方面,该事件引起强烈的社会关注,对于公共卫生事件的发生,事件相关部门或者政府尽早正确应对是减少群众恐慌的最有效方法。四川省内疫苗事件虽然发生在该敏感时期,但未引起大规模舆情,也印证了公共卫生舆情监测的重要性。  相似文献   

了解河南省学生结核病监测结果,为制定有效的学校结核病疫情防控措施提供参考.方法 对河南省2005-2012年中国结核病信息管理系统统计分析模块中“不同类型肺结核患者职业分布统计”进行逐年筛选,并导进Excel进行分析,采用SAS9.13进行统计分析.结果 2005-2012年河南省登记学生结核病患者32742例,占全省登记数的5.2%;学生结核病患者登记数从2005年的5190例(占总数的5.9%)下降到2012年的2622例(占3.7%);学生结核病患者中胸膜炎比例为7.6%,且呈逐年上升趋势;学生结核病患者比例每年第二季度呈现高峰.结论 2005-2012年河南省学生结核病疫情呈下降趋势,结核性胸膜炎患者所占比例较高.学生结核病每年第二季度高发.  相似文献   

目的 从医疗卫生机构的特点出发探究三级公立医院舆情监测处置的对策建议。方法 对宁夏某三甲医院2019—2021年舆情处置情况进行回顾性统计与分析,通过阐述该院舆情监测处置机制,对舆情信息载体、舆情信息内容、舆情处置结果进行分析,进而对舆情处置工作中的不足提出建议。结果 建议提高舆情监测手段,提高医护人员职业道德,加强科室内部舆情分析研判,对投诉高发院区及科室进行针对性干预,完善处置机制。结论 通过对舆情的统计、分析、甄别,为医院管理者提高舆情监测处置效率、提升患者满意度拓宽渠道。  相似文献   

河南省结核病死亡监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解河南省结核病监测区结核病死亡情况及其发展趋势。方法:采用死亡率、YPLL(潜在寿命损失年数)率对河南省结核病监测区1992~1998年结核病死亡情况进行分析。结果:7年间监测区因结核病死亡683人,其中因肺结核病死亡占90.19%;因结核病造成的YPLL为6552人年,其中因肺结核病造成的YPLL占86.17%;平均每例结核病人、肺结核病人死亡造成的YPLL分别为9.6人年和9.2人年。1995~1998年肺结核病年龄标化死恨率年平均递增17.88%,肺结核病造成的年龄标化YPLL率年平均递增13.57%。结论:近年来,河南省结核病监测区结核病导致死亡的卫生问题逐年加重,此现象应引起重视及进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的 通过开展福建省结核病耐药监测点监测,了解结核病耐药状况,为制订结核病控制对策提供依据。方法 对福建省9个设区市的9个监测点2008年9月-2009年8月门诊新登记涂阳患者分离的结核分枝杆菌复合群,采用WHO/IUATLD推荐的比例法进行异烟肼、链霉素、利福平和乙胺丁醇耐药性检测。结果 共1 014例病例纳入监测分析,总体耐药率为19.8%,耐多药率为4.6%,其中初始耐药率为17.9%,初始耐多药率为3.4%,获得性耐药率为44.0%,获得性耐多药率为20.0%。结论 福建省结核病耐药监测点耐药率低于全国平均水平,但高于国际平均水平,今后仍要进一步加强耐药结核病的防治工作。  相似文献   

舆情监测是国家传染病和突发公共卫生事件监测系统的有力补充。在互联网时代,人们通过网络媒体、社交媒体等方式极其迅速的传播舆情信息,这些信息是非常重要的情报来源,成为预测疾病暴发、早期预警和防灾应急的重要手段。本文系统总结了国内外舆情监测在公共卫生事件监测预警中的研究进展及应用案例,归纳了三种舆情监测的方式,分析了舆情监测相对于传统监测系统的优势,能够有效地在事件发生前预警预测或事件发生后反馈应对。但是,目前舆情监测受到网络使用、媒体引导及搜索习惯的限制,建议未来将基于网络的舆情监测系统整合入已有的监测系统,探索适应我国的舆情监测平台和手段。  相似文献   

舆情监测是国家传染病和突发公共卫生事件监测系统的有力补充。在互联网时代,人们通过网络媒体、社交媒体等方式极其迅速的传播舆情信息,这些信息是非常重要的情报来源,成为预测疾病暴发、早期预警和防灾应急的重要手段。本文系统总结了国内外舆情监测在公共卫生事件监测预警中的研究进展及应用案例,归纳了三种舆情监测的方式,分析了舆情监测相对于传统监测系统的优势,能够有效地在事件发生前预警预测或事件发生后反馈应对。但是,目前舆情监测受到网络使用、媒体引导及搜索习惯的限制,建议未来将基于网络的舆情监测系统整合入已有的监测系统,探索适应我国的舆情监测平台和手段。  相似文献   

山东省对福山、郓城等9个结核病监测县,自1988年开始进行人口死亡登记报告工作。  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市大学新生实施PPD监测及对其中PPD反应硬结≥15mm者实施免费拍摄X线胸片检查和采取预防性治疗的必要性、可行性。方法对北京西城区三所大学自2004-2011年8年间入学新生做PPD试验,PPD反应≥15mm者摄胸部X线片并动员结核病预防性治疗,方案:3H2L2。结果 8年间共有新生14 833人,PPD试验人数14 504人,复验人数14 010人(占PPD试验人数的96.59%)。PPD反应≥15mm者1 689人(12.06%),全部摄胸部X线片,检出活动性肺结核病人4人(其中3人入学体验时已发现肺部病变),实际仅检出1人,活动性肺结核检出率(0.06%)。105人(6.22%)同意接受预防性治疗,但仅51人(48.57%)完成治疗。全部学生在校期间未发现肺及肺外结核病。为检出这名病人实际花费291 095.49元。结论北京市大学入学新生实施PPD监测及预防性治疗措施耗资巨大而无实效,不太符合费用/效益原则决策者应进一步调查研究以审核该项措施的可行性。  相似文献   

目的分析河南省报纸关于结核病相关信息的发布情况,为制订结核病信息传播策略提供依据。方法对25家河南省报纸在2011年发布结核病相关信息进行分析,使用Microsoft Office Access 2007软件按数量、主题、信源和体裁分类统计。结果 2011年25家河南省报纸共发布结核病相关信息71篇,其中3月份发布35篇。40.80%的信息是以结核病防治知识普及为主题的;76.00%的信息的来源为结防机构和专家学者;60.10%的信息体裁为消息。结论信息发布的数量相对较少且发布不均衡;信息的主题、信源、体裁相对单一,缺乏多样性。报纸需要深入、全面、持续地发布结核病相关信息,营造多部门参与结核病防治工作。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the ways that tuberculosis (TB) has been represented in the print media in New Zealand over recent years (2002-2004). Our broad contention is that, notwithstanding its biomedical reality, TB is socially constructed by, and through, human experience. Further, public health practitioners depend, to a large extent, on the media to alert the public to threats of disease and opportunities for protection. However, the messages conveyed are sometimes neither helpful nor accurate. In our analysis of TB coverage in three major daily newspapers in New Zealand, we enumerate and classify references to the disease, as well as undertake a discursive analysis of the revealed themes. Of the 366 texts we retrieved in the database search, we selected 120 for in-depth analysis. Our examination indicated the importance of bovine TB within the national consciousness, the stigmatised character of TB and the association between TB and immigrants. We observe that newspaper 'stories' in general, and commentaries by public health officials in particular, are invariably offered on a 'case by case' basis. We conclude that this specificity in time and place avoids more challenging discourses linking TB with deeply embedded determinants of health such as the strong link between TB and poverty.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis has brought with it diverse perspectives concerning the way in which the disease should be managed. The media is an important source of these perspectives, as they perform the dual role of reflecting and shaping public discourse. In this study, we are interested in how the media presents multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in South Africa, where both variants are a growing public health concern. We examined newspaper content from 310 South African newspaper articles from February 2004 to July 2009 that discussed MDR-TB and XDR-TB. Newspaper articles were collected from the Dow Jones Factiva database and imported into QDA Miner v3.2.1 for analysis. Using Attride-Stirling's thematic network analysis method, articles were analyzed according to themes, sub-themes, and thematic networks. This analysis identified two main dimensions: causes of MDR/XDR-TB and treatment approaches/solutions. Causes of MDR/XDR-TB revolved around three main global themes: i) patient-centred causes (32.6%); ii) lack of infection control procedures (18.7%); and iii) health systems failures (19.4%). Treatment approaches or solutions to tackling MDR/XDR-TB focused on i) patient targeted solutions (38.4%); ii) improving infection control (12.3%); iii) systems restructuring (10.6%); and iv) new diagnostic and therapeutic options (10%). Our analysis identifies a trend in the South African media to identify a broad range of causes of MDR/XDR-TB, while emphasizing that treatment approaches should be directed primarily at the individual. Of particular importance is the fact that such a perspective runs contrary to the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendations for approaching the TB epidemic, in particular by insufficiently addressing systemic and social drivers of the epidemic. Due to the media's potential influence on policy formation, how the media presents issues - especially issues pertaining to emerging public health concerns - should warrant more attention.  相似文献   

目的了解结核病患者结核病防治相关知识水平,为今后更有效地开展结核病防治健康教育工作提供方向和重点。方法采用5阶段分层系统随机抽样方法,在全国抽取19个省60个县/区共144名自述结核病患者。使用统一设计的调查问卷对调查对象进行入户面对面询问式调查。结果患者结核病防治知识核心信息总知晓率为73.4%。66.7%患者知道肺结核病的主要症状为咳嗽咳痰,95.1%患者知晓肺结核病是传染病,82.6%患者认为肺结核能够治愈,84.7%患者知道国家有免费检查和治疗政策。结论应结合检查治疗督导,充分利用媒体和人际传播手段,加强对结核病患者的健康教育。  相似文献   

目的了解昆明市公共场所的卫生现状。方法对2010-2012年昆明市176家市级发证的公共场所卫生监测资料进行分析。结果3年共监测公共场所样品10105件,合格9961件,总合格率为98.57%。不同类别公共场所之间差异有统计学意义(X^2=151.99,P〈0.01)。旅店业合格率为99.10%,理发美容店为99.78%,商场为99.61%,公共浴室和医院候诊室分别是96.24%和93.77%。公共场所空气中不同项目监测合格率差异有统计学意义(X^2=219.96,P〈0.01),风速、照度、一氧化碳、二氧化碳合格率均为100%,合格率较低的监测项目为噪声和温度、分别是96.08%、95.00%。结论昆明市公共场所总体卫生状况良好,医院候诊室应加强对患者的引导和提示,避免噪声超标,公共用品消毒工作仍需加强监管。  相似文献   

公共卫生事件往往会引起社会广泛关注,进而在一定程度上影响政府的公信力和社会和谐稳定,作为公共卫生从业人员,应遵守公共健康伦理道德,发布任何消息前都要考虑到公众的理解能力和可能引发的社会影响。现以近年来发生的媒体传播的两个公共卫生事件为例,分析讨论公共卫生从业人员应遵循的伦理道德:公共卫生从业人员不应当通过新闻媒体向公众告知没有得到证实的假设;公共卫生从业人员必须确保以客观的、审慎的方式向公众公开研究成果;只有在研究成果经过严格的科学审查后,才应当把他们公布于众;公共卫生从业人员要明确自身的沟通责任,在发布任何报告前,必须考虑到对公众的影响。  相似文献   



Recent scholarship has focused on using social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) as a secondary data stream for disease event detection. However, reported implementations such as (4) underscore where the real value may lie in using social media for surveillance. We provide a framework to illuminate uses of social media beyond passive observation, and towards improving active responses to public health threats.


User-generated content enabled by social media tools provide a stream of data that augment surveillance data. Current use of social media data focuses on identification of disease events. However, once identification occurs, the leveraging of social media in monitoring disease events remains unclear (2, 3). To clarify this, we constructed a framework mapped to the surveillance cycle, to understand how social media can improve public health actions.


This framework builds on extant literature on surveillance and social media found in PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Science, using keywords: “public health”, “surveillance”, “outbreak”, and “social media”. We excluded articles on online tools that were not interactive e.g., aggregated web-search results. Of 2,064 articles, 23 articles were specifically on the use of social media in surveillance work. Our review yielded five categories of social media use within the surveillance cycle (
Surveillance Cycle StepsCategories of Social Media Use
Detect: Identify disease event (collection of data and consolidation and interpretation of data)l. Utilize as secondary data stream for disease event detection (passive)
Connect & Inform: Provide resources and information e.g. status updates (dissemination of information)2. Disseminate links to information/resources and status updates (active)
3. Monitor response to the information (passive)
Intervene: Respond to disease event (take action to control and prevent)4. Utilize as intervention (active)
5. Monitor response to intervention (passive)
Open in a separate windowFinally, we used the 1918 Influenza Pandemic to illustrate an application of this framework (Fig 1), if it were part of the public health toolkit. In 1918, America was already becoming a “mass media” society. Yet a key difference in mass communications today is the enabling of public health to be more adaptive through the interactivity of social media.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Social media mapping to 1918 epi curves for NY State (1).


We used this “pre-social media” disease event to underscore where the real value of social media may lie in the surveillance cycle. Thus for 1918, early detection of disease could have occurred with many, e.g., sailors aboard ships in New York City’s port sharing their “status updates” with the world. [Insert Image #2 here]After detection, social media use could have shifted to help connect and inform. In 1918, this could include identifying and advising the infected on current hygiene practices and how to protect themselves. Social media would have enabled the rapid sharing of this information to friends and family, allowing public health officials to monitor the response. Then, to support multiple intervention efforts, public health officials could have rapidly messaged on local school closures; they could also have encouraged peer behavior by posting via Twitter or by “Pinning” handkerchiefs on Pinterest to encourage respiratory etiquette, and then monitored responses to these interventions, adjusting messaging accordingly.


The interactivity of social media moves us beyond using these tools solely as uni-directional, mass-broadcast channels. Beyond messaging about disease events, these tools can simultaneously help inform, connect, and intervene because of the user-generated feedback. These tools enable richer use beyond a noisy data stream for detection.  相似文献   

Public opinion on childhood immunisations in Iceland     
IntroductionIn recent years, vaccine preventable diseases such as measles and pertussis have been re-emerging in Western countries, maybe because of decreasing participation in childhood vaccination programs in some countries. There is clear evidence for vaccine efficacy and the risk of adverse effects is low. This needs to be communicated to the general public. The aim of the study was to evaluate the public opinion on childhood vaccinations in Iceland.Materials and methodsAn internet based study was used to evaluate the opinion on childhood immunisations in Iceland. The cohort was divided in three groups: (a) general public (b) employees of the University Hospital Iceland and (c) employees (teachers and staff) of the University of Iceland. The cohorts could be stratified according to age, gender, education, household income, parenthood and residency.ResultsResponses were received from 5584 individuals (53% response rate). When asked about childhood vaccinations in the first and second year of life, approximately 95% of participants were “positive” or “very positive”, approximately 1% were “negative” or “very negative”. When participants were asked whether they would have their child immunized according to the Icelandic childhood vaccination schedule, 96% were “positive” or “very positive”, 1.2% were “negative” or “very negative”. Similarly, 92% trust Icelandic Health authorities to decide on childhood vaccination schedule, 2.3% did not. In total, 9.3% “rather” or “strongly” agreed to the statement “I fear that vaccinations can cause severe adverse effects”, 17.5% were undecided and 66.9% “disagreed” or “strongly disagreed”. Individuals with higher education were more likely to disagree with this statement (OR = 1.45, CI95 = 1.29–1.64, p < 0.001) as did males (OR = 1.22, CI95 = 1.087–1.379, p = 0.001).ConclusionThis study shows a very positive attitude towards vaccinations raising expectations for an ongoing success in preventing preventable communicable diseases in childhood in Iceland.  相似文献   

王耀晖  戴悦  邱申伟  刘聚矩 《职业与健康》2014,(8):1096-1098
目的了解铜陵市大中型公共场所室内空气环境卫生质量状况,为卫生监督管理提供依据。方法按照公共场所卫生标准(GB9663—1996至GB9673—1996、GB16153—1996)中规定的相关项目进行现场测定,足浴场所依据上海市地方标准《足浴服务卫生要求》(DB31359—2006)进行,依照《公共场所卫生综合评价方法》(WS/T199—2001)对室内空气环境进行综合评价。结果监测9类292户次公共场所室内空气环境,监测项目总项次为2214项次,合格总项次为1888项次,总合格率为85.3%。其中公共浴室合格率为51.8%。各类别公共场所监测项目总项次合格率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。经过综合评价,292户次中达I级户次占32.2%,II级户次占60.6%,111级户次占7.2%,1V级户次为0,不同类别公共场所I级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级分别所占比例差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论铜陵市公共场所室内空气环境卫生状况总体情况良好,今后须进一步加强公共场所卫生监督监测和卫生管理工作,尤其是对公共浴室的监督监测管理,全面提高公共场所的卫生质量。  相似文献   

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