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To determine which of two measures of adiposity change (total weight or percentage fat determined by volume displacement) is more strongly associated with change in blood pressure, a longitudinal study was made of 68 women aged 15–59. The initial physical characteristics of the subjects were the following: mean age, 41.2 years; average weight, 127.1 lb; average percentage body fat, 24.4%; mean systolic blood pressure, 119.8 mm Hg; and mean diastolic blood pressure, 77.8 mm Hg. Changes over an average period of 25 months consisted of a mean weight loss of 2.0 lb, percentage body fat decrease of 1.3%, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure lowering of 1.5 and 1.4 mm Hg. For all women, the correlation coefficient for change in systolic blood pressure with change in percentage body fat by volume displacement was r = 0.28 (P < 0.05). This value, although slightly higher than that obtained using body weight in this study, is not significantly different from it. Results for diastolic blood pressure were similar. Partial correlation, adjusting for age, initial weight, and percentage body fat did not change the values. These findings suggest that the use of change in percentage body fat did not provide any improvement in the relationship between changes in blood pressure and in weight.  相似文献   

The present study deals with psychological, sociological and subjective health aspects of social isolation and understimulation in institutional elderly people. In a controlled study over a 6 month period, A programme was devised in collaboration with residents of a senior citizens apartment building and its staff. The aim of the programme was to increase social activation and to encourage among the elderly an enhanced control over their daily lives. It was agreed that the programme implemented should involve no extra costs, overtime work or external resources. Most psychological and sociological variables were stable over the 6 month period. However, social activity level increased 3-fold in the Experimental group compared with the Control group. The E-group also started to attend activities outside the actual programme, and in general spent more time out of doors. Seasonal variations were found in feelings of depression, visits to the country/summer houses, as well as visits by children and neighbours. There were no changes in psychosomatic or psychological complaints indices. However, feelings of restlessness decreased significantly in the E-group over the 6 month period compared with the C-group. There was also a non significant decrease over time in complaints of heart palpitations in the E-group.  相似文献   

The Advisory Subgroup on Human Reproduction of the European Medical Research Council was founded in 1978 in order to coordinate research efforts and facilitate the exchange of information in the field. A conference held by the Subgroup on chemical methods for male fertility control in 1980 is summarized. The conference reviewed current activity in the field of male chemical fertility control, made recommendations for future research topics, and made further recommendations regarding the allocation of research funds in Europe. The following topics were covered: 1) current research being sponsored by WHO; 2) the Chinese program of research on gossypol, a male steroid pill; 3) the need for more basic research into male reproduction; 4) the advantages and disadvantages of male fertility control thorugh steroids; 5) the possibility of an immunological approach to male fertility control; and 6) the possibility that research into male infertility will provide information useful in male fertility control as well.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the hazardous effects of carbosulfun pesticide on the level of serum testosterone and on semen quality in male New Zealand rabbits, and to determine whether selenium can alleviate these effects when given to the treated animals. Carbosulfan was given orally to animals in two doses (1/100 LD50 and 1/10 LD50 per kg body weight) weekly, while selenium (0.3 mg per kg body weight) was given alone or in combination with carbosulfan. The experiment was divided into three periods of 6 weeks each as follows: preliminary, treatment and recovery. Semen and blood samples were collected weekly and biweekly throughout experiment, respectively. Semen analyses indicated significant decreases in ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm output, sperm motility and fructose content. This was associated with a significant decline in the level of serum testosterone in the treated animals. Meanwhile pesticide treatment caused increases in the percentages of abnormal and dead spermatozoa, sperm without acrosomes and methylene-blue reduction time. Selenium combined with carbosulfan reduced the detrimental effects of the pesticide in most of the measured parameters.  相似文献   

Morphologic studies on human hysterectomy specimens indicate the IUD elicits a vascular reaction which is most pronounced in the endometrium adjacent to the device. This reaction includes increased vascularity, congestion and increased permeability, and degeneration with defect formation. In addition, there is poor hemostatic responsiveness to vascular permeability and damage. The reaction leads to interstitial hemorrhage which undoubtedly causes metrorrhagia. A likely cause for initial vascular damage is mechanical stress transmitted by the IUD through the endometrium to its vascular network. Vascular reaction and poor hemostatic responsiveness may be perpetuated during each cycle by the products released from endothelial cell degeneration and necrosis. Bleeding is one of the most frequent complications leading to discontinuation of an otherwise effective form of long-term contraception and family spacing. Therefore, its solution could be of crucial importance to world-wide population control. Our findings suggest that better understanding of the mechanism of IUD-induced metrorrhagia should result from closer study of the endometrium adjacent to that which is compressed by the IUD.  相似文献   

Hormonally active chemicals in the environment such as DDT have been associated with declining male reproductive health, especially semen quality. A cross-sectional study of 60 workers was performed near the Malaria Control Center (MCC) in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Tests included a questionnaire (sexual function, fertility, and job history), a physical examination of the reproductive system, and semen analysis (produced via coitus interruptus or masturbation). Sperm count, density, and motility using the World Health Organization criteria and morphology using the strict Tygerberg criteria were determined. Serum o'p' and p'p' isomers of DDE, DDT, and DDD were measured. Forty-eight (81.0%) participants produced a semen sample, while all completed the questionnaires and physical examination. The mean sperm count was 93.8+/-130.3 million, and sperm density was 74.6+/-85.1 million/mL. The mean normal morphology score was 2.5+/-1.8% of subjects. Eighty-four percent of morphology scores were below either the WHO or the Tygerberg criteria, with the highest individual score being 6%. Self-perceived current problems with sexual function ranged between 10% and 20%. The most prevalent genital abnormality was abnormal testis disposition at 71%. There were few significant associations between DDT exposure measures (measured as years worked at MCC and serum DDT) and reproductive outcomes. p'p'-DDT was negatively associated with semen count (beta=-3.7+/-1.7; P=0.04; R2=0.05 adjusted for age, abstinence, physical abnormality, and fever in last 2 months). While the semen quality in the study was less than normal, no strong evidence for a DDT effect was found.  相似文献   

Surface changes were extensively studied by light and electron microscopy in human endometrium exposed to IUD's. A wide variety of alterations in the covering epithelium and its basal lamina (basement membrane) was observed. These ranged from essentially no alteration to a covering basement membrane completely denuded of its epithelium. Erosions or discontinuities of the surface basement membrane were uncommon, and when they occurred were most often associated with extrusion of fluid and cellular elements from the stroma into the uterine lumen. Metrorrhagia associated with IUDs probably results from two basic types of hemorrhage through the endometrial surface. Tissue adjacent to the IUD with interstitial hemorrhage bleed into the uterine cavity by (1) red cell transmigration through surface membranes (surface epithelium and its basal lamina), and (2) high interstitial pressure breaks in these same membranes.  相似文献   

The evidence for the role of smoking, carbon monoxide (CO), and nicotine in the etiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is evaluated critically. Positive statistical correlations between smoking and CVD obtained in several epidemiological studies demonstrate the need to investigate possible causative biological mechanisms. Ambient concentrations of CO influence COHb levels in humans. Correlations are reported between the COHb level and CVD, but we are far from having clearcut evidence of a public health risk from ambient CO concentrations. Assuming that a major part in the etiology of CVD is the development of arteriosclerosis, investigations in this direction have been performed with CO and nicotine in animal experiments. Neither substance has any influence, comparable to human arteriosclerosis, on the development of CVD.  相似文献   

Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) in the conventional dose of 150 mg, was administered intramuscularly to 49 healthy, already sterilized, Thai women on cycle day 5 (13 subjects), day 7 (12 subjects), day 9 (13 subjects) and day 11 (11 subjects) of normal menstrual cycles. Serum progesterone levels were then monitored in order to ascertain the latest follicular phase day in the cycle (up to day 11) when ovulation would be inhibited in the first month after injection. Among the 25 subjects who received DMPA on day 5 and 7, no longitudinal serum progesterone level rises indicative of ovulation were detected. When DMPA was given on day 9 and 11, 2 out of 13 subjects (15.39%) and 3 out of 11 subjects (27.28%), respectively, had serum progesterone levels characteristic of ovulation. It is concluded that the initial cycle's ovulation can also be inhibited when DMPA is administered on day 7 of that cycle. However, DMPA administered on day 9 and 11 failed to inhibit ovulation of that cycle in some of the subjects.  相似文献   

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