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50种常见食用植物药材及中草药植物中甾醇的含量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对中国常见的50种药食两用植物和中草药中的植物甾醇的量和分布进行分析。方法选择了目前保健食品原料中常用的药食两用植物18种和中草药32种,用气相色谱法分析了β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、谷甾烷醇的含量,并计算各成分占总量的百分比。结果18种药食两用植物中,植物甾醇的总含量从14.8mg/100g(生姜)到208.3mg/100g(火麻仁),而测定的32种中草药中,植物甾醇总含量则从9.4mg/100g(川贝母)到280.3mg/100g(柏子仁),在各种"仁"、"子"的样品中植物甾醇的含量较高。大部分样品中含量最多的是β-谷甾醇;传统用来降血脂、利尿、抗炎的中草药中含有较高的植物甾醇。结论50种保健食品常用原料中均含有一定量的植物甾醇。  相似文献   

中国常见植物食物中植物甾醇的含量和居民摄入量初估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的对我国植物食物中植物甾醇的含量和分布进行分析,并初步估计了中国居民膳食植物甾醇摄入量。方法选择了常见7大类约160余种植物食物样品,用气相色谱法分析了β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、谷甾烷醇、菜油甾烷醇含量并计算总植物甾醇含量;同时利用2002年居民营养与健康状况调查结果,初步测算我国城乡居民膳食植物甾醇的日平均摄入量。结果植物甾醇含量较高的植物食物包括植物油类、坚果种子类、豆类等;谷类中面粉植物甾醇含量远高于稻米,且粮谷类食品加工越精细,植物甾醇含量越低;蔬菜水果及薯类中植物甾醇含量较低。初步估计我国居民日均植物甾醇的摄入量为322.41mg/d,谷类食物和植物油类各提供约40%的膳食植物甾醇,其他类食物提供的比例较小。结论植物甾醇含量分析和摄入量估计对科学指导膳食有重要意义。在我国膳食模式下,增加面粉类、豆类、蔬菜水果类食物的摄入量,有助于提高居民植物甾醇摄入量和减少慢性病。  相似文献   

目的建立测定植物甾醇软胶囊中植物甾醇(以豆甾醇和β-谷甾醇计)含量的HPLC方法,并应用此法测定两种油脂基质功能食品中植物甾醇的含量。方法样品经超声皂化(45℃,45 min)提取后,采用Thermo Accucore C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)色谱柱以甲醇为流动相进行分离,流速0.8 ml/min,柱温30℃,检测波长205 nm。结果豆甾醇和β-谷甾醇在15min内分离良好,质量浓度分别在5.15~515(r=0.9998)和5.06~506(r=0.9998)μg/ml范围内呈良好线性;分别以两种样品为本底,测得植物甾醇软胶囊A的平均回收率豆甾醇93.6%、β-谷甾醇91.0%,RSD分别为3.2%和2.7%(n=6),3批样植物甾醇含量分别为31.7、31.0、31.0 g/100g;软胶囊B的平均回收率豆甾醇91.7%、β-谷甾醇94.1%,RSD分别为2.2%和2.9%(n=6),3批样植物甾醇含量分别为30.8、31.2、30.2 g/100g。结论该法操作便捷、条件温和、绿色、高效、准确,适用性强,为植物甾醇的分析提供新的途径。  相似文献   

常见谷类、豆类食物中植物甾醇含量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:对我国常见谷类、豆类食品中植物甾醇的含量和分布进行分析,并初步估计居民摄入量。方法:选择了25种谷类食物样品和16种豆类食物样品,气相色谱法分析了β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、谷甾烷醇、菜油甾烷醇含量并计算总植物甾醇含量;同时利用2002年居民营养与健康状况调查结果,初步计算了我国居民谷类、豆类食品中植物甾醇的摄入量。结果:小麦面粉中植物甾醇含量普遍比大米要高,且粮谷类食品加工越精细,植物甾醇含量越低;豆类食品中也含有较多的植物甾醇,其中黄豆中植物甾醇含量高于其他豆类。初步估计我国居民从谷类中摄入的植物甾醇量130.76mg/标准人日,从豆类食物中摄取量为7.86mg。结论:植物甾醇含量分析和摄入量估计对科学指导膳食有重要意义,建议居民可通过摄入较多的面粉类和豆类食品来增加植物甾醇的摄入量,以降低慢性病的发生。  相似文献   

目的 优化植物甾醇测定皂化以及萃取条件,建立反相超高效液相色谱法测定植物性食品中三种植物甾醇(β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇和菜油甾醇)的方法。并用此方法测定了几种陕西省特色食品中三种植物甾醇的含量,为准确衡量居民日常膳食中的植物甾醇摄入量提供了新的方法。方法 样品经过皂化和液液萃取后采用AgilentPoroshell120PheHex色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,2.7μm)进行分离,以甲醇-水梯度洗脱。DAD检测器在190~400 nm范围内进行3D扫描,选择200nm作为三种植物甾醇的特征吸收波长进行检测。结果 三种植物甾醇在浓度为5.00~300μg/ml内呈良好线性关系,相关系数r>0.997;三种植物甾醇检出限为0.08 mg/100g,定量限为0.24 mg/100g;通过优化皂化条件和提取试剂,最终选择5 ml 50%KOH溶液用来皂化样品,选择乙酸乙酯:正己烷(1:1)作为植物甾醇的提取试剂。样品中三种植物甾醇高中低3个浓度水平的测量精密度为2.3%~4.7%、加标回收率为82.4%~102.0%。结论 本研究建立的反相超高效液相色谱方法检测植物性食品中三种植物甾醇...  相似文献   

目的应用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)测定北京市售食用植物油中的4种植物甾醇,研究植物甾醇在食用植物油中的构成及含量。方法选择市售56份单一组分食用植物油和7份调和油样品,采用超高效液相色谱法测定菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、菜籽甾醇和β-谷甾醇含量。结果六类单一组分食用植物油中,玉米油和菜籽油甾醇总量最高,平均为8 916.6和8 811.1μg/g。六类植物油均含有β-谷甾醇和菜油甾醇,且均不能全部检出所有4种甾醇。结论不同类单一组分食用植物油中植物甾醇含量和百分比例各不相同,同类植物油植物甾醇比例基本一致。  相似文献   

目的 对我国3个城市老年妇女膳食植物甾醇的摄入量进行调查,比较其主要膳食来源,初步探讨不同膳食模式下植物甾醇摄入量与血脂含量的关系.方法 根据不同膳食结构和特点,选择北京、合肥、乌鲁木齐市为调查点,各调查点选择50岁以上的妇女80~100名,利用2 d连续24 h回顾法对其膳食进行调查.同时对其膳食调查中所涉及的常见植物食物进行采样,气相色谱法分析食物中植物甾醇的含量(包括β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、谷甾烷醇)并计算总植物甾醇含量.在样品分析的基础上,计算被调查者膳食植物甾醇的摄入量并分析其主要来源,同时对被调查者进行体格检查和血液生化指标测定.结果 北京、合肥、乌鲁木齐市符合条件的被调查者各有100、101和84名.其中北京和合肥市被调查者膳食植物甾醇的摄入量平均值分别为340.3 mg/d和313.5mg/d,主要来源是植物油类和谷类食物;乌鲁木齐市被调查者膳食植物甾醇平均摄入量为550.4mg/d,高于北京和合肥市(t值分别为9.369、10.420,P值均<0.01),其主要来源为谷类食物(提供总摄入量的53.1%).血生化指标结果显示,乌鲁木齐市被调查者的血脂血糖含量低于其余2个城市的被调查者,其中血清总胆固醇(TC)含量为(4.04±0.78)mmol/L,低于北京[(4.89±0.91)mmol/L]和合肥市[(4.71±0.83)mmoL/L](t值分别为6.766、5.401,P值均<0.01);血清甘油三酯(TG)含量为(1.01±0.48)mmol/L,低于北京[(1.3l±0.53)mmol/L]和合肥市[(1.66±0.75)mmol/L](t值分别为3.343、7.293,P值均<0.01);同时乌鲁木齐市被调查者的血糖含量平均值[(5.02±2.18)mmoL/L]也低于北京[(5.69±1.53)mmol/L,t=2.561,P<0.05]和合肥市[(5.78±1.53)mmol/L,t=2.934,P<0.01].结论 膳食结构不同导致不同地区老年妇女植物甾醇摄入量差别较大,摄入较多的植物甾醇有助于降低老年妇女血脂水平.  相似文献   

目的调查广州市社区中老年人群膳食植物甾醇的摄入状况,分析不同性别人群不同类别植物甾醇的摄人状况和食物来源。方法采取分层整群随机抽样方法,使用食物频数法调查599位45-65岁居民(男性222人,女性377人)的膳食状况,依据国内文献发表的食物中植物甾醇含量计算居民膳食植物甾醇的摄入量。结果研究对象的植物甾醇摄入量为(336.36±142.88)mg/d,其中β-谷甾醇(218.53±95.20)mg/d,菜油甾醇(48.33±23.69)mg/d,豆甾醇(36.40±14.38)mg/d,β-谷甾烷醇(30.65±13.62)mg/d,菜油甾烷醇(4.67±2.77)mg/d。女性植物甾醇摄入量显著高于男性[(345.45±141.06)mg/d比(320.93±144.95)mg/d,P=0.0425]。膳食中植物甾醇的主要来源是植物油类(37.2%)、蔬菜类(19.8%)、谷类(18.5%)和水果类(12.5%)。每兆焦能量中植物甾醇摄人量为(42.94±15.66)mg,摄入能量相同时,女性植物甾醇摄入量显著高于男性[(46.04±15.90)ms/1000kJ比(37.69±13.76)mg/1000kJ,P=0.0000]。结论广州中老年女性植物甾醇摄入量高于男性。  相似文献   

<正>植物甾醇(phytosterol,plant sterol)是植物性原料中的一大类植物化合物,其化学结构与胆固醇非常相似,是3位羟基的甾体化合物,以环戊烷全氢菲为主体骨架,占四环三萜类化合物的大部分。目前已发现的植物甾醇已有百余种,其中最常见的是β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)、菜油甾醇(campesterol)、豆甾醇(stigmasterol)和谷甾烷醇(sitostanol)。研究发现,植物甾醇具有多种生理功能和作用,如:降血脂功能[1]、抗氧化功  相似文献   

食物中有一系列的植物甾醇和动物甾醇。来自植物性食品的植物甾醇,结构与胆固醇相似,但人体本身不能合成。最常见的植物甾醇有β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇和豆甾醇。植物油、豆类和某些种子是植物甾醇的丰富来源。尽管面食和谷类食品中的植物甾醇含量较少,但是由于这类食物的...  相似文献   

The aim of this report was to quantify five specific dietary phytosterols and phytostanols (campesterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, β-sitostanol, and campestanol) in cereal foods and to study the effect of boiling on sterol content. A capillary column gas liquid chromatography procedure was used to analyse 76 cereal food items of Swedish and Dutch origin: 19 various flours, grains and germs, 31 processed cereals, including bran, flakes, cereal grains and pasta, nine breads, and 17 biscuits, cakes, crackers, cookies and sweet breads.The median total phytosterol concentration was 49 (range 4.1–344) mg/100 g edible portion (e.p.). Flours, grains and germs had a median concentration of 52 (17–344) mg/100 g e.p., which was similar to breads, 54 (29–89) mg/100 g e.p., and different types of miscellaneous cakes and cookies, 52 (27–112) mg/100 g e.p. Processed cereal products had slightly lower concentrations with a median value of 39 (4.1–200) mg/100 g e.p. In general, β-sitosterol was the dominant phytosterol (62% of the total concentration), followed by campesterol (21%), while there were only small amounts of stigmasterol (4%), β-sitostanol (4%) and campestanol (2%). Boiling of cereal products only influenced the phytosterol concentration through change of water content.  相似文献   

ObjectivePhytosterols have been used alone, or combined with lipid-altering drugs, to reduce cholesterol levels and the burden of cardiovascular disease. Considerable variation in the composition of phytosterols exists and its consumption, in a regular diet, by the Brazilian population is still unknown. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the phytosterols content of the most consumed plant foods and to estimate the phytosterols intake by this population.MethodsIntake of plant foods of a representative population of the city of São Paulo (n = 1609), randomly selected on the basis of the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics census data (2010), was obtained by a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Foods were chosen on the basis of the Consume Expenditure Survey (2002–2003) and from answers to the FFQ. Phytosterols composition of most consumed greens, legumes, cereals, and seeds, fruits, and vegetable oils was determined by gas chromatography (flame ionization detection). Daily phytosterols intake was estimated in terms of mg per 100 g (mg/100 g?1) of edible portion. Underreporters and overreporters were excluded.ResultsMean (SE) daily phytosterols intake in the diet of the study population was 100.6 (1.2) mg, with β-sitosterol as the largest sterol component (65.4%), followed by campesterol (23.2%), and stigmasterol (10%). No significant changes in daily phytosterols intake were observed after exclusion of underreporters and overreporters. Considerable variation was observed in phytosterols content among the most consumed plant foods.ConclusionsAnalysis of phytosterols composition in most consumed plant foods has shown that phytosterols content varied among food groups. Dietary intake of phytosterols in a large population of the city of São Paulo is in the same range of some countries.  相似文献   

Phytosterols reduce cholesterol absorption and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, but the quantity and physiological significance of phytosterols in common diets are generally unknown because nutrient databases do not contain comprehensive phytosterol data. The primary aim of this study was to design prototype phytosterol-deficient and high-phytosterol diets for use in controlled feeding studies of the influence of phytosterols on health. A second aim was to quantify the phytosterol content of these prototype diets and three other diets consumed in the United States. This study was conducted from June 2001 to September 2008 and involved designing, preparing, and then analyzing five different diets: an experimental phytosterol-deficient control diet, a relatively high-phytosterol diet based on the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, American Heart Association diet, Atkins lifetime maintenance plan, and a vegan diet. A single day of meals for each diet was homogenized and the resulting composites were analyzed for free, esterified, and glycosylated phytosterols by gas chromatography. Independent samples t tests were used to compare the diets' total phytosterol content. The total phytosterol content of the experimental phytosterol-deficient diet was 64 mg/2,000 kcal, with progressively larger quantities in Atkins, American Heart Association, vegan, and the high-phytosterol Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet (163, 340, 445, and 500 mg/2,000 kcal, respectively). Glycosylated phytosterols, which are often excluded from phytosterol analyses, comprised 15.9%±5.9% of total phytosterols. In summary, phytosterol-deficient and high-phytosterol diets that conform to recommended macronutrient guidelines and are palatable can now be used in controlled feeding studies.  相似文献   

An edible oil was obtained from guava seeds by supercritical CO2 extraction. The oil was characterized by its fatty acid composition, physicochemical properties, and the contents of phenolic, miscellaneous, phytosterol, and tocopherol compounds. The oil, obtained with a yield of 8.6 ± 1.2 g oil/100 g guava seeds, had a high content of linoleic acid (78.5 %, w/w), followed by that of oleic acid (13.8 %, w/w). The guava seed oil had physicochemical properties comparable to those published in previous research, except for the low stability to oxidation. The chromatographic profile of the phenolic and miscellaneous compounds was dominated by vanillin (9.6 ± 0.3 mg/100 g oil) and cinnamaldehyde (9.4 ± 0.2 mg/100 g oil), followed by vanillic acid (3.9 ± 0.4 mg/100 g oil), cinnamic acid (2.4 ± 0.1 mg/100 g oil), and minor amounts of other phenolic aldehydes. Among the phytosterols and tocopherols, β-sitosterol (1048.9 ± 48.4 mg/100 g oil) and γ-tocopherol (82.6 ± 3.7 mg/100 g oil) were the most abundant. The low oxidative stability of the oil compared to that published in previous reports might reflect the high complexity of this matrix. This oil might have applications, directly or after blending with more stable edible oils.  相似文献   

Phytosterols, phytostanols and their esters are a group of steroid alcohols that occur naturally in plants. As natural constituents of plant structures, phytosterols contribute to the regulation of the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes. They are found mostly in vegetable oils, fruits, nuts, cereals and legumes. The most abundant phytosterols are β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. During the last 15 years the market for phytosterols, as dietary supplements, has lead to a rapidly growing worldwide market for functional foods containing phytosterols and stanols. Even though many different clinical trials have clearly demonstrated that phytosterols reduce LDL-cholesterol, it is unclear whether phytosterols have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease. Until now, there are no data related to the effect of phytosterol consumption on the development of cardiovascular diseases. This review focuses on the biochemistry of phytosterols, their metabolism and role in health and in pathological conditions.  相似文献   

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