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广西居民职业性体力活动水平与慢性疾病关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨广西城乡居民职业性体力活动水平与相关慢性疾病关系。方法根据《2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查》所确定的多阶段随机整群抽样方法,对广西4个城市和4个县15岁以上9145各居民进行职业性体力活动调查及相关慢性疾病的分析。结果15岁以上城乡居民从事中度以上职业性体力活动人数占70.3%,其中农村占84.5%;男性占75.3%,高于女性(66.1%);随着家庭年收入和教育程度的增加,从事轻体力活动比例在上升。从事体力活动强度越轻,高血压、高血糖、超重、肥胖患病率就越高。结论城市居民职业性轻体力活动高于农村,高收入、高文化程度的人群职业性轻体力活动明显高于其它人群,轻体力活动是患高血压、高血糖、超重、肥胖的重要危险因素。加强体育锻炼,增加体力活动强度,对防治慢性疾病起着重要作用。  相似文献   

郑州市社区老年人群糖尿病流行特点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 为了解郑州市老年人群糖尿病 (DM )的流行特征及影响因素。方法 按分层整群抽样原则 ,抽取城乡样本 80 0人 ,按照WHO的诊断标准进行调查。结果 郑州市老年人群DM和糖耐量减低(IGT)患病率分别为 9.5 %和 2 0 .75 % ,且随体重指数 (BMI)的增大而增高 ,体力活动强度增加而降低 ,DM家族史阳性者患病率高于阴性者 ,城镇高于农村 ,女性高于男性。结论 加强 6 0岁以上老年人群DM的预防和控制已成为当务之急  相似文献   

目的 了解监测人群饮食习惯及体力活动状况,为制定广西慢性病防治的干预措施提供参考依据.方法 经多阶段随机抽样,对监测点符合条件的18~69岁常住居民共1 276人进行问卷调查.结果 调查人群中缺乏体力活动的发生率为70.87%,标化率为71.79%;男性缺乏体力活动标化发生率(74.87%)高于女性(69.44%),差别有统计学意义(P<.01),农村(90.52%)高于城市(35.02%),差别有统计学意义(P<0.01).调查人群中不按时吃饭、不按时吃早餐的标化发生率分别为41.67%,35.42%,男性不按时吃饭(42.76%)高于女性(40.86%),女性不按时吃早餐(35.91%)高于男性(34.75%);农村居民不按时吃饭、不按时吃早餐(53.21%,45.97%)高于城市(18.02%,14.35%);主食摄入以大米(99.95%)为主,肉类以猪、牛、羊肉(82.6896)为主,农村乳及乳制品的经常性摄入率最低,为2.14%.结论 广西监测人群中缺乏体力活动发生率较高;农村饮食习惯不合理.应加大广西城乡地区营养膳食知识宣传,特别是加强农村地区食用乳及乳制品、豆制品的宣传教育工作.  相似文献   

目的依据环境健康评价理论,推算上海市6~20岁人群不同体力活动水平的呼吸暴露参数,以期精准化学生体力活动的空气污染标准,为学生体力活动指南的制定提供理论依据。方法采用人体能量代谢估算模型,根据《2014年上海市国民体质监测公报》的数据,计算上海市6~20岁人群不同体力活动水平的呼吸速率,并与全国、美国同龄人群进行比较。结果上海市6~20岁人群的呼吸速率为0.221~2.432 m3/h;在同一体力活动水平下,出现以10岁为界龄的性别交叉现象,即10岁前女童呼吸速率高于男性,10岁后男性人群呼吸速率高于女性;呼吸速率随年龄的增加而升高,且呈现随体力活动强度的增加而升高的规律。除轻微活动外,6~20岁人群不同体力活动水平的呼吸速率均高于全国同龄人群,男性高7.0%~8.8%,女性高3.4%~5.3%。轻微、中度、重体力活动时的6~20岁人群呼吸速率均低于美国同龄人群,低9.4%~42.0%。结论上海市6~20岁人群呼吸速率分布呈现一定规律,符合该年龄人群身体发育的性别、年龄特征和青春期的男女交叉现象。上海市6~20岁人群与国内外同龄人群的呼吸速率暴露参数有一定差异,建议在制定雾霾发生下的体力活动指南时,根据目标人群所在区域进行针对性的暴露参数调查,避免因直接采用全国或美国的暴露参数而造成误差。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市城乡中年人群的体力活动状况及其与心血管病主要危险因素的关系。方法 采用整群随机抽样方法调查广州市35-59岁城市居民1124人及农村居民1029人,按照国家“九五”攻关课题(编号96-906-02-01)统一方案、采用标准化方法进行。结果 农村人群中等强度及以上的体力活动时间平均占全天的20.7%,明显高于城市人群(7.2%);农村人民不活动或少活动的时间占全天的60.5%,较城市人群(73.7%)少。农村人群高胆固醇现患率、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低率、高血糖现患率和超重率均低于城市人群,但吸烟率和饮酒率明显高于城市人群。多元线性回归分析显示,不活动和少活动时间对血压升高、血中胆固醇升高、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低及体重增加的影响均有非常显性意义。结论 缺乏体力活动会使心血管病危险因素有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个项目点健康人群体力活动和静坐行为特征的地区差异。方法 剔除自报患有冠心病、卒中和肿瘤等慢性疾病的个体后, 研究分析10个项目地区中486 514名30~79岁队列成员体力活动和每周休闲静坐时间的基线信息, 重点描述地区差异。结果 男性总体力活动水平(22.9 MET-h/d)高于女性(20.6 MET-h/d), 休闲静坐时间(3.1 h/d)多于女性(2.9 h/d)。浙江项目点个体每天总体力活动水平最高(男31.3 MET-h/d, 女 30.2 MET-h/d)且静坐时间最少(男2.0 h/d, 女 1.6 h/d)。工作相关活动所占比例, 男性以浙江(86.5%)和河南(85.2%)项目点最高, 海口(69.4%)最低;女性以浙江(74.8%)最高, 河南(40.9%)最低。甘肃项目点(男17.8%, 女18.1%)交通活动所占比例明显高于其他地区。家务活动所占比例, 男性以湖南项目点(18.0%)最高, 女性以河南(54.0%)和湖南(39.1%)最高。城市项目点的休闲相关活动所占比例高于农村, 其中柳州(男9.5%, 女10.4%)最高。甘肃(男36.8%, 女29.8%)、四川(男34.1%, 女33.8%)和浙江(男20.0%, 女19.2%)3个农村项目点的高强度活动所占比例明显高于其他项目点。结论 CKB 10个项目地区的研究人群在总体力活动水平、活动类型、活动强度和休闲静坐时间等特征上存在明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

上海中心城区居民体力活动情况的调查   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 探讨上海中心城区居民的体力活动水平和 4种类型体力活动的分布。方法 对 15 98名按照多阶段按比例整群随机抽样方法抽取的 18~6 5岁上海中心城区居民以国际体力活动量表长卷进行量表访问来评价其体力活动水平。结果 调查人群中只有 7.2 %的在职者工作中有重度体力活动 ;14 .1%的被调查居民在闲暇时间进行重度体力活动。人群合计交通行程体力活动活跃达标率为 6 2 .3% ;只有31.3%的在职者职业性体力活动活跃 ;被调查人群家务活动活跃达标率为 38.1% ,女性的家务活动活跃达标率 (5 2 .5 % )明显高于男性 (2 0 .5 % ) ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;另外 ,随着年龄的增加 ,家务活动活跃达标率增高。被调查人群闲暇时间体力活动达标率为 19.3% ,有 5 8.8%的被调查居民在闲暇时间中没有任何中、重度体力活动。结论 被调查的上海中心城区居民以中等强度体力活动为主 ,交通行程中的步行和骑自行车是主要的中等强度体力活动形式。在评价上海中心城区居民体力活动时 ,需要采用涵盖 4种类型体力活动的体力活动量表。  相似文献   

目的了解我国职业人群身体活动情况,为促进职业人群健康提供依据。方法使用2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况调查数据,对我国31 694名职业人群(男性18 299名,女性13 395名)的职业活动、交通方式、闲暇锻炼、家务劳动等4项身体活动情况进行分析。结果我国职业人群平均每周工作5.7 d,平均每天工作时间8.3 h,其中坐着工作时间为4.4 h,从事轻度工作强度的职业人群占63.0%。平均出行时间为1.0 h/d,37.9%的职业人群出行以步行/骑车为主。15.6%的职业人群闲暇时间进行锻炼,从事家务劳动的职业人群占85.2%,平均做家务时间为1.1 h。城市职业人群每天工作时间低于农村,但每天坐着工作时间、从事轻度工作强度的比例、闲暇锻炼的比例及做家务的比例均高于农村(P 0.05)。男性工作时间、从事中度及以上工作强度的比例及坐/开车的比例均高于女性,而闲暇锻炼的比例及做家务的比例低于女性(P 0.05)。与其他职业人群比较,农林牧渔业职业人群每天坐着工作时间最短、闲暇锻炼比例最低、从事中度及以上工作强度的比例最高(P 0.05)。结论不同职业人群的各类身体活动情况存在差异,应针对不同人群特点,开展针对性的健康教育和身体活动促进。  相似文献   

江苏省社区人群糖尿病流行特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用分层整群抽样在江苏省抽取城乡8层样本进行调查。结果显示,江苏省20岁以上社区人群糖尿病(DM)、糖耐量低减(IGT)患病率为582%、587%,按1982年全国人口年龄构成标化患病率为463%、507%,并随年龄、体质指数增大而增高,随体力活动强度增加而降低,DM家族史阳性者高于阴性者,城镇高于乡村,女性高于男性。  相似文献   

中国10个地区成年人跟骨骨密度的描述性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个地区人群跟骨骨密度的地区和人群分布差异。方法 在参与第二次重复调查的研究对象中,剔除重要指标缺失者后,分析10个地区38~87岁24 677人经定量超声骨密度仪测定的跟骨骨密度的地区和人群差异。结果 研究人群中,跟骨骨密度指标平均水平:宽带超声衰减(109.7±12.6)dB/MHz,超声声速(1 554.7±45.6)m/s,强度指数(88.3±18.8),T值(-0.74±1.28)。城市人群跟骨骨密度高于农村;男性高于女性。跟骨骨密度随着年龄增加而降低,女性随年龄降低的幅度比男性更为明显。吸烟者、绝经后妇女的跟骨骨密度更低;常饮牛奶和/或酸奶者、高体力活动水平者的跟骨骨密度更高。结论 CKB的10个项目地区人群的跟骨骨密度存在明显的地区和人群差异。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Determining physical activity levels in the community provides a context for the development and implementation of programs aimed at increasing these activity levels. Therefore, we assessed overall, work-related, and leisure-time physical activity in a representative sample of Chinese adults, aged 35 to 74 years, using data from the International Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease in Asia. METHODS: Being physically active was defined as participating in 30 or more minutes of moderate or vigorous activity daily. Work-related and leisure-time physical activities were defined as being physically active and participating in any moderate or vigorous activity at work or during leisure time, respectively. RESULTS: In rural and urban China, 78.1% and 21.8% of residents, respectively, were physically active; 75.8% and 16.5%, respectively, participated in work-related activity; and 28.9% and 7.9%, respectively, participated in leisure-time physical activity. In both rural and urban settings, younger adults, men, and southern residents were more likely to be physically active and to participate in work-related and leisure-time physical activity than older adults, women, and northern residents. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention strategies to promote leisure-time physical activity, especially among urban residents, should be considered a major health priority in China.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate patterns of lung function in healthy, working Chinese men and women in different geographic areas of the People's Republic of China (PRC). METHODS: We conducted lung function tests on 2926 asymptomatic, never smoking Chinese men and women aged 35-56 years residing in or around Beijing and Guangzhou. Within each of these locations, separate urban and rural samples were recruited. RESULTS: Age and height adjusted lung function was greater in Beijing than in Guangzhou, and within each city for residents of rural vs. urban areas. Among women, estimated rates of lung aging were greater in Beijing than in Guangzhou, and in urban vs. rural areas. Both FEV(1) and FVC exhibited a curvilinear association with body mass index. CONCLUSIONS: Lung function data from this largely working cohort exhibited marked geographic and urban-rural differences in this never smoking, adult Chinese cohort. Such variation is not uncommon and may reflect differences in body size, diet, and environmental and occupational exposures across these different settings. Caution should be used in applying published reference equations to populations from different parts of the PRC.  相似文献   

In exploring the mechanisms of behavioral change for hypertension control, a study based on the transtheoretical model was carried out in Taiwan in 2000, with a sample of 350 hypertensive adults living in Taipei urban and rural areas. The relationships among stages of change, processes of change, and demographic factors were analyzed for six health behaviors: low-fat food consumption, alcohol use, smoking, physical activity, weight control and routine blood pressure check-ups. The results showed that rural populations had greater difficulty than urban populations in avoiding smoking and engaging in physical activity, and the processes of change being used by urban populations were significantly greater than rural populations for diet, physical activity and routine blood pressure check-up. Individuals who use more processes of change will be more inclined to move from the pre-contemplation stage to the maintenance stage. Social liberation, self-reevaluation and counterconditioning were very important processes for changing diet behavior, engaging in physical activity and checking blood pressure on a regular basis.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of race and rural/urban setting to physical, behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with physical activity. Subjects included 1,668 eighth-grade girls from 31 middle schools: 933 from urban settings, and 735 from rural settings. Forty-six percent of urban girls and 59% of rural girls were Black. One-way and two-way ANOVAs with school as a covariate were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that most differences were associated with race rather than setting. Black girls were less active than White girls, reporting significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of both vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Black girls also spent more time watching television, and had higher BMIs and greater prevalence of overweight than White girls. However, enjoyment of physical education and family involvement in physical activity were greater among Black girls than White girls. Rural White girls and urban Black girls had more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. Access to sports equipment, perceived safety of neighborhood, and physical activity self-efficacy were higher in White girls than Black girls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine whether disparities in health-related quality of life exist between veterans who live in rural settings and their suburban or urban counterparts. METHODS: We determined health-related quality-of-life scores (physical and mental health component summaries) for 767109 veterans who had used Veterans Health Administration services within the past 3 years. We used rural/urban commuting area codes to categorize veterans into rural, suburban, or urban residence. RESULTS: Health-related quality-of-life scores were significantly lower for veterans who lived in rural settings than for those who lived in suburban or urban settings. Rural veterans had significantly more physical health comorbidities, but fewer mental health comorbidities, than their suburban and urban counterparts. Rural-urban disparities persisted in all survey subscales, across regional delivery networks, and after we controlled for sociodemographic factors. CONCLUSIONS: When compared with their urban and suburban counterparts, veterans who live in a rural setting have worse health-related quality-of-life scores. Policymakers, within and outside the Veterans Health Administration, should anticipate greater health care demands from rural populations.  相似文献   

Health promotion measures in order to increase physical activity should include environmental and policy approaches. Studies in natural living environments such as rural and urban areas may provide valuable information about the effects of environmental factors on physical activity. The present study was performed among 88 adolescents living in one rural and one urban area in Norway, with particular focus on the availability of cycling tracks and walking trails. The study showed that both rural and urban adolescents spent more time on sedentary activities, such as watching TV/video and playing TV/data-games, than on regular physical activity. No differences were observed between the two groups in regard to activity patterns. However, the median distance the urban adolescents walked or cycled to school was three times greater than the median distance the rural adolescents walked or cycled to a bus stop or to school. The urban adolescents also walked or cycled more to regular activities than the rural ones. Positive correlations were found between walking or cycling from home to school and walking or cycling to regular activities. In multiple regression analysis, urban area, female gender and distance walked or cycled to school or bus stop predicted increased walking or cycling to activities. The results confirm other studies on adolescents, showing that much more time is spent on sedentary rather than on physical activity. Knowledge is still lacking concerning predictors of sedentary and general physical activity, but the results indicate that access to cycling tracks and walking trails in residential areas may increase both walking or cycling to school and to leisure activities. A relevant strategy for health promotion may therefore be to make cycling tracks and walking trails accessible; some passive transport both to school and to leisure activities may thus probably be replaced by walking or cycling.  相似文献   

目的 分析2012-2017学年北京市通州区7~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖变化趋势,为做好本区中小学肥胖防控工作提供科学依据。方法 应用2012-2017年间5学年学生体检数据,分析超重、肥胖变化趋势。结果 2017年学生超重、肥胖检出率为14.90%、18.00%,男生高于女生。5年超重、肥胖检出率城镇高于乡村、男生高于女生,二者平均增长速度乡村高于城镇。超重检出率初、高中高于小学,肥胖检出率初中、小学高于高中。高中超重、肥胖平均增长速度最快,分别为1.99%和5.23%。利用社会时间序列建模分析预测,2022年通州区中小学生超重肥胖检出率为14.42%、14.07%。结论 北京市通州区7~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖检出率呈上升趋势,2016-2017学年超重、肥胖检出率较前四年明显升高,需分析原因并采取综合措施进行干预,有效降低超重肥胖检出率,控制平均增速水平。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A sedentary lifestyle among children is becoming increasingly common and has been linked to future risk of degenerative diseases. Urban residence has been suggested to be a contributing factor to a less active lifestyle; however, not all available studies support this link. In the present study we examined the physical activity patterns and sedentary behaviours of children living in urban and rural areas of Cyprus, where major demographic shifts have occurred the last decades. METHODS: We studied 1140 children (531 boys; 609 girls), aged 10-12 years, registered in 24 selected elementary public schools from five urban and rural districts of Cyprus. Children completed a semi-quantitative physical activity questionnaire regarding frequency and duration of everyday physical and sedentary activities. Weight and height of the children, as well as demographic and socioeconomic information was collected from children and their guardians. RESULTS: Rural children reported being slightly more active after school and occupied weekly with outdoors chores compared to urban children, who on the other hand reported engaging in sports on a weekly basis more than their rural peers (all p < 0.10). However, the average weekly time spent by urban and rural children on vigorous (8.6 +/- 4.7 and 9.1 +/- 4.8 h/w, respectively; p = 0.193) or moderate-to-vigorous (14.9 +/- 7.6 and 15.2 +/- 7.6 h/w, respectively; p = 0.612) activities, as well as total screen time, were not different. The distribution of children with regards to most other physical activity and inactivity pursuits was similar between urban and rural areas. CONCLUSION: We found no substantial differences in the physical activity habits and sedentary behaviours among children living in urban and rural areas of Cyprus. Hence public health awareness directed to enhance physical activity and decrease sedentary lifestyle among youngsters should focus equally to urban and rural children.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Years lived with and without physical impairment are central measures of public health. PURPOSE: We sought to determine whether these measures differed between rural and urban residents who were impaired at the time of a baseline measurement. We examined 16 subgroups defined by rural/urban residence, gender, race, and education. METHODS: This is a 20-year retrospective cohort study, following 2,939 Americans who were aged 65-69 in 1982 and physically impaired at the time of the baseline measurement, with data from the National Long-Term Care Survey. Interpolated Markov chain analysis and microsimulation estimated life expectancy at age 65 and expected number of years with physical impairment. Impairment was defined as requiring help in 1 or more activities of daily living. FINDINGS: Among older individuals with physical impairments at baseline, rural residents lived notably longer than urban residents. In all but 1 group, rural residents lived more years with physical impairment, and they also had a notably larger proportion of remaining life impaired. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest a notable public health impact of rural residence for impaired individuals, a longer expected period of impairment. Needs for services for people with impairments may be greater in rural areas.  相似文献   

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