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刘慧宁 《医疗装备》2006,19(11):60-60
MAM6420是西门子SOMATDM CT机上的监示器,其内部组成及电路设计非常复杂,而且价格昂贵。本人曾两次成功维修该显示器。现谈谈维修体会。 故障一:监视器无光栅,一片漆黑。初步判断为电源故障,从电源滤波器入手,一步步往后检查,当用三用表检查开关电源模块的X500连接器插头时,五组电源均无输出。在判断总电源有问题的情况下,检查模块内部元件,发现功率管BU2520损坏。分析其器件在电路中的作用,相当于该管在开路状态下,+500变压器无输出,以致造成整个设备故障,在电源其后所有电路因无电源不工作,所以显示屏一片漆黑。更换此管后,X500连接器有电压输出,监视器恢复正常,故障即排除。  相似文献   

李万里  李健 《医疗装备》2009,22(2):25-25
故障现象:开机后mA表、kV表无显示(即数码管不亮),机器不能正常工作。 故障分析:根据故障现象判断可能是电源调整电路故障,打开机器前盖,发现电源调整电机ML带动的自耦变压器上的电源调整碳轮运动到最左侧,关掉机器,将机器电源调整碳轮人为拨到自耦变压器中部,重新开机电源调整碳轮又移动到最左侧。  相似文献   

通过对CT电源典型故障的维修,总结并分析了CT电源故障的特点,为CT维修及检测提供了具有参考价值的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

本文介绍了XY110型X射线机电源和高压次级电路工作原理,阐述了XY110型X射线机电源和高压次级电路三个常见故障检修实例,并提供了相关部分的电原理图。  相似文献   

1故障现象机器出现计算机显示器不亮,约5s显示器电源指示灯变黄,整机不工作。2故障检修根据以往经验首先拔掉从工程控制计算机显示卡板到显示器控制信号线,这时显示器屏幕上提示“NOINPUT”,说明显示器没有问题,怀疑工程控制计算机控制机器运行的控制信号有问±12V指示灯不亮,拔掉工程控制机电源盒到控制板的电源插件测量+5V,±12V无输出,拆开电源盒检修发现振荡变压器内部短路。因自己手上没有参数资料,无专用件电源盒更换,但本人多年从事医疗器械维修工作,存有报废的计算机设备,拆下其中的计算机电源盒,测出+…  相似文献   

故障现象:按面板上的电源开关,电源指示灯闪亮后熄灭,无法开机。  相似文献   

1 故障现象 接通电源,打开电源开关,电源指示灯和启动灯均不亮,机器停止运行。  相似文献   

一台日本东芝产Asteion/VRCT机使用已一年 ,出现一次故障并已修复 ,现将处理办法介绍如下。故障现象开机后屏幕无显示。故障分析屏幕无显示电源出现故障的可能性比较大 ,拆开主机机箱检查电源 ,电源无输出 ,可判断是电源坏。该电源是日本索尼公司生产 ,型号是APS -90 ,双列12孔输出 ,输出电压为 +3.43、+5.1、 +12、-12、+3.3。公司报价4.5万元人民币 ,且需订货。故障排除电源坏有两个可能 ,一是电源本身故障 ,二是负载短路造成电源故障。与CT机一起购买的工作站sgi内有同样型号的电源一只 ,为应…  相似文献   

CLE-10冷光源为OLYMPUS公司于20世纪80年代初随着OES-10系列纤维内窥镜一同推出的医用普及型冷光源,是目前我国各级医疗机构广泛应用的一款机型。该机型设计合理,功能较强,故障率较低,寿命较长。由于该机型的维修资料未见发表,给日常维修造成诸多不便。下面就其常见故障的判断和处理方法谈一些个人经验。1电源系统故障电源系统故障主要表现为整机无电,在排除外部供电电源和机器电源进线回路器件的因素之后,一般可以怀疑出自电源变压器故障,该机的电源变压器初级绕组之间串接有温度熔断器,放置在变压器两绕组间,…  相似文献   

于左 《医疗装备》2010,23(11):37-37
故障现象:我院有台菲利浦HDI5000彩超,有天早晨发现无法开机。 故障排除:查外部交流电源正常,开关主电源开关与起动开关都没反映。拆去前面板后,露出主电源前部指示灯(如图1);开后边主电源开关后,电源指示灯没一个亮起。说明主电源没有工作。查电源进线与主开关正常,有交流电到前端ACIM板上;  相似文献   

在强手如林的医院竞争格局中,民营医院要获得发展,必须在软实力的建设中有所突破。软实力建设是转换医院发展模式的必然选择。从5个方面对软实力建设做了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper applies a social-ecological theory of power to posit that individual HIV-related vulnerability stems from how power is leveraged across situations over time. The current study identified six power domains and explored how the interchangeability of power shapes HIV-related vulnerability among men who have sex with men of colour. Data were collected as part of a mixed-methods study on the social networks and experiences of racial/ethnic and sexual minority status. A total of 35 Asian/Pacific Islander, Black and Latino men who have sex with men were recruited and individual in-depth interviews were conducted. Results showed that men who have sex with men of colour actively traded upon various domains to alter their relative power within a given situation. Results suggest that power interchangeability, or the degree to which power from one domain can be leveraged to gain power in another, may shape HIV-related vulnerability. Findings offer a dynamic understanding of the nature of HIV risk as derived from everyday power exchanges and provide theoretical foundation for future work on individual resilience against HIV-related risks over time.  相似文献   

医疗设备在使用过程中对其安全性、稳定性、精确性和可靠性要求非常严格,设备的正常运行需要好的电源来保证,而开关电源由于使用集成电路模块,采用了良好的保护电路,并具有安全、可靠、稳定的性能,以及电源体积小等优点而被广泛应用在各种电子医疗设备中。从开关电源维修角度来看,在维修医疗设备开关电源时必须掌握开关电源的工作原理,具备一定的故障分析能力和维修技能技巧,在合理的工作条件下进行科学有效的维修和保养,是确保医疗设备正常运行的关键。  相似文献   

Despite the very rich theoretical literature on marital power, recent empirical investigations on this subject have, in general, relied on disappointing measures of power. The empirically testable model developed in this article is an application of Blumberg's general theory of gender stratification to the contemporary American heterosexual couple. In the model, the authors concur with prior studies that identify economic power as the key variable in the power balance within a marital relationship. Their conceptualization of economic power, however, attempts to reflect the extremely complex nature of marital power. Thus, they offer the notion of overall economic power and then suggest that there are a number of discount factors operating at both the macro and micro levels that affect the power balance, resulting in what is termed net economic power. The fully elaborated model is dynamic, taking into account birth cohort differences, stable versus transitional relationships, and cross-class differences.  相似文献   

目的探究单样本率确切概率检验样本量估算非单调性的原因,通过SAS编程纠正其非单调性,并实现先设定检验效能后估算样本量的功能。方法从二项分布的离散性入手,分析检验效能与样本量非单调变化的原因,编写SAS宏程序实现计算功能。结果单样本率确切概率检验中,样本量与检验效能呈锯齿状非单调变化关系,这种现象由离散概率分布的实际检验水准常低于检验前所设定的理论检验水准所致。结论我们提出了纠正单样本率确切概率检验样本量估算的非单调性方法 ,即对于所有满足设定检验效能的样本量,找到一个不中断序列中的最小值,就是所估算的样本量。根据这一思路,本研究还解决了先设定检验效能后估算样本量的问题。  相似文献   

Each year between 1961 and 1975 all male students in a secondary school were submaximally tested on several occasions on bicycle ergometers with regard to estimated maximal aerobic power. The school is situated in central Sweden (Falun). The students were between 16 and 20 years of age. Data from the tests in Falun and data compiled from other sources cannot confirm the hypothesis that young men of today have a lower maximal aerobic power than young men of the 1960s. The results indicate that Swedish boys aged 16 to 20 have, on average, a maximal aerobic power of about 45 ml O2 X (kg x min)-1. The standard deviation is about 8 ml O2.  相似文献   

Exact Pearson's chi square, likelihood ratio (LR), and Fisher's tests are obtained from the conditional distribution of its test statistic, given the row and column sums of the contingency table. The power and obtained significance level of the standard, mid p, and randomized versions of these tests are compared for two-sided tests in 2 x 2 tables, using binomial and multinomial sampling. The mid p type I error probabilities seldom exceed the nominal significance level. The mid p and randomized test versions have approximately the same power, and higher power than the standard test version. The power of the Pearson's chi square, LR and Fisher's test differ, and they differ in approximately the same way for standard, mid p and randomized test versions for any given set of parameters. There is no general ranking between the three tests. In many cases, Pearson's chi square and Fisher's tests have almost equal power, and higher power than LR. In a few cases, perhaps characterized by poorly balanced designs, LR performs best. Fisher's test seems to be slightly more robust even if the design is poor.  相似文献   

Animal experiments with biogalvanic cells have demonstrated that an average power of 80 muW can be derived continously for at least 2 years. There is a further scope to stabilize the power at 100 muW for considerable longer periods so that the chances of cardiac pacing with biogalvanic power have become bright. However, large scale efforts are necessary in in establishing the statistical reliability and the secured performance which are expensive and time consuming. Animal experiments with biofuel cells are still in preliminary stages. We derived a continous power of 40 muW (4MUW/cm2) at 575 mV over 150 days so far. This is the longest recorded period with such a high power density. The main problem in deriving higher power over longer period is to properly encapsulate the cell with materials which are hydrophilic and essentially biocompatible.  相似文献   

Interactions between doctor and patient involve participants with unequal power and possibly different interests. While a number of studies have focused upon the doctor/patient relationship, few have examined the utility of the concept of power and its capacity to help us understand the outcome of these interactions. The information sought by pregnant women from their obstetricians is used to provide a case study of one conceptualization and test of the utility of the concept of power. Pregnant women and their obstetricians are found to have different perceptions of the information that should be exchanged during their interactions. Women generally fail to obtain the information they want. Lower social class patients desire more and obtain less information than their higher status counterparts.  相似文献   



Nurses are expected to empower their clients, but they cannot do so if they themselves feel powerless. They must become empowered before they can empower others. Some researchers have emphasized that understanding the concept of power is an important prerequisite of any empowerment program. While many authors have tried to define the concept of power, there is no comprehensive definition. This paper is an attempt to clarify the concept of power in nursing. It also would present a model describing the factors affecting nurse empowerment.  相似文献   

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