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本文以公众媒体负面信息给医院带来的危机事件为背景,思考作为高风险行业的医疗服务工作,如何在“人人都是媒体”的当今信息社会,高度关注公众媒体信息导向,强化医院危机管理意识,规避危机、处置危机,保障医院健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

目的分析2011年末“牛奶黄曲霉毒素超标”媒介事件中,网络媒体报道和信息的传播过程及传播内容的科学性。方法收集事件期间所有网络新闻报道和博客文章,用多层框架分析有关健康信息的传播过程、内容与特征,根据国际权威机构给出的证据和结论对有关信息的科学性进行半定量评价。结果事件起于2011年12月下旬,2012年1月接近平息,随时间的变化媒体关注点从事件本身逐渐转移到事件的原因、影响和处理;56.1%的媒体新闻与91.9%的博文标题中均含有“致癌”词语,97.9%的新闻在内容上均强调黄曲霉毒素“无条件”致癌,未区分黄曲霉毒素超标水平与致癌效应的关系;媒体报道的信息90%来自非医学专业,黄曲霉毒素M1的危害范围及可能性被夸大,与科学权威机构的研究证据及结论不一致。结论此次媒介事件通过传播“牛奶致癌”信息引起社会的高度注意;媒体报道的信息来源不够可靠。内容欠科学。  相似文献   

以互联网为代表的新媒体有着互动性、海量存储、选择性和多媒体呈现等多种优势,信息的传播速度越来越快,覆盖范围也愈来愈广。发生在医患关系之间的危机事件在短时间内经过新媒体“发酵”便会引起社会的广泛关注。分析了新媒体的出现给医患关系带来的挑战,进一步探讨了媒体、院方和患者应该采取何种策略规避负面影响,正确引导医患关系向着和谐健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

在经济社会中,产品信任危机事件的出现无论对消费者、生产商甚至某一行业,还是对正常的经济秩序都将产生极大的负面影响。科技期刊作为某一领域具有权威性的信息与技术传播的公共平台媒体,理应在这一特殊时期内发挥其应有的社会责任,主要体现在:相关信息披露的及时和客观,向公众传播相关的技术与知识,组织各方力量加以改进提高,呼吁加强监管与行业自律,引导行业技术的进步,构建和谐有序的社会经济环境。  相似文献   

近年来,我国医患关系日趋紧张,医患矛盾有激化趋势,少数患者家属通过在医院内挂横幅、设置灵堂甚至行凶等非正常手段向医院施压,威胁到了医护人员的人身安全,扰乱了医院的正常秩序,影响了社会的安定团结。自媒体时代已深入影响我们每一个人,随着全球化和信息化时代的来临,媒体对医事活动发挥愈来愈大的影响力,一方面满足了公众的医疗知情权,另一方面也不可避免地造成对患者隐私权、医院名誉权等权益的损害,甚至引发医方与媒体关系紧张,加剧了医患之间的危机。自媒体时代下,如何快速、有效、准确地向社会公众传播医疗卫生信息,使得社会公众方便快捷地获取所需的医疗卫生信息,如何减少医疗卫生信息传播过程中的失真,延时、丢失,如何降低影响医院形象的负面因素,建立医院新闻发言人制度是一种有效方法。  相似文献   

医疗卫生关乎全体人民的生命健康权益问题,也是社会以及媒体关注的焦点问题之一。然而医疗技术由于其专业性和局限性等特点,往往难以得到人们期待的圆满结果。因此,在这个资讯发达的时代,医疗卫生行业以及医疗机构如何加强与新闻媒体沟通并通过新闻媒体树立良好形象显得尤为重要。特别是在医院面临危机时正确应对媒体、淡化危机的负面影响,已经成为医院管理中一项越来越重要与特殊的任务。  相似文献   

在现代信息社会中,媒体在塑造公众价值观念、强化公众意识、反映和引导社会舆论等诸多方面发挥着巨大的作用。特别是在危机事件发生后,媒体就是一个扬声器、放大镜,可以帮助医院摆脱逆境,避免或减少损失,将危机转化为转机;也可以恶化事态,使一宗医患纠纷顺理成章地发展成为影响非常恶劣的公共事件并成为众矢之的,严重影响医院和医者的声誉。因此,媒体是医院在进行危机公关时不可忽视而且必须依靠的一支重要力量,医院管理者必须重视和科学应对媒介,较好地掌握媒体应对策略。文章从医院危机发展的四个阶段即潜伏期、爆发期、扩散蔓延期、恢复期,分别阐述了各个时期的媒体应对策略。  相似文献   

医院危机处理与新闻发言人制度的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近2年,从深圳市人民医院120余万元药费事件到四川大学华西医院一位教授被患者家属砍伤事件,层出不穷的危机事件凸显了医疗卫生领域是人民群众普遍关心的领域,是容易引起媒体炒作的领域,也可以说是危机频发的领域。一系列事件的发生使得公立医院管理者因缺乏应对突发危机事件的处理意识和技巧而成为媒体和公众所关注的焦点,  相似文献   

医院新闻发言人制度与公共关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南京医科大学友谊医院的新闻发言人戴尚2006年6月走马上任,成为国内第一位医院新闻发言人。他的出现在医疗卫生界引发了对医院重要信息的发布、医院新技术及新疗法的宣传、医院危机的媒体应对等医院管理、宣传、公关的深层次思考和探索。  相似文献   

透过日前“镉污染大米”事件看科技期刊应对媒体热点议题的问题。认为科技期刊可在危机事件爆发后接手危机信息的舆论引导,通过议题回应、期刊的分类配合、单本的内容组配、与民众的互动和信息时效性意识建设,借此契机使科学知识得到更为有效的传播。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between message variables and affective reactions with parents’ attitudes after seeing a physical activity mass media public service announcement (PSA). It was hypothesized that there would be a positive relationship between message variables (i.e., personal relevance, novelty of information, and feelings toward sponsoring organization) and parents’ attitudes toward their child/children’s physical activity after viewing the PSA. Furthermore, we explored whether discrete affective reactions were related to attitudes, beyond the effect of message variables. A secondary data analysis was conducted with parental responses to an online campaign evaluation survey (n = 267). Hierarchical regression analyses showed an overall positive relationship between all three message variables and attitudes. Furthermore, two discrete affective reactions were positively related to attitudes. Parents who endorsed feeling motivated or guilty after viewing the advertisement had more positive attitudes toward their children’s physical activity levels. This study represents an ecologically valid assessment of how message variables and affective reactions are related to attitudes within the context of a physical activity mass media campaign. The results provide guidance for the effective design of mass media physical activity campaigns.  相似文献   

During the past decade, there has been substantial health system reform in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and many other countries. For the most part, Canada has not pursued 'big bang' health system change but rather a variety of strategies to achieve incremental change. In this paper, we present the ways in which three arms-length organizations have been used by government to effect incremental system change in Ontario during the past several years. We observe that, (1) the influence of politics and political interference can be reduced through an arms-length organization; (2) an arms-length organization with the power to make decisions entails more political risk for government and encounters more scrutiny and criticism by providers and the media than an organization with the power to recommend only; (3) an arms-length organization with a limited lifespan faces more delaying tactics by adversely affected parties than an organization without a limited lifespan; (4) an arms-length organization with perceived influence may attract causes that are not related to its mandate; (5) the importance and difficulty of communicating complex information about system change to a wide variety of audiences cannot be overstated; (6) system change informed by the use of expert opinion encounters less provider resistance and may result in better decisions; and (7) the reputation of the Chair and the perceived competence and experience of the CEO are critical success factors in the success of an arms-length organization.  相似文献   

Media advocacy has been described as the strategic use of massmedia for advancing a social or public policy initiative. Thispaper describes an attempt to use media advocacy to increasepublic awareness and support for public health policies on alcoholin a demonstration project. The New Zealand Community ActionProject (CAP) was an evaluated alcohol problem prevention programmewhich compared cities exposed to a mass media campaign with,and without, community organization, against reference cities.Media advocacy was an element in both a community organizationstrategy and in a print media advertising campaign. Major objectivesof CAP were to increase the level of support for alcohol policiesin the general population and to increase the amount of alcohol-relatedmaterial (excluding liquor industry promotion) in the localprint media. Evaluation of the media advocacy strategies are reported froman analysis of alcohol-related material in the local print media,from a general population survey conducted in the six cities,a complementary qualitative key informants interview study,and a street interview survey. The results indicated that inthe four cities where. mass media only or intrusive intervention(mass media and community organization) were employed, therewas increased newspaper coverage of alcohol-related materialon the focus areas of moderation and social policy. Resultsfrom the general population survey, the key informants interviewstudy and the street interview survey suggested a positive effectof the programme both in the media only, and in the intensiveintervention cities, compared with the reference cities.  相似文献   

Mass media health communication has enormous potential to drastically alter how health-related information is disseminated and obtained by different populations. However, there is little evidence regarding the influence of media channels on health decision-making and medical advice-seeking behaviors among the Hispanic population. The Pew 2007 Hispanic Healthcare Survey was used to test the hypothesis that the amount of mass media health communication (i.e., quantity of media-based health information received) is more likely to influence Hispanic adults' health decision-making and medical advice-seeking behavior compared to health literacy and language proficiency variables. Results indicated that quantity of media-based health information is positively associated with health decision-making and medical advice-seeking behavior above and beyond the influence of health literacy and English and Spanish language proficiency. In a context where physician–patient dynamics are increasingly shifting from a passive patient role model to a more active patient role model, media-based health information can serve as an influential cue to action, prompting Hispanic individuals to make certain health-related decisions and to seek more health advice and information from a health provider. Study implications are discussed.  相似文献   

As an important public health issue, patient medication non-adherence has drawn much attention, but research on the impact of mass media as an information source on patient medication adherence has been scant. Given that mass media often provide confusing and contradicting information regarding health/medical issues, this study examined the potential negative influence of exposure to health information in mass media on patients’ beliefs about their illnesses and medications, and medication adherence, in comparison with the effects of exposure to another primary medication information source, physicians. Survey data obtained from patients on blood thinner regimens revealed that the frequency of exposure to health information in mass media was negatively related to accuracy of patients’ beliefs about their medication benefits and patient medication adherence. On the other hand, frequency of visits with physicians was positively associated with patients’ beliefs about their medication benefits but had no significant relation to medication regimen adherence. The implications of the study findings are discussed, and methodological limitations and suggestion for future research are presented.  相似文献   

News about women's health risks is prevalent in the mass media, and how that news is presented is important for the women who uses it to make decisions about her health. Conferees at a Jacobs Institute symposium reviewed the presentation and discussion of risk factors in scientific articles and the subsequent translation of this information by the media to their consumers. The symposium participants made four major recommendations to improve the reporting of risk: 1) as information sources, the scientific community, institutions, and media organizations should share the responsibility of clearly presenting information on risk factors affecting women's health, 2) institutional public affairs officers, journal public affairs officers, and mass media editors should require that reports on single studies be placed within the context of current scientific knowledge, with limitations prominently described, 3) measures of absolute and relative risk should be interpretable by a general audience, and 4) news makers (the scientific community) and news writers (reporters and editors) should have more training opportunities to achieve a clearer understanding of the constraints on the news media and the limitations of science.  相似文献   

News about women's health risks is prevalent in the mass media, and how that news is presented is important for the women who uses it to make decisions about her health. Conferees at a Jacobs Institute symposium reviewed the presentation and discussion of risk factors in scientific articles and the subsequent translation of this information by the media to their consumers. The symposium participants made four major recommendations to improve the reporting of risk: 1) as information sources, the scientific community, institutions, and media organizations should share the responsibility of clearly presenting information on risk factors affecting women's health, 2) institutional public affairs officers, journal public affairs officers, and mass media editors should require that reports on single studies be placed within the context of current scientific knowledge, with limitations prominently described, 3) measures of absolute and relative risk should be interpretable by a general audience, and 4) news makers (the scientific community) and news writers (reporters and editors) should have more training opportunities to achieve a clearer understanding of the constraints on the news media and the limitations of science.  相似文献   

The health of an ecosystem is a function of its vigor (useful productivity), organization (complexity of interspecific interactions), and resilience (ability to maintain itself in the face of disturbance). The health of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem has deteriorated largely as a result of nutrient overenrichment, concomitant reduction in light availability, and loss of habitats that provide complexity. This has resulted in an ecosystem that is a less vigorous producer of valuable fish and shellfish, less diverse and well organized, and more susceptible to and slower to recover from disturbances. It is not clear that degraded ecosystem health directly threatens human health; in fact sanitation and reductions in loadings of potentially toxic substances have reduced human health risks in recent decades. On the other hand, recently observed outbreaks of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida could be a result of deteriorated ecosystem health and pose a human health risk. Monitoring of the environmental conditions, ecosystem health, and human health risks is critically important to the adaptive management of the Chesapeake Bay. Although this monitoring has produced very useful information, monitoring can be more effective if it more directly addressed the multiple uses of the resulting information, applied new technologies, and were more effectively integrated across environmental media, among resources, over space and time scales, and with modeling and research.  相似文献   

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