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面向医院管理改进的医疗服务顾客满意度模型研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文从提高医院服务运作管理水平的需要出发,以市场为向导,以提高患者满意度、缓解医患矛盾为目的,综合医院医疗效果、服务态度、医疗流程、就医环境等综合因素,对医疗服务的顾客满意问题进行研究,建立而向我国医院医疗服务管理诊断和服务改进的顾客满意度模型,以推动医院及时发现内部管理问题,改进医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

21世纪的护理管理工作者,仅靠经验的积累和旧的管理模式势必难以胜任高要求的护理管理工作,并且护士长素质的高低将直接影响着医院的护理管理质量和社会形象,故此要求护士长必须提高个人素质和管理水平,为病人提供全方位、全过程、满意的护理和服务。[第一段]  相似文献   

浅谈国外医院管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国现行的医院管理模式已不能适应我国经济社会的快速发展。与国外医院相比较,我国医疗的管理水平还是比较低下的。文章从组织管理、医疗管理等六个方面对国外医疗的先进管理模式进行了简要介绍,希望对提高我国医院的管理水平加快医院的现代化建设有所帮助。  相似文献   

谈员工满意和病人满意之间的和谐关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
医院是融合高技术、高风险为一体的特殊服务性行业,工作核心是提高病人满意度,不管是从技术上还是从服务上,病人满意是医院管理始终如一的标准。但是,病人满意度的提高是通过服务来实现的,而医疗服务最重要的是通过医务人员的劳动来完成的。虽然病人的满意度受众多社会因素的影响和制约,但是,医务人员对工作的满意程度如何,直接影响到对病人的服务,最终影响到病人满意度。  相似文献   

浅谈护理标准化管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我院自1997年成立了标准化管理科,以提高护理管理水平为突破口,使病房达到工作程序化、操作正规化、制度规范化,为病人创造了好的就医环境。(一)护理标准化管理的必要性:标准是衡量事物的准则。医院实行标准化管理,是实施科学管理的基础,是医院现代化管理的重...  相似文献   

由于妇产医院经常面对的都是孕产妇和新生儿定比较特殊的患者,所以护理部要把怎样持续护理质量、改善护理服务以及确保病人的人身安全作为整个护理部工作的主要方向。提升妇产医院护理管理水平的主要措施是建立科学有效的评价制度与护理质量管理,同时完善护理管理体系,持续改进临床护理质量,加强对病人的安全管理改变护理质控模式,将二级指控合理的落实到位。并认真做好妇产医院护理人员的护生带教与继续教育工作,将服务理念落实到本职工作中,提高病人的满意程度。  相似文献   

为加强医院管理经验交流和学术探讨.促进各地各级各类医院围绕“以病人为中心”,提高院管理水平.规范医疗服务行为,本刊在全国范围内组织开展“医院管理年征史评奖”活动,并拟举办“医院管理论坛”活动。  相似文献   

试论市场经济下医院竞争的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 以医疗保险制度改革为契机,主动适应观念转变 随着医保制度的实施,病人就诊自由度的提高,医务人员有了危机感。医疗质量保证,医疗费用合理,服务态度满意,成为医疗市场竞争的三要素。医疗保险制度,对医院既带来挑战,也带来机遇,是提高医院管理水平的良好契机。对此,医院要主动迎接挑战,规范医疗行为,提高技术水平,改善服务态度,健全和完善与医保改革配套的措施,严格执行“总量控制,结构调整”政策,努力做到合理检查,合理用药,缩短平均住院日降低医保  相似文献   

在“医院管理年”活动中.我院领导高度重视.专题研究.认真布置.坚持以病人为中心,以提高医疗服务质昔为主题.把提高医院管理水平.持续改进医疗质量和保障医疗安全为管理年的核心内容.坚持把追求社会效益.维护群众利益.构建和谐医患关系放在第一位.健全医院的“质量、安全、服务、费用”等项管理制度,探索建立医院科学管理的长效机制.使医院管理逐步达到科学化、规范化、制度化。  相似文献   

文章根据药房的实际情况并结合医院的整体业务,探讨在信息技术条件下,如何设计出符合现代医院管理要求的门诊药房流程,优化了医院现有的药房流程,提高了药房工作效率,同时提高了病人满意度,体现了“以病人为中心”的管理思想。  相似文献   

Development and validation of an in-patient satisfaction questionnaire.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To develop a psychometrically sound, hospital patient satisfaction questionnaire to be administered to patients discharged from medical and surgical services. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey in Spanish. SETTING: Four acute care general hospitals of the Basque Health Service. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: Random samples of 650 discharged patients from each hospital during February and March 2002. A total of 1910 patients responded to the questionnaire (73.5%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall perceived quality of health care and perceived health improvement. RESULTS: No sociodemographic differences were found between respondents and non-respondents. Six dimensions were identified from the factor analysis, explaining 50% of the variance. All items, except two, revealed loadings above 0.4. Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.7 for all dimensions, except privacy. Comfort was the dimension with the lowest level of patient satisfaction, whereas privacy was the most satisfactory. The interscale correlations never exceeded the internal consistency of each scale. The analysis of the dimensions with two items of global assessment showed a positive correlation. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained from the development and validation of the questionnaire provide evidence of its psychometric properties, although it would be useful to carry out further analyses to assess time-based properties of reliability. We found a positive relation between the degree of patient satisfaction and overall evaluation of the quality of health care, providing evidence of the ability of the questionnaire to correlate with other concepts. The in-patient satisfaction questionnaire could become a useful instrument in quality-of-care assessment.  相似文献   

Many Greek politicians and media attribute high dissatisfaction with the public health services to the quality of public hospitals. Provoking this view, this study attempts to investigate the patient's opinion and provides some preliminary results for the level of services provided by three public hospitals. A patient satisfaction survey with a self-administered questionnaire of 1295 adult patients show high rates for medical and nursing services and fair rates for hotel services and facilities. The medical-nursing index (which can range from 0 to 100) shows a mean of 86.4 and the rate for the hotel services is 75.9. Statistical analysis shows different satisfaction rates by age and level of education, an outcome that is consistent with other similar satisfaction studies. Differences of patient satisfaction relating to the area of hospital need to be examined carefully by gathering more data from Greek hospitals. Our preliminary results demonstrate that the high dissatisfaction of the public cannot be attributed to the quality of hospital care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to improve the quality of health care it is necessary to know the point of view of the patients through satisfaction surveys. Satisfaction surveys need some psychometric properties to guarantee its reliability and validity. The aim of this paper is to design and to validate a questionnaire to determine the satisfaction of patients of the hospital outpatient clinics. METHODS: Validation of a satisfaction questionnaire, designed by an expert group and composed for 12 questions. The questionnaire was given to a sample of 677 patients attended in the hospital Gregorio Mara?ón outpatient clinics. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were established: construct validity, concurrent criterion validity, predictive capacity and internal consistency. RESULTS: Two dimensions were identified in the construct validity analyses, explaining 63% of the variance: "clinical quality" and "administrative quality". The concurrent validity analysis showed a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.85 related to the standard criterion "global satisfaction with the attention provided in outpatient clinics" and an OR of 1.19 related to the criterion "do you know the name of the physician who attended you?" The predictive capacity of the questionnaire was measured by discriminated analysis, obtaining 84% of correct classified, and the internal consistency test gave a Cronbach's alpha of 0.90. CONCLUSIONS: Our questionnaire has enough psychometric properties to be considered an useful and feasible tool to measure the satisfaction of patients of the hospital outpatient clinics.  相似文献   

目的建立一套符合医院实际情况的住院病人满意度第三方测评指标体系,并通过满意度评价,为医院决策提供科学依据。方法采取第三方调查的形式,围绕医院设施、技术水平、服务态度、医疗收费、医德医风等方面设计问卷,针对某综合医院展开调查。结果该问卷的信度、效度较好,某院总体评价较高。影响病人满意度总评分的因素主要是医院设施、医院流程、后勤服务等。结论该问卷可尝试作为量表使用;提高住院病人满意度应该从硬件、服务、效率和费用等方面入手。  相似文献   

目的找出影响医院职工满意度和忠诚度的影响因素并提出对策。方法自行设计问卷并于2015年5月和2016年7月对职工分层抽样进行调研,采用SPSS 22.0软件进行结果分析。结果经统计分析将问卷59项问项聚成有形性、可靠性、呼应性、支持度、转换成本、满意度和忠诚度等7个维度。支持度对职工满意度、忠诚度影响最大。在编、中级职称者满意度低,科研、后勤及高级职称者忠诚度高。所有职工2016年满意度和忠诚度较2015年显著提高(P<0.05)。结论医院通过改革与转型,大胆创新,实行绩效改革,不拘一格用人才,推动科室间  相似文献   

目的 测评医院患者和职工的感知服务质量,了解患者就诊和职工工作满意程度,提升医疗服务质量。方法 根据ServQual量表5个维度定义设计患者组与职工组两套量表,每套量表共设22个问项的问卷调查表,分别对医院门诊、住院患者和职工发放问卷,并让职工填写患者卷自评对患者提供的服务质量,用数据SPSS20.0统计分析。结果 患者卷和职工自评卷5个维度感受满意。职工卷有形性感受满意,移情性和可靠性感受性差,保证性与响应性感受性次之。女职工较男职工感受性好,30~49岁组职工感受性差,临床一线职工感受性差,其中以医技人员和医生为突出。结论 医院应保护职工利益、需求,合理安排工作时间与强度。提升职工感知服务质量更能提升患者感知的医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

620名军人伤病员就医行为调查分析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
目的:了解军人伤病员就医需求,优化服务措施,提高服务满意度。方法;随机抽取620名军人伤病员就诊目的及就医需求进行问卷调查。结果:来医院会诊的占56.6%,伤病员最需要的是医疗技术水平占52.2%和服务质量占31.6%.结论:医院应强化职能意识、优化就医流程、提高服务质量和技术水平、规范医疗行为、改善医疗环境。  相似文献   

目的探讨健康教育对糖尿病人的影响,帮助患者合理控制血糖水平,减少或延迟各种并发症的发生,提高患者的生存质量和满意度。方法对106例糖尿病人采取多种形式的强化健康教育,包括入院期间的随时教育和出院后的电话随访、家访教育,通过问卷调查,患者定期复查等方式了解患者治疗的依从性和血糖、血脂的控制状况。结果半年后患者对糖尿病基本知识的掌握、合理饮食、运动锻炼、规律用药、定时监测血糖、体重控制、戒除烟酒、加强足部护理方面与教育前比较有显著性差异(P<0.01),血糖、血脂水平较教育前亦有明显改善(P<0.05)。结论通过充分利用护理资源对糖尿病人实施有效的健康教育,可以显著提高患者治疗的依从性,较理想地控制相关生化指标,改善患者生存质量。  相似文献   

某大学附属医院住院患者满意度调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对患者满意度进行调查分析,以期为提升医院医疗服务水平提供参考。方法采用武汉市卫生局统一制定的住院患者满意度调查表,以问卷的方式开展调查,对2011年5月至2012年5月期间住院满一周的患者共1 300例进行调查。调查内容包括医院环境、医师服务、护士服务、后勤服务等11个项目。结果 95.2%对医院的总体印象满意。医院环境,对导医标识、卫生设施的满意率为97%、96%,内外环境患者的满意率为90%;医师服务,对服务态度、诊疗技术患者的满意率为98%、97%,对医师耐心解答患者问题的满意率为94%;护理服务,对服务态度、护理技术患者的满意率为99%、97%;医技科室服务态度,对放射科工作人员的患者满意率为94%,对B超室工作人员的患者满意率为90%,对心电图工作人员的患者满意率为97%,对检验科工作人员的患者满意率为95%;病房管理,健康教育、对住院患者入、出院介绍的患者满意率最高为100%,对住院膳食的患者满意度最低为85%。结论该院的医疗服务水平还有提升的空间,病房膳食品种和质量有待改善。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hospital physician shortages are widely recognized as a national problem in Japan. Although physician job satisfaction has a relationship with service quality and physician turnover, there is no measure to assess Japanese hospital physician satisfaction. This paper aims to establish a measure of job satisfaction for Japanese hospital physicians and evaluated its psychometric performance. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Two cross-sectional physician surveys were used--a pilot survey, conducted as a self-administered questionnaire; and a validation survey conducted on-line. FINDINGS: A total of 82 hospital physicians completed the pilot questionnaire. Factor and reliability analyses produced a 28-item, 6-subscale and 2-global satisfaction scale measure, the Japan hospital physicians satisfaction scale (HPSS). Results supported the measure's reliability and validity. For the validation survey, 146 hospital physicians completed the online questionnaire. One question item was substituted following factor analysis. Results also displayed the measure's adequate psychometric properties. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Participating physicians were convenience samples, which may not fully represent Japanese hospital physicians. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The JHPSS, a brief questionnaire measuring Japanese hospital physician job satisfaction, should be useful for providing better quality care and improving our understanding of and ability to deal with Japanese hospital workforce issues.  相似文献   

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