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大众媒体中有关肥胖信息报道的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众媒体是人们获得健康信息的主要途径之一,具有覆盖面广、资源利用率与传播效率高的特点。因此,其信息的准确与否,直接影响到人们的知识、信念以及行为。目前,还没有大众媒体中有关肥胖信息情况的调查分析。为了解大众媒体中有关肥胖信息的情况,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所于2003年4月使用因特网检索有关肥胖的信息,并对这些信息进行分析、归类,找出存在的问题。  相似文献   

Internet作为一种传媒手段 ,对社会生活各方面的影响越来越显示其无与伦比的作用。Internet的资源信息最多的当数科技信息资源。有关学生健康教育的资讯也很多 ,从Internet获取各类健康教育信息是一个很好的、非常适用的方法。目前 ,有关学生健康教育的资讯主要为国外资源 ,多数为英文。国外对健康教育向来重视 ,本文将就目前因特网上有关大学生健康教育资讯作一介绍。1 整体情况Internet上的资源 ,很大一部分属于个人健康保健。学生属于一个特定的人群 ,国外一般归属于青少年健康保健 ,有关学生健康教育…  相似文献   

开展病人教育,使病人具备所患疾病的知识并参与临床决策,既能节约国家医疗资源,节省病人费用,又能提高病人的健康素质和生活质量。互联网为开展病人教育提供了极好的媒体。应以多种形式、多种媒体,特别是以互联网开展病人教育活动。对开展病人教育的必要性、意义、及利用互联网开展此项工作的现实可能性及方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1.1 网络应用日益广泛因特网为医学领域提供了强大的信息资源。近年来,随着生命科学的高度发展,引起医学信息数量的急剧变化,因特网上的生物医学信息资源异常丰富,内容广泛,时效性强,网上海量的医学信息资源使研究人员和医学工作者应用网络获取信息的需求日益增长,这促使国内越来越多的医学图书馆和医学情报机构在信息服务、日常管理和决策等环节上应用网络信息技术为用户服务,指导用户在网络环境中寻找所需的医学信息资源。  相似文献   

因特网时代的到来给传统的教育方式带来了巨大的挑战。国外研究表明,有1/3的上网者曾经在网上浏览过生殖健康知识。因特网可以成为一条有效的性教育途径。因此,通过因特网开展互动性的性教育是一种非常有发展前景的方法。本文通过对青少年上网和通过因特网获取性相关知识状况的分析,为今后在我国开展网络性教育提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:了解因特网在青少年中的使用情况,探讨通过因特网实施性及生殖健康教育的可行性。方法:对上海市1 353名在校青少年进行了集中匿名式自填问卷调查。结果:调查发现89.98%的青少年曾经登录过因特网,上网的地点主要是家里(39.32%)和网吧(33.83%)。有37.41%的对象曾经主动在网上寻求过性知识,33.67%的人曾经浏览过黄色网站。67.76%的青少年认为通过因特网实施性教育是一条好的途径。结论:目前在青少年中因特网的使用程度相当高,通过因特网开展性及生殖健康教育是完全可行的。  相似文献   

健康教育与大众媒体互动合作机制的定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解大众媒体报道艾滋病的现状,探索大众媒体与健康教育机构之间的互动合作模式。方法以艾滋病的宣传报道为切入点,对15名从事艾滋病宣传报道的负责人或记者进行个人深入访谈。结果影响大众媒体与健康教育机构之间合作的因素主要是资金、观念与机制。大众媒体与健康教育机构之间合作的最佳方式是相互理解、优势互补,建立健全双方长期、定时的信息交流机制和良好的互动合作机制,前者提供宣传平台,后者提供健康信息。结论大众媒体与健康教育机构之阃的合作既有基础,又有必要。加强两者的合作,将是一项双赢的策略。  相似文献   

与媒体联手 开展健康教育   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王璐 《中国健康教育》2003,19(2):101-101
健康教育传播手段是健康教育者与群众间的桥梁 ,但由于体制、人才、经费等因素制约 ,目前这座桥梁的作用难以充分发挥。本文通过淮安市健康教育机构与主流媒体结合 ,达到更好地动员全社会参与 ,整合有限的社会资源 ,拓宽健康教育工作渠道 ,改进健康教育传播手段的经验 ,探讨改善健康教育经费紧张状况 ,丰富新闻媒体栏目内容 ,提高医疗卫生单位形象 ,取得社会、健康教育机构、媒体、医疗卫生单位多方受益。健康教育传播采取的形式1 与晚报联办 每周 1期 4个版面为《卫生与健康》专刊 ,稿件内容、编排等由市健康教育所人员负责。版面设有卫生…  相似文献   

中国正建立医疗保险制度,该制度要求医生与病人分担临床决策(做何种检查,选择什么治疗方法等)的责任,而不了解健康需求,不具备所患疾病的知识是患者参与临床决策的最大障碍,因此,开展病人教育,使病人具备所患疾病的知识并参与临床决策,既能节约国家医疗资源,节省病人费用,又能提高病人的健康素质和生活质量,互联网为开展病人教育提供了极好的媒体,因此我们呼呈以多种形式,多种媒体,特别是互联网开展病人教育活动,文章对开展病人教育的必要性,意义及利用互联网开展此项工作的的现实可能性及方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刊头寄语四川省卫生厅厅长卓凯星《中国健康教育》是国内在健康教育战线一家有影响的杂志,内容丰富,可读性强,但是为基层办栏目还是首创。形式不错,很有必要。四川是一个大省,地广人多,目前健康教育的人力、财刀和设备资源的人均占有比例还相当低,而且工作发展也不...  相似文献   

Research has shown that increasing numbers of teenagers are going online to find health information, but it is unclear whether there are disparities in the prevalence of online health seeking among young Internet users associated with social and economic conditions. Existing literature on Internet uses by adults indicates that low income, less educated, and minority individuals are less likely to be online health seekers. Based on the analysis of data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project for the US, this study finds that teens of low education parents are either as likely as or even more likely than teens of high education parents to seek online health information. Multiple regression analysis shows that the higher engagement in health seeking by teens of low education parents is related to a lower prevalence of parental Internet use, suggesting that some of these teens may be seeking online health information on behalf of their low education parents. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the issues of the digital divide and digital empowerment.  相似文献   

Many Korean Americans suffer from high levels of cancer incidence and have low cancer screening rates. A significant number of Korean Americans lack adequate information about cancer screening tests. However, little is known about their health behaviors. This article examines exposure to mass media and health information–seeking behaviors for Korean Americans, and their associations with demographic characteristics influencing variations in exposure to the different health information and trust in health information sources. The authors gathered data for this study using a cross-sectional, community-based survey conducted in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area during 2006 and 2007. It was administered to 254 Korean Americans who were 40 years of age or older. This study is part of the first health-related program of research to study exposure to mass media, health and cancer information sources, and seeking preferences and experiences of Korean Americans. Results indicated that Korean ethnic media sources and Internet are important sources used regularly. Age, years of education completed, and English proficiency levels for Korean Americans significantly predicted the likelihood of their Internet use. Low-income Korean Americans with less education were more likely to seek health information in Korean ethnic magazines and newspapers, whereas Korean Americans with higher education and English proficiency were more likely to seek information online. The most trusted source of health information among respondents was from a doctor or other health care professional. Future research should be conducted to determine whether physicians are actually used as a primary source for health information.  相似文献   

Many Korean Americans suffer from high levels of cancer incidence and have low cancer screening rates. A significant number of Korean Americans lack adequate information about cancer screening tests. However, little is known about their health behaviors. This article examines exposure to mass media and health information-seeking behaviors for Korean Americans, and their associations with demographic characteristics influencing variations in exposure to the different health information and trust in health information sources. The authors gathered data for this study using a cross-sectional, community-based survey conducted in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area during 2006 and 2007. It was administered to 254 Korean Americans who were 40 years of age or older. This study is part of the first health-related program of research to study exposure to mass media, health and cancer information sources, and seeking preferences and experiences of Korean Americans. Results indicated that Korean ethnic media sources and Internet are important sources used regularly. Age, years of education completed, and English proficiency levels for Korean Americans significantly predicted the likelihood of their Internet use. Low-income Korean Americans with less education were more likely to seek health information in Korean ethnic magazines and newspapers, whereas Korean Americans with higher education and English proficiency were more likely to seek information online. The most trusted source of health information among respondents was from a doctor or other health care professional. Future research should be conducted to determine whether physicians are actually used as a primary source for health information.  相似文献   

Considerable literature exists on the communication of risk to the public through channels such as television, radio, and newspapers. However, little has been written on the communication of risk through less traditional communication forms, such as the Internet. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the Internet as an additional source of health information to that provided by the traditional news media in managing the public's response to an emerging health risk such as a bioterrorist attack. Despite some of the Internet's advantages over traditional media, including the depth and speed in which information can be conveyed to different audiences, the Internet was underutilized during fall 2001, when it became important to convey information on the risks of anthrax. A number of developments are required if the health care system is to capitalize on the Internet's potential as a risk communication device. These developments include research into public Internet searching behavior and further development in the role of search engines and government agencies in organizing quality health information.  相似文献   

The popularity and usage of social media networks or SNS (social networking sites) among American Internet users age 50 and over doubled between 2009 and 2010 and has steadily climbed. Part of this increased access may be the result of older adults who are living with a chronic disease and are reaching out for online support. Colorectal cancer (CRC) risk is among those concerns, particularly among middle-age and older minority populations where disparities exist. This exploratory study investigates information seeking behavior related to cancer factors (e.g. testing for colon cancer, cancer fatalism) and current social media usage among racial and ethnic minority groups (African American and Latinos) and Whites age 50 and older. The secondary data from the 2012 Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) was analyzed to compare these populations. Results show that African Americans and Latinos were only slightly more likely to use social network sites to seek out cancer information compared to Whites. However, Whites were more likely to use the Internet to seek health information compared to African Americans and Latinos. In this sample, Whites were also more likely to be informed by a physician about CRC testing (p <.01). Whites were also more fatalistic about CRC (p<.001) and more likely to have self-reported receiving a positive diagnosis (p <.001). Implications of this study suggest that use of both traditional health information sources (physician) and the Internet (social media networks, Internet sites) have increased among older Americans and can serve as critical channels for cancer information and education.  相似文献   

信息化已成为当今世界发展的潮流,随着现代信息传媒的发展,传统的健康传播手段已不能满足社会经济高速发展的需要。而一些现代化的信息传播手段,如电子触摸屏、短信、网上咨询等为广大市民所熟悉并频繁使用,给健康教育工作提供了一个崭新的工作平台,给市民提供了无限的信息资源和获得信息的渠道。本文就昆山市在健康促进信息化建设和管理上进行的积极探索与实践进行介绍。  相似文献   

The use of the Internet as a health education tool and as a resource in health education planning is widely accepted as the norm in industrialized countries. Unfortunately, access to computers and the Internet is quite limited in developing countries. Not all licensed service providers operate, many users are actually foreign nationals, telephone connections are unreliable, and electricity supplies are intermittent. In this context, computer, e-mail, Internet, and CD-Rom use by health and health education program officers in five states in southwestern Nigeria were assessed to document their present access and use. Eight of the 30 organizations visited were government health ministry departments, while the remainder were non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Six NGOs and four State Ministry of Health (MOH) departments had no computers, but nearly two-thirds of both types of agency had e-mail, less than one-third had Web browsing facilities, and six had CD-Roms, all of whom were NGOs. Only 25 of the 48 individual respondents had computer use skills. Narrative responses from individual employees showed a qualitative difference between computer and Internet access and use and type of agency. NGO staff in organizations with computers indicated having relatively free access to a computer and the Internet and used these for both program planning and administrative purposes. In government offices it appeared that computers were more likely to be located in administrative or statistics offices and used for management tasks like salaries and correspondence, limiting the access of individual health staff. These two different organizational cultures must be considered when plans are made for increasing computer availability and skills for health education planning.  相似文献   

PurposeTo determine the effects of both older and newer media use on academic, social, and mental health outcomes in adolescents and young adults.MethodsWe interviewed a nationally representative panel of youth ages 14–24 years (N = 719) twice 1 year apart to determine time spent with television, the Internet, videogames, and book reading, as well as the purpose of those uses. A cluster analysis identified major combinations of media use. Regression models tested hypotheses regarding changes in self-reported school grades, participation in clubs and sports, and symptoms of depression, as predicted by recent media use and differences in cluster membership.ResultsUse of older media was related to grades, with television inversely and book reading positively related to performance. Moderate use of the Internet was positively related to participation in both sports and clubs. Although heavy use of the Internet and videogames was associated with an increase in depression, increased depression also predicted greater use of these media as well as withdrawal from sports and clubs. Clusters that used media in moderation with an emphasis on information gathering were most associated with healthy outcomes.ConclusionsDespite concerns that excessive use of new media is harmful to adolescent development, the findings reinforce previous conclusions that television detracts from academic performance and book reading supports it. Heavy use of the Internet and video gaming may be more a symptom of mental health problems than a cause. Moderate use of the Internet, especially for acquiring information, is most supportive of healthy development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore relations between Internet use, socio-economic status (SES), social support and subjective health. Participants were from representative samples between 15 and 80 years of age from seven different European countries. Two different survey datasets were used: (i) eHealth trends (eHT; N = 7934) and (ii) the European social survey (ESS2; N = 11248). Internet users who had used the Internet for health purposes were compared with Internet users who had not used it for health purposes. Structural equation modelling was used to assess the relationships between SES, Internet use, social support and subjective health. Use of other media was compared to Internet use in relation to social support and subjective health. Internet use was found to be more closely related to social support and subjective health than use of other media. Internet use was also found to be a plausible mediator between SES and subjective health, especially through interacting with social support.  相似文献   

The Internet increasingly enables diverse health communication activities, from information seeking to social media interaction. Up-to-date reporting is needed to document the national prevalence, trends, and user profiles of online health activities so that these technologies can be best used in health communication efforts. This study identifies prevalence, trend, and factors associated with seeking health information, e-mailing health care providers, and using social media for health purposes. Four iterations of HINTS survey data, collected in 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2012, were analyzed to assess population-level trends over the last decade, and current prevalence of Internet-based health communication activities. Sociodemographic and health correlates were explored through weighted logistic regression modeling. Findings demonstrated that Internet use has steadily increased, with 78% of U.S. adults online in 2012; however several digital divide factors—among them education, age, and race/ethnicity—still predict access. Once online, 70% of adults use the Internet as their first source for health information, and while 19% have e-mailed health care providers, engagement in health communication on social media is still relatively low. Distinct user profiles characterize each type of communication, with age, population density, and gender emerging as important predictors across online health activities. These findings have important implications for health communication research and practice.  相似文献   

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