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为了应对新发传染病带来的全球卫生危机,国际社会发展和完善了现代国际卫生合作机制,初步形成了传染病的全球治理机制。由于受到全球经济发展不平衡、国际民主失衡与冲突频发、多个并存的国际组织公共卫生职能重叠、非政府组织参与全球卫生治理的有效性有待提高等因素的影响,初具雏形的传染病全球治理机制还比较粗糙,有待在传染病治理的实践中接受检验并不断完善。建议加强世界卫生组织的领导地位、增加全球卫生投入、改善全球经济治理机构、推动国际政治民主化、协调伙伴关系、明确非政府组织的法律地位、重视健康的决定因素。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the emergence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as an object of political concern in and for countries of the global South. While epidemiologists and public health practitioners and scholars have long expressed concern with the changing global distribution of the burden of NCDs, it is only in more recent years that the aetiology, politics and consequences of these shifts have become an object of critical social scientific enquiry. These shifts mark the starting point for this special issue on ‘The Politics of NCDs in the Global South’ and act as the basis for new, critical interventions in how we understand NCDs. In this paper, we aim not only to introduce and contextualise the six contributions that form this special issue, but also to identify and explore three themes – problematisation, care and culture – that index the main areas of analytical and empirical concern that have motivated analyses of NCDs in the global South and are central to critical engagement with their political contours.  相似文献   

非政府组织(Non-governmental organization,NGO)在全球健康领域发挥着重要作用。本专题集中研究NGO在全球健康领域的作用、治理工具、在政府全球健康战略中的地位、项目管理经验、中国NGO的发展状况等五个方面。研究认为,全球健康已初步形成大国、国际政府间组织和大型NGO主导的治理格局,中国仅靠政府力量并不能满足日益增长的全球健康需求。建议中国应将NGO纳入全球健康战略,建立NGO管理和合作机制,使其成为实施全球健康项目的重要补充力量;对中国非政府组织采取"重点扶持、整体改善"策略。  相似文献   

全球化对健康产生了广泛而深刻的影响,挑战了原有的国际卫生体系,推动了全球卫生概念的提出,开拓了全球卫生治理的新局面。经济合作与发展组织中的七个国家已经发布并实施了国家全球卫生战略。本文比较研究了这些国家出台全球卫生战略的背景、目标利益,指导价值理念、重点领域及战略的制定过程等,并对七国战略的共同点及不同特色进行了总结提炼,发现尊重和维护健康权、积极承担国际责任并发展合作伙伴的能力是共同的价值理念;维护和改善本国人民的健康并为改善全球健康做出贡献、促进国家利益的实现是共同的目标;基于本国比较优势满足发展中国家卫生合作的需求是确定重点领域的关键;加强全球卫生治理、影响健康的全球治理,以及影响全球的卫生治理的思想贯穿战略的始终;多部门和全社会参与战略制订的过程。在借鉴上述国家全球卫生战略核心思想和经验的基础上,提出对中国制订国家全球卫生战略的建议。  相似文献   

全球化对全球人口的健康产生了深刻影响.疾病全球化呼吁公共卫生治理的全球化.全球卫生治理与传统的国际卫生治理在治理主体、治理方式、治理结构及价值取向等方面存在区别.全球卫生治理的目标是让全世界人民获得可能的最高水平的健康标准.人人享有健康的美好理想只有通过全球卫生"善治"才能实现.而实现全球卫生"善治"的主要机制是国际卫...  相似文献   

The decolonisation agenda is gathering momentum in global health. Within this movement, one domain of analysis has been the ways in which the geographies of scholarly knowledge production (re)produce the inequities of coloniality. Drawing on the example of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), here we deviate from this and instead examine the authorship of the key global documents that were used to ignite and mobilise the NCD advocacy agenda from 2000 to 2020. In doing so, we reflect on the changing ecosystems of authorial expertise. It shows that while the geographic distribution of expertise has broadened over time, the NCD domain remains a fairly tight and circumscribed network. Importantly this research also shows the complexities of ascribing location to expertise, a finding that speaks back to the decolonisation debate.  相似文献   

随着中国在国际舞台上的重要性不断提高,培养具有全球化视野的公共卫生人才成为关键问题。全球化视野包括对全球政治、经济、社会发展的深入理解,对全球卫生问题的历史、现状与发展趋势的掌握,对公共卫生全球治理与公共卫生专业本身关系的理解和感悟,在多元文化环境中对多元价值的理解、适应和自我发展,以及通过外交谈判手段获得问题解决方案的能力和向全球卫生治理提供中国案例的能力。培养这些能力,既需要打造理论与实践相结合的师资队伍,选择适宜人才进行后备队伍培养和教育,也需要提供多种多样的实践与培训,如到国外留学、到国际组织或者跨国机构任职、参与中国政府对外援助项目等。  相似文献   

Cancer is a leading global cause of death and disability, responsible for approximately 7.6 million deaths each year. Around one-third of cancers are attributable to a small number of preventable risk factors – including smoking and the harmful consumption of alcohol – for which effective interventions exist at the population level. Despite this, progress in global cancer control has been slow and patchy, largely due to the weak and fragmented nature of both the global and national responses. This has been exacerbated by the economic crisis and the tendency for other challenges involving food, energy security and climate change to overshadow cancer on the global policy agenda. This paper reviews the global burden of cancer, and summarizes knowledge about effective interventions. Responding to the global challenge of cancer requires a comprehensive and integrated approach that includes legislation and regulation. A re-invigorated approach to global cancer prevention, within the broader context of non-communicable disease prevention, is an important pathway to global health and development.  相似文献   

This article explores the spatio-temporal logics at work in global health. Influenced by ideas of time–space compression, the global health literature argues that the world is characterised by a convergence of disease patterns and biomedical knowledge. While not denying the influence of these temporalities and spatialities of globalisation within the global health and chronic disease field, the article argues that they sit alongside other, often-conflicting notions of time and space. To do so, it explores the spatio-temporal logics that underpin a highly influential epidemiological model of the smoking epidemic. Unlike the temporalities and spatialities of sameness described in much of the global health literature, the article shows that this model is articulated around temporalities and spatialities of difference. This is not the difference celebrated by postmoderns, but the difference of modernisation theorists built around nations, sequential stages and progress. Indeed, the model, in stark contrast to the ‘one world, one time, one health’ globalisation mantra, divides the world into nation–states and orders them along epidemiological, geographical and development lines.  相似文献   

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