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Background The problem of child labour has lingered on in many countries because of the complex combination of social, cultural and economic factors involved. Parents play a critical role in child labour as it provides much needed extra income for the family. This study was carried out among parents of school‐aged children in an urban, low‐income community to determine the factors associated with child labour and attitudes to child labour in the community. Methods A cross‐sectional study was carried out in an urban community in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to parents of school‐aged children. Results A total of 473 parents were interviewed. They were aged between 23 and 56 years, mean 37.9 years. Thirty‐nine per cent of parents indicated that they thought their school‐aged children should work. More women than men, those from polygamous homes and those with lower educational status held this view. Reasons given for wanting their children to work were to supplement family income, 45%, to gain experience, 35% and to help in family business, 10%. In all, 236 (50%) respondents reported that their school‐aged children were working. Parental factors associated with practice of child labour were polygamous marriage, low educational status, unskilled or partly skilled occupation and large family size. Seventeen per cent of parents with working children were not satisfied with their children's work conditions and complained of low earnings, long working hours, work on school days and unsafe work environment. Measures suggested to control child labour include addressing the issue of household poverty, public enlightenment about the ills of child labour and free education up to junior secondary level. Enforcement of child labour laws was the least mentioned. Conclusion We conclude that control of child labour should be a multifaceted approach involving poverty alleviation, family planning to reduce family size and free, compulsory education up to junior secondary level. Public enlightenment especially for mothers will be of additional benefit.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民健康素养影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的分析我国城乡居民健康素养的主要影响因素,为制定相关政策提供依据。方法采取多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团79 542名15~69岁常住人口开展问卷调查。结果中国居民具备健康素养的比例是6.48%,城市为9.94%,农村为3.43%。单因素和多因素分析均发现,文化程度、地域、民族、婚姻、家庭规模和收入是城乡居民健康素养共同影响因素。文化程度是最重要的影响因素,文化程度越高,具备健康素养的人口比例越高(城市OR=1.854,农村OR=2.972)。与东部地区比较,中部地区居民健康素养水平较高(城市OR=1.063,农村OR=1.255),西部较低(城市OR=0.86,农村OR=0.72)。少数民族低于汉族;已婚者略高于未婚者;家庭规模越大,家庭收入越低,家庭成员的健康素养水平越低。多因素分析发现,城市居民年龄越大健康素养越高(OR=1.005),农村居民与此相反,年龄越大健康素养越低(OR=0.985);城市男性健康素养水平高于女性(OR=1.069),但农村不同性别之间差异无统计学意义。结论城乡居民健康素养影响因素略有差异。文化程度是居民健康素养最重要的影响因素,地域、民族、婚姻、家庭规模和收入不同程度地影响城乡居民健康素养。  相似文献   

In Western societies, groups from a minority ethnic background are under-represented in formal mental health care. However, it is unknown if the minority ethnic victims of child sexual abuse differ from majority ethnic victims regarding their help-seeking behaviours. This study used a multi-method design to investigate the prevalence of (in) formal help-seeking after child sexual abuse and the influence of attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality on help-seeking among the Dutch minority ethnic and majority ethnic victims. We also examined differences in reasons not to seek help. Quantitative survey data on help-seeking patterns among 1496 child sexual abuse victims were collected. Four qualitative focus groups were conducted with professionals working in the field of child sexual abuse and minority ethnic groups to explore help-seeking behaviour. No significant differences between ethnicity emerged in help-seeking rates. However, respondents with more liberal gender attitudes were more likely to disclose than conservative respondents. Additionally, an interaction effect was observed between ethnicity and gender attitudes, indicating that, contrary to the main effect, young people of Moroccan and Turkish heritage with more liberal gender attitudes were less likely to disclose abuse. Reasons for not seeking help differed among groups. Focus group members emphasised mistrust towards counsellors and perceptions that inhibit minority ethnic youth from seeking help.  相似文献   

Some major findings from the 1972 survey of family planning knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) are presented, particularly those related to relationships between family planning and various demographic and social variables, in order to describe the current status of family planning knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the Philippines. Attention is directed to some rather substantial changes that have occurred since 1968, as revealed by comparison of 1972 data with selected findings of the 1968 National Demographic Survey. The sample was chosen according to a multi-stage probability sampling design. All sample households with ever-married women aged 15-49 were included in the survey. A total of 9232 every-married women from 11,837 households were interviewed. The percentage of women who indicated that they did not want an additional child increased as the number of living children increased. The largest percentage of women in the sample had 3 or 4 living children; 69% of these women stated that they did not want an additional child. The median number of children desired showed a corresponding decline from 5.1 in 1968 to 3.9 in 1972. Among both urban and rural women, there was an increase between 1968 and 1972 in the percentage of women who stated an ideal or desired family size of 4 or fewer children. The increase was greater in all categories among rural women than among urban women, indicating that family size norms are changing more rapidly in the rural areas. In contrast to 1968, when only 4% of all respondents were able to recognize at least 1 contraceptive method when it was mentioned to them, in 1972, 86% could identify at least 1 method without assistance. Of all contraceptive methods, knowledge of the IUD showed the largest increase since 1968. Both surveys established positive correlation between education and income and approvalof family planning, while age and number of living children did not appear to exert much influence on a woman's attitude. Contraceptive practice (ever-use) increased from 19-32%. Almost all women who indicated that they had used a method recently were still current users at the time of the survey. Rhythm, oral contraception, and withdrawal were the most commonly used methods. The largest percentage of contraceptive materials were supplied by druggists and local physicians; family planning centers supplied about 1/4 of all respondents with pills and IUDs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Despite longstanding national guidelines, many children with asthma do not receive annual influenza vaccinations. Information from Medicaid-administrative claims data was integrated into the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) to prompt providers regarding influenza vaccination among children with high-risk conditions such as asthma. The attitudes of pediatric primary care providers regarding the implementation of this system were assessed. METHODS: A survey was sent in February 2006 to office-based general pediatricians (n = 300) and family physicians (n = 300) in Michigan. The survey focused on influenza vaccination during the 2005-2006 influenza season and attitudes regarding a reminder system for providers using the MCIR. RESULTS: Overall response rate was 67 percent. MCIR participation was high (91%) among respondents, and most (83%) had MCIR information available to them prior to visits with pediatric patients. Most physicians (75%) considered the MCIR high-risk indicator for influenza vaccination a feature that they would find helpful. Some respondents reported concerns that the reminder system is limited to Medicaid patients only (44%) and regarding the completeness of Medicaid data to identify children with asthma (24%). CONCLUSIONS: Physicians have a positive overall view of a statewide registry-based automated reminder system to assist in identifying children with asthma for influenza vaccination, albeit with specific areas of concern.  相似文献   

  目的  了解泸州市幼儿家长对预防性侵家庭教育的态度和需求现况,为开展防性侵家庭教育提供理论依据。  方法  采用分层整群抽样方法对4 420名泸州市幼儿家长进行防性侵教育态度和需求调查,采用多重线性回归模型对教育态度的影响因素进行分析。  结果  家长对幼儿防性侵教育的态度整体较为积极,平均分为(16.70±3.67)分。多因素分析结果显示,幼儿因素方面,独生子女家长态度更积极(β=0.30);社会因素方面,参与过相关活动(β=1.28)、与亲友交流过相关内容(β=0.81)、住在城区(β=0.49)家长的态度更积极;家长因素方面,家庭年均收入大于10万元(β=0.39)、被调查人是幼儿母亲(β=0.88)、家长防性侵教育知识了解程度高(β=0.98)、幼儿母亲的职业是教师或医护人员(β=0.52)、幼儿母亲的文化水平在高中/中专(β=1.03)和大专/本科及以上(β=1.42)家长的态度更积极(P值均 < 0.01)。需求分析结果显示,家长对幼儿“自我保护”方面的需求最高,达96.86%。  结论  泸州市幼儿家长对预防性侵家庭教育的态度整体较为积极、需求普遍较高,应加大对非独生子女、农村和乡镇地区、文化水平较低家长的知识培训和宣传,提升家庭防性侵教育知识素养,预防幼儿性侵。  相似文献   

This study found that the majority of urban adults did not believe that any of the characteristics of children posed to them predisposed a child to abuse. In contrast, 40% of respondents claimed child abuse could not occur in a family like the one in which they grew up. The majority perceived only one characteristic, alcohol abuse, as a characteristic of child abusers. Few respondents (10%) believed that child abusers could not be helped, and 25% were not sure. Adults' perceptions of child abuse and abusers varied by sex, age, socioeconomic status, and whether the respondents had children. The data indicate that there are significant deficits in the respondents' knowledge of child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

目的:分析我国城市与农村育龄女性“二胎”生育意愿及生行为差异及相关影响因素。方法:选取江苏省内845名城乡育龄女性作为调查对象,其中城市(城市组)425人,农村(农村组)420人。通过调查问卷了解调查对象基本信息、“二胎”生育意愿及行为,分析“二胎”生育意愿相关影响因素。结果:两组女性在意愿生育子女个数、是否生育二孩、意愿生育二孩性别及生育时间方面存在差异,两组女性实际子女数均低于理想子女数,且城市低于农村(均P<0.05)。两组女性选择不愿意生育“二胎”与是否独生子女及受教育程度未见差异(P>0.05),而在家庭年收入和第一孩性别方面存在差异,农村组在年龄方面有差异(P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,家庭年收入是城市女性“二胎”生育意愿的主要影响因素,年龄、家庭年收入、第一孩性别是农村女性“二胎”生育意愿的主要影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论:城市及农村育龄女性“二胎”生育意愿普遍不高,农村女性对性别偏好明显,经济因素是影响女性“二胎”生育意愿及行为的主要因素,农村女性意愿还受年龄及第一孩性别影响。  相似文献   

This study represents the findings from interviews and assessments of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease and their parents regarding the quality of family relations, the degree to which sickle cell disease has impacted on these relations, and the variables which contribute to these relations. With 70 families as respondents, the data reveal a wide variance in quality of relations, but a broad base of positive relations. Parent report tends to be more positive than child report, both in terms of quality of relations and the impact of sickle cell disease on relations. Social support and knowledge about the disease are significant contributors to positive relations, while socioeconomic status, family structure, and illness severity are not predictive of quality of relations. With age and gender as covariates, results indicate that the families of girls tended to have more positive relations. The data suggest approaches to family and community support in order to help families maintain and build relations in the face of the stresses which sickle cell disease imposes.  相似文献   

The involvement of parents in the education and training of handicapped children and young people is a relatively recent phenomenon. Only gradually have professionals in the educational, medical and social work spheres accepted the undoubted potential that parents have for positive involvement in activities designed to optimise a child's development, and the expertise, based on intimate knowledge, which they can bring to bear. This paper examines the ways in which parents may be helped and supported in the task of providing stimulating environments for handicapped young children and in the development of their skills as therapists and educators. Parents have a special relationship with the child and are well placed to help him. They require support however in coming to terms with the handicap, in appreciating the implications for the child and for the family in the long term, and in developing appropriate skills. Help for the handicapped child must therefore be considered in the light of help for the family.  相似文献   

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