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健康服务热线的创制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康服务热线就是利用先进的信息技术平台.高效、便捷服务病人,最大限度的提升医院的“核心竞争力”,为各医疗服务机构开辟了一种新的服务窗口和服务渠道,较好的实现了卫生部门开展的“医院管理年”要求。这是中国第一个集成了各种现代信息技术为一体并面向医疗行为医患互动的健康服务热线计算机网络化管理软件平台。  相似文献   

<正>“12345政务服务便民热线”(简称“政务服务热线”)是国务院在各地区设立的为社会公众提供非紧急诉求的渠道。政务服务热线的开通,不仅为政府与群众的互动沟通提供了便利,也为实现医疗系统动态治理和医疗服务精准化管理提供了机遇。新冠疫情对医疗机构造成了巨大冲击,疫情防控阶段,把握政务服务热线变化的新特征是促进医疗服务改进的重要手段。  相似文献   

以病人为中心 实施优质服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院服务的宗旨是紧紧围绕以病人为中心,提供优质服务,最大限度地满足病人的需要。在开展“医院管理年”活动期间,紧扣“质量、安全、服务、控费、医德医风”等医疗服务环节,切实把优质服务活动落实到各项工作之中,更好、更全面地促进医院健康持续发展。  相似文献   

在健康中国战略背景下,以新一代互联网技术为支撑,以智慧产业化和产业智慧化为发展导向,探索互联网医院发展之路十分重要。牵头制定跨区域互联网医疗运行模式,利用互联网、移动互联网和物联网技术,构建能够支持互联网医院的运营管理、门诊诊疗、住院服务以及其他医疗健康服务的新一代互联网医院信息平台,使优质医疗资源下沉到地州医院,实现了“以患者为中心”的目的。  相似文献   

随着医改进入深水区,为老百姓提供全方位、全周期健康服务已成为各方共识。浙江省主要通过资源重组、体系重建、管理重构、服务重塑,来满足群众曰益增长和多样化的健康服务需求。实践中,我们通过“双下沉、两提升”工程,促进“城市医院强”到“县级医院强”;通过全面推进县域医共体,促进“县级医院强”到“县域医疗强”,构建整合型医疗服务体系。  相似文献   

医疗机构“医药价格服务”机制的完善   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨建华 《现代医院》2010,10(8):89-91
“医药价格服务”是伴随着医疗改革应运而生的经营理念,并且成为医院经营管理不可缺少的组成部分,它是医院合理收费的基础,也关系着医院和患者的利益。目前医疗机构开展的医疗检查、治疗项目繁多,常用药品一般也有1000多种,笔者认为,完善医疗机构“医药价格服务”机制,是各医疗单位较好地执行各项医药价格政策,规范医院医疗项目收费标准,合理制定医院药品价格,加强医院管理,同时妥善处理医患关系,促进医院健康良性发展的关键。  相似文献   

1 我国医院评审工作的发展与成绩 为改善与加强医疗卫生工作的宏观管理,调整与健全医疗预防体系,充分合理地利用卫生资源,提高医院科学管理水平和医疗卫生服务质量,更好地为保障人民健康服务,国家卫生部于1987年组织有关专家,认真总结了我国三级医疗预防保健网建设、划区分级分工医疗保健制度及“文明医院”建设的经验,在调查研究与借鉴国际医院标准化管理先进经验的基础上,确定了在我国实行以“医院评审”为核心的医院分级  相似文献   

六安市人民医院被批准为“三级甲等医院”和“全国百姓放心示范医院”后,为进一步做好医疗服务工作,建立健康俱乐部,开展全程联络与跟踪服务,实施经营战略。拓展医疗市场和服务空间。  相似文献   

随着我国医学模式由单纯“生物型”转变为“生物—心理—社会型”。单纯的医疗服务型转变为医疗—预防—保健一体化服务型。健康教育成为一项动员社会群众改变不健康行为、倡导健康向上、选择文明、科学的生活方式的利国利民的好事。开展医院健康教育是对医疗服务的补充 ,是密切医患关系、促进医院精神文明建设的纽带 ,是改善医院管理 ,提高社会效益和经济效益的有效途径 ,是创建“规范化医院” ,树立卫生行业自身形象的需要 ,也是适应医学模式转变 ,实施医院———社会卫生服务的重要内容。我院以健康教育为载体 ,转变观念 ,在全方位为患儿…  相似文献   

为解决长期困扰医院的医疗输送问题,更好地为临床一线服务,医院对原有的医疗输送模式进行了改革。将原来的分散管理、分散工作的输送模式改为集中管理、集中工作的模式、建立了“医疗输送中心”,并确定了输送模式。2年多来“医疗输送中心”运行的经验表明,医疗输送新模式使医院的医疗输送达到“以病人为中心,服务为宗旨、满意为目标”的目的。  相似文献   

Sandra Vandermerwe教授的“顾客资本理论”提出了一种新的模式,这种模式可以增加企业的竞争性。此项理论包括10项基本原则、6个反馈环;其核心内容包括“市场空间”,分为已经存在的、正在形成的以及想象中的3个层次;“客户活动周期”分为活动前期、活动中期及活动后期;其最终目的是为管理者提供可以使企业组织所提供的服务、所生产的产品产生增值回报的策略。  相似文献   

"Precision" and "accuracy": two terms that are neither   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: In some publications, the terms "precision" and "accuracy" are used as if they were synonyms for "reliability" and "validity." METHODS AND RESULTS: This article shows that these terms are neither precise nor accurate when used in this way. Scales can demonstrate high test-retest or interrater reliability (i.e., they are "precise") but still be unreliable in certain circumstances; and "imprecise" scales can still show good reliability. Further, "accuracy" as a synonym for validity reflects an outdated conceptualization of validity, which has been superseded by one that emphasizes that validity tells us what conclusions can be drawn about a person based on a test result. CONCLUSION: The article ends with a call for the use of the more traditional terms as better reflecting the process of scale development and the uses to which they are put.  相似文献   

"血站文化"理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
"血站文化"是血站制度执行与实现总体目标的思想保障,对血站创新具有推动作用。"血站文化"的塑造要结合血站的行业特点和自身现实状况。其塑造可从"血站文化"制度化、实践化、教育化、奖惩化入手。  相似文献   

智能化外周血液循环监测仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了一种采用光电式传感器检测肢端的血容积变化,并在CRT上实时显示出波形的仪器。它显示的波形有动脉血流容积图和静脉血流容积图两种。由于该仪器具有校正装置,使不同个体的比较成为可能。"自动"或"手动"钮的设计使仪器可自动或人工判别特征点。并经微型打印机给出检测结果,包括波形和血流循环系统各项特征参数。  相似文献   

The qualification period   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For randomized trials that do not require prompt onset of therapy, a pre-admission preparation, called the qualification period, can deal with certain customary difficulties in design, analysis, and ethics. For the patients' baseline state, the qualification period can be used to "wash out" effects of previous treatment, to verify admission criteria, and to identify or stratify suitable prognostic indicators. For treatment, the qualification period can be used to test and adjust therapeutic dosages, to exclude placebo responders, and to confirm early responsiveness to long-term active therapy. For intention-to-treat analyses, the qualification period can allow special stratifications for patients who are therapeutically difficult to regulate or who comply imperfectly. By offering the cited improvements as well as a brief "pilot exposure" for each patient, the qualification period can also enhance the "informed consent" and general ethics of a trial.  相似文献   

Howard Greenwald argues that social diversity can be transformed from a "problem" to a solution if leaders can fashion ways of incorporating the commonalities across different groups in the population. Core values of "hard work, just rewards, and personal liberty" can form the foundation of shared understandings among persons of different nativity, culture, and gender. At the same time, Greenwald notes the importance of designing different strategies for different people.  相似文献   

An administrator who is able to delegate to subordinates without feeling the need to "micromanage" gains power by "letting go." Power is the ability to influence others by persuasion in coercion. The administrator who is able to "let go" can enjoy the role of facilitator and mentor to subordinates. Details that were formerly obsessed about can be left to others. The administrator who has accomplished the art of "letting go" can say of a subordinate manager, "I trust the manager as a competent professional. I don't 'supervise' constantly. That would be 'micromanaging.' If that person needs some assistance, I will encourage the request."  相似文献   

"911"抗HBV作用的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价药物“911”在2215细胞培养中对HBsAg和HBeAg表达的抑制作用。方法:在HBV转染的人肝癌2215细胞加入待检药物培养,收取细胞培养液,检测上清液中HBsAg和HBeAg浓度,细胞提取物作HBV—DNA斑点分子杂交。结果:“911”对2215细胞的毒性较小,TC50为44.8mg/m1;对2215细胞的HBeAg有一定的抑制作用,且呈剂量反应关系,其抑制抗原半数有效浓度为17.3mg/kg;治疗指数为3.37。结论:“9ll”对2215细胞内HBV—DNA有一定的抑制作用,呈剂量反应关系,对2215细胞的HBsAg有较小抑制作用。  相似文献   

Stethoscopes, x-rays and other medical technologies are two-edged swords. They make medical treatment and diagnosis more accurate and effective, but do at the same time reveal our perceptual inadequacy. By transcending our senses, these technologies reveal that we can be seriously diseased without experiencing any symptoms at all. This situation has changed our attitude towards our relations and ourselves. The situation can be analysed using Jürgen Habermas conception of systems colonisation of the lifeworld. Medical technologies colonise our life world. They change the way we think and act. They make us all accept that we can become patients almost any minute, even if we feel perfectly healthy. Sense transcending technologies turn us all into proto-patient.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Joffe M 《Preventive medicine》2011,53(4-5):246-249
The concept of causation in epidemiology can be illuminated by situating the discussion within a more general concept of causation in biology: "a causal relationship is one that has a mechanism that by its operation makes a difference". Mechanism and difference-making are complementary, and discovery can proceed from either direction; each type of evidence can be qualitative or quantitative. An explanation becomes fully convincing only when supported by both. In biology, causation is typically stochastic and/or multiple. Multiple causation can be analysed statistically/epidemiologically, even though it is not truly (ontologically) stochastic. This requires some degree of regularity in the outcome variable, plus sufficient variation in the exposure(s). The analysis then demonstrates co-variations between exposure(s) and outcome that regularly occur. Rose's important distinction of "causes of incidence" and "causes of cases" should be reconceptualised in terms of epidemiological visibility, raising the possibility of epidemiological "dark matter".  相似文献   

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