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上海郊区青少年性知识、性态度和性行为调查   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的:了解上海市郊青少年性与生殖健康知识、态度和行为。方法:对上海青浦区3个镇的806名15-18岁青少年进行结构式问卷调查。结果:被调查的青少年已具备一定的青春期性知识,但对生殖系统和功能方面缺乏系统性的认识,一些概念含糊不清。男性的知识好于女性。中专、职校、技校学生的知识得分低于其他学校和非学生。大多数被调查对青少年中发生恋爱性行为持理解和宽容的态度。当地青少年中已有性行为发生,虽然几乎半数人知识性行为可能导致的后果,但首次性行为避孕使用率却很低。他们的性知识主要来源于学校、医学书刊/杂志和同学。大多数被调查对象认为青春期性教育是必需的但学校性教育仅满足了青少年对性知识的部分需求。结论:充分了解目前青少年的性知识、性态度和性行为对设计良好的干预项目极有帮助。青春期性教育是全社会均应关注的社会焦点。  相似文献   

目的了解内江地区高中生性行为现状及影响因素,为针对性地开展青春期性教育提供依据。方法对内江地区1 176名高中生性行为现状及影响因素进行问卷调查,对影响高中生发生性交行为的有关因素进行分析。结果有过恋爱经历的高中生占42.09%,54.08%的高中生有性自慰情况,15.39%的高中生发生过性交行为,43.88%的高中生有色情读物和/或视频接触史。经多因素分析显示父母关系不良、有恋爱经历、有色情读物和/或视频接触史是高中生发生性行为的促进因素。结论对中学生的异性交往宜"疏"不宜"堵";青少年性教育势在必行,其核心是人格教育;加强对各种"色情信息"的监管及打击力度,提高青少年对"黄毒"的免疫力。  相似文献   

【目的】了解上海市外来务工青年的性与生殖健康知识、态度和行为现况,为开展针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。【方法】采取整群随机抽样的方法,抽取上海市某区2家工厂24岁以下的外来务工青年,使用自行设计的问卷进行自填式问卷调查。问卷内容包括社会经济学特征、性与生殖健康相关知识、对于安全性行为的态度和行为。实际调查外来务工青年(≤24岁)713人。【结果】男性428名,女性285名;年龄范围为17至24周岁;农村户口占88.9%;79.7%为未婚。性与生殖健康掌握程度较低,对女性的排卵时间回答正确率较低;对于性病艾滋病传播途径等存在误区;不能正确认识安全套与避孕药具的作用与区别,仅有46.5%的男性和31.5%的女性对于避孕药的作用回答正确。性态度较开放,赞同婚前性行为和婚前同居者较多,男性比女性更持宽容态度,男性认为只要双方自愿就可以发生婚前性行为的比例为59.1%,高于女性(P0.01)。婚前性行为发生率较高(男性64.0%,女性56.1%),性安全意识不强,有37.0%的男性和28.9%的女性第一次性行为时没有采取任何避孕措施;每次性行为使用安全套的比率只有20%左右,有12.4%的女性有非意愿妊娠并进行人工流产的经历。【结论】外来务工人员的性与生殖健康状况不容乐观,需加强健康教育和健康促进工作。  相似文献   

目的 调查云南省少数民族地区中职青少年性行为现状并分析其影响因素,以期为该地区开展青少年性教育提供理论依据。方法 采用便利抽样法,选取云南省西双版纳州6所中职院校的1 150名学生为研究对象,使用自制的《青少年性健康知识问卷》对研究对象的一般人口学资料、生殖健康知识、性态度、性行为进行调查。采用二元logistic 回归对中职青少年性行为影响因素进行统计学分析。 共有205名(17.8%)中职学生发生过性行为,logistic 回归分析结果显示男性 [OR=3.75,95%CI(2.54,5.54),P<0.001]、傣族[OR=1.94,95%CI(1.30,2.88),P<0.001]、高年级(二年级OR=1.94,三年级OR=2.02)、有过恋爱经历[OR=8.84,95%CI(5.33,14.65),P<0.001]、性态度开放[OR=5.78,95%CI(2.26,14.74),P<0.001]的中职青少年发生性行为的可能性较高。 该地区中职青少年性行为发生比例较高,男性、傣族、高年级、有过恋爱经历及性态度开放均为其性行为发生的诱导因素,学校、家庭、社会应尽快完善全面性教育干预措施,保护青少年,促使其身心健康发展。  相似文献   

目的:了解某市单亲家庭青少年性心理健康状况.方法:在某市5所中学随机抽取单亲及双亲家庭青少年各90例为研究对象,采用问卷调查法、个别访谈法进行性心理健康状况调查.结果:单亲家庭青少年已具备一定的青春期性知识,但50%左右的学生对人体的生理知识尚不清楚,与双亲家庭孩子相比具有统计学差异(P<0.05);与双亲家庭青少年比较,单亲家庭青少年从父母那里获得较少的性知识;对中学生恋爱、性教育及婚前性行为的看法,单亲学生均比双亲学生表现得开放;单亲学生中有过性行为的比例多于双亲学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:充分了解青少年的性知识、性态度和性行为,能对制定良好的干预措施提供帮助;青春期性教育是全社会均应关注的焦点,尤其要重点关注单亲家庭青少年.  相似文献   

目的:了解吉林市单亲家庭青少年性教育现状。方法:在吉林市6所中学随机抽取单亲及双亲家庭青少年各200人作为研究对象,进行问卷调查。结果:被调查者己具备一定的青春期性知识,但相当部分学生对人体的生理知识尚不清楚,尤其是单亲家庭的孩子表现更为薄弱;与双亲家庭青少年比较,单亲家庭青少年从父母那里获得较少的性知识;对中学生恋爱、性教育及婚前性行为的看法,单亲学生均比双亲学生表现得开放;单亲学生中有过性行为的比例多于双亲学生,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:充分了解青少年的性知识、性态度和性行为,能对制定良好的干预措施提供帮助。青春期性教育是全社会均应关注的焦点,尤其要重点关注单亲家庭青少年。  相似文献   

【目的】了解上海市青少年性病患者现状及知信行状况,为开展青少年早期健康干预提供依据。【方法】采用横断面研究设计,利用自制问卷对2017年10月1日—12月31日就诊的患者开展匿名访谈式问卷调查。连续性变量组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验。分类变量采用例数(百分比)形式描述,单因素分析使用χ2检验和单因素logistic回归分析,将单因素分析有统计学差异的因素使用Forward:LR法进行logistic多因素回归分析。【结果】从调查对象的性生殖健康知识回答正确比例来看,性病患者的知识知晓率很低,大部分题目的正确率低于5%。性病患者对危险性行为的态度较开放,而对安全性行为的正向态度比例较低,男性的危险性行为的态度开放程度高于女性,如男性对同性恋和“一夜情”的赞成比例达34.7%和35.7%,而女性赞成的比例为1.5%和12.4%。从评分来看,不同性别患者性生殖健康知识的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.020),女性患者知识评分优于男性患者。不同性别(P0.001)和不同性取向患者高危性行为及预防保健态度的差异均具有统计学意义(P0.001),女性患者态度评分优于男性患者,异性恋患者态度评分优于同性恋患者。不同性取向患者性行为的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.014),同性恋患者行为评分优于异性恋患者。Logistic回归分析表明性病知识的影响因素是性别(P=0.001)和籍贯(P=0.004),女性的性病知识知晓度高于男性,上海籍的知晓度高于外地户籍者。【结论】上海市青少年性病群体存在较大性别差异,女性、外地来沪人员和性少数群体(同性恋、双性恋等)属于弱势群体,需要更多的社会支持。应依据影响生殖保健知识的因素开展更有针对性的健康宣教,制定青少年性病预防策略。  相似文献   

了解闵行区青少年青春期性教育知识态度行为现况,为更好的开展青少年性教育提供参考.方法 采用多阶段分层随机法进行抽样,于2018年9-11月抽取闵行区15所中小学校的1 445名学生进行问卷调查.结果 青少年生殖健康知识及格率为48.17%,小学组和中学组的知识及格率均为女生高于男生(x2值分别为8.08,6.45,P值均<0.05).青少年对于青少年校园恋爱、婚前性行为的态度均较为宽容;大多数青少年都赞成积极学习避孕知识、积极预防性传播疾病、经常开展青少年生殖健康教育.有16.89%的青少年谈过恋爱,其中发生性行为的比例为0.94%.小学组男生从网络资源、报纸杂志等途径获取生殖健康知识的报告率均高于女生,从广播电视、家庭教育等途径获取生殖健康知识的报告率低于女生(P值均<0.05);中学组男生从社区宣传、医生专家等途径获取生殖健康知识的报告率均高于中学组女生,从家庭教育中获取生殖健康知识的报告率低于女生(P值均<0.05).青少年对生殖健康知识的需求主要集中在性传播疾病防治知识、安全性行为相关知识、青春期心理发育等方面.结论 闵行区青少年生殖健康相关知识的掌握情况欠佳.各部门应根据不同年龄层不同性别青少年的需求特点,开展适时适度、全面科学的性教育.  相似文献   

目的 了解吉林市单亲家庭青少年性教育现状,为制定青春期健康教案提供依据。方法 在吉林市6所中学随机抽取单亲及双亲家庭青少年各300人作为研究对象,进行问卷调查。结果 被调查者己具备一定的青春期性知识,但相当部分学生对人体的生理知识尚不清楚,尤其是单亲家庭的青少年表现更为薄弱。单亲家庭青少年从父母那里获得较少的性知识,与双亲家庭青少年比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。对中学生恋爱、性教育及婚前性行为的看法,单亲学生均比双亲学生表现得开放。单亲中有过性行为者与双亲学生比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 充分了解青少年的性知识、性态度和性行为对制定良好的干预措施提供帮助。青春期性教育是全社会均应关注的焦点,尤其要重点关注单亲家庭青少年。  相似文献   

目的 了解男性性罪错青少年性健康知识、态度和行为,为开展青少年性健康教育提供科学依据.方法 采用不记名自填式问卷,对39名男性性罪错青少年进行凋查.结果 分别有25.6%和20.5%的青少年知道患性病的男性和患性病的女性可以没有任何明显症状;87.2%知道正确使用避孕套可降低感染艾滋病病毒危险性;74.4%同意只要对方给好处就可与其发生性行为的观点;犯罪前,有92.3%的人有过性交行为.结论 男性性罪错青少年缺少基本的性健康知识,应重视在性罪错青少年中开展性健康知识教育.  相似文献   

Nonvolitional sex is sexual behavior that violates a person's right to choose when and with whom to have sex and what sexual behaviors to engage in. The more extreme forms of this behavior include rape, forced sex, childhood sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and violence against people with nonconventional sexual identities. More nuanced forms of nonvolitional sex include engaging in sexual behavior that masks one's nonconventional sexual identity, or that protects one's position with peers, or that represents a quid pro quo for the economic support that one obtains within an intimate relationship. The aim of this essay is to highlight the ways in which nonvolitional sex threatens sexual health and to identify strategies for ameliorating this problem. These strategies will have to be as broad in scope as is the problem that they are designed to address. The essay discusses the following strategies to reduce nonvolitional sex: (1) advocacy for sexual rights, gender equality, and equality for individuals with nonconventional sexual identities; (2) primary prevention programs and interventions that offer comprehensive sexuality education that establishes volitional sex and sexual health as basic human rights; (3) health services that routinely ask clients about their experiences with nonvolitional sex in an open and culturally appropriate manner; and (4) secondary prevention programs to meet the needs of victims of nonvolitional sex identified by the "screening" programs.  相似文献   

Sexual Regret in College Students   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A questionnaire study was conducted to assess the relationship between sexual regret and sexual behaviors and demographic factors among 348 college-aged students prior to attending an educational program about sexual health issues. Analyses conducted on the portion of the sample who were sexually active (n = 270) indicated that the majority (71.9%, n = 194) has regretted their decision to engage in sexual activity at least once. The most cited reasons for regret by students included their sexual decision making as inconsistent with their morals (37%), an acknowledgment that alcohol influenced their decision (31.7%), the realization they did not want the same thing as their partner (27.9%), the lack of condom use (25.5%), feeling pressure by their partner (23.0%), and their desire to wait until marriage to have sex (15.4%). The only significant sex difference was that women reported regret due to feeling pressured by a partner more often than men. Multiple and logistic regression analyses indicated that the only significant predictor of regret regarding one's sexual decisions was the number of sexual partners. These results demonstrate the need for sexual educators to incorporate sexual regret into their curricula as the phenomenon of regret is more common than pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, the usual focus of sexuality education.  相似文献   

Sexual coercion may affect the sexual experiences of sexual minority women differently. Women (n = 445) aged 18 to 71 years (Mean = 30.38) answered an online survey on sexual orientation, lifetime coercion, and sexual history. Sexual minority women (45.8%, n = 204) were more likely to report having been coerced into unwanted sexual behavior (56.5%) than heterosexual women (44.8 %; p = 0.010). Coerced sexual minority women reported earlier ages of initiation into performing oral sex (p = 0.016), penile-vaginal (p = 0.024), and penile-anal (p = 0.027) intercourse. In multiple logistic regression models, currently being in a partnered relationship was the sole factor related to lifetime engagement in penile-vaginal intercourse and receiving oral sex from partners. Having at least a graduate degree was the only characteristic related to engagement in lifetime penile-anal intercourse. Sexual coercion was not related to any lifetime sexual behavior outcomes. The nature of sexual initiation and coercion should be explored further among sexual minority women, with the goal of incorporating their experiences into prevention and treatment initiatives.  相似文献   

女性性功能障碍是影响女性生活质量的一个重要因素,随着社会的进步,性功能障碍问题日益受到人们的重视。近年的研究表明,女性性功能障碍的发生与女性社会心理因素、生理及病理改变有密切关系;同时,对女性性生理、女性性功能障碍发病机制的深入认识和理解,也为女性性功能障碍的诊断和治疗提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This study describes the construction and preliminary validation of the Israeli Sexual Behavior Inventory (ISBI). The ISBI was primarily designed to assess the impact of sexual problems, chronic illness and disability on sexual functioning and experience. Scales were designed to measure three areas of healthy sexual functioning and three areas of sexual dysfunction for both males and females. To provide normative data to which clinical samples can be compared, a large randomly selected sample from an adult male and female population was used for scale construction and preliminary validation. Scale reliabilities, intercorrelations between the ISBI scales, comparisons between the above sample and a clinical sample provide evidence of the ISBI's reliability and validity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to inform the development of a questionnaire to assess a woman's tendency to respond with sexual excitation/inhibition in different situations. Nine focus groups, involving 80 women (M age = 34.3 years; range, 18-84), were conducted. Women described a wide range of physical (genital and nongenital), cognitive/emotional, and behavioral cues to arousal. The relationship between sexual interest (desire) and sexual arousal was complex; sexual interest was reported as sometimes preceding arousal, but at other times following it. Many women did not clearly differentiate between arousal and interest. Qualitative data on the factors that women perceived as "enhancers" and "inhibitors" of sexual arousal are presented, with a focus on the following themes: feelings about one's body; concern about reputation; unwanted pregnancy/contraception; feeling desired versus feeling used by a partner; feeling accepted by a partner; style of approach/initiation; and negative mood. The findings can help inform conceptualizations of sexual arousal in women.  相似文献   

A survey designed to evaluate the impact that both chronological and theoretical birth order may have on sexual attitudes and behaviors was completed by 441 respondents (221 male, 220 female). The attitudes and behaviors investigated were aggressive sexual behavior, social relationship attitudes, emotional relationship attitudes, total heterosexual behavior, and total orgasmic behavior. The data revealed no difference between male and female in terms of total sexual behavior. However, males had significantly higher sexual aggression, social attitudes, emotional attitudes, and total orgasm scores. These results suggest that while there may be equity between the sexes in terms of heterosexual behavior, there are still significant differences between the sexes in terms of specific behaviors and attitudes. No differences were found on any of the scales based on either chronological or theoretical birth order. These results suggest that sexual behavior and attitudes may be influenced to a greater degree by biological and cohort factors than by sibling position.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Midcontinent Region of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex and the Indiana/Illinois section of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Bloomington, Indiana, April 1987.  相似文献   

目的 了解大学生性教育现状,努力做好性教育改革工作,使大学生拥有健康的性意识和性道德,促进他们身心的健康发展.方法 采用抽样问卷调查的形式,对我校840例大学生进行性知识问卷调查,并对结果进行统计分析.结果 大学生中部分同学性知识贫乏.76.78%的男生、84.06%的女生愿意求助他人帮助.85.31%的男生及60.86%的女生对性知识感兴趣.调查还发现部分同学被性困扰,提示仅仅给学生讲授人体解剖及生理卫生是不够的.结论 大学生性知识贫乏,部分学生受西方"性自由"、"性解放"影响,我们医务工作者应帮助他们学习性知识,对其进行性道德教育,使其避免产生性心理障碍并走出困境.  相似文献   

Damaged Sexual Self-Esteem: A Kind of Disability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Damage to sexual self-esteem can occur readily through interactions with others; name-calling, sexual insults, unsuccessful sexual interactions, sexual victimization, and one's own impulsivity and self-destructiveness in a sexual encounter can affect the individual's sexual self-esteem. In this paper, five cases are provided to clarify the ways in which individuals experience damage to their sexual self-esteem. Some of these cases came under court scrutiny; monetary compensation was ordered by the courts because of extreme damage in some of the cases. Damage to SSE can be extreme, disabling and can significantly detract from the individual's self-view, satisfaction with life, capability to experience pleasure, willingness to interact with others and ability to develop relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and sexual esteem, sexual depression, sexual satisfaction, and the frequency of sexual behavior. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18–69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD = 10.41). The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical impairments experienced significantly lower levels of sexual esteem and sexual satisfaction and significantly higher levels of sexual depression than people who had mild impairments or who did not report having a physical impairment. The study also found that people with more severe physical disabilities engaged in mutual sexual activity significantly less frequently. Women with physical disabilities had significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality and significantly more frequent mutual sexual experiences than their male counterparts. For people with physical disabilities, the frequency of oral sex and nude cuddling were significant predictors of sexual satisfaction in men, while the frequency of deep kissing predicted sexual satisfaction in women. Furthermore, the viewing of erotica was significantly related to sexual dissatisfaction in men. Finally, it was found that people who had experienced their physical impairment for a longer period of time reported significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

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