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山西省出生缺陷高发地区微量营养素摄入量的总膳食研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的分析山西省出生缺陷高发地区微量营养素的摄入情况。方法在山西省实施强化面粉干预出生缺陷项目的吕梁地区进行总膳食研究,通过膳食调查了解当地居民食物摄入情况,并对膳食中与出生缺陷相关的微量营养素进行测定,将结果分别与中国营养协会推荐的RNI值或AI值进行比较。结果各组人群的膳食结构仍以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主。其中蔬菜、水果、乳类、肉类及水产类食物的摄入量,与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的推荐量相比,还存在很大的差距。从总体来看,各组人群锌和维生素E的摄入量基本达到要求,但是铁、硒、铜、抗坏血酸、视黄醇、叶酸及维生素B12等营养素的摄入明显不足。结论山西省出生缺陷高发地区育龄妇女微量营养素摄入不足问题比较严重。  相似文献   

目的分析和描述2002—2012年中国居民能量及膳食营养素摄入状况和变化趋势。方法利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查、2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,对2岁及以上居民的能量、宏量营养素和微量营养素等摄入状况变化进行分析。采用家庭连续3天24小时膳食回顾和调味品称重法进行膳食调查,依据家庭成员的膳食能量比和中国食物成分表计算每标准人日能量营养素摄入量。结果同2002年相比,2010—2012年中国居民平均每标准人日能量摄入量从2251 kcal下降到2172 kcal;蛋白质摄入整体水平与2002年基本持平;脂肪摄入量为79.9 g,增加了3.6 g,城市高于农村,农村摄入量上升,城乡差距缩小。维生素A、维生素C、钙、铁、锌、钠等微量营养素摄入量均低于推荐量,且呈下降趋势。结论 2002—2012年中国城乡居民能量摄入稳定,膳食营养素摄入状况有所改善,但脂肪摄入量增加,微量营养素摄入不足问题仍普遍存在,城乡差别明显,居民尤其是农村居民膳食质量有待提高。  相似文献   

对贵州农村人群膳食微量营养素摄入状况的调查 ,了解其膳食营养水平及缺乏情况 ,探讨改善措施。结果表明 ,我省农村人群膳食中抗坏血酸、维生素 E及铁等微量营养素中的摄入比较充足 ,而钙、硫胺素、锌、硒及核黄素等营养素在各人群中的摄入普遍不足 ,以钙、核黄素和视黄醇摄入不足最为明显 ,分别为供给量标准的 41 %、49%和 69%,并以学龄前儿童为重点高危人群 ,提出了几项预防微量营养素缺乏的建议  相似文献   

目的评价小学生在校营养午餐微量营养素的摄入情况及全天膳食比例。方法采用方便抽样的方法,选择丰台区4所提供营养午餐的小学1~6年级共770名学生作为研究对象。采用膳食分析软件分析学校连续3天的午餐食谱并考虑剩余情况,计算午餐微量营养素,包括钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B_1、维生素B_2、维生素C的实际摄入量;采用3 d膳食回顾法获得校外膳食微量营养素的摄入量。结果营养午餐钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B_2、维生素C摄入不足比例分别为100%、14.5%、19.6%、78.7%、98.2%、74.2%和92.7%,全天膳食7种微量营养素摄入不足比例分别为94.2%、14.0%、12.6%、61.7%、79.2%、51.7%和63.9%,且营养午餐和全天膳食7种微量营养素的摄入不足比例均有随年龄增加而增长的趋势(P0.001);营养午餐和全天膳食中各年龄组钙和4种维生素的实际摄入量占RNI的比例均低于相应标准,铁、锌则基本达到相应标准;营养午餐中铁锌摄入占全天摄入的百分比的平均水平达到推荐值(40%),而其他微量营养素的占比基本在30%左右。结论小学生营养午餐及全天膳食中各微量营养素的摄入不足情况均较严重,且营养午餐对全天微量营养素摄入的贡献较小。  相似文献   

目的分析3~12岁儿童膳食模式,并探讨其与微量营养素摄入不足的关系。方法利用"中国居民健康与营养调查(CHNS)"数据,采用主成份分析法提炼膳食模式。采用营养素充足比、营养素摄入不足率评估膳食营养状况。应用Logistic回归模型分析膳食模式与微量营养素摄入不足之间的关联关系。结果中国3~12儿童以"动物水果"和"主食"两种膳食模式为主。在调整了混杂因素后,总体微量营养素摄入不足率与"动物水果"模式评分存在负相关关系。高依从度组发生蛋白质和总体微量营养素摄入不足的风险分别下降了90%和83%。在"主食"模式下,平均营养素充足比存在随膳食模式评分降低而升高的趋势;中度和高度依从"主食"模式的儿童,其发生总体微量营养素摄入不足的风险分别是低依从度儿童的1.67倍和2倍。结论儿童营养状况与其膳食模式密切相关,提示可以通过改善膳食模式降低儿童发生隐性饥饿的风险。[营养学报,2021,43(3):218-222]  相似文献   

目的 分析天津城乡居民膳食微量营养素摄入状况及与高血压的关系,为提出人群营养改善预防高血压策略提供信息及依据。方法 利用2010-2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,采用连续3d 24 h回顾及调味品称重的膳食调查方法。结果 天津居民每标准人日维生素A、C、E、B1、B2、尼克酸、钙、钠、钾、碘、铁、锌摄入分别为313.79 μg、85.05 mg、27.91 mg、0.81 mg、0.86 mg、13.24 mg、410.85 mg、6 613.17 mg、1 735.10 mg、282.83 μg、22.21 mg、10.37 mg;膳食维生素A、B1、B2、钙低于推荐值,钠明显超标;除了钠、总碘农村偏高,其他微量营养素农村均最低;高血压患者膳食钾、钙、镁、铜、硒、维生素A、C、硫胺素、核黄素与血压呈负相关(均有P< 0.05),钠、碘与血压呈正相关(均有P< 0.05);高血压组钠、碘明显高于正常血压组和推荐值;其他微量营养素低于正常血压组(均有P<0.05)。结论 天津居民维生素A、B1、B2、钙摄入不足是膳食中的主要问题;钠摄入明显过多;农村居民微量营养素缺乏更严重;多种微量营养素摄入与高血压相关,急需膳食干预高血压的营养改善措施。  相似文献   

目的 调查妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)营养状况,为制定营养干预方案提供依据.方法 对GDM孕妇进行健康信息采集及24 h回顾性膳食调查,分析其膳食结构及各营养素的摄入情况.结果 调查195例GDM孕妇中,孕前体重超重占19.4%,低蛋白血症占6.3%,贫血占3.1%,血脂异常普遍;膳食调查结果与有关饮食控制标准比较,能量、脂肪和碳水化合物摄入量均偏高,蛋白质摄入量不足;部分微量营养素与膳食纤维摄入不足;粗杂粮摄入量少,大豆类摄入不足;水产品摄入量高于畜肉类,油脂类摄入普遍偏高.结论 GDM孕妇膳食中能量摄入偏高,3大营养素供热比不合理,微量营养素摄入不足.应强化GDM孕妇健康教育工作,及早进行合理膳食干预.  相似文献   

12000名农村中老年人食物消费模式调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对河南省南阳市和安徽省安庆市农村中老年居民的膳食调查 ,比较两地食物消费模式的异同。方法用简化的食物频率询问法 ,对两地 12 0 0 0多名 40岁及以上农村老年人进行调查。结果南阳的中老年人在能量和蛋白质摄入上已达到适量及充足水平 ,安庆则只达 RDA的 70 %~ 80 %。微量营养素方面 ,两地对尼克酸、抗坏血酸和铁的摄入 ,都达到或超过了 RDA水平 ;而视黄醇当量、核黄素和钙的摄入两地都明显不足。结论两地农村中老年居民在大多数食物摄入频率、营养素摄入量及膳食模式上均有差别  相似文献   

2000~2004年天津市居民膳食营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究2000~2004年天津市城市居民膳食营养摄入状况。方法利用天津市统计局2000~2004年天津城市居民各种食物的消费量和人口资料,通过膳食计算和统计分析,研究天津市2000~2004年食物消费状况、各种营养素摄入及营养素的食物来源情况。结果天津市城市居民动物性食物、水果、蔬菜摄入较合理,蛋白质质量较好,谷类、奶类、豆类食物摄入偏低,维生素A、B1、B2、钙摄入量占推荐摄入量(RNIs)或适宜摄入量(AIs)百分比偏低,脂肪占总热量偏高(34%~35%)。结论天津城市居民膳食不均衡,部分微量营养素摄入不足,脂肪摄入偏高。应进一步加强合理营养教育,完善居民饮食结构,以满足平衡饮食和合理营养的要求。  相似文献   

[目的]了解杨浦区居民微量营养素摄入状况及其随季节变化情况,为指导该区营养干预工作提供科学依据。[方法]分别于2012年春、秋季和2013年夏、冬季各开展一次调查。采用"3天24小时膳食调查法"进行膳食调查并对家庭食用油、盐、味精等调味品进行称重,计算居民每标准人日微量营养素的摄入量。[结果]杨浦区居民4个季节中维生素A、胡萝卜素、维生素B_1、维生素B_2、烟酸、维生素C、钠、锰、锌、硒的摄入量差异有统计学意义(均P0.05)。居民全年维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、烟酸和维生素C摄入量平均需要量(EAR)的比例分别占50.9%、69.9%、53.5%、14.8%、38.7%,钙、镁、铁、锌、铜、磷、硒摄入量EAR的比例分别占48.2%、34.5%、0.4%、31.5%、1.1%、3.0%、26.5%。[结论]该区居民微量营养素摄入在4个季节呈现一定的差异性,应重点关注维生素A、维生素B_1、维生素B_2、维生素C、钙、镁、锌、硒等微量营养素摄入不足的问题。  相似文献   

The establishment of safe upper intake levels for micronutrients must consider the intake-response relations for both deficiency and toxicity. Limited data are available on the toxicities of most micronutrients, and few studies that meet the criteria considered essential for the risk assessment of other chemicals in food, such as pesticides and food additives, have been performed. In some cases, the application of large uncertainty factors, which are used to establish the amount of a chemical that would be safe for daily intake throughout life, could result in nutritionally inadequate intakes of micronutrients. As a consequence, lower than normal uncertainty factors have been applied to determine safe or tolerable intakes of many micronutrients. There is no clear scientific rationale, on the basis of the metabolism and elimination of micronutrients or the nature of the adverse effects reported for high intakes, for the use of reduced uncertainty factors for micronutrient toxicity. A review of recent evaluations of selected vitamins and minerals shows little consistency in the application of uncertainty factors by different advisory groups, such as the Institute of Medicine in the United States and the Scientific Committee on Foods in the European Union. It is apparent that, in some cases, the uncertainty factor applied was selected largely to give a result that is compatible with nutritional requirements; therefore, the uncertainty factor represented part of risk management rather than hazard characterization. The usual risk assessment procedures for chemicals in food should be revised for micronutrients, so that the risks associated with intakes that are too low and too high are considered equally as part of a risk-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

BackgroundEven in an era of obesity and dietary excess, numerous shortfall micronutrients have been identified in the diets of US children and adolescents. To help tailor strategies for meeting recommendations, it is important to know what foods contribute greatly to micronutrient intakes. Data are lacking on specific contributions made by added nutrients.ObjectiveOur aims were to examine the impact of fortification on nutrient adequacy and excess among US children and adolescents and to rank food sources of added nutrient intake and compare rankings with those based on total nutrient intake from foods.Design and statistical analysesData were from 7,250 respondents 2 to 18 years old in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2006. Datasets were developed that distinguished nutrient sources: intrinsic nutrients in foods; added nutrients in foods; foods (intrinsic plus added nutrients); and total diet (foods plus supplements). The National Cancer Institute method was used to determine usual intakes of micronutrients by source. The impact of fortification on the percentages of children having intakes less than the Estimated Average Requirement and more than the Upper Tolerable Intake Level was assessed by comparing intakes from intrinsic nutrients to intakes from intrinsic plus added nutrients. Specific food sources of micronutrients were determined as sample-weighted mean intakes of total and added nutrients contributed from 56 food groupings. The percentage of intake from each grouping was determined separately for total and added nutrients.ResultsWithout added nutrients, a high percentage of all children/adolescents had inadequate intakes of numerous micronutrients, with the greatest inadequacy among older girls. Fortification reduced the percentage less than the Estimated Average Requirement for many, although not all, micronutrients without resulting in excessive intakes. Data demonstrated the powerful influence of fortification on food-source rankings.ConclusionsKnowledge about nutrient intakes and sources can help put dietary advice into a practical context. Continued monitoring of top food sources of nutrients and nutrient contributions from fortification will be important.  相似文献   

Poor dietary choices not only manifest in obesity, which is currently the main public health focus in the UK, but can also lead to inadequate micronutrient intakes, with implications for health. Recent dietary survey data and measurements of status biomarkers have highlighted folate, vitamin D, calcium, iron and iodine to be amongst the micronutrients of most concern for particular subgroups of the UK population. Those most vulnerable to inadequate intakes of these micronutrients include adolescents, ethnic minorities and lower socio‐economic groups. Teenage girls and women of childbearing age are of particular concern because of their high requirements for some micronutrients and the impact poor micronutrient intakes can have on the health of their offspring. Yet, compared to other food concerns, relatively little importance seems to be given by consumers to the micronutrient density of foods. This review explores different factors that may influence micronutrient intakes and status over the following decade and beyond. Over the next few years, it is likely that the micronutrients of concern remain similar, although continuation of dietary trends could result in further decreases in iron and calcium intakes. In an obesogenic and sedentary environment, where many people are being encouraged to reduce their energy intakes, increasing the micronutrient density of the diet is essential to prevent a concurrent decrease in micronutrient intake. Investment in fortification policies/practices or sustained government programmes aimed at raising awareness of micronutrients of most concern or encouraging supplementation, for example focusing on folate and vitamin D, could considerably improve population micronutrient intakes. Over the longer term, with sufficient investment in research and support from healthcare professionals and the food industry, adequate micronutrient intakes could be achieved across the UK population. However, global food security issues, including retaining food supply in response to an increase in demand for food, energy and water, and changing climate, could potentially hamper these efforts.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the relationship between micronutrient intakes and survival following diagnosis of breast cancer have reported mixed results. This may be partly due to considerable variance in amounts of micronutrients consumed from diet and supplements across studies. Early-stage breast cancer survivors (N = 3081) completed four 24-h dietary and supplement recalls at the baseline assessment (1995 to 2000) and were followed for a median of 9.0 yr. Mean micronutrient intakes were compared to dietary reference intakes (DRI) to assess micronutrient adequacy for both users and nonusers of supplements. Cox regressions were performed to assess whether intakes of selected micronutrients were associated with all-cause mortality. Four hundred and twelve deaths occurred between baseline and August 2009. Among these women, more supplement users had adequate micronutrient intakes than nonusers for 15 out of 17 micronutrients. Less than 10% of supplement users (<2% of nonsupplement users) reported levels that exceeded the tolerable upper limit for each micronutrient except magnesium. After adjusting for age, tumor characteristics, and health status variables, micronutrient intakes were not significantly associated with all-cause mortality. Dietary supplements may improve overall micronutrient intakes of breast cancer survivors. However, vitamin and mineral intakes were not associated with all-cause mortality.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the relationship between micronutrient intakes and survival following diagnosis of breast cancer have reported mixed results. This may be partly due to considerable variance in amounts of micronutrients consumed from diet and supplements across studies. Early-stage breast cancer survivors (N = 3081) completed four 24-h dietary and supplement recalls at the baseline assessment (1995 to 2000) and were followed for a median of 9.0 yr. Mean micronutrient intakes were compared to dietary reference intakes (DRI) to assess micronutrient adequacy for both users and nonusers of supplements. Cox regressions were performed to assess whether intakes of selected micronutrients were associated with all-cause mortality. Four hundred and twelve deaths occurred between baseline and August 2009. Among these women, more supplement users had adequate micronutrient intakes than nonusers for 15 out of 17 micronutrients. Less than 10% of supplement users (<2% of nonsupplement users) reported levels that exceeded the tolerable upper limit for each micronutrient except magnesium. After adjusting for age, tumor characteristics, and health status variables, micronutrient intakes were not significantly associated with all-cause mortality. Dietary supplements may improve overall micronutrient intakes of breast cancer survivors. However, vitamin and mineral intakes were not associated with all-cause mortality.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern that high intakes of added sugars might compromise intakes of micronutrients. The objectives of this systematic review were (1) to determine whether dietary added sugar intake was associated with micronutrient intakes, and if so, whether there was evidence of micronutrient dilution as a result of higher dietary added sugar intake and (2) if micronutrient dilution was present, to determine whether there was sufficiently robust evidence to support a threshold effect above which there was a significant decline in micronutrient intake or status relative to the recommended intakes. A systematic computerised literature search was undertaken, limited to studies written in English published from 1980 onwards and further studies identified through hand searching papers. Fifteen studies that assessed associations between intakes of added sugars or non-milk extrinsic sugars and micronutrients were included. Overall, there are insufficient data and inconsistency between studies in relationships between added sugars and micronutrient intakes, with no clear evidence of micronutrient dilution or a threshold for a quantitative amount of added sugar intake for any of the micronutrients investigated. The current evidence base is considerably constrained by methodological issues. Further research is required to determine which food products high in added sugars might adversely affect micronutrient intakes by displacing other food items from the diet. Analyses should take into account the magnitude of any observed associations to determine their true biological significance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The minimal data available on the current energy, nutrient and dietary fiber intakes of adolescent males challenges the development of effective nutrition education programs. There is a need for research into the current intakes of adolescent males and in particular their relation to the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). The primary objective of this study was to assess the diet of adolescent males and relate energy, nutrient and dietary fiber intakes to the DRIs. Secondary objectives were to relate energy, macronutrient and dietary fiber intakes to body mass index (BMI)-for-age percentile categories as well as to explore vitamin/mineral supplement use and soft drink consumption. METHODS: Three-day food records were completed by 180 healthy adolescent males for analysis of energy, nutrient and dietary fiber intakes from food and supplements. Following adjustment for intra-individual variability, nutrient intake percentile distributions were related to the DRIs. Energy, macronutrient and dietary fiber intakes were compared among BMI-for-age percentile categories and diets were evaluated for vitamin/mineral supplement use and soft drink consumption. RESULTS: Median intakes for percent energy from carbohydrate, fat and protein were within the Accepted Macronutrient Distribution Ranges. Intakes of micronutrients with Estimated Average Requirement values indicated that greater than 50% of subjects consumed inadequate amounts of vitamin A and vitamin B6, and greater than 75% of subjects consumed inadequate amounts of magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Subjects classified as overweight had significantly lower energy and carbohydrate intakes compared with subjects classified as having an acceptable body weight. The prevalence of vitamin/mineral supplement use was 16.1% and 67% of subjects reported daily consumption of soft drinks. CONCLUSION: Results of this study reveal that adolescent males are consuming the recommended amounts of macronutrients but may be at risk for consuming inadequate levels of specific micronutrients. Nutrition education programs should consider targeting select micronutrients to improve nutritional intakes of adolescent males.  相似文献   

Numerous studies documented low intakes of iron, zinc, calcium, and other micronutrients in young children. A recent report suggests that intakes are low in both home food and food provided at day care centers. Most of the young children in that study could not have obtained adequate intakes of key micronutrients without major dietary changes. Is it time to recommend routine multivitamin/mineral supplementation for all young children?  相似文献   

The prevalence of micronutrient deficiency is high among women of reproductive age living in urban Mali. Despite this, there are little data on the dietary intake of micronutrients among women of reproductive age in Mali. This research tested the relationship between the quantity of intake of 21 possible food groups and estimated usual micronutrient (folate, vitamin B-12, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, iron, thiamin, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, and zinc) intakes and a composite measure of adequacy of 11 micronutrients [mean probability of adequacy (MPA)] based on the individual probability of adequacy (PA) for the 11 micronutrients. Food group and micronutrient intakes were calculated from 24-h recall data in an urban sample of Malian women. PA was lowest for folate, vitamin B-12, calcium, and riboflavin. The overall MPA for the composite measure of 11 micronutrients was 0.47 ± 0.18. Grams of intake from the nuts/seeds, milk/yogurt, vitamin A-rich dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV), and vitamin C-rich vegetables food groups were correlated (Spearman's rho = 0.20-0.36; P < 0.05) with MPA. Women in the highest consumption groups of nuts/seeds and DGLV had 5- and 6-fold greater odds of an MPA > 0.5, respectively. These findings can be used to further the development of indicators of dietary diversity and to improve micronutrient intakes of women of reproductive age.  相似文献   

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