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采取循证卫生决策方法。以世界卫生纽织192个成员国的卫生筹资数据为基础,从时间和经济发展水平两个维度总结全球卫生筹资现状和发展趋势。分析我国卫生筹资所面临的主要问题:结合我国2020年达到人均5000美元的社会经济和人口发展的具体情况,以全球相同经济收入国家的平均值作为参考标准,提出“健康中国2020”卫生筹资总体方案.为我国制定切实可行的卫生筹资标准提供比较科学合理的依据。  相似文献   

在审视全球、东盟区域组织以及我国的全民健康覆盖进程基础上,以全球视野阐释了全民健康覆盖的总体进展和不同卫生体系模式下的进展,归纳了联合国机构和区域组织等关于全民健康覆盖的行动倡议;阐述了"东盟十加三全民健康覆盖网络"中十三国实现全民健康覆盖的总体进程、卫生体系模式选择、卫生筹资渠道和制度设计考量;提出了我国全民健康覆盖面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

目的:核算2022年我国卫生总费用,分析“十三五”以来卫生筹资主要变化趋势,总结当前卫生筹资面临的主要问题和挑战,提出政策建议。方法:基于来源法、机构法及卫生费用核算体系2011的核算结果,分析我国卫生总费用及经常性卫生费用变化情况。结果:2022年,我国卫生总费用为85 327.49亿元,占GDP比重为7.05%,人均卫生总费用为6 044.09元;其中,个人卫生支出占卫生总费用比重降至26.89%,政府卫生支出占比升至28.17%,社会卫生支出占比降至44.94%,筹资结构继续优化。结论:我国卫生费用总规模持续增长,但卫生筹资系统韧性有待加强,需加快健全多层次医疗保障体系,提升筹资保障水平与人民群众获得感,优化卫生资金配置,提升卫生费用的效率效能。  相似文献   

了解2010年新疆生产建设兵团卫生筹资在城市和团场间的分布,评价各项卫生筹资渠道的公平性.方法:计算家庭可支付能力、直接税、间接税、社会医疗保险、商业健康保险和现金卫生支出在不同经济组构成及集中指数和Kakwani指数.结果:城乡五项卫生筹资渠道比较,仅直接税城市与团场不同经济水平组分布差异有统计学意义(x2=21.496,P =0.000);兵团城市和团场各项卫生支出的集中指数均为正值,说明富裕家庭卫生筹资水平高于经济水平低的家庭;城市各项筹资渠道的Kakwani指数从大到小依次为直接税、现金卫生支出、社会医疗保险、商业健康保险、间接税,团场依次为直接税、现金卫生支出、商业健康保险、社会医疗保险、间接税.结论:兵团城市和团场家庭的直接税、社会医疗保险、商业健康保险和现金卫生支出四项筹资渠道是累进的,现行卫生筹资有利于缩小社会相对贫富差距.  相似文献   

以我国未来经济发展水平、人口规模和财政支出等数据为基础,对“健康中国2020”卫生筹资总体方案各项指标值进行预测.为我国卫生筹资改革提供清晰的阶段性目标。同时,对卫生筹资总体方案实现所面临的挑战等问题进行分析并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

2004年中国卫生总费用测算结果与卫生筹资分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
概要描述2004年我国卫生总费用测算结果。2004年卫生总费用增速缓慢,政府卫生投入比例稳中有升,社会卫生支出比重持续回升,居民个人现金卫生支出所占比重保持近2年的下降趋势。还就卫生筹资面临的主要问题和挑战,从公平性角度对我国及部分地区卫生资金筹集和卫生服务利用进行分析评价,并讨论与借鉴世界卫生组织提出的卫生筹资政策目标和卫生筹资策略。  相似文献   

2008年5月28—30日,中国卫生政策支持项目(HPSP)高级管理人员培训领域第二期卫生筹资与健康公平研讨会在北京召开,来自HPSP跨部委工作小组成员单位代表、省级卫生行政部门卫生政策和筹资相关部门的领导、国内高校和研究机构的专家及研究人员共50余人参加了会议。与会代表听取了WHO总部、国内卫生经济及卫生政策方面专家对国内外卫生筹资的经验介绍,探讨了卫生筹资政策对健康公平的影响。会议对引导卫生政策制定者、执行者和研究者重视卫生筹资与健康公平问题,理解中国卫生改革及筹资现状,加强卫生相关部门对贫困人口卫生筹资问题的理解与交流起到了较好的作用。  相似文献   

本文以墨西哥、泰国、中国为例进行卫生筹资机制的比较研究,考量不同卫生筹资机制对实现全民健康覆盖的影响。结果表明,多数中低收入国家致力于建立更加公平有效的筹资体系,加快医疗保障制度改革,依托多种医疗保障制度,推进全民健康覆盖。每个国家应根据自身经济情况开展全民健康覆盖;增加卫生筹资和提高资源使用效率是实现全民健康覆盖最重要的条件;对于由多种保障制度覆盖的国家中,应考虑全民健康覆盖的范围、保障内容、补偿水平以及所有制度基金的统筹水平。  相似文献   

简要地介绍了疾病控制优先项目(DCPP)全球发行的背景情况和健康结果、系统及服务专题报告中有关卫生筹资的内容。  相似文献   

目的:分析2016年我国各地区卫生费用水平差异及变化趋势,为在"健康中国"背景下完善各地区卫生筹资政策提供依据。方法:以来源法卫生费用核算为基础,比较分析地区卫生费用筹资总量、结构和变化趋势。结果:2016年我国各地区卫生总费用占地区生产总值比重呈上升趋势,均超过4.30%,卫生总费用增速差异较大;人均卫生总费用地区间差距大,最高地区是最低地区近4倍;在筹资结构上,仍有12个地区个人卫生支出占卫生总费用比重高于30%;2020年部分地区个人卫生支出占卫生总费用比重存在不达标风险。结论:我国部分地区卫生筹资动员不充分,地区间人群卫生费用利用不均衡;卫生筹资结构存在差距,需加大对卫生筹资公平性的关注;卫生部门应关注卫生系统效率,保障居民健康。  相似文献   

Unless the concept is clearly understood, “universal coverage” (or universal health coverage, UHC) can be used to justify practically any health financing reform or scheme. This paper unpacks the definition of health financing for universal coverage as used in the World Health Organization’s World health report 2010 to show how UHC embodies specific health system goals and intermediate objectives and, broadly, how health financing reforms can influence these.All countries seek to improve equity in the use of health services, service quality and financial protection for their populations. Hence, the pursuit of UHC is relevant to every country. Health financing policy is an integral part of efforts to move towards UHC, but for health financing policy to be aligned with the pursuit of UHC, health system reforms need to be aimed explicitly at improving coverage and the intermediate objectives linked to it, namely, efficiency, equity in health resource distribution and transparency and accountability.The unit of analysis for goals and objectives must be the population and health system as a whole. What matters is not how a particular financing scheme affects its individual members, but rather, how it influences progress towards UHC at the population level. Concern only with specific schemes is incompatible with a universal coverage approach and may even undermine UHC, particularly in terms of equity. Conversely, if a scheme is fully oriented towards system-level goals and objectives, it can further progress towards UHC. Policy and policy analysis need to shift from the scheme to the system level.  相似文献   

The Mexican health system is comprised of the Department of Health, state labor social security and the private sector. It is undergoing a reform process initiated in 1995 to achieve universal coverage and separate the regulation, financing and service functions; a reform that after fifteen years is incomplete and problematic. The scope of this paper is to assess the problems that underlie the successive reforms. Special emphasis is given to the last reform stage with the introduction of the "Insurance of the People" aimed at the population without labor social security. In the analysis, health reform is seen as part of the Reform of the State in the context of neoliberal reorganization of society. Unlike other Latin American countries, this process did not include a new Constitution. The study is based on official documents and a systematic review of the process of the implementation of the System of Social Health Protection and its impact on coverage and access to health services. The analysis concludes that it is unlikely that universal population coverage will be accomplished much less universal access to services. However, reforms are leading to the commodification of the health system even in the context of a weak private sector.  相似文献   

In South Africa, anticipated health sector reforms aim to achieve universal health coverage for all citizens. Success will depend on social solidarity and willingness to pay for health care according to means, while benefitting on the basis of their need. In this study, we interviewed 1330 health and education sector civil servants in four South African provinces, about potential income cross-subsidies and financing mechanisms for a National Health Insurance. One third was willing to cross-subsidize others and half favored a progressive financing system, with senior managers, black Africans, or those with tertiary education more likely to choose these options than lower-skilled staff, white, Indian or Asian respondents, or those with primary or less education. Insurance- and health-status were not associated with willingness to pay or preferred type of financing system. Understanding social relationships, identities, and shared meanings is important for any reform striving toward universal coverage.  相似文献   

我国建立基本卫生保健制度,已经具备了政治、经济、社会和工作基础。作者对基本卫生保健制度的覆盖对象、筹资方式、服务内容、支付方式及服务提供方式进行了系统研究,提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

Reaching out to the poor and the informal sector is a major challenge for achieving universal coverage in lesser-developed countries. In Cambodia, extensive coverage by health equity funds for the poor has created the opportunity to consolidate various non-government health financing schemes under the government's proposed social health protection structure. This paper identifies the main policy and operational challenges to strengthening existing arrangements for the poor and the informal sector, and considers policy options to address these barriers. Conducted in conjunction with the Cambodian Ministry of Health in 2011–12, the study reviewed policy documents and collected qualitative data through 18 semi-structured key informant interviews with government, non-government and donor officials. Data were analysed using the Organizational Assessment for Improving and Strengthening Health Financing conceptual framework. We found that a significant shortfall related to institutional, organisational and health financing issues resulted in fragmentation and constrained the implementation of social health protection schemes, including health equity funds, community-based health insurance, vouchers and others. Key documents proposed the establishment of a national structure for the unification of the informal-sector schemes but left unresolved issues related to structure, institutional capacity and the third-party status of the national agency. This study adds to the evidence base on appropriate and effective institutional and organizational arrangements for social health protection in the informal sector in developing countries. Among the key lessons are: the need to expand the fiscal space for health care; a commitment to equity; specific measures to protect the poor; building national capacity for administration of universal coverage; and working within the specific national context.  相似文献   

In the path to universal health coverage, policymakers discuss different alternative health system’s financing schemes. Classical typologies have been posited, including models such as National Health Service, Social Health Insurance and Private Health Insurance. More recently, National Health Insurance (NHI) has been suggested as a separate model. Nevertheless, there are discrepancies regarding what defines an NHI model. The purpose of this article is to propose a comprehensive definition of an NHI model, aimed to disentangle the current discrepancies in the conceptualization and the scope of this type of arrangement. Based on the previous literature we identified some common characteristics across NHI definitions, namely universal coverage, pooling in a single fund and a purchasing function based on a single-payer financing mechanism. Areas of controversy were also identified. While some authors emphasized the importance of an effective separation between the purchaser and provider functions, others highlighted the relative importance of privately-owned provision to define a system like NHI-type. Based on empirical data, we suggest that the ownership is not a critical variable to distinguish an NHI from other models, and instead, suggest that a pivotal characteristic of the NHI is the single payer mechanism that is not integrated with the health providers.  相似文献   

作为医疗保障制度较为健全的国家和地区,英国、新加坡和中国香港三地的全民医疗保障体系经常成为学术界的研究对象。英国是全民免费医疗的典范,新加坡是政府主导的混合型医疗保障模式的代表,香港则凭借着质优价廉的公立医院服务享誉全球。本文将从卫生筹资的公平性、个人的可负担能力、医疗保障的覆盖模式、卫生筹资的可持续性以及个人责任的承担这五个核心维度来评估三地医疗保障系统的优越性和局限性,以期为我国新时期医疗改革的深化提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Singapore and Hong Kong, two high-income “Tiger economies” in Asia, were ranked as the top two most efficient health systems in the world. Despite remarkable similarities in history and socioeconomic development, both economies embraced rather different paths in health care reforms in the past decades, which reflect their respective sociopolitical dynamics. Rapidly ageing populations and the anxiety about future funding of health care have prompted them to embark on major health financing reforms in the recent three years. While Singapore has transitioned to universal health coverage with the implementation of MediShield Life (MSL), Hong Kong is about to introduce the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) to supplement its health care financing. Based on secondary materials including policy documents, press releases, and anecdotal reports, this essay compares these two recent reforms on their political context, drivers of reforms, and policy contents, and assesses their prospects in terms of coverage, financial protection, and major implementation challenges. The preliminary assessment suggests that while both programs are associated with certain drawbacks, those of the VHIS may be more fatal and warrant close attention. This essay concludes with a central caveat that underscores the pivotal role of the state in managing health care reforms.  相似文献   



Equity and universal coverage currently dominate policy debates worldwide. Health financing approaches are central to universal coverage. The way funds are collected, pooled, and used to purchase or provide services should be carefully considered to ensure that population needs are addressed under a universal health system. The aim of this paper is to assess the extent to which the Kenyan health financing system meets the key requirements for universal coverage, including income and risk cross-subsidisation. Recommendations on how to address existing equity challenges and progress towards universal coverage are made.  相似文献   



Financial protection against the cost of unforeseen ill health has become a global concern as expressed in the 2005 World Health Assembly resolution (WHA58.33), which urges its member states to "plan the transition to universal coverage of their citizens". An important element of financial risk protection is to distribute health care financing fairly in relation to ability to pay. The distribution of health care financing burden across socio-economic groups has been estimated for European countries, the USA and Asia. Until recently there was no such analysis in Africa and this paper seeks to contribute to filling this gap. It presents the first comprehensive analysis of the distribution of health care financing in relation to ability to pay in Ghana.  相似文献   

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